Lab 3021 Animal Science: Meat Tenderness Adopted by: Tracey Hoffman

Lab 3021
Animal Science: Meat Tenderness
Adopted by: Tracey Hoffman
Source: Animal Science Biology & Tecnology
To compare the tenderness of a steak that has been frozen and thawed
with the tenderness of a steak that has never been frozen.
Materials needed:
Two steaks: one frozen/thawed and one fresh
Commercial meat tenderizers
Grill to cook steaks
Plates and napkins
Knife to cut meat
Tootpicks for serving
1. 1. Have students read the section “Methods of Meat Quality
Improvement” pg 41 of Animal Science Biology & Technology.
2. 2. Ask students to list the three methods of tenderizing meat in their
notes. Have them write a short paragraph explaining how each
method works.
3. 3. Prepare a variety of meat cuts for sampling. Have class count the
number of times they must chew each piece. Keep a chart on meat
type and chewing times. Read the samples from most to least tender.
1. 1. What is your hypothesis?
2. 2. What was the average tenderness rating for each piece of meat?
3. 3. What are your conclusions concerning the tenderness of the
sample steaks?
4. 4. How do the conclusions compare with your original hypothesis?