God Views Week 1 Our View of God By Peggy Jo Stanley

God Views
Week 1
Our View of God
By Peggy Jo Stanley
Freida Thornton
Song “Oh, Lead Me”
by Matthew Ward
Oh, lead me
To the place where I can find You
Oh, lead me
To the place where You’ll be …
Let me know You’re here with me.
We maintain confidentiality
at all times in all areas
having to do with this class
and its members.
•We do not repeat anything that
anyone shares in the class outside
of the class.
•We do not talk about anyone or
the issues that they have shared in
confidentiality during the class at
any time outside of the class.
We do not discount,
minimize or in any way
criticize another person’s
thoughts, feelings, or
We show each other respect
and value one another as
individually and uniquely created
by God,
deserving of being heard and
understood just as we are.
 We do not interrupt each other as we
share or participate.
 We do not tell each other how or when
to change.
 We do not monopolize the time and
attention of the class.
We are committed to rigorous
honesty as a way of life and a
fundamental principle in establishing
and maintaining a healthy
relationship with God, ourselves and
We are determined to be open and
willing to gain new awareness and
insight from the experience
of others, and to risk making
positive and healthy changes in our
attitudes and actions.
We seek to build up and affirm one
another, motivating each other to
believe that positive change
is possible, encouraging one another to
persevere in new directions as God
leads, and recognizing
our achievements as we overcome and
become new creations in Christ.
DVD Clip by
Graham Cooke
From a sermon he did entitled
“God is the Kindest Person I’ve
Ever Met.”
Writing Exercise
Write with your non-dominant hand
a prayer to God asking what you
would like to get out of this group.
What you would like God to do in
your heart, your life.
Our belief system …
Activates our life
Frees us or keeps us in
A.W. Tozer,
The Knowledge of the Holy
What comes into our minds when
we think about God is the most
important thing about us. For this
reason the gravest question before
the Church is always God himself,
A.W. Tozer,
The Knowledge of the Holy
and the most portentous fact about
any man is not what he at a given
time may say or do, but what he in
his deep heart conceives God to be
What’s Your Picture of God?
Take a moment to think about how
you perceive God. What does He
look like in your mind’s eye?
Take a few moments to close your
eyes and allow images of God to
flood your mind. Perhaps words
come to mind. Perhaps scenes
from the Bible. Maybe even
sounds or smells. Takes notes on
these images. Then draw a picture
that best captures how you see
What’s Your Picture of God?
Worksheet 1-A
Using your non-dominant hand,
draw a picture of God, how you see
What’s Your Picture of
• How I see God determines how I
view myself.
• How I see God determines how I
view my own life.
• How I see God determines how I
view the church.
Song “Inside of You”
by John Schlitt
My prayer for you is that God
will rekindle dreams, give you
new dreams and help the child
inside of you become the
miracle God created you to be.