Contextual Factors Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher uses information about the learning/teaching context and student individual differences to set learning objectives, plan instruction and assess learning. Rating → 1 2 3 Score Indicator ↓ Indicator Not Met Indicator Partially Indicator Met Met Teacher displays Teacher displays Teacher displays a Knowledge of minimal, irrelevant, some knowledge of comprehensive Community, or biased the characteristics understanding of School and knowledge of the of the community, the characteristics Classroom characteristics of school, and of the community, Factors the community, classroom that may school, and school, and affect learning. classroom that may GP3 classroom that may Teacher has made affect learning and DP2 affect learning. efforts to research comes from Does not list this knowledge research of community specific to this resources within resources that will school. Makes and outside the be used in the unit. vague references to school. Identifies community specific community resources that will resources that will be used in the unit. be used in the unit. Teacher displays Teacher displays Teacher displays Knowledge of minimal, some knowledge of broad based, Characteristics of stereotypical, or student differences culturally sensitive Students irrelevant (e.g., development, & specific knowledge of interests, culture, understanding of GP3 student differences abilities/ student differences DP1 (e.g. development, (e.g., development, disabilities) that interests, culture, interests, culture, may affect learning abilities/ abilities/ and shows disabilities). evidence of using disabilities) that resources to may affect supplement this learning. knowledge. Teacher displays Teacher displays Teacher displays Knowledge of minimal, general knowledge general & specific Students’ Varied stereotypical, or about the different understanding of Approaches to irrelevant ways students the different ways Learning knowledge about learn, but is unable the candidates’ the different ways to articulate target population of GP4 students learn (e.g., specifics for the students learn (e.g., DP2 reading levels, students involved. reading levels, learning (e.g., reading learning preferences and levels, learning preferences, Knowledge of Students’ Skills And Prior Learning GP2 DP2 Implications for Instructional Planning and Assessment GP2 DP4 experiences,, learning modalities). preferences, learning modalities). Teacher displays little or irrelevant knowledge of students’ skills and prior learning. Teacher displays general knowledge of students’ skills and prior learning that may affect learning specific to the unit planned. learning modalities) that may affect learning. Teacher displays general & specific understanding of students’ skills and prior learning that may affect learning specific to the unit planned. Teacher does not Teacher provides at Teacher provides provide least 3 implications comprehensive implications for for instruction and implications for instruction and assessment based instruction and assessment based on student assessment based on student individual on student individual differences, prior individual differences and learning differences, prior community, school, experiences and learning and classroom community, school, experiences and characteristics OR and classroom community, school, provides characteristics. and classroom inappropriate characteristics. implications. Learning Objectives Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher sets significant, challenging, varied and appropriate learning objectives. Rating → 1 2 3 Score Indicator ↓ Indicator Not Met Indicator Partially Indicator Met Met Objectives reflect Most objectives All objectives Significance, only one type or reflect several reflect several Challenge and level of learning. types or levels of types or levels of Variety learning but may learning and are not address significant and significance or challenging. challenge. Objectives are not Some of the Objectives are Clarity stated clearly and objectives are clearly stated as are activities rather clearly stated as learning outcomes than learning learning outcomes and able to be outcomes. and able to be assessed. Appropriateness for Students DP3 Alignment with National, State or Local Standards Creativity and Higher Order Thinking Skills assessed. Objectives are not Most objectives are All objectives are appropriate and not appropriate for and appropriate for the linked to the explicitly linked to development; predevelopment; prethe development; requisite requisite pre-requisite knowledge, skills, knowledge, skills, knowledge, skills, experiences; and experiences; or experiences; and other student needs. other student needs. other student needs They include attention to diversity. Objectives are not Some objectives Objectives appropriately are appropriately are explicitly and aligned with aligned with appropriately national, state (MS national, state (MS aligned with common core) and Common Core) and national, state ( MS local standards, as local standards as Common Core) or well as Bloom or well as Bloom or local standards as DOK. DOK. well as Bloom or DOK. The candidate has made efforts to delineate standards specifically. No explanation of Adequate Clear and how objectives explanation of how compelling promote creativity objectives promote explanation of how and higher order creativity and objectives promote thinking skills in higher order creativity and the narrative. thinking skills in higher order the narrative. thinking skills in narrative. Assessment Plan Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher uses multiple assessment modes and approaches aligned with learning objectives to assess student learning before, during and after instruction to ensure that all students have the optimal opportunities to achieve. The teacher assumes responsibility to continuously adjust instruction to ensure optimal learning for students while teaching the unit, based upon ongoing assessment. . Rating → Indicator ↓ 1 Indicator Not Met Alignment with Learning Objectives and Instruction Content and methods of assessment lack congruence with learning objectives and lack cognitive complexity. Assessments do not align with clear local, state, and national standards. Assessment Plan Description and narrative regarding the assessment plan does not address questions regarding the plan’s design, including records of individual progress, and how assessments reflect a respect for student diversity. GP 4 DP 3 DP 5 Clarity of Criteria and Standards for Performance GP 4 The assessments contain no clear criteria for measuring student performance relative to the learning objectives. 2 3 Indicator Partially Indicator Met Met Some of the Each of the learning objectives learning objectives are assessed is assessed with through the fidelity and assessment plan, integrity through but more than half the assessment are congruent with plan. Assessments learning objectives are congruent with are aligned and the learning have integrity with objectives in content and content and cognitive cognitive complexity. The complexity. assessments show integrity with objectives and standards. Description and Description and narrative regarding narrative regarding the assessment plan the assessment plan provides limited thoroughly attention to addresses questions addressing regarding the questions regarding plan’s design, the plan’s design, including records including records of individual of individual progress, and how progress, and how assessments reflect assessments reflect a respect for a respect for student diversity. student diversity. Assessment criteria Assessment criteria have been are clear and are developed, but explicitly linked to more than half are 90% of the learning clear or explicitly objectives. linked to the learning objectives and standards. Score The assessment plan includes only one assessment mode and does not assess students before, during, and after instruction. All assessments do not tie to instructional objectives. The assessment plan includes multiple modes before, during and after instruction, but all are either pencil/paper based (i.e. they are not performance assessments) and/or do not require the integration of knowledge, skills and reasoning ability. Technical Soundness Assessments are not valid; scoring procedures are absent or inaccurate; items or prompts are poorly written; directions and procedures are confusing to students. Adaptations Based on the Individual Needs of Students Teacher does not adapt assessments to meet the individual needs of students or these assessments are inappropriate. There is no explanation regarding adaptations related to unit objectives. Assessments appear to have validity. Some scoring procedures are explained; some items or prompts are clearly written; some directions and procedures are clear to students. Teacher makes adaptations to assessments that are appropriate to meet the individual needs of one student related to unit objectives Multiple Modes and Approaches GP 4 DP 5 GP 3 DP 5 The assessment plan includes multiple assessment modes (including performance assessments, lab reports, research projects, etc.) and assesses student performance throughout the instructional sequence explicitly tied to instructional objectives. Assessments are demonstrated to be valid; scoring procedures are explained; most items or prompts are clearly written; directions and procedures are clear to students. Teacher makes adaptations to assessments that are appropriate to meet the individual needs of most students. The adaptations are explicitly delineated and contextualized. Design for Instruction Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher designs instruction for specific learning objectives, student characteristics and needs, and learning contexts. Planning explicitly reflects how all of these data come together to ensure student learning after you have designed and taught the unit. Rating → Indicator↓ 1 Indicator Not Met Alignment with Learning Objectives Few lessons are explicitly linked to learning objectives. Few learning activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning objectives. Not all learning objectives are covered in the design. Teacher’s use of content contains numerous inaccuracies. Content seems to be viewed more as isolated skills and facts rather than as part of a larger conceptual structure. Accurate Representation of Content GP 1 Lesson and Unit Structure The lessons within the unit are not logically organized organization in relationship to the unit objectives (e.g., sequenced). 2 Indicator Partially Met Most lessons are explicitly linked to learning objectives. Most learning activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning objective. Most learning objectives are covered in the design. Teacher’s use of content is mostly accurate according to the national and/or state standards articulated in lessons. Shows some awareness and assessment of the big ideas or structure of the discipline. The lessons within the unit have some logical organization and appear to be useful in moving students toward achieving the unit’s learning objectives. 3 Indicator Met All lessons are explicitly linked to learning objectives. All learning activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning objectives. All learning objectives are covered in the design. Teacher’s use of content appears to be accurate and of high integrity according to the national and/or state standards articulated in lessons. Focus of the content and assessment is congruent with the big ideas or structure of the discipline. All lessons within the unit are logically organized and connected and useful in moving students toward achieving the learning objectives as articulated in the unit plans. Score Use of a Variety of Instruction, Activities, Assignments and Resources GP 4 DP 4 Use of Contextual Information and Data to Select Appropriate and Relevant Activities, Assignments and Resources GP 3 DP 4 Differentiated Instruction DP 4 Differentiated Instruction GP 3 DP 4 Little variety of Majority of lessons instruction, demonstrate variety activities, in instruction, assignments, and activities, resources related to assignments, or the unit objectives. resources related to Heavy reliance on the unit objectives textbook or single and assessments. resource (e.g., work sheets). Comprehensive variety and alignment across instruction, activities, assignments, and/or resources. This variety makes a clear contribution to learning in relationship to the unit objectives and assessments. Instruction has not Instruction has Instruction has been designed with been designed with been designed with reference to reference to reference to contextual factors contextual factors contextual factors and pre-assessment and pre-assessment and pre-assessment data. Activities and data. Activities and data with assignments do not assignments appear comprehensive appear productive productive and attention to these and appropriate for appropriate for criteria. Most each student. each student. activities and assignments appear productive and appropriate for each student. Individual attention to students is fully explicated and planned in activities and assignments. There are no Examples show Examples show examples of lessons accurate and specific, accurate where adequate attention attention to differentiation is to differentiating differentiating made based on based upon reading based upon reading reading level or the level. level. plan is inaccurate. There are no Examples show Examples show lessons that accurate and specific, accurate differentiate adequate attention attention to instruction based to differentiating differentiating on student language based upon student based on student differences or the language language plan is inaccurate. Differentiated Instruction GP 3 DP 4 Use of Technology GP 5 differences. There are no Examples show lessons that accurate and differentiate adequate attention instruction for to differentiating students with for students with exceptionalities and exceptionalities and gifted students. gifted students. Available Teacher uses technology is available inappropriately technology but it used OR teacher does not make a does not use significant technology, and no contribution to (or inappropriate) teaching and rationale is learning. provided. differences Examples show specific, accurate attention to differentiating for students with exceptionalities and gifted students. Teacher integrates appropriate and available technology that makes a significant contribution to teaching and learning. Instructional Decision-Making Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher uses on-going analysis of student learning to make instructional decisions. Rating → 1 2 3 Score Indicator ↓ Indicator Not Met Indicator Indicator Met Partially Met Many instructional Instructional Most instructional Sound decisions and decisions and decisions and Professional modifications are modifications are modifications are Practice inappropriate and mostly appropriate, based upon sound not pedagogically but some decisions professional GP 2 sound. and modifications practice and clearly are not based upon analyzed (i.e., they sound professional are likely to lead to practice that leads student learning). to student learning. Modifications Based on Analysis of Student Learning GP 2 DP 4 Congruence Between Modifications and Learning Objectives Modifications for Future Teaching GP 2 Teacher treats class as “one plan fits all” with limited modifications. Some modifications of the instructional plan are made to address individual student needs, but these are not based on a thorough analysis of student learning, best practice, or contextual factors. Appropriate modifications of the instructional plan are made to address individual student needs. These modifications are informed by indepth analysis of student learning/performan ce, best practice, and contextual factors. Include explanation of why the modifications would improve student progress. Modifications in Modifications in Modifications in instruction lack instruction are instruction are congruence with generally consistently learning objectives. congruent with congruent with learning objectives. learning objectives. There are few Changes are Changes described specific suggested with are thorough, come suggestions for adequate bases for from reflection and change in the unit those changes. professional for the future. knowledge and have clear rationales for the changes. Analysis of Student Learning Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher uses assessment data to profile student learning and communicate information about student progress and achievement for the unit’s objectives and the state and national standards addressed. Rating → Indicator ↓ 1 Indicator Not Met . 2 Indicator Partially Met 3 Indicator Met Score Presentations Presentations (whole class, (whole class, subgroup and subgroups, and individual students) individual students) are not clear and are clear and GP 4 accurate; it does appropriate. not accurately Linkages are made reflect the data. to learning Data in graphics is objectives in the not connected to narrative. narrative Analysis of student Analysis of student Alignment with learning is not learning is partially Learning aligned with aligned with Objectives learning objectives. learning objectives to provide a partial GP 4 profile of student learning relative to the objectives for the whole class, subgroups, and two individuals. Interpretation of Interpretation of Interpretation of data is inaccurate, data is technically Data and conclusions are accurate, but some missing or conclusions are not DP 5 unsupported by fully supported by data. data and the narrative explanations. Analysis of student Analysis of student Evidence of learning fails to learning includes Impact on Student include evidence of partial evidence of Learning impact on student the impact on learning in terms of student learning in GP 4 numbers of terms of numbers DP 3 students who of students who achieved and made achieved and made progress toward progress toward each learning most learning objective. objectives. Clarity and Accuracy of Presentation Presentations (whole class, subgroups, and individuals students) and narrative are clear, thorough, and accurate and contains no errors of representation. Analysis is fully aligned with learning objectives and provides a comprehensive profile of student learning for the whole class, subgroups, and two individuals. Interpretation of data is meaningful, and appropriate conclusions are drawn from the data and narrative Analysis of student learning includes evidence of the impact on student learning in terms of number of students who achieved and made progress toward each learning objective. Reflection and Self-Evaluation Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher analyzes the relationship between his or her instruction and student learning in order to improve teaching practice. Rating → Indicator ↓ Interpretation of Student Learning GP 4 DP 5 Insights on Effective Instruction and Assessment GP 2 Alignment Among Objectives, Instruction and Assessment GP 4 1 Indicator Not Met 2 3 Indicator Partially Indicator Met Met No evidence or Provides evidence Uses evidence to reasons provided to with basic support conclusions support conclusions hypotheses to drawn in “Analysis drawn in “Analysis support conclusions of Student of Student drawn in “Analysis Learning” section. Learning” section. of Student Explores multiple Learning” section hypotheses about that show depth of the students and professional his/her own knowledge. teaching for why some students did not meet learning objectives. Explicitly analyzes the role of professional knowledge in analyzing his/her responsibilities for student learning. Provides no Identifies Identifies rationale for why successful and successful and some activities or unsuccessful unsuccessful assessments were activities or activities and more successful assessments and assessments and than others. plausible reasons provides plausible, for their success or thorough reasons lack thereof (based on theory or (limited use of research) for their theory, research or success or lack professional thereof. Assumes knowledge). active responsibility for his/her professional success. Does not connect Connects learning Logically and learning objectives, objectives, extensively instruction, and instruction, and connects learning assessment results assessment results objectives, in the discussion of in the discussion of instruction, and student learning student learning assessment results and effective and effective in the discussion of instruction and/or instruction. student learning Score the connections are irrelevant or inaccurate. Implications for Future Teaching GP 2 DP 3 Implications for Professional Development GP 2 Provides no ideas or inappropriate ideas for redesigning learning goals, instruction, and assessment. Provides no professional learning goals or goals that are not related to the insights and experiences described in this section. and effective instruction. Show depth of understanding regarding these linkages. Provides ideas for redesigning learning goals, instruction, and assessment but offers limited rationale for why these changes would improve student learning. Presents 2 professional learning goals that are related to the insights and experiences described in this section and/or provides a plan for meeting the goals. Provides ideas for redesigning learning goals, instruction, and assessment and explains in depth why these modifications would improve student learning. Presents at least 2 professional learning goals that clearly emerge from the insights and experiences described in this section. Describes specific steps to meet these goals. Design for Instruction in Elementary Education Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher designs instruction for specific learning objectives, student characteristics and needs, and learning contexts in elementary education. Rating Indicator 1 2 3 Indicator Not Met Indicator Indicator Score Partially Met Met Few lessons are Most lessons are All lessons are Alignment with explicitly linked to explicitly linked to explicitly linked to Mississippi the Mississippi the Mississippi the Mississippi Curricular Curricular Curricular Curricular Standards and/or Frameworks and/or Frameworks and/or Frameworks and/or Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Standards Standards. Standards. Standards. The plans for the The plans for the The teacher creates Selection and unit are generic to unit are generic to plans where all Integration of the grade level, the grade level, children can learn, Content with little or no with partial integrating the (ACEI 3.1) connection between integration of content areas of the various content areas. Goals for IEPS are absent from the plans. Reading, Writing, and Oral Language (ACEI 2.1) Science (ACEI 2.2) Mathematics (ACEI 2.3) Social Studies (ACEI 2.4) language arts/reading, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, and physical education. Goals from IEPs are minimal or absent from the plans. elementary education (language arts/reading, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, physical education) and goals from IEPs into daily activities and routines. The language arts integration in the unit specifically helps students to successfully apply their developing skills to many different situations, materials and ideas. The language arts The language arts integration in the integration in the unit does not help unit provides to students to limited help to successfully apply students to their developing successfully apply skills to many their developing different situations, skills to many materials and ideas. different situations, materials and ideas. The inquiry science The inquiry The inquiry science integration does not science integration integration builds build student builds limited student understanding of student understanding of science concepts understanding of science concepts for personal and science concepts for personal and social applications, for personal and social applications, and to convey the social applications, and to convey the nature of science. and to convey the nature of science. nature of science. The mathematics The mathematics The mathematics integration does not integration integration engage students in provides limited consistently problem solving, engagement of engages students in reasoning and students in problem solving, proof, problem solving, reasoning and communication, reasoning and proof, connections, and proof, communication, representation. communication, connections, and connections, and representation. representation. The inquiry social The inquiry social The inquiry social studies integration studies integration studies integration does not promote elementary students’ abilities to make informed decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse democratic society and interdependent world. The Arts (ACEI 2.5) The arts integration does not consistently use the content, functions, and achievements of the performing arts and the visual arts as primary media for communication, inquiry, and engagement among elementary students. Health (ACEI 2.6) The health integration does not create opportunities for student development and practice of skills that contribute to good health. Physical Education (ACEI 2.7) The physical education integration does not use human movement and physical activity to foster active, healthy life styles and enhanced quality of life for elementary provides limited help for elementary students and their abilities to make informed decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse democratic society and interdependent world. The arts integration provides limited us of the content, functions, and achievements of the performing arts and the visual arts as primary media for communication, inquiry, and engagement among elementary students. The health integration creates limited opportunities for student development and practice of skills that contribute to good health. The physical education integration provides limited use of human movement and physical activity to foster active, healthy life styles and enhanced quality of life for promotes elementary students’ abilities to make informed decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse democratic society and interdependent world. The arts integration consistently uses the content, functions, and achievements of the performing arts and the visual arts as primary media for communication, inquiry, and engagement among elementary students. The health integration consistently creates opportunities for student development and practice of skills that contribute to good health. The physical education integration consistently uses human movement and physical activity to foster active, healthy life styles and enhanced quality of life for elementary students. Selection of Instructional Materials Little or no information is provided on how and why reading and curriculum materials were selected. elementary students. The teacher describes how they evaluated or why they selected the reading and curriculum materials used in the lesson with limited use of resources. students. The teacher describes the evaluation procedure and selected the appropriateness of the reading and curriculum materials used in the lessons.