Note Taking Guide Topic # 3012 Biology of Growth and Development Created by: Tracey Hoffman Source: Animal Science Biology & Technology 1. Draw a standard or S-shaped curve. 2. True or False? Animals of the same species always grow to rate. maturity at the same 3. Name the three most common tissues found in an animal carcass. 4. When does the ideal slaughter point occur in animals. 5. Which animal tissue continues to grow at a steady rate from birth through maturity? 6. Why is it more economical for producers to raise animals that mature at later and heavier weights? 7. Which mature later, intact or castrated males? 8. In which of the three species: Swine, Cattle, or Sheep, do females mature later than castrated males? 9. Name the three types of muscle tissue. 10. List the four areas of fat deposition. 11. Explain the calcification process of bone growth. 12. What is the only FDA approved farm animal use of somatotropin? 13. Somatotropin is secreted by the ________________ gland. 14. When beta agonists are given to animals, protein manufacture increases/decreases and fate manufacture increases/decreases. Write the correct answers. 15. Implants are placed in which part of the animals body.