Making the Most of eBooks with Elementary Students

Making the Most of eBooks with
Elementary Students
Presented By:
Ivey Carey-Librarian Eugenia Porter Rayzor Elementary
Kellie Vaughan-Librarian Robert E. Lee Elementary
Helen Krejci-Librarian Tomas Rivera Elementary
Books! Books! Books! Books
eBooks! eBooks!
eBooks! eBooks!
Are Out There!
How do we………
 Define eBooks
 Use eBooks
 Create eBooks
eBooks are……
 Digital files of text, and sometimes images,
distributed through a variety of multimedia tools
such as computers, smart phones, and electronic
tablets (Kindle,Nook,iPad,etc….)
TEKS Correlations for eBooks
Use of eBooks
 Informational
 For research and personal edification
 Recreational
Use of eBooks in the Elementary
Library and Classroom
 Centers
 Individual student use
 Language development
 ESL support
 Curriculum Support
Our Favorite eBooks Resources
 AOL Kid Stories
 FlipSnack
 Follett eBooks
 International Children’s Digital Library
 PebbleGo
 Scholastic
 Starfall
 Storybird
 TumbleBook Library
AOL Kids Stories
Follett eBooks
International Children’s Digital
TumbleBook Library
Making an eBook
 Simple to do and often involves uploading a file
1. select your multimedia tool (FlipSnack, Storybird, eBook
Hatch, Bookbuilder, etc…)
2. provide a story board/ template for your students to write
their book; students type the story in Word (younger
students’ stories can be scanned into a PDF)
3. identify where all student work will be saved and the desired
file name
4. teach students how to convert a Word document to a PDF
5. upload the files to multimedia tool and publish your book
6. post link to the book to your website for students to view
Student Sample
TEKS: 5.16 B
 Students write literary texts to express their ideas and
feelings about real or imagined people, events and
ideas. Students are expected to: Write poems using: (i)
poetic techniques (alliteration, onomatopoeia, (II) figurative
language (e.g., similes and metaphors); (iii) graphic elements
(capital letters, line length)
 The Important Thing About Light based on The Important
Book by Margaret Wise Brown
Student Sample
Student Sample
Kaley’s eBook
TEKS Correlations for Kaley’s
eBook Readers
 Provides paid and free access to ebooks
Nook, Kindle, iPad, Sony Reader, etc….
 Check with your school’s IT department before purchasing
for school use
 Learning with eBooks is fun!
Resources Used For Presentation
 Common Sense Media Website Reviews
 eBooks for eKids 2010 TCEA presentation by Mary Strother
and Bryce Kennaugh, McKinney ISD
eBook resource list
Encyclopedia Britannica
Microsoft Picture Manger
Our Contact Information
 Ivey Carey-Librarian Eugenia Porter Rayzor Elementary
 Kellie Vaughan-Librarian Robert E. Lee Elementary
 Helen Krejci-Librarian Tomas Rivera Elementary