Spanish 1 Instructor: Sr. Turner E-Mail Address: Phone Number: (940) 369-1170 Conference Period: B Day 2:15-3:50 Tutorials: Tuesday Mornings 8:00-8:45 or by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will learn the basic principles and concepts to communicate in Spanish. Students will develop the four basic audio-lingual skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Class instruction at the outset includes intensive training in conversation and proceeds through reading and writing to formal grammatical structure. Textbook readings, audio-visual aids, and news items provide structural exposure, as well as an introduction to the cultures, geographies, and histories of Spanish speaking countries. EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENT LEARNING (TEKS): Are available online at WORKBOOK: ¡Exprésate! Level I Replacement Fee: $15 TEXTBOOK: ¡Exprésate! Level I Replacement Fee: $65 GRADING: Homework 10%, Quizzes 25%, Tests/Projects 25%, Communicative Activities 40% (may include, but not limited to listening, speaking, daily work, skits, pesos) SUPPLIES NEEDED: Box of Tissues Pens/pencils 3-ring 1” binder (recommended) Loose leaf paper 2 Expo dry erase markers (thick or thin) Spanish/English Dictionary (optional & only for home usage) Agenda CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: In order to maintain an environment for SUCCESS, please… Follow the student code of conduct. Show respect at all times. Mutual respect in the classroom is expected. Relationships include teacher-student, student-student, and student-staff. School and personal property should be handled in a respectful manner. Be prepared for class: Bring all required materials to class. Be seated in your desk and quiet when the tardy bell rings. Start “La Primera Cosa” (Warm-Up) Homework must be completed before class starts. NO LATE WORK will be accepted unless absent. Demonstrate proper classroom manners. It is proper to raise one’s hand before speaking, listen when others are talking, and contribute to the class discussion instead of talking to one’s neighbor. Activities that hinder the learning process are not acceptable. Do not bring distracting items into the classroom (i.e. gum, food, drinks, I Pods, audio players, video games, ball caps, pagers, cell phones, etc.). Pesos will be handed out daily to reward participation. Pesos will be collected twice every six weeks and will make up the participation grade. 20 pesos = 100 19 pesos = 98 10 pesos = 80 5 pesos = 70….0 pesos = 0 Students who earn a 100 on their participation grade will also receive a free homework/daily work pass. This pass may also be used to drop their lowest homework or daily grade. If you are absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to get notes and assignments from another student immediately upon returning to school. If you missed a test on the one day that you were absent, you will take it during tutorials. Check my school website often for assignments and/or extra credit opportunities Page 2 CONSEQUENCES: Verbal Warning Fine (Peso taken away) Detention/Parent phone call Referral to Office Please note that consequences are not necessarily administered in this order. Please sign the following sheet and return to your teacher. A signature indicates that you have read the course policies and understand them. I ________________________________ have read and understand the requirements for this course. (Print student’s name) Parent Signature_______________________________ Student Signature___________________________ RETURN THIS PAGE TO SR. TURNER CONSEQUENCES: Verbal Warning Fine (Peso taken away) Detention/Parent phone call Referral to Office Please note that consequences are not necessarily administered in this order. Please sign the following sheet and return to your teacher. A signature indicates that you have read the course policies and understand them. I ________________________________ have read and understand the requirements for this course. (Print student’s name) Parent Signature_______________________________ Student Signature___________________________ RETURN THIS PAGE TO SR. TURNER