Denton ISD’s EXPO Advisory Committee Welcome… Objectives for the day (Agenda) We will: •Take an active part in any discussions •Discuss the GT Evaluation tool from the last meeting (District EXPO Report Card for HB5) •Listen to a report concerning EXPO testing •Listen to a report of the GT Summer workshops offered by Denton ISD •Dismiss Take care of your needs. Take care of your needs Norms for our meetings: Please take care of your needs and if you need anything, please let me know. Please set your phone to silent. Drinks and snacks are provided in the back of the room. Please enjoy yourself while learning about EXPO. Evaluation of GT Read Each campus needs a performance rating: • Exemplary • Recognized • Acceptable • Unacceptable From TEA’s website Read and point out two stars. GT services are listed as H. You are on the local committee that will develop the criteria for the evaluation of Denton’s GT educational program. Pass out copies and have everyone open to page 3. So what did you all think when you looked over the questions? Please let me know your comments and thoughts about this scale. Are there any questions? The next topic for today is testing. We are required by law to identify, test, and serve Kindergarteners by March of each school year. We are required by law to identify, test, and serve transfer students within 6 weeks of admission into Denton schools. We are also required to identify, test, and serve any students who are referred in any given school year. The only limitation to this is that we have to wait 12 months from prior testing so that the norming for the current testing is correct. The tests we use are supposed to be in the student’s own language or with nonverbal assessments. We are required to use multiple measures to test with and to use at least a total of three pieces of data from quantitative and qualitative measures. Qualitative tests are typically Likert Scales and tests that don’t usually end up with numbers. These are very simplified definitions of qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative testing is about tests that typically do not result in a number. Quantitative tests are typically tests that end up with numbers. Quantitative testing is about tests that do result in numbers. Kindergarten testing 1 2 Qualitative 3 4* Quantitative * = 3 areas All of our testing is done in either English or Spanish using nonverbal testing when needed. 1st through 5th grade testing 1 2 Qualitative 3* 4** Quantitative 5 * = 2 areas ** = 3 areas 6th through 12th grade testing 1 2 Qualitative 3* 4** Quantitative 5 * = 2 areas ** = 3 areas 2 = Is a scale where the students rate themselves. Are there any questions? Denton ISD creates and presents a 30 hour series of workshops for teachers who want to have their GT hours and be able to teach gifted and talented students. Texas Requires two specifically named workshops; 1 - Nature and Needs of GT Students and 2 - the Identification and Assessment of GT Students. The other 18 hours need to be about GT curriculum. In the summer we offer this series over 8 days. We present the 12 hours twice and then the 18 hours. Once a teacher has their 30 hours they are required to take a yearly 6 hour update, so we present a one day update day that covers a variety of topics. This summer the 30 hours is presented during the weeks of July 14th through 17th and July 21st through 24th. Are there any questions? Next meetings and tentative agendas: Our next meeting: Tuesday, May 6th all 4:00 to 5:00 May 6 1 – Recommendations for the EXPO program 2 – Final thoughts Please e-mail me if you have any questions or ideas before our next meeting. Thank you!