KEY Worksheet: Topic # 3035 Natural Selection By Jonathan Edgerly The following questions are from the powerpoint presentation on Darwin’s theories and Natural Selection given earlier. 1) How many parts does Darwin’s theory have? Explain them. 4 parts) Organisms are constantly changing All animals were derived from common ancestors. Change is gradual and slow. The mechanism of evolution is Natural Selection 2) In order for natural selection to take place, a trait must be Heritable? Explain why. A trait must be able to be passed from parent to offspring in order for a positive trait to continue and prosper and a negative trait to be lost. 3) Explain the change in dominant moth color in England during the Industrial Revolution discussed in class in your own words. This answer will be different for everyone. Look for main points discussed in class and on powerpoint presentation. 4) Give a mock situation where a species of organisms would benefit from Natural Selection? This answer will be different for everyone. Look for 4 basic parts of Darwin’s theory. Encourage creativity and imaginative scenarios.