ACTIVITY 3014A: ANIMAL WASTE ESSAY A. Construct an essay that addresses the issue of the Right To Farm Act, which protects farmers from lawsuits from neighbors, and other laws we learned in class. Your essay should be argumentative and include animal waste management as your primary argument. In other words tell me why farmers have a right to farm dispite neighbors complaints of smell, or why they do not have a complete right to farm due to other laws which monitor waste management. Present a clear thesis statement in the introduction that gives your argument. The essay should be 500 words. Use proper format and back up your argument with facts. You should use at least 5 outside sources. Check spelling and grammar and proofread your paper. Read it out loud to yourself and have a friend read it in order to correct mistakes. Rubric for Animal Waste Essay: _______(30) Argument is clear an concise. Argument is backed by facts and presents the reader with a clear conclusion. _______(10) Sources- 5 outside sources are used and documented correctly. Sources are properly cited and not plagiarized. _______(20) Format- Paper is in proper format with an introduction, body, and conclusion. _______(20) Thesis- Thesis statement is present, clear and defines the argument. The paper follows the thesis throughout and comes to a definite conclusion. _______(20) Mechanics- Paper is proofread, clear, free of spelling and grammar mistakes. Paper flows well throughout.