Math Addition and Subtraction (ongoing skill throughout the school year) Students will solve addition and subtraction problems o Using objects, pictures, numbers or words o Explain their thinking and draw a representation Many students struggle drawing a representation Examples of Solving Problems (see picture) Counting all (students usually begin here) Counting on / counting back Using a basic fact strategy Basic Fact Strategies Composing 10 in a variety of ways o Students will independently draw and show an understanding of the different ways to make 10, such as 5 + 5 = 10, 6 + 4 = 10, 3 + 7 = 10 Measurement o Students will be using nonstandard units to describe the length of objects. Place Value o Students will compare and order numbers to 99 using a number line and place value o Students will compose, decompose, and represent numbers using place value up to 120. Geometry Describe the attributes for two and three-dimensional shapes Compose and decompose two-dimensional shapes in order to create new shapes (e.g., I can make a rectangle out of two triangles) How can I help at home? Naming and identifying 2D shapes. ( triangle, square, triangle, circle, rectangle, rhombus, hexagon) Naming and identifying 3D shapes. ( cube, cone, sphere, cylinder, rectangular prism, triangular prism) Discuss different shapes around the house or the shapes of buildings when driving in the car. Money Students will name and identify the penny, nickel and dime Students will count a collection of coins (penny, nickel, and dime) How can I help at home? Show students different coins and have them tell you the name and value. Give students a collection of coins to count (penny, nickel, and dime). Time Students will tell time to the hour and half hour Exit Ticket These assessments are not on the Report Card. This is a way of checking your child’s understanding of a math concept Multiple of 10 plus a one-digit number – Exit Ticket o Students will solve a story problem using numbers, pictures and words to determine the sum of a multiple of 10 plus a one digit number up to 99. Data Analysis - Exit Ticket Students will collect, sort and organize data in order to draw conclusions in everyday situations. How can I help at home? Make up different surveys with your child and allow them to collect the data from you and different family members and friends. Organize the data collected using tally marks, show the data collected by making a picture graph and bar graph. Ask question using the data collected. Finally, decide what conclusion and you can draw from the data collected. Hiding Assessment by Kathy Richardson This assessment is given at the beginning, middle and end of the school year and it is on the Report Card. This assessment is given to show if a student has a true understanding of a number. Students need to know that 5 is more than just 5 fingers or 5 objects. It is 2 and 3 together, 1 and 4 together, and so on…. How can I help at home?