Lesson 6 Boiling and Filtering Syrup

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Date _________________
Lesson 6
Worksheet / Quiz
Boiling and Filtering Syrup
1. What should be done if scum develops on the surface of the boiling
Skim off with wire strainer
2. How is sap converted into syrup?
Boiled to remove water
3. If boiling sap starts to foam or boil over what should be done?
Add a drop of oil or butter
4. Approximately how many gallons of water will have to be boiled
of to make a half gallon of syrup?
5. If there only one “right” way to make syrup?
No, no two sugar houses are the same
6. At what temperature is syrup “finished”?
219 degree Fahrenheit or 7 degree above the boiling of water
7. What is the most accurate method of testing syrup?
8. What is removed when the syrup is filtered?
Sugar sand, calcium and magnesium precipitates
9. What temperature should syrup be canned?
180 degrees Fahrenheit
10.Should syrup be filtered hot or cold?
Hot, it moves through the filters faster
11.What must be done after the container is filled and the lid is
secured? Why?
Can must be placed on its side or upside down to sterilize and seal
the container
12. List the advancements of methods used to make maple syrup
starting with a single kettle.
Multiple Kettles, Flat Bottom Pan, Arch or Enclosed Fire Box,
Flue Pan