Note Taking Guide Topic # 3071 What is Aquaculture?

Note Taking Guide
Topic # 3071
What is Aquaculture?
By Rick Sokol
1) Aquaculture is the controlled cultivation of aquatic ________ and __________ that
are produced for several purposes.
2) Five types of aquaculture are __________ , __________ , ___________ , _________
and _________.
3) _______ has the oldest recorded history of aquaculture, older than any other continent
and accounts for ____ % of the world’s production.
4) Following are the populations that have practiced aquaculture for many centuries.
___________ , ___________ , ___________ , ___________ and ___________
5) The majority of aquaculture items consumed in the U.S. are _________ because of the
________ world seafood population.
6) _________ ___________ enhances a fishes growth rate, improves disease resistance
and increases tolerance of survival in different water temperatures.
7) The Aquaculture Industry is the _______ growing sector in U.S. agriculture.
8) List the five species farmed in the U.S.
___________ , ___________ , ___________ , ___________ and ___________
9) What factors have pushed for growth of U.S. aquaculture.
___________ , ___________ , ___________ and ___________
10) Increasing the ___________ of fish products will also contribute to aquaculture's
future growth.
11) Fish convert _____ into flesh about __ times more efficiently than chickens and five
to ten times more efficiently than beef cattle.
12) Feed conversion rates of fish are higher than other common commercial livestock