Name:_____________________ Date:______________________ Class:______________________ Notes Beef Health Topic #3084 Ashlee Gibson Objectives To identify general health symptoms To understand causes, signs, prevention, and control of different diseases To know ways and location to administer medicine General Health Information Body Temperature o _____________________________________________________ o _____________________________________________________ Respiration o _____________________________________________________ o ______________________________________________________ Heart Rate (Pulse) o Regular throbbing caused in the arteries by the contractions of the heart. o When taking a pulse, count for 15 seconds and then multiply by four to get a full minute reading. o __________________________________________________________ General Signs of illness Head Down __________________ _________________ Will not stand up 1 General Symptoms of illness ___________________ Nasal or eye discharge ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Change in body temperature Respiratory Diseases “_______________________________” o Cause: Viral or _______________________ o Sign: high fever, _____________________, _________________, _______________________, nasal and eye discharge o Prevention: Vaccination o Control:_______________________________ Example: IBR, BVD, BRSV, Pasteurella Clostridial Diseases Blackleg & Malignant Edema o Cause: _______________________________________________________ o Signs: Swelling over heavy muscle areas. ____________________________________________________________ o Prevention: ___________________________________ o Treatment: ________________________________________________ Digestive Diseases ____________________________________ o Bloat: Gas build up in rumen Cause: _________________________________ 2 Sign: ___________________________________ Treatment: Take away feed, movement, in severe cases stomach tube or puncture is needed o __________________ Cause: high concentration of feed Sign: _______________________________ Treatment: Could lead to lameness External Parasites Flies, _________________, Mites, and Grubs o Annoy and irritate and ____________________________ o Sign:____________________________________ o Control__________________ Internal Parasites ______________________, ___________________________, ___________________ o Attach to wall of digestive tract o Signs: __________________,_______________________,_________________, ___________________________________ Other common diseases Foot rot o Cause: __________________________________________ o Sign: _________________________ o Prevention: Keep pasture of feedlot clear of sharp objects and dry area o Treatment: ___________________________________________ Warts o Cause: __________________________________________________ o Sign: ___________________________________________________ o Prevention: Isolation of infected animals 3 o Treatment: ______________________________________________ Ringworm o Cause: ____________________________________ o Sign: _____________________________________ o Prevention: Isolate infected animals and keep area dry o Treatment: _________________________________________________ Pink eye o Cause: __________________________________ o Sign: eye discharge, ___________________________________ o Prevention: ________________________, ____________________ o Treatment: Keep in cool, darkened pen, apply antibiotic ointments Immunization ____________________________________________________ Some vaccinations prevent more than one disease Ways to Administer Medicine __________________________________ Intranasal ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Subcutaneous (Sub Q) Under the skin Where to inject? _______________________________________________________________ 4