Collection Title: Walter Sillers, Sr. Collection Number:

Collection Title:
Walter Sillers, Sr.
Collection Number:
M001 /
Nicole Jones
Biographical/Historical Sketch
Scope and Content
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
Walter Sillers, Sr. Collection
M001 /
Box 1 of
Box # / Folder #
March 12, 1886
January 6, 1886
Sykes, Corinne of Aberdeen, Miss. To Sillers, Sr., Walter
Scott, Charles of Rosedale, Miss. To Sillers, Sr., Walter
October 21, 1887
Johnston, J. C. of Louisville, Kentucky
November 14, 1888 Sillers, Florence Warfield
February 22, 1888
Nugent, R. J.
September 20, 1888 Thayer, Barry (cotton broker) of Boston, Mass., To (Dear
Sirs) relative to the cotton market. Letter sent to Sillers
family soliciting their cotton
November 14, 1888 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
November 23, 1888 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
November 27, 1888 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
December 5, 1888
Gayden, George L. of Gayden Station, La.
March 15, 1889
Fox, A. F. of West Point, Miss.
January 29 1890
May 16, 1890
July 4, 1890
August 7, 1890
August 10, 1890
August 13, 1890
August 26, 1890
September 1, 1890
(No Month) 22, 1890
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Burkitt, Frank of Okolona, Miss.
McNeilly, J. S. of Waterfall, Virginia
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
(Document also contained no month but the day 22 and the
year 1890 was specified)
July 20, 1892
July 22, 1892
July 26, 1892
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Walter, Sr. To _____, Tom relative to Sillers’ visit
in Memphis and politics
Roberts, W. B. of Rosedale, Miss.
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
July 26, 1892
July 27, 1892
July 28, 1892
July 29, 1892
August 1, 1892
August 4, 1892
All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Walter Sillers, Sr.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
August 6, 1892
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
August 12, 1892
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
August 12, 1892
Sillers, Florence Warfield
August 16, 1892
Sillers, Florence Warfield
August 20, 1892
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
August 20, 1892
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
August 26, 1892
Sillers, Florence Warfield
August 27, 1892
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
August 28, 1892
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
(No Month/Day) 1892Clark, Fred (Chairman of Democratic Executive
Committee of Boliver County) (Document also contained
no month or day, but the year 1892 was specified)
June 3, 1893
June 22, 1893
August 4, 1893
November 21, 1893
Lane, Grace, of Russellville, Tenn.
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Cutrer, William D., of Clarksdale, Miss.
Niles, Margaret W. of McGhee, Monroe County, Tenn.
July 22, 1897
July 23, 1897
July 26, 1897
July 27, 1897
August 7, 1897
August 13, 1897
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
_____, Tom, of _______, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
There was no Folder 9. There was a card located in the file box, but no
corresponding documents.
February 14, 1900
December 10, 1900
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, to Sullivan, W. V. of ______
(Document has been removed.)
April 15, 1901
June 26, 1901
June 27, 1901
June 29, 1901
August 19, 1901
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
July 4, 1902
July 5, 1902
July 10, 1902
July 13, 1902
July 15, 1902
July 17, 1902
July 17, 1902
July 20, 1902
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Jr., Walter,
Sillers, Jr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Walter Sillers, Jr. (Written while he was at Sewanee.)
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
July 21, 1902
July 22, 1902
July 25, 1902
July 28, 1902
August 2, 1902
August 13, 1902
August 29, 1902
August 31, 1902
September 1, 1902
September 5, 1902
September 7, 1902
September 7, 1902
September 7, 1902
September 8, 1902
September 11, 1902
September 14, 1902
September 15, 1902
September 17, 1902
September 25, 1902
September 28, 1902
October 18, 1902
October 29, 1902
December 4, 1902
December 8, 1902
April 1, 1903
July 10, 1903
May 20, 1903
May 22, 1903
May 31, 1903
August 6, 1903
August 10, 1903
August 22, 1903
August 23, 1903
November 30, 1903
December 2, 1903
June 27, 1904
June 30, 1904
Sillers, Florence Warfield, To Sillers, Jr., Walter;
Sillers, Walter, Sr., To Sillers, Jr., Walter
(These two letters were attached and sent in the same
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Florence Warfield, To Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Matilda Clark
(Second page of this letter is missing.)
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter, To Sillers, Sr., Walter, and Sillers,
Florence Warfield
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
(Enclosed and attached is a letter from Walter Sillers, Jr.,
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
Walter Sillers, Sr. June 26, 1904. Attached to the letters is
an explanatory note by Evelyn Sillers Pearson.)
July 4, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
(Enclosed letter referred to in this letter is missing.)
July 6, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
July 8, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
July 10, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
July 14, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
July 14, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
(This is a second letter to Florence Sillers written on the
same day.)
July 17, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
July 18, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
July 19, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
July 25, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
July 29, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
August 7, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
August 8, 1904
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
September 26, 1904 Sillers, Jr., Walter
September 30, 1904 Sillers, Jr., Walter
January 28, 1905
February 6, 1905
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
September 1, 1906
September 3, 1906
May 9, 1906
Silverstein Brokerage Co. - Relative to cotton markets
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Nugent, Lily Warfield of Rosedale
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Nugent, Lily Warfield of Rosedale
January 28, 1907
April 20, 1907
April 23, 1907
September 24, 1907
September 29, 1907
October 14, 1907
November 9, 1907
December 16, 1907
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Reinach D., of Rosedale
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Boyd, W. C.
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Moore, Sillers, and Owen, To Young, J. M. of Rosedale
McLaurin, A. J., of Brandon, Miss.
Sillers, Jr., Walter
January 11, 1908
January 25, 1908
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
(In same letter is note from Lillian Sillers)
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Holmes, J. E., of Oxford Mississippi
January 31, 1908
February 20, 1908
March 11, 1908
April 16, 1908
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
September 6, 1908
October 1-14, 1908
November 3, 1908
November 7, 1908
Decemver 7, 1908
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Warfield, Mary Carson, of
Lexington, Kentucky
Correspondence between Shackelford, W. J. of Winterville,
Miss., Smylie, John W. of Jackson, Miss. And Sillers,
Walter - Relative to purchase of property
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Dossett, W. L. of Rosedale,
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Mitchell, Henry of Rosedale
Gill, J. L., To Sillers and Owen, Wayside Miss. With
May 11, 1910
October 25, 1910
December 6, 1910
Clark, Charles of Cleveland, Miss., To Sillers, Jr., Walter
Owens, Thomas S. of Rosedale, Miss
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Alexander Lumber Co., Rosedale
Febuary 17, 1911 – December 5, 1912
Correspondence between Hardee, W. G. of Cleveland,
Miss. And Sillers, Sr. Walter - Relative to sale of Gayden
property, Cameron estate and loan of Atkins, Adolphus. (22
March 16, 1911 – May 5, 1911
Correspondence between Nitrate Agencies Co. and Sillers,
Sr. Walter – Relative to purchase of Nitrate of Soda. (4
March 23, 1911
Hayden, Frank of Southern Abstract and Loan Company in
Memphis, Tennessee – Relative to loans on Sillers’ lands
March 29, 1911 – February 24, 1912
Correspondence between Calhoun, C. C. of Washington, D.
C. and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to damage of
Mississippi lands by dredging in Mississippi River. (41
letters are attached.)
April 3, 1911
Sillers, Owen, and Sillers, of Rosedale, Miss., To The
Cleveland Progress, Cleveland Miss.
April 4, 1911 – December 10, 1912
Correspondence between Sillers, Owen, & Sillers and
Speakes, W. A. of Benoit, Miss. – Relative to the State of
Mississippi Vs. Dock Bethel. (7 letters)
April 4, 1911
Sillers, Owen and Sillers, To Taylor Office Supply Co. of
Rosedale, Miss.
April 4, 1911 – March 8, 1913
Correspondence between Holmes of Miss. Manufactured
Stationary, Greenville Miss. And Sillers, Owen and Sillers,
Rosedale, Miss. (21 letters)
April 7, 1911 – February 13, 1913
Miscellaneous correspondence concerning parties whose
names begin with “W”. (44 letters)
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
April 14, 1911
Sillers, Owen and Sillers (Rosedale Office), To Sillers,
Owen and Sillers (Cleveland Office)
April 15, 1911 - November 28, 1912
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and Shields,
Walter of Greenville, Mississippi – Relative to levee board
cases. (8 letters)
April 15, 1911 – October 6, 1911
Correspondence between McDonald – LaCroix Coal Co. of
Memphis, Tenn. And Sillers, Sr., Walter - In reference to
sale of coal; with an attached bill. (2 letters)
April 17, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McGehee, Jim. Rosedale Miss. – In
reference to appointment of Owen, Tom to Dem. Executive
Committee of Bolivar County
April 21, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, Rosedale, Miss., To J. H. Deaderick &
Co., Memphis
April 24, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Owen, Thomas of Cleveland, Miss.
– Relative to purchase of Christmas place near Rosedale,
April 24, 1911 – July 3, 1911
Sillers, Owen and Sillers to Remington, Typewriter Co,
Rosedale, Mississippi (3 letters)
May 6, 1911 – June 17, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Priestly, W. M. of Rosedale,
Mississippi – Relative to rents due for the Lyric (2 letters)
May 9, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Fitzgerald, W. H. of Rosedale, MS
May 10, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Fox, Professor J. W. of Agricultural
College, Mississippi relative to fertilizing land with nitrate
of soda
May 10, 1911 – July 16, 1912
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr. Walter and Courson,
Dr. W. E. of Beulah, Mississippi relative to case against F.
C. Jones and Co.
May 12, 1911
Owen, Tom - Relative to passing of bill to create new
Federal District.
May 16, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Indiana Match Co. of
Crawfordsville, Ind. - In reference to sale of cottonwood
May 16, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To McDowell, Jim of Rosedale, Miss. In reference to Contingent Fund Report by Legislative
May 17, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Roberts, W. B. of Rosedale, MS.
May 22, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Tire, L. E. of Rosedale, MS
May 24, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Edwards, R. M. of Rosedale, MS
June 1, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Edwards, R. M. of Rosedale, MS
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
June 1, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Owen, Thomas S. of Cleveland, MS
(3 letters)
June 8, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, Rosedale, MS, To Peacock, C. D.,
Chicago, Ill.
June 9, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To William McKay of Rosedale, MS
(In reference to candidacy of Hudson, S. S.)
June 12, 1911 – June 14, 1911
Correspondence to the United Motor St. Louis Co. –
Relative to rod (mechanical part of car) (2 letters)
June 20, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, of Rosedale, Miss, To Edwards, Leake,
of Cleveland, Miss
June 20, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Owen, Thomas S. of Cleveland, MS
June 20, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Delta Experiment Station,
Stoneville, Mississippi relative to payment of cotton seed
June 23, 1911
Sillers, Owen & Sillers to Woods, E. H. of Rosedale, Miss.
June 24, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Rainer-Connell Co. of Rosedale,
Miss. Relative to shipment of Mexican June Corn
June 27, 1911
Sillers, Owen & Sillers, To Taylor Office Supply Co. of
Rosedale, Mississippi
June 28, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Echols, ______ principal of
Cleveland High School – Cleveland Miss. – Relative to
hiring Clark, Edward as teacher
July 4, 1911
Charles Scott, Woods & Sommerville – In reference to
meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee
July 5, 1911 – July 8, 1911
Correspondence between Owen, Tom and Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – Relative to voters and their choice of Senate (2
July 11, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Miers, Mrs. Birdie of Rosedale,
Miss. - In reference to feeding of mules. (2 letters)
July 14, 1911 – October 7, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Otto Schwill & Co. of Memphis,
Tenn. – Relative to planting of garden and purchase of oats.
(2 letters)
July 14, 1911 – July 15, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Woods, E. H., Chairman of Bolivar
Co. Democratic Executive Committee of Rosedale Mss. –
In reference to Clark, Fred, West, J. C., Hilliard, J. I. –
candidates for office in Bolivar Co. (2 letters)
July 14, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Owen, Tom of Cleveland Miss. –
Relative to garden
July 15, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Lenoir, H. C. of Beulah, Mississippi
– Relative to crop of Kennedy, Austin
August 30, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Owen, Thomas S. of Cleveland
Miss. – Relative to subscription t Martindale Directory
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
September 14, 1911 Sillers, Owen & Sillers, To Koons, F. E. of Wesson, Miss. In reference to vacant store in Rosedale, Miss. – for rent
September 27, 1911 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Owen, Tom of Cleveland, Miss.Relative to Collection of claims
September 27, 1911 Sillers, Owen, & Sillers to Bank of Rosedale, Rosedale
October 2, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, Rosedale Miss., To Darnell and Love,
Leland, Miss.
October 2, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter to the Pioneer Poll and Shaft Co.
Rosedale, Miss.
October 2, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To E. R. Ballard & Co. of Winona,
Mississippi – Relative to sale of logs.
October 2, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To May Brothers of Memphis, Tenn. –
In reference to sale of oak log.
October 7, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Burrill, P. M. of New York City, N.
Y. – relative to purchase of land.
October 7, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter to R. Kupferschmidt Co. of Memphis,
Tenn. – In reference to repairing of guns.
October 9, 1911
Sillers, Owen & Sillers to Terrell, W. J. of Rosedale Miss.
October 9, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Watkins, W. W. of Aberdeen, Miss.
– Relative to the sale of land.
October 18, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Griffin, Calvin of Malvina,
Mississippi relative to cotton seed
October 18, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Walton J. B
October 19, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Edwards, R. M. of Rosedale, Miss.
October 24, 1911
Correspondence to Dake, Charles of Rosedale, Miss.
October 24, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sealbinder, E. of Cleveland Ms, Relative to raising and threshing of oats.
November 4, 1911
Correspondence to Percy, LeRoy of Rosedale, Miss.
November 6, 1911
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Dossett, W. L. - Relative to
November 8, 1911 – March 14, 1912
Correspondence between Sillers, Walter and Moore,
Cousin Mattie of Greenville, Miss. – In reference to land
and cotton owned by Mrs. Moore. (9 letters)
November 18, 1911 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Walton, J. B. – In reference to sale
of land
November 23, 1911 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Morton, B. F. of Rosedale, Miss. –
In reference to appointment of Dr. Brooks as Levee
November 27, 1911 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Owen, Thomas S. of Cleveland,
November 30, 1911 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Shelby, Mrs. Rosa Belle of
Rosedale, Miss. – Relative to opening of hotel in Rosedale,
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
December 8, 1911 – December 11, 1911
Correspondence between Security Mutual Life Insurance
Co. of Jackson, Miss. And Sillers, Sr., Walter of Rosedale,
Miss. – Relative to payment of premium on policy ( 2
December 12, 1911 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Dossett, W. L. – Relative to rent of
December 12, 1911 Sillers, Sr., Walter To Parker, John M. of New Orleans,
Louisiana – In reference to sale of cotton
December 12, 1911 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Dossett, W. L. – Relative to sale of
December 22, 1911 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Bellamy, Edward O. of Mammoth
Springs, Ark. – Relative to Christmas gift.
January 2, 1912
January 4, 1912
January 11, 1912
January 23, 1912
February 2, 1912
February 3, 1912
February 10, 1912
February 19, 1912
February 28, 1912
March 1, 1912
March 1, 1912
March 8, 1912
March 12, 1912
March 20, 1912
May 20, 1912
June 4, 1912
June 26, 1912
Sillers, Owen & Sillers To Underwood Typewriter Co.
Rosedale, Miss.
Denton, M. E. from ______ of Rosedale, Miss.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Owen, Thomas S. of Cleveland, Miss.
Watson, Hugh C. To Sillers, Sr., Walter, Greenville, Miss.,
(with attachment) In reference to West, Captain C. H. (2
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Griffin, Calvin of Malvina, Miss. –
Relative to cotton, Dr. Jenkins, and Williams, Harry
Carson, James to Sillers, Sr., Walter, Seattle, Washington
West, Charles H. To Sillers, Sr., Walter of Greenville,
Sillers, Sr., Walter of Rosedale, Miss. To Idlewild Floral
Company, Memphis, Tennessee.
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Stokes, M. McHehee of Gunnison,
Miss. – Relative to the sale of a safe belonging to Clark,
Montgomery, W. A., To Sillers, Sr., Walter, Edwards,
Miss. – In reference to shipment of cotton seed
Sillers, Owen and Sillers to Nugent, Mrs. L. W. of
Rosedale, Miss.
Correspondence relative to the purchase of office supplies
from Underwood Typewriter Co. (5 letters)
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Banks, Charles of Mound Bayou,
Miss. – Relative to the Negro race
Sharp, E. C. of Booneville, Miss. – Relative to election of
representative to Washington
Weille, Albert – In reference to candidacy of McBeath, J.
M. of Meridian, Miss.
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
July 13, 1912
Feld Brothers of Vicksburg, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – Relative to shipment of peas
July 15, 1912
Letters from Sillers, Owen and Sillers to Dalton, Edward A.
July 25, 1912
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Brooks, Dr. J. C. of Denson, Miss.
July 29, 1912
Washington, R. H. To Sillers, Sr., Walter of Handsboro,
August 5, 1912
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Planters Cotton Co. of Rosedale
August 7, 1912
Sillers, Owen, and Sillers to T. H. Flood and Co. Rosedale,
August 18, 1912
Washington, R. H. To Sillers, Sr., Walter, Handsboro,
September 11, 1912 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Bechtel, Theo, Rosedale Miss.
September 11, 1912 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Lewis, Frank H. of Rosedale, Miss.
(2 letters)
September 11, 1912 Sillers, Sr., Walter To Root, Clara of Rosedale, Miss. (2
September 11, 1912 Sillers, Sr., Walter To Erskine, George, Rosedale, Miss.
October 21, 1912 – October 26, 1912
Correspondence between Sedberry, J. G. of Montgomery,
Alabama and Sillers, Sr., Walter of Rosedale, Mississippi –
Relative to position as stenographer in law office. With
attached letter to Owen, Thomas S. of Cleveland, Miss. (4
November 23, 1912 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Jones, Fred C. Rosedale, Miss.
December 2, 1912
Odgen, H. C.– Relative to Jacobs gin
December 20, 1912 Sillers, Owen and Sillers to Peaslee-Gaulbert Co.
Rosedale, Miss. (With Attachment)
December 26, 1912 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Gordon, Charles A. Rosedale, Miss.
December 28, 1912 Kaufman, Marcus to Sillers, Walter – In reference to cotton
on the Green Place.
December 31, 1912 McGehee, John S. to Sillers, Sr., Walter. Deeson, Miss.
January 6, 1913
Manley, W. C., Memphis Tenn. To Sillers and Ogden,
Rosedale, Miss.
January 14, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Montgomery, Ward & Co. Rosedale,
Miss. – In reference to shipment of buggy.
January 27 – March 6 1913
Correspondence between McBeath, J. M. Meridian, Miss.
and Sillers, Sr., Walter, Rosedale Miss. – In reference to
politics. (2 letters)
January 30, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Murray, T. J. of Rosedale, Miss. – In
reference to need of tents due to high water.
January 30, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Kerr, Charles of Jackson, Miss. – In
reference to breaks in levee near Buelah, Miss.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
February 12, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Otto Schwill & Co. of Memphis,
Tenn. Relative to purchase of peach trees.
February 14, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Owen and Roby of Rosedale, Miss.
February 14, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Chas of Rosedale, Miss.
March 10, 1913
Wallace, Mrs. A. Roy of Buckner, Illinois To Sillers, Sr.,
Walter asking the price of land owned by Jennie Todd and
March 15, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Wallace, Mrs. A. Roy of Buckner,
Illinois stating fee for making an estimate of the price of
the land.
March 24, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Whitington, Mr. E. F. of Clarksdale,
Mississippi concerning redeeming lots in Clarksdale,
March 25, 1913
Wilkinson & Roberts of Shelby, Mississippi To Sillers, Sr.,
Walter concerning the collection of proceeds from the
insurance policy.
March 31, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Wilkinson & Roberts of Shelby,
Mississippi concerning the representation of the widow of
Charlie Rodgers in the collection of an insurance policy.
April 30, 1913
Ewing, F. H., To Valley Bank of Rosedale to Gentlemen of
Memphis, Tennessee. (With attachments.)
May 16, 1913
Somerville, Robert of Greenville, Mississippi To Sillers,
Sr., Walter – Relative to Mississippi Levee Board.
May 22, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Walten J. B. of Beulah, Mississippi
concerning the possible purchase of a safe.
May 24, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Williams, Elvira of Clinton,
Mississippi concerning money paid by the Valley Bank to
her brother’s wife.
May 29, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Owen, Thomas S. of Cleveland,
May 29, 1913
Wilkins, Dr. E. L. of Batesville, Mississippi To Sillers, Sr.,
Walter asking for help in collecting a note.
May 30, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Wilkins, Dr. E. L. of Batesville,
Mississippi –Relative to the collection of a note for him.
June 3, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Winter, W. M. of Memphis,
June 7, 1913
Beatty, Florence of Cama, Mississippi To Sillers, Sr.,
Walter concerning some money.
June 28, 1913
W. M. Ball & Co.– Relative to a case concerning
dissolution of a partnership and settlement out of court.
July 10, 1913 – July 21, 1913
Communication between Sillers, Sr., Walter and FargasonMcGehee and Co. - Relative to the sale of cotton. (8
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
September 24, 1913 Sillers, Sr., Walter To Bridges, Alex of Rosedale,
Mississippi concerning claims against Bridges.
September 30, 1913 – November 29, 1913
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and Gordon,
B. B. – Engineer for Drainage Commissioners of
Washington Co., Mississippi. – Relative to survey of levee
lands, including Parker Place. (6 letters).
October 4, 1913
Blake, Mrs. L. P. of Denver, Colorado to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter asking for legal advice on the signing of a deed.
October 13, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Blake, Mrs. L. P. of Denver,
Colorado giving advice in regard to the final settlement of a
October 15, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Bridges, Alex of Rosedale,
Mississippi concerning a bill owed by him.
October 26, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Sillers, Florence Warfield.
October 27, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Bridges, Alex of Rosedale,
Mississippi demanding payment of a claim or legal action
would be brought against Bridges which would close his
November 6, 1913
Baker, Fannie A. of Beulah, Mississippi To Sillers, Sr.,
Walter asking him to give her an extension of 8-10 days for
payment of a bill.
November 7, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Baker, Fannie A. of Beulah,
Mississippi granting the extension.
November 22, 1913 Brenner, Charles of Beulah Mississippi – Paying legal fees.
November 22, 1913 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Brenner, Charles of Beulah,
Mississippi acknowledging receipt of fee.
November 27, 1913 Biscoe, J. H. of Benoit, Mississippi concerning the date for
payment of tenant taxes.
November 29, 1913 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Biscoe, J. H. of Benoit, Mississippi
concerning tenant taxes and their due dates.
December 1, 1913 – December 8, 1913
Correspondence between United States Lumber & Cotton
Co. of Clarksdale, Mississippi and Sillers, Sr., Walter –
Relative to qualification of Reams, E. V. as plantation
manager. (2 letters)
December 6, 1913 – December 10, 1913
Correspondence between Burrill, Percy M. and Sillers, Sr.,
Walter. (2 letters)
December 9, 1913
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Boyd H. R. of Memphis, Tennessee
sending information on land and statement of fee for legal
December 17, 1913 Cohoe, Johnny of Memphis, Tennessee – Sending payment
for a charge against H. R. Boyd.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
December 19, 1913
Wilson, Mrs. Cassie of Beulah, Mississippi To Sillers, Sr.,
Walter concerning a case between Mrs. Wilson and Mr. M.
Bosenfield and possible discharge of the case until
chancery court.
December 27, 1913 Sillers, Sr., Walter To Owen Thomas S. of Cleveland
Mississippi – Relative to residency of levee board.
1913 (Month and day are unknown)
The Bobbs-Merrill Company of Indianapolis, Indiana – A
statement of a bill.
January 10, 1914
Sillers, Sr., Walter to The Burkhardt Adjustment Co. of
Memphis, Tennessee concerning C. W. Beazley and his
petition for bankruptcy.
January 10, 1914
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Woods, General E. H. of Rosedale,
January 28, 1914
Sheperd, J. H. of Malvine, Mississippi – Relative to crops.
February 21, 1914 – February 25,1914
Correspondence between Thompson, W. L. of Greenville,
Mississippi and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to levees in
Bolivar Co. Mississippi. (2 letters)
February 24, 1914 – February 25, 1914
Correspondence between Noel, Charles P. of Covington,
Tennessee and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to purchase of
corn. (2 letters)
February 25 1914– February 27, 1914
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Payne, R. L. of Benoit, Mississippi –
Relative to land in Bolivar Co., Mississippi. (2 letters)
March 5, 1914
Letters To Johnston, O. G. – Relative to bill Code of 1906.
(The card did not note who wrote the letters, only the
receiver. Sillers, Sr., Walter may be the author.)
March 6, 1914 – April 5, 1914
Stacy, E. A. of Greenville, Mississippi, To Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – Relative to work on the levee. (2 letters)
March 6, 1914
Briggs, C. T. to McLeroy, Issac, of Jackson, Mississippi.
March 18, 1914
Wilson, J. L. of Rosedale, Mississippi – Relative to
overdrawn bank account.
April 15, 1914
Nickey & Sons of Memphis, Tennessee – Relative to
dumping of logs at Malvina, Mississippi.
April 21, 1914
Catchings, Madel J. of George Town, Mississippi –
Relative to shipment of molasses.
April 29, 1914
Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Todd, H. D. of Cleveland,
Mississippi – Relative to policy in National Life Insurance
May 8, 1914
Richardson, Bonner of New Orleans, Louisiana To Sillers,
Jr., Walter – Relative to order of suits.
May 11, 1914
Elliott, G. W. of Malvina, Mississippi.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
May 25, 1914
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Tanner, B. M. of University,
Mississippi – Relative to position as principal.
May 25, 1914
Roberts, W. B. of Chicago, Illinois.
May 30, 1914 – June 2, 1914
Correspondence between Perkins, J. M. of Greenville,
Mississippi and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to cattle. (2
June 30, 1914
Fanny ____ To McCrory, Issac, New Orleans, Louisiana.
August 12, 1914
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Carson, T. J. of Lexington, Kentucky
– Relative to Sillers’ cattle.
August 14, 1914
B. J. Robinson Machine Works – Relative to engine for
August 14, 1914
Brewer, Earl – Governor of Mississippi – Relative to cotton
crop and prices.
August 15, 1914
Elder, B. W. of Boyle, Mississippi.
August 29, 1914
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Ogden, H. C. of Beulah, Mississippi
– Relative to expense account.
August 31, 1914
Sillers, Sr., Walter To Editor of Commercial Appeal,
Memphis, Tennessee – Relative to cotton situations.
September 2, 1914 Sillers, Sr., Walter To Pace, J. H. of Pace, Mississippi.
September 8, 1914 Sillers, Sr., To Vardaman, James K., Senator, in
Washington, D. C. (Another letter from Sillers, Sr., Walter
to Vardaman, James K., Senator, in Washington, D. C. with
October 19, 1914 as the date. This information was printed
on the note card under September 8, 1914)
September 11, 1914 Sillers, Sr., Walter, To Poor, Thomas of Brockton, Illinois
– Relative to farming conditions on Sillers’ land.
September 13, 1914 – September 16, 1914
Edwards, J. A. of Millsport, Kentucky. (2 letters)
September 17, 1914 Foley, M. D. to Sillers, Jr., Walter.
September 12, 1914 – October 30, 1914
Correspondence between Simmons Hardware Co of St.
Louis, Missouri and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to order
of shells. (6 letters)
September 18, 1914 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Riley, Robert R. of Jackson,
Mississippi – Relative to Federal game law concerning the
shooting of ducks.
September 23, 1914 Smith, T. Wade of Isola, Mississippi – Relative to need for
job as plantation manager.
October 6, 1914
Secretary of Department of State, Washington, D. C. –
Relative to political conditions in state of Mississippi.
October 8, 1914 – October 15, 1914
Sillers & Sillers to Rogers, F. M. of Arkansas City,
Arkansas - Relative to Kimball-Lacey Lumber Bo.
bankruptcy. (3 letters)
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
Weathers, L. M. of Memphis, Tennessee – Relative to
remodeling of court house in Rosedale, Mississippi.
October 19, 1914
Radgersby, J. C. of Memphis, Tennessee – Relative to
work for mule teams.
October 19, 1914
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Paxton, A. G. of Greenville,
Mississippi – Relative to cotton situation in Mississippi. (3
October 20, 1914
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Wheeler, F. H. of Malvina,
Mississippi – Relative to sale of land.
October 27, 1914
Plant Seed Co. of St. Louis, Missouri to Sillers, Sr., Walter
of Rosedale, Mississippi – Relative to account owed to
October 28, 1914
Bill from Stratton-Warren Hardware Co. of Memphis,
Tennessee to Sillers and Ogden.
October 29, 1914
Gamewell, R. L. of North Birmingham Fire Brick and
Proofing Co. of Birmingham, Alabama – Relative to
building of silo.
November 2, 1914 – November 9, 1914
Correspondence between Ricket’s Rice Mills and Sillers,
Sr., Walter – Relative to purchase of rice barn. (4 letters)
November 12, 1914 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Ray, J. B. of Rosedale, Mississippi
concerning compress receipt.
November 12, 1914 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Rosedale Grocery Co., Rosedale,
Mississippi – Relative to order of supplies for Ellington,
November 14, 1914 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Percy, Senator LeRoy of Greenville,
Mississippi – Relative to meeting of River Commission.
November 16, 1914 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Tollinger, Captain E. C. of
Vicksburg, Mississippi – Relative to the levee work on
Beulah loop.
November 27, 1914 Thompson, W. L. of Greenville, Mississippi (Chief
Engineer of Board of Mississippi Levee Commissioners) –
Relative to correction of dates in previous letter.
December 5, 1914
Moseley, L. B. of Jackson, Mississippi (Clerk, United
States District Court) – Relative to Levee Board business.
December 15, 1914 Caldwell, A. S. of Memphis, Tennessee – Relative to
meeting of the Mississippi River Levee Association.
October 18, 1914
January 6, 1915
January 11, 1915
January 18, 1915
May 12, 1915
Sillers, Sr., Walter to West, Captain C. H. of Greenville,
Mississippi – Relative to levee construction.
Sillers, Jr., Walter
Mason, Mary of Greenwood, Mississippi – Concerning
money owed a widow and the failure to receive payments.
B. J. Semmes & Co., Memphis Tennessee to Rabb, H. W.,
of Rosedale, Mississippi.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
May 25, 1915 – July 6, 1915
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and Brown
Coal Co. (4 letters)
July 14, 1915
Smith, L. Pink (Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners) – Relative to an
expense check.
September 13, 1915 Fox, John A. of Memphis, Tennessee (With Attachments.)
(34 letters)
September 22, 1915 Brown, J. (President of Continental Beneficial Association)
of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Relative to payment and
membership in the Association. (2 letters)
September 29, 1915 Fenley, S. B. of Bassett, Arkansas
November 15, 1915 Thompson, W. L. of Greenville, Mississippi (Chief
Engineer of the Board of Mississippi Levee
Commissioners) – Relative to a forthcoming visit of the
Mississippi River Commission to Greenville.
November 18, 1915 Somerville, Robert of Greenville, Mississippi (Assistant
Chief Engineer of Board of Mississippi Levee
Commissioners) – Relative to lands and deeds of Sillers,
Sr., Walter sold for levee purposes.
November 26, 1915 Thompson, W. L. (Chief Engineer of the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners) of Greenville,
Mississippi to W. T. & E. M. Lowrance & Co., of Shiloh,
Mississippi – Relative to levee construction.
January 1, 1916
Meister, A. G. and Rosa of Memphis, Tennessee –
Concerning news on a case and any witnesses they have.
January 10, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Jenkins, L. B. P. of Clarksdale,
January 11, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Meister, A. G. and Rosa of Memphis,
Tennessee – Relative to their case. (Printed on same card as
January 1, 1916 information.)
January 11, 1916
Brewer, Governor Earl of Jackson, Mississippi – Relative
to Mississippi Children’s Home Society.
January 12, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McLelland, J. W. of Rosedale,
Mississippi for the taxes of E. E. McLemore.
January 12, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McLemore, R. W. of Franklin,
Tennessee sending a tax receipt for land.
January 12, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McLemore, R. W. of Franklin,
Tennessee asking for payment of a fee for legal services.
January 12, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Montgomery Ward & Co. in Chicago,
Illinois ordering a feed cooker.
January 12, 1916
Sillers., Sr., Walter of Rosedale, Mississippi to Fant, Rice
T., Memphis, Tennessee.
January 13, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McCowar-Mercer Co. of Jackson,
Tennessee rush order for a safe.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
January 13, 1916 – September 21, 1916
Letters form Sillers, Sr., Walter to Shield, Walteon Relative to levee board cases. (6 letters)
January 14, 1916 – March 17, 1916
Letters from Sillers, Sr., Walter to Sillers, Jr., Walter –
Relative to various Legislative bills. (5 letters)
January 14, 1916
Mayes, Roy B. of Jackson, Mississippi to Sillers, Jr.,
Walter - Relative to a copy of the Western Union
Telephone Co. vs. Humphreys.
January 14, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Jenkins, L. B. P. of Clarksdale,
Mississippi – Relative to sale of Malvina land.
January 15, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Martin, R. E. of Rex, Mississippi –
Relative to the Mississippi Delta Planting Company vs.
January 19, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McLelland, J. W. of Rosedale,
Mississippi paying his taxes.
January 20, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Quinn, Hilrie M. of Rosedale,
January 24, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Owen, Thomas S. of Cleveland,
Mississippi – Relative to business and legal matters
concerning the Ladies and Knights of Honor.
January 24, 1916
Johnson, Mrs. R. E. of Cleveland, Mississippi – Asking for
lodge dues.
January 24, 1916 – January 28, 1916
Correspondence between Detroit Gear & Machine Co. of
Detroit, Michigan and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to part
needed for automobile. (2 letters)
January 25, 1916
E. A. White & Sons of Benoit, Mississippi – Relative to the
reputation of one Jim Meeks.
January 30, 1916
Thompson, W. L. of Greenville, Mississippi (Chief
Engineer for the Board of Mississippi Levee
Commissioners) – Relative to levee construction.
January 31, 1916
Watlington, C. of Benoit, Mississippi – Relative to the
payment of money due a widow.
January 31, 1916
McMillan, J. H. of Cleveland, Mississippi – Relative to the
Grand Lodge of the Domain of Mississippi.
January 31, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Thompson, W. L. of Rosedale,
Mississippi. (2 letters)
February 2, 1916 – January 17, 1917
Correspondence between Williamson, J. M. (Presidentof
Industrial Agricultural College for Negroes, Shelby,
Mississippi) and Sillers, Sr., Walter. (6 letters)
February 3, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Watlington, C. of Benoit, Mississippi
concerning the case of Feld Brothers vs. Mrs. Volney Bass.
February 5, 1916
Watlington, C. of Benoit, Mississippi – Stating the date of
the trial of the case of Feld Brothers vs. Mrs. Volney Bass.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
February 7, 1916
February 7, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Thompson, W. L.
Bowman, Cost & Co. of St. Louis, Mo – Relative to
drainage and levee district bonds in Bolivar Co.,
February 7, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Dean, L. G. of Cleveland, Mississippi
– Relative to cooperation of people of Bolivar County area
and the Northern end of the levee district with the Levee
Board. Extracts from other letters are included.
February 7, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Brooks, Dr. J. C. of Deeson,
Mississippi – Relative to cooperation of people of Bolivar
County area and the Northern end of the levee district with
the Levee Board. Extracts from other letters are included.
February 7, 1916
Caldwell, A. S. (President of the Mississippi River Levee
Association) – Relative to creation of a new standing
committee on floods by the United States House of
Representatives and flood legislation.
February 8, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McHenry, S. W. of Gunnision,
Mississippi – Relative to conditions of high water.
February 8, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McKeowen, ____ - Relative to
stabling horses and other live stock in case of break in the
February 8, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McLemore, R. W. of Franklin,
Tennessee – Relative to a law suit against a Mr. Scott.
February 8, 1916
Knickerbocker Bag Co. of St. Louis, Mo. To Levee Board,
Rosedale, Mississippi – Relative to shipment of bags for
flood use.
February 8, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Thompson, W. L. of Greenville,
Mississippi (Chief Engineer of Mississippi Board of Levee
Commissioners) – Relative to repair and reinforcement of
levee points.
February 10, 1916 – February 12, 1916
Correspondence between Caldwell, A. S. of Memphis,
Tennessee and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to new Flood
Control Committee. (2 letters)
February 11, 1916
Smith, L. Pink of Greenville, Mississippi (Secretary and
Treasurer of eh Board of Mississippi Levee
Commissioners) to Sillers, Sr., Walter. Notification of a
meeting of the Board to be held on February 16, 1916 to
meet the Mississippi river Flood Committee of the House
of Congress and to transact any business.
February 12, 1916 - April 20, 1917
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and GaleHooper Company of Memphis, Tennessee – Relative to the
purchase of equipment. (10 letters)
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
February 14, 1916
Caldwell, A. S. (President of the Mississippi River Levee
Association) – Relative to expenses of the Committee on
Flood Control.
February 14, 1916 – February 23, 1916
Correspondence between Humphreys, Ben G. of
Washington, D. C. and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to
application of Whittimore, John for Sanatarium in Silver
City, New Mexico. (2 letters)
February 15, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Miers, W. M. of Grenada, Mississippi
– Relative to a Holestein Bull Sillers, Sr., Walter purchased
from him.
February 18, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Parker, John M. of New Orleans, La.
February 19, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Jones, Ed. of Malvina, Mississippi –
Relative to cotton of Burton, _______.
February 23, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Board of Mississippi Levee
Commissioners – Relative to report on levee construction.
February 23, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Prentiss, George of Chicago, Ill.Relative to review of book.
February 28, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Waldauer, Louis of Oreilly,
Mississippi – Relative to the sale of hogs.
February 28, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to the Okolona Holstien Stock Farm in
Okolona, Mississippi concerning the possible purchase of
Holstien cows.
February 28, 1916
Fox, John A. (Secretary – Manager of the Mississippi River
Levee Association) to Sillers, Sr., Walter relative to the
election of Mr. G. S. Brickey to the Board of Directors of
the Mississippi River Levee Association.
February 28, 1916 – November 23, 1916
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and J. Doll &
Sons of Louisville, Kentucky – Relative to order of suits. (7
March 1, 1916 – March 14, 1916
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and OttoSchwill Co. of Memphis, Tennessee - Relative to an order
of seed. (2 letters)
March 2, 1916
Johnson, A. S. of Kimberlin, Tennessee – Johnson Bible
College – to Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to Dixie Herd.
March 3, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter, to the Memphis Seed & Plant Co. in
Memphis, Tennessee ordering 5 bushels of seed.
March 15, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to the Memphis Seed and Plant Co. in
Memphis, Tennessee reordering the 5 bushels of seed.
(Printed on same card as March 3, 1916.)
March 4, 1916
The Oak Grove Dairy Co. of Jackson, Mississippi to
Sillers, Sr., Walter concerning the sale of some cattle to
Sillers, Sr., Walter.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
February 28, 1916
Sillers Sr., Walter to the Oak Grove Dairy Co. in Jackson,
Mississippi relative to the purchase of Holstien cows.
(Printed on same card as March 4, 1916.)
March 4, 1916 – March 9, 1916
Correspondence between North, J. J. of Yazoo, City,
Mississippi and Sillers, Sr., Walter relative to the registry
of a Holstien bull. (2 letters)
March 4, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Sillers, Florence Warfield.
March 7, 1916 – March 18, 1916
Correspondence between McLaurin, Sidney L. of Brandon,
Mississippi and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to the
purchase of a plantation in Washington County,
March 7, 1916 – March 18, 1916
Jones, H. O., County Agent of Bolivar County, Mississippi
to Sillers and Sillers. (3 letters)
March 14, 1916
Sillers Sr., Walter to Dowdle, J. R., Manager of The Mutual
Life Insurande Co., of New York, in Jackson, Mississippi –
Relative to payment of insurance policy premiums.
March 15, 1916
Sillers Sr., Walter to Internal Revenue Collector of
Birmingham, Alabama – Relative to extension of time to
file return. (3 letters)
March 16, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Oak Grove Dairy Company in
Jackson, Mississippi – Relative to the sale of heifers.
March 16, 1916 – March 18, 1916
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and Cameron,
A. E. of Memphis, Tennessee – Relative to need of moey
for farming. (3 letters)
March 16, 1916
Thompson, W. L. of Greenville, Mississippi (Chief
Engineer for the Board of Mississippi Commissioners) to
Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to expenditures in Issaquena
County for construction operations and flood control
measures for the past calendar year. Attached is a
“Financial Estimate to the Close of the Nest Fiscal Year
(September 30, 1916).”
March 18, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Morris, C. C., Manager of the
Rosedale Grocery Company, in Rosedale, Mississippi –
Relative to the law firm.
March 18, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to the Montgomery Ward & Co. of
Chicago, Illinois - ordering stock fence.
March 18, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Murphy, Miss Nell R. of Gainesville,
Georgia – Relative to a controversy over land for the levee.
March 18, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Owen, Thomas S. of Cleveland,
Mississippi – Relative to a court case involving J. W. Smith
and Mollie Johnson.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
March 18, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter, to Thompson, W. L. of Greenville,
Mississippi (Chief Engineer of Board of Mississippi Levee
Commissioners) – Relative to levee business and the
cutting of a levee.
March 18, 1916 – February 29, 1916
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and
Wilkerson, H. L of Shelby, Mississippi – Relative to fees
and handling of Sheffield vs. Sheffield. (4 letters)
[There were four (4) dates on two cards. I labeled the card
as a correspondence although text for each date was written
out according to date. The dates were March 18, 20 and 21
and February 29, all in 1916.]
March 20, 1916
West, Charles H. of Greenville, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – A chain prayer.
March 20, 1916
Skinner, N. C. of Pine Bluff, Arkansas to Skinner, Mrs. N.
C. of Rosedale, Mississippi.
March 21, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McNeel, John D. of Birmingham,
Alabama – Relative to income tax returns.
March 23, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Wolf, B. of Beulah, Mississippi
concerning the signing of a bond for Jeff Swan.
March 24, 1916
Chain letter from Burris, I. C. of Benoit, Mississippi.
March 26, 1916 – March 28, 1916
Sillers, Jr., Walter to Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to case
of State vs. E. W. Moss, charged with embezzlement from
Bank of Duncan, Duncan, Mississippi. (2 letters)
March 28, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Montgomery Ward & Co. of Chicago,
Illinois placing an order.
March 29, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter, to Owen Thomas of Cleveland,
Mississippi – Relative to state political situation.
March 30, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McNeil, Oscar of Merigold,
Mississippi relative to a petition being circulated in several
Mississippi counties.
March 30, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Morton, B. F. of Gunnison,
Mississippi – Relative to a petition.
March 31, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Wynn, William T. of Greenville,
Mississippi – Relative to the Court of Clanthe cases.
March 31, 1916
Chaney, E. D. of Rosedale, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – Relative to repairs needed in drugstore.
March 31, 1916
Mayes, Robert B. of Jackson, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – Relative to two legal cases, The McLemore case
and the Humphreys case.
April 1, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Mayes Robert B. of Jackson,
Mississippi in reply to the above letter.
(Printed on same card as March 31, 1916, which is directly
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
March 27, 1916 – April 1, 1916
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and Owen,
Thomas S. of Cleveland, Mississippi – Relative to the J. W.
Smith case. (4 letters)
[There were four (4) dates on two cards. I labeled the card
as a correspondence although text for each date was written
out according to date. The dates were March 27, 28 and 31
and April 1, all in 1916.]
April 3, 1916
McDaniel, Arthur – Relative to timber trade.
April 12, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Weaver Brothers in Lubbock, Texas
sending payment for a shipment of seed, and ordering some
March 3, 1916
Sillers, Sr. Walter to Weaver Brothers in Lubbock, Texas
placing an order for 100 pounds of Sudan Grass seeds.
April 21, 1916
Sillers, Sr. Walter to Weaver Brothers in Lubbock, Texas
placing an order for 200 pounds of Sudan Grass seeds at
reduced price.
April 16, 1916
Williams, W. Emmet of Memphis, Tennessee to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter of Rosedale, Mississippi – Relative to an order and
shipment of two bushels of seed sweet potatoes.
April 20, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Mayes, Robert B. of Jackson,
Mississippi – Relative to recent Supreme Court decision.
April 22, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McLelland, J. W. of Rosedale,
Mississippi relative to the purchase of car tags.
April 25, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Martin, R. E. of Rex, Mississippi
concerning the case of the Mississippi Delta Planters Co. vs
April 25, 1916
Bookman, John to Montgomery Ward & Co. of Chicago,
Illinois – Relative to a hold up in an order.
April 26, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Parks, W. B. of Merigold, Mississippi
relative to purchase of cattle.
April 26, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Green, Irwin of Malvina, Mississippi
– Relative to fencing in of land belonging to Sillers, Sr.,
April 27, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Edmonds, Rosa of New Orleans,
April 27, 1916
“Progressive Farmer” of Memphis, Tennessee – Relative to
purchase of Polled Durham cattle.
April 27, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Johnson, R. O. of Memphis,
Tennessee to obtain information on raising cattle.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
April 27, 1916 – April 29, 1916
Correspondence between Gamble, Dr. Paul of Greenville,
Mississippi and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to speech
Presented to State Medical Association. (2 letters)
April 27, 1916 – April 16, 1916
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and Orgill
Brothers, and Company of Memphis, Tennessee – Relative
to an order of merchandise. (5 letters)
April ?, 1916
Whitecarver, Mrs. H. C. of Gunnison, Mississippi to
Sillers, Sr., Walter concerning the collection of a bill owed
her husband before his death.
April 10, 1916
Sillers, Sr. Walter to Whitecarver, Mrs. H. C. of Gunnison,
Mississippi concerning a bill owed her deceased husband
and the conditions that must be met before payment.
May 7, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Montgomery Ward & Co. of Chicago,
Illinois concerning a delayed shipment.
May 8 1916
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer of the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, Greenville, Mississippi
to Sillers, Sr., Walter, President of the Mississippi Levee
Board, Rosedale, Mississippi concerning sub-levee work.
May 8, 1916
McBee, R. C. of Greenwood, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter concerning possible appointments as a delegate to
the National Democratic Convention.
May 10, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Thompson, W. L. of Greenville,
Mississippi (Chief Engineer of Mississippi Board of Levee
Commissioners) Relative to levee repair and business.
May 10, 1916
Watson, Hugh G. to Sillers, Sr., Walter of Greenville,
May 10, 1916
Montgomery, F. A. to Sillers, Sr., Walter Tunica,
May 10, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McBee, R. C. of Greenwood,
Mississippi – Relative to an election.
May 11, 1916
McBee, R. c. to Sillers, Sr., Walter, Greenwood,
May 11, 1916
Gwin, Sam L. to Sillers, Sr., Walter, Greenwood,
May 11, 1916
Noel, E. F. to Sillers, Sr., Lexington, Mississippi.
May 13, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Montgomery Ward & Co. – Relative
to a delayed order of animal supplies.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
May 26, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Shields, Walton of Greenville,
Mississippi – Relative to a reduction of salaries of certain
officials of the Mississippi Levee Board, the appointment
of officials and members to the Board, and politics.
May 26, 1916 – May 27, 1916
Faust, C. L. of Faust Brothers Lumber Co. of Jackson,
Mississippi to Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to purchase of
timber and land in Bolivar Co., Mississippi. (2 letters)
May 29, 1916
Owen & Roberts of Cleveland, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – Relative to the case of Goyer Co. vs George Scott.
May 27, 1916
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Owen & Roberts of Cleveland,
Mississippi concerning the case of Goyer Co. vs George
Folder 28 is missing. The cards are available, but there are no documents to match.
January 4, 1917
January 9, 1917
January 9, 1917
January 9, 1917
January 10, 1917
January 12, 1917
January 16, 1917
February 13, 1917
February 27, 1917
Vardman, James K. of Washington, D. C. to Sillers, Sr.,
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Simmons Hardware Store of St.
Louis, Missouri – Relative to payment of a bill.
ATTACHED: A bill from Simmons Hardware Store to
Sillers, Sr. Walter for $17.72.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Speakes, W. A. of Benoit, Mississippi
– Relative to money (2 copies)
Speakes, W. A. of Benoit, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr., Walter
– Relative to money.
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and McBee
Engine & Implement Co. of Lexington, Mississippi –
Relative to Foos Engine. (2 copies)
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Smith, Norwood of Malvina,
Mississippi – Relative to a legal matter concerning Dr. L.
O. Jenkins, and Jim and Tom Bond.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Scott, Hon. A. Y. of Rosedale,
Mississippi – Relative to settling a claim on his land.
Ogden, H. C. to H. T. Bruce & Co., Stock Yards, of
Memphis, Tennessee – Relative to return of mule because
of defective eye.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Sheriff of Bolivar County of
Cleveland, Mississippi – Relative to Sillers’ payment of
income taxes in 1918.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
March 1, 1917
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Williams, Senator John Sharp in
Washington, D. C. – Relative to the passage of the Flood
Control Bill.
March 3, 1917
Sillers, Sr. Walter to Manning, Mary of Bellefield,
Arkansas concerning her case against a railroad company
for the death of her husband.
March 6, 1917
Percy, LeRoy of Greenville, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter concerning the Mississippi River Commission.
March 6, 1917
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to drainage of
land along the river.
March 12, 1917
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Owen, Thomas S. of Cleveland,
Mississippi – Relative to filing a plea for Wakfield case in
Circuit Court.
March 14, 1917
Caldwell, A. S. of Memphis, Tennessee, to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – relative to the Flood Control Bill’s becoming a
ATTACHED: a letter from Mr. Caldwell to Mr. Sillers on
the same subject.
March 16, 1917
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Caldwell, A. S. of Memphis,
Tennessee – Relative to the Flood Control Bill’s becoming
a law.
March 28, 1917
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Thompson, W. L. of Greenville,
Mississippi – Relative to levee building.
March 31, 1917
Percy, LeRoy of Greenville, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – Relative to the river and the levee.
March 31, 1917 – April 2, 1917
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and
International Harvester Co. of Memphis, Tennessee –
Relative to repair of mowers. (2 letters)
April 2, 1917
April 2, 1917
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Slattery, Major R. J. of the Corps of
Engineers, U. S. Army, in Vicksburg, Mississippi
concerning a construction plan for work along the levee.
Slattery, J. R., Major of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers,
In Vicksburg, Mississippi to Thompson, W. L., Chief
Engineer for the Board of Mississippi Levee
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
March 21, 1917
April 2, 1917
April 4, 1917
April 4, 1917
April 4, 1917
April 4, 1917
April 6, 1917
April 7, 1917
April 11, 1917
April 11, 1917
Commissioners, in Greenville, Mississippi – Relative to
setting up a patrol for the levee system.
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to the Assistant Engineers, concerning
precautions for the expected rise of the river.
Slattery, J. R., Major for the U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers, in Vicksburg, Mississippi to To Whom It May
Concern, concerning a possible flood of the river and
advising that patrol be put on all levees.
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to all Board Members – Relative to problems
with Major J. R. Slattery of the U. S. Corps of Engineers in
Vicksburg, Mississippi concerning high water plans.
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Slattery, Major J. R. of the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers in Vicksburg, Mississippi – Relative to
the high water plans for the Greenville, Mississippi levee
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Slattery, Major J. R. of the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers, in Vicksburg, Mississippi, concerning
the plans for high water.
Smith, Norwood of Malvina, Mississippi – Relative to bank
notes of Bond Brothers and L. O. Jenkins.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Smith, Norwood of Malvina,
Mississippi – relative to a legal matter concerning Dr. L. O.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for
the Board of Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in
Greenville, Mississippi notifying him that he had received a
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for
the Board of Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in
Greenville, Mississippi concerning military and levee
organization in Bolivar County.
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Allen, C. B., Jr. of Rosedale, Mississippi –
relative to measures taken for the war and high water.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
April 14, 1917
April 16, 1917
April 18, 1917
April 21, 1917
May 16, 1917
May 19, 1917
May 17, 1917
May 24, 1917
May 26, 1917
May 28, 1917
May 28, 1917
June 28, 1917
June 29, 1917
June 30, 1917
July 1, 1917
July 4, 1917
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer of
the Board of Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in
Greenville, Mississippi – Relative to the allotment for the
levee work of the up coming year.
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville – relative
to levee policy.
Committee of the River Commission to Slattery, J. R. of
Memphis, Tennessee, relative to inviting him to attend a
meeting of this committee and to read the resolutions of
this committee.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Owen, Tom – Relative to
conscription and war.
Wade, Josie of Durant, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr., Walter
concerning a job as his stenographer. (2 letters)
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Wade, Josie of Durant, Mississippi
concerning the hiring of a stenographer.
MAY 16, 1917 AND MAY 19, 1917 ARE PRINTED ON
Fox, John A. of Washington, D. C. to Sillers, Sr., Walter
Sr., in Jackson, Mississippi – Relative to the passage of the
flood control bill. (Telegraph)
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Owen Thomas and Sillers, Jr., Walter,
relative to the brief for a legal case.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Speakes, W. A. of Benoit, Mississippi
– Relative to the sale of The Green Island Plantation.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Sheriff of Hinds County, Mississippi
of Jackson, Mississippi – Relative to a legal case involving
H. A. Furst V. The Virginia Fire and Marine Company of
Richmond, Virginia.
Thompson, W. L. of Greenville, Mississippi to Smythe, Dr.
J. D. of Greenville, Mississippi - relative to a discussion on
the levee situation in the Delta.
Salsbury, L. K. of Scott, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr., Walter,
relative to legal matters.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Salsbury, L. K. of Memphis,
Tennessee, relative to legal matters.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Miers, Jim of Malinina, Mississippi
relative to a woman, Minnie Burton, and her share in a
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer of the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to enlargement
work on the levee in the Rosedale, Mississippi area.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Dulaney, L. C. of Grace, Mississippi
– Relative to the war and the work on the levee.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
July 26, 1917
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Terry, W. D. of Beulah, Mississippi
concerning payment of certain debt or else the loss of his
July 31, 1917
Salsbury, L. K. of Memphis, Tennessee to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – Relative to the sale of Green Island Plantation.
ATTACHED: a letter from Sillers, Jr., Walter to Salsbury,
L. K. of Memphis, Tennessee – Relative to this matter.
August 6, 1917
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Gordon, John of Rosedale,
August 6, 1917
Sillers, Jr., Walter to Salsbury, L. K. of Memphis,
Tennessee, relative to the sale of the Green Island
August 16, 1917
Sillers, Sr., Walter to West, J. C. of Round Lake,
Mississippi concerning the prosecution of a woman for
September 7, 1917 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Tydings, Thomas J. of Moberly,
Missouri, relative to claims made on some land in Bolivar
County belonging to the heirs of Malcolm Gilchrist.
ATTACHED: a letter form Tydings to Sillers about this
September 22, 1917 Sillers, Sr., Walter to ____, Lorraine – Relative to money
matters in different businesses.
December 4, 1917
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, to Smythe, J. D.,
President of the Board of Mississippi Levee
Commissioners, in Greenville, Mississippi relative to
money for machinery to work on the levee.
January 8, 1918
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Farrar, Mrs. A. B. of Rosedale,
Attachments include a promissory note between Mrs.
Walter Sillers, Sr. and F. Formigoni and a rent note
between Sillers, Sr., Walter and Mrs. Anna B. Farrar, 1918.
January 19, 1918
Dulaney, L. C. of Grace, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr., Walter
concerning a bill to provide for the building of an extension
January 30, 1918
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Dulaney, L. C. of Grace, Mississippi
concerning a bill to provide for the building of an extension
February 5, 1918
Terrell, W. J. of Beulah, Mississippi to Sillers, Sr., Walter
concerning a levee that was sinking.
February 11, 1918
Scudders, H. N., of Mayersville, Mississippi, to Sillers, Sr.,
Walter (2 copies)
February 14, 1918
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Scudder, E. N. of Mayersville,
September 20, 1918 Smith, Sydney to Sillers, Sr., Walter, Jackson, Mississippi.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
September 24, 1918 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Kirk, Jno. M., Rosedale, Mississippi.
September, 27, 1918 Sillers, Sr., Walter t Graziosi, Mrs. Rosa, Rosedale,
Mississippi – In reference to rent of land and payment of
September 28, 1918 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Brewer, Dan.
October 1, 1918
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Thompson, M. J. Rosedale,
Mississippi – In reference to military deferment of Smith,
October 4, 1918
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Chaney Drug Co. of Rosedale,
Mississippi – Relative to account.
November 26, 1918 Rosedale, Stock Farms, Sillers, Sr., Walter to Stephen, J. A.
Rosedale, Mississippi – In reference to price of Holstein
December 6, 1918
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Dr. Greer. Rosedale, Mississippi – In
reference to sale of cotton owned by Bell, Anna.
December 7, 1918
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Hicks, Mattie. Rosedale, Mississippi
– In reference to rent of land.
December 10, 1918 Sillers, Sr., Walter to John A Dennie, Sons and Co.
Rosedale, Mississippi.
December 10, 1918 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Rosedale Compress Co. – In
reference to cotton of Bradley, Tom.
December 11, 1918 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Hazelhurst Lumber Co., Rosedale,
Mississippi – In reference to price of lumber.
December 11, 1918 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Security Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
Rosedale, Mississippi.
December 16, 1918 Sillers, Sr., Walter to the Literary Digest Rosedale,
December 23, 1918 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Powell, Robert H. of Canton,
Mississippi – Relative to note sent by Valley Bank by Hart,
January 9, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Hawkins, W. H. of Vicksburg,
Mississippi – Relative to sale of Duroc hogs.
January 11, 1919
Correspondence between New York Life Insurance Co. of
Jackson, Mississippi and Sillers, Sr., Walter. – Relative to
payment of premium. (3 letters)
January 22, 1919
Vanhook, W. T. – Relative to payment of John, Johnny for
hauling timber.
January 23, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Holstein Friesin Association of
America, Battleborro, Vermont – Relative to registration of
bull calves.
January 23, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Owen, Mrs. Miriam of Cleveland,
Mississippi – Relative to purchase of mules.
January 23, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Berkman, P. B. Nursery Man,
Rosedale, Mississippi.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Riser, W. B. of Logdell, Mississippi –
Relative to bales of cotton shipped by the Waddell Cotton
March 14, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Humphrey & Co. of Greenwood,
Mississippi – Relative to organization of planters to reduce
cotton acreage.
March 22, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Cumberland Telephone Co. of
Rosedale, Mississippi.
March 25, 1919 – September 23, 1919
Correspondence between Scales, General Erie C. of
Jackson, Mississippi and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to
Selective Draft in Mississippi and organization of National
Guard in Bolivar County, Mississippi. (3 letters)
March 27, 1919
Christmas, Walter to Sillers, Sr., Walter of Cleveland,
Mississippi – Relative to personal loan of money. (2 letters)
April 5, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Myers, Jim of Malvina, Mississippi –
Relative to care of land of Evelyn Place.
April 10, 1919 – April 17, 1919
Correspondence between Maier, William M. of Memphis,
Tennessee and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to position as
bookkeeper. (2 letters)
April 26, 1919
Correspondence between Moore Brothers of Alexander
Island and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to raising of hogs.
(2 letters)
May 1, 1919
Salsbury, L. K. of Memphis, Tennessee to Sillers,
Sr.,Walter of Rosedale, Mississippi – Relative to
experimentation with seeds and plant at Experiment
Department of Mississippi Delta Planting Co.
May 22, 1919 – June 16, 1919
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and Harrison,
B. F. of Champaign, Illinois – Relative to sale of Harrison’s
land in Bolivar County, Mississippi. (3 letters)
June 8, 1919 – June 12, 1919
Correspondence between L. C. Nolan Lumber Co. of
Memphis, Tennessee and Sillers, Sr., Walter – Relative to
sale of cow oak. (3 letters)
June 12, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Longino, A. H., Governor of
Mississippi – Relative to state politics.
June 13, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Mayes, Robert B of Jackson,
Mississippi – Relative to _____, Dave.
June 13, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Darby, M. A. of Rosedale,
Mississippi – Relative to draining of lands.
July 11, 1919
Edmonds, James E. of Washington, D. C.
February 11, 1919
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
July 26, 1919
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and Smith J.
R. of Merigold, Mississippi – Relative to abilities of
McNeil, Oscar for position as sheriff of Bolivar County,
Mississippi with an attached letter to Sillers, Sr.,Walter
from _____, ____. (4 letters)
July 28, 1919
Houghton, F. L., Secretary of the Friesian Holstein
Association of American, Brattleboro, Vermont to Sillers,
Sr., Walter concerning the transfer of the registration
numbers of two animals to Walter Sillers, Sr.’s name.
Attached are the transfer certificates of two animals.
August 13, 1919
Caad, B. R.
September 10, 1919 The George D. Barnard Stationary Company of St. Louis,
Missouri – Concerning acknowledgment of the receipt of
an order for legal stationary.
September 10, 1919 Thompson, W. L. Chief Engineer fro the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Otwell, Colonel C. W., of the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers in the Third Mississippi River District,
Vicksburg, Mississippi concerning work at the Riverton
September 14, 1919 Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Otwell, Colonel C. W., of the U. S. Army
Corps, of Engineers in the Third Mississippi River District,
Vicksburg, Mississippi – Relative to a labor supply for
work done on the levee at Riverton.
August 1, 1919
Otwell, C. W. of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in the
Third Mississippi River District, Vicksburg, Mississippi
concerning workers for the Riverton levee.
July 17, 1919
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Otwell, Major C. W. of the U. S. Army
Corps of Engineers in the Third Mississippi River District,
Vicksburg, Mississippi concerning labor for work to be
done on the levee at Riverton.
July 14, 1919
Otwell, C. W., Major of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
in the Third Mississippi River District, Vicksburg,
Mississippi concerning allotments for work on the levee.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
September 12, 1919 Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Mississippi
Levee Commissioners, in Greenville, Mississippi Concerning copies of letters between Thompson, W. L. and
Otwell, Major C. W.
Attached are copies of the letter.
September 12, 1919 Todd, A. M. Assistant Engineer for the Mississippi Levee
Board, in Greenville, Mississippi to the Chief Engineer of
the Mississippi Levee Board in Greenville, Mississippi –
Relative to the labor supply for work on the levee at
September 13, 1919 Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Lamson, Captain C. J., Third Mississippi
River District, Vicksburg, Mississippi concerning labor
supply for the work at Riverton.
September 19, 1919 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Monte Christo Cosmetics Co. of New
York, N. Y. – Relaive to purchase of hair coloring.
September 20, 1919 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Henderson, B. N. of Beulah,
October 3, 1919
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer of the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Townsend, Colonel C. Mc.D., President of
the Mississippi River Commission, in St. Louis, Missouri
concerning an upcoming inspection trip by the Mississippi
River Commission.
Attached are typed copies of correspondence between
Colonel Townsend, W. L. Thompson, and R. P. Crump,
President of the Mississippi Levee Board. All
correspondence concerning the conditions at RIVERTON.
October 3, 1919
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi to Townsend, Colonel C. McD., President of
the Mississippi River Commission, in St. Louis, Missouri –
Relative to the situation at Riverton.
October 4, 1919
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer for the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi – Relative to work at Riverton.
October 7, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Bufford, Rev. J. H. of Rosedale,
October 10, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to West, Captain C. H., Member of the
Levee Commission, in Greenville, Mississippi – Relative to
the situation at Riverton.
October 11, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to “To Whom It May Concern” –
Relative to recommendation of Henderson, C. H.
October 13, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to R. E. Funsten Dried Fruit and Nut Co.
of St. Louis, Missouri - Relative to sale of pecans.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
Sillers, Sr. Walter to Winkle, I. of Bouge Phalia – Relative
to trees on tenant’s land.
October 20, 1919
West, C. H., Member of the Mississippi River Commission,
in Greenville, Mississippi concerning laborers on the River.
October 27, 1919
West, C. H., Member of the Mississippi River Commission,
in Greenville, Mississippi – Concerning the cave-in of the
river banks at Riverton.
October 27, 1919
Correspondence between Potts, Willie and Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – Relative to money needed for football uniform. (2
October 27, 1919
Sillers, Jr., Walter to Clark, Charles – Relative to leveE.
November 4, 1919
25, 1919.
Superintendent of the United States Railroad
Administration for the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley
Railroad, in Greenville, Mississippi – concernng work at
October 25, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to West, Captain C. H. of Greenville,
Mississippi concerning the levee.
November 5, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to West, Captain C. H., Member of the
River Commission, in Greenville, Mississippi concerning
the situation at Riverton. (2 copies)
November 6, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer of
the Board of Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in
Greenville, Mississippi concerning work on the banks of
the river at Riverton.
November 6, 1919 – December 4, 1919
Correspondence between Noorefield, J. D. of Memphis,
Tennesee and Sillers & Sillers – Relative to payment of ball
rearing fan. (2 letters).
November 10, 1919 West, C. H., Member of the Mississippi River Commission,
in Greenville, Mississippi – Relative to construction on the
levee at Riverton.
November 14, 1919 Sillers, Sr., Walter to Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer of
the Board of Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in
Greenville, Mississippi concerning methods of building
December 2, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Security Life Ins. Co. of Birmingham,
N. Y. – Relative to payment of premium.
December 13, 1919 – December 19, 1919
Correspondence between Ware, John L., Manager of The
Edwards Hotel, Jackson, Mississippi and Sillers, Sr.,
Walter – Relative to reservations of rooms for Sillers and
Roberts family. (2 copies)
October 16, 1919
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.
December 18, 1919
December 23, 1919
Sillers, Sr., Walter to McCloud, Mr. ____ of Rosedale,
Mississippi – Relative to lumber on Divver Place.
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Dean, L. G. of Shaw, Mississippi. (2
January 7, 1920 – January 17, 1919
Correspondence between Sillers, Sr., Walter and Pearson,
John L. of Jackson, Tennessee – Relative to Pearson’s
coming to Rosedale, Mississippi to begin law practice. (4
February 7, 1920
Thompson, W. L., Chief Engineer of the Board of
Mississippi Levee Commissioners, in Greenville,
Mississippi – Relative to sending a letter to Captain Stewart
concerning the Riverton levee.
March 5, 1920
Sillers, Sr., Walter to Kiger, W. G. of Natchez, Mississippi
concerning a resolution passed by the House of
Representatives to amend the constitution making levee
commissioners elective.
* All correspondence, unless otherwise noted, is to Sillers, Sr., Walter.