HODGE PTA DEPOSIT VOUCHER Today’s Date: _________________________________ CASH Currency $100 $50 $20 $10 $5 $1 .25 .10 .05 .01 Total: CHECKS (Continue on back side if necessary) $ Amount Payee’s Name Check Amt. DEPOSIT TOTALS: Total Cash Rcvd: ________________ Total Checks Rcvd: ________________ Total Check Run: Total Deposit Amt: ________________ Applicable Sales Tax: ______________ Budget Account to be credited: _______________________ $ ______________________ Budget Account to be credited: _______________________ $ ______________________ Budget Account to be credited: _______________________ $ ______________________ Budget Account to be credited: _______________________ $ ______________________ Signature of person making deposit: ______________________________________________ Signature of person verifying deposit: _____________________________________________ (Committee chair is responsible for deposit consolidation of their event…all money and deposits are to be given to Claudia, school secretary, so that they can be locked up in main office. Notify treasurer @ msmith.504@juno when complete.) ATTACH DEPOSIT RECEIPT TO FRONT OF THIS FORM