KEY Note Taking Guide Topic #3013

Note Taking Guide
Topic #3013
Animal Welfare & Animal Rights
Tracey Hoffman
Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare
Definition: Ensuring the proper care of animals
The concept of animal welfare means humans have more rights than animals.
Humans have the responsibility to provide humane treatment for animals.
Producers care about the treatment of their animals for economic reasons.
Examples: Provided shelter, access food & water , avoid undue stress
2. Confinement rearing
Definition: A type of Livestock management practice of housing animals
Examples: pens , crates & cages
3. Animal Rights
Beliefs: Go far beyond the animals’ well-being
Animal rights believe that animals have legal and ethical rights that are the same as
Animal Rights charges producers:
 Pumping drugs into animals
Causing undue stress on the animals
Confinement jeopardizes animal and human health
Raising animals in pens and crates is cruel treatment
Eating animal products is unhealthy