COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Executive Summary Unit Strategic Plan and Annual Report

Executive Summary
Unit Strategic Plan and Annual Report
Academic Year
Unit Strategic Plan and Annual Report – Academic Year 2010-2011
Academic Unit
Administrative/Support Unit
Unit Title:
College of Business
Unit Administrator:
Billy C. Moore
Program Mission:
The mission of the College of Business is to prepare students for the marketplace by providing
challenging educational opportunities.
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
Educational Program Learning Outcome Assessment Plan
Learning Outcome
Data Collection & Analysis
1. College of Business
students will
demonstrate effective
oral and written
communication skills.
1) At least 80% of business
majors will earn credit on the
writing proficiency and/or
CAAP exam. Exam data
from Writing Proficiency
Exam (WPE) and CAAP.
GE 1
GE 2
GE 3
Results of Evaluation
1) Percentage of College of
Business majors earning
2010-11AY – 52.3%; 2009-10
2) At least 90% of the
College of Business
20010-11AY-64.3%; 2009graduates responding to the
10AY-76.9%; 2008-09AY-75%.
Alumni/Graduate Survey will
(Chart 1 & 2)
report that the College of
Business programs
2) The Alumni/Graduate
enhanced their
Survey will be conducted
presentation/writing skills.
every 2 years beginning
during the 2009-10 AY. 95.7
3) At least 75% of the
employers responding to the percent of College of
Employer Survey will report Business graduates
that College of Business
responding to the
graduates demonstrate
Alumni/Graduate Survey in
strong oral and written
May 2010 indicated that
communication skills.
College of Business programs
enhanced their writing and
presentation skills, a 2.7
percent increase from the
2006 survey.
The bi-annual survey will be
repeated during the 2011-12
Use of Evaluation of
1) The objective is not being
met on the CAPP & WPE;
however, the AY 2011
indicates a significant
improvement over the
previous year’s results for
the WPE. The pass rate on
the CAAP exam far exceeds
the results observed on the
Writing Proficiency Exam.
Students failing to receive
credit on the Writing
Proficiency Exam are
required to take ENG 301.
66 percent of College of
Business majors earned at
least a grade of B during the
2010-11 AY compared to
69% & 66% during academic
years 2009-10, 2008-09 and
2007-08, respectively.
2) College of Business
faculty will also evaluate
course content in all classes
to identify additional writing
opportunities that could lead
to improved written skills.
3) The Employer Survey
conducted during Spring 2011
indicates that 100% of COB
graduates hired by
organizations demonstrate
average to excellent one-onone presentation skills; 93%
demonstrate average to
excellent written skills; and,
97% demonstrate average to
excellent oral communication
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
Chart 1
Chart 2
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
2. College of Business
majors will demonstrate
the ability to use and
manage business and
industry technology.
GE 4
1) 1) At least 80% of College
of Business undergraduate
and graduate business
majors will demonstrate
proficiency on special
projects/exams requiring the
use of technology.
1) 100% of College of
Business faculty members
required the use of business
and/or industry technology in
courses during the 2010-11
AY. At least 80% of the
students demonstrated
proficiency. On average,
2) At least 90% of
93.2% of graduate students
Commercial Aviation majors (MBA, iMBA, CAV, & MCA)
will successfully complete
demonstrated proficiency in
the Instrument written
the use of technology
examination. Aviation
compared to 88% in 2008-09.
Management students will
score at least 80 on the
course project administered 2) 100% of the Commercial
to all majors by all instructors Aviation majors passed the
FAA Instrument Pilot Written
teaching the Aviation
exam on the first attempt,
Management Course.
compared to 82% and 92%,
observed during the 20093) ) At least 90% of the
2010 and 2008-2009 academic
College of Business
graduates responding to the years, respectively.
Alumni/Graduate Survey
(administered bi-annually)
3) 93.9 percent of College of
will report that the College of Business graduates
Business programs
responding to the
enhanced their ability to use Alumni/Graduate Survey in
and manage business
May 2010 indicated that
College of Business programs
contributed to their personal
4) At least 75% of the
growth in the use of
employers responding to the
Employer Survey will report technology, a 4.3 percent
increase compared to the
that College of Business
graduates demonstrate the 2006 survey. This bi-annual
survey will be repeated during
ability to use and manage
the 2011-2012 AY.
industry technology.
1) Overall course
performance and employer
survey results indicate this
assessment goal was met.
Faculty will continue the use
of the latest discipline
specific software as part of
class instruction and
assignments. The College
has joined the SAP
University Alliance Program
to integrate the enterprise
resource planning platform in
the curriculum.
2) There was a significant
increase in the number of
aviation students
successfully completing the
FAA pilot written exam.
3) Employer Survey
responses will be analyzed,
and findings used to guide
curriculum discussions
during the 2011-2012
academic year.
4) 97 percent of the employers
responding to the Employer
Survey administered during
the Spring 2011 semester
reported that COB graduates
demonstrated average to
excellent computer
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
3. College of Business
majors will demonstrate
a broad understanding of
the functional areas of
business and aviation,
as applicable.
GE 1
GE 6
1) College of Business
students will score in the 50th
percentile on the Major Field
Achievement Test (MFT).
1) During Spring 2011, the
COB partnered with Peregrine
Academic Services to
administer the Common
Professional Components
2) At least 90% of
(CPC) Comprehensive (COMP)
Commercial Aviation majors exam to MBA (MGT 695-facewill earn credit on the FAA
to-face) and iMBA (MGT 695Commercial Pilot Practical
online) students. Overall
Test Standard in FAA
total score- MBA 53%
Bulletin FAA-S-8081-12B.
(Average); iMBA-54%
(Average) compared to a
3) At least 80% of all
national average of 63%
undergraduate students
(Above Average).
enrolled in MGT 499 and
graduate courses MGT 695,
2) 60% of Aviation majors
CAV 670, and ACC 693
pass the FAA commercial
courses respectively, will
earn a grade of B or better
check ride on the first
on their final comprehensive attempt, compared to 83% and
87% in 2009-2010 and 20082009 academic years,
4) At least 90% of the
College of Business
3) Percentage of students
graduates responding to the earning at a grade of B or
Alumni/Graduate Survey will
better on comprehensive
report that the College of
Business programs
enhanced their
MGT 499
understanding the board
functional areas of business. 2010-11 – 75.8%; 2009-2010,
MGT 695 (face-to-face)
5) At least 75% of the
employers responding to the 2010-11-96.9%;2009-10-85%;
Employer Survey will report 2008-09-95%; 2007-08-79%.
that College of Business
(Chart 3)
graduates demonstrate a
broad understanding of the MGT 695 (online)
functional areas of business. 2010-11-79.2%; 2009-10-86%;
CAV 670
2010-11-90.9%; 2009-10-86%
ACC 693
2010-11-100%; 2009-10-100%
1) Results on the Peregrine
Academic Services CPC
COMP exam demonstrate
that this goal was met.
Faculty will use the results to
guide curriculum decisions
during the 2011-2012 AY.
Graduate faculty will
consider adding a graduate
legal environment of
business course to the
curriculum. The College will
administer this exam to
undergraduate students
enrolled in MGT 499 during
the 2011-2012 AY.
2) The goal is not currently
being met for aviation
students. Students failing to
successfully complete the
check ride are given
additional flight training by
staff instructors.
4) Survey will be repeated in
2010-2011 AY.
5) 99% of employers
responding to Employer
Survey reported COB
graduates demonstrated
knowledge in the functional
areas of business.
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
Chart 3
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
4. College of Business
majors will demonstrate
the ability to reason,
analyze, define, and
solve problems, and
make decisions.
GE 1
GE 2
1) College of Business
students (BBA, MBA, & iMBA
online) will score in the 50th
percentile on the Quantitative
Business Analysis area Major
Field Achievement Test
(MFT). DSU’s College of
Business has administered
the exam to graduating
seniors and graduate students
twice since 2003. At least
80% of graduate students
enrolled in ACC 610 (MPA)
and CAV 610 (CAV) will earn
a grade of B on their
comprehensive project.
1) The COB did not
administer the MFT during
the 2009-2010 AY. . During
Spring 2011, the COB
partnered with Peregrine
Academic Services to
administer the Common
Professional Components
(CPC) Comprehensive
(COMP) exam to MBA (MGT
695-face-to-face) and iMBA
(MGT 695-online) students.
Overall Quantitative
Research Techniques and
Statistics score- MBA 53%
(Average); iMBA-47%
(Average) compared to a
2) At least 90% of
Commercial Aviation majors national average of 51%
(Above Average).
will pass the FAA Certified
Flight Instructor practical test Students earning at least a
standard in FAA Bulletin FAA- grade of B on their project.
ACC 610
2010-11-58.3%; 2009-10-100%
3) At least 90% of the
College of Business
CAV 610
graduates responding to the
2010-11-78.3%; 2009-10Alumni/Graduate Survey will
report that the College of
Business programs enhanced
2) Percentage of aviation
their ability to think critically
majors that passed the FAA
and make decisions.
Instructor check ride on the
first attempt: 2010-11-69%;
4) At least 75% of the
employers responding to the
3) Survey will be repeated
Employer survey will report
that College of Business
during the 2011-2012 AY.
graduates demonstrate the
ability to reason, analyze,
define, and solve problems,
4) 97 percent of employers
and make decisions
responding to the Spring
2011 survey indicated that
College of Business
graduates hired by their
organizations demonstrated
average to excellent problem
solving skills.
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
1) The goal was met on this
using the Peregrine
Academic Services CPC
COMP exam in most
functional areas. Faculty will
use the results to guide
curriculum decisions during
the 2011-2012 AY. Graduate
faculty will consider adding a
graduate legal environment
of business course to the
curriculum. The College will
administer this exam to
undergraduate students
enrolled in MGT 499 during
the 2011-2012 AY.
2) Aviation students
performances failed to meet
this objective. Students
failing to pass the exam
were given additional
assignments. Improvements
were noted over the
previous year.
3) Results of the
Alumni/Graduate survey will
be analyzed and used to
make curriculum
4) Beginning Fall 2011, each
academic unit within the
College of Business will
establish an advisory council
to provide input on
curriculum and trends in the
various business and
aviation professions. It is
anticipated that this
approach will result in a
better mix of theory and
practice exposure for our
College of Business Goals:
For the Current Year (2010-2011)
Goal # 1: Increase assessment efforts and improve gathering and reporting
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 1: Increase student learning (DSU will ensure through enhanced programs that graduates are
well prepared for successful careers, meaningful work in a global society, and engaged citizenship)
SP Goal # 2: Develop an engaged, diverse, high-quality student population. (Delta State will attract,
retain, and graduate an increasingly engaged and success-oriented student population)
2. Evaluation Procedure (s):
Annual assurance of learning measures and reports will meet data quality standards
acceptable for use in making programs’ enhancement decisions (internal) & satisfaction of
accreditation requirements.
3. Actual Results of Evaluation:
Conducted Employer Survey during spring 2011 semester. Results are
incorporated in learning outcomes.
Partnered with Peregrine Academic Services to administer the Common
Professional Components (CPC) exam post tests to MGT 695 traditional
MBA course and spring iMBA Module (Financial Strategy). Results are
included in learning outcomes.
Prepared periodic quality of assurance report for business programs for
4. Uses of Evaluation Results:
The College will use results to guide curriculum and course changes.
Goal # 2: Increase the perception of quality of our academic programs to potential
students, alumni, and employers.
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 2: Develop an engaged, diverse, high-quality student population. (Delta State will
attract, retain, and graduate an increasingly engaged and success-oriented student population)
QEP Goal # 1: Delta State University will enhance student engagement through increased
student-student interaction and faculty-student interaction.
QEP Goal # 4: Student engagement in free-flowing, multi-directional communication with
faculty and other students will increase.
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
2. Evaluation Procedure(s):
ACT and SAT scores of enrolling students, passing rates of students on licensure examinations,
the number of transfer students, and the freshmen to sophomore retention rate.
3. Actual Results of Evaluation:
College advertised graduate programs in the Memphis Grizzles Yearbook.
College partnered with Peregrine Academic Services to administer the
Common Professional Components (CPC) exam post tests to MGT 695
traditional MBA course and spring iMBA Module (Financial Strategy).
Dean participated in alumni gatherings and served as the principal speaker
at three (3) community wide events for educational institutions.
COB faculty conducted a market demand analysis to determine the
educational interests in Clarksdale and Greenville.
20 business firms participated in the College of Business Career Fair in Fall
2010, while 24 employers participated in Spring 2011.
Initiated a process to give students the option of taking every course in a
face-to-face (daytime), face-to-face (nighttime), and online within a two year
Expanded the number of on-line course offerings from 84 (summer 09, fall
09, spring 10) to 97 (summer 10, fall 10, spring 11).
Submitted a survey to student body at Hinds Community College (HCC) to
gauge interest in online or face-to-face course offerings. Survey results will
be used to determine the feasibility of establishing a two plus two
arrangement with HCC.
The College joined the SAP University Alliance. SAP is the market leader in
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platforms. As a member of the
alliance, the College will have access to content including lesson plans and
assignments by other professors using SAP.
Developed a human resources management module and health care services
modules for review and possible inclusion in iMBA curriculum during the
2012 academic year.
Department of Commercial Aviation is in negotiations with Pinnacle
Airlines Corporation concerning a Direct Hire Program. The program
would provide Pinnacle Airlines with a continuous flow of qualified pilots as
well providing DSU aviation graduates with guaranteed career
4. Uses of Evaluation Results:
College will explore 2 plus 2 partnerships with community colleges throughout
the State.
Develop a 4-year evening schedule for students interested in obtaining BBA in
non-traditional format
Expand the number of on-line course offerings
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
Goal # 3: Increase the quality of the student body.
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 2: Develop an engaged, diverse, high-quality student population. (Delta State will
attract, retain, and graduate an increasingly engaged and success-oriented student population)
QEP Goal # 1: Delta State University will enhance student engagement through increased
student-student interaction and faculty-student interaction.
QEP Goal # 4: Student engagement in free-flowing, multi-directional communication with
faculty and other students will increase.
2. Evaluation Procedure(s):
ACT and SAT scores of enrolling students, passing rates of students on licensure examinations,
the number of transfer students, and the freshmen to sophomore retention rate.
3. Actual Results of Evaluation:
The overall retention rate for the College of Business from fall 2009 to fall
2010 was 54.55%. Results varied by academic majors. Goal was exceeded
among aviation management, flight operations, and marketing majors. The
College is making progress towards its goal of a 70% retention rate by fall
Average ACT scores increased 11% from 18 in fall 2009 to 20 in fall 2010.
Average GPA on select courses for students entering graduate programs
increased by approximately 2% in fall 2010.
College of Business Advising Center staff participated in more than 24
career fairs/recruitment events and advised 412 students during the 2010-11
The Chair of Entrepreneurship in Business Technology offered thirty five
(35) entrepreneurial counseling sessions to students during the 2011
academic year.
The College is in the process of developing a marketing plan to target Delta
residents enrolled in online programs at for-profit institutions.
Division of Management, Marketing, and Business Administration produced
a newsletter in spring 2011.
Revised the graduate and undergraduate websites for the College.
The College has joined the SAP University Alliance. This partnership will
provide additional employment opportunities for our students.
4. Uses of Evaluation Results:
College of Business will expand the scope of the College of Business Advising
College will continue to encourage more student participation in the BSAC and
other campus organizations.
Develop a marketing plan targeting area students enrolled in for-profit
Enhance college and division/department websites
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
Goal # 4: Increase the quality of the faculty
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 3: Assure high-quality, diverse, engaged faculty and staff. (Delta State will attract, retain,
and support an engaged and highly-trained workforce)
2. Evaluation Procedure (s):
The percentage of minority faculty and staff will be analyzed. Faculty scholarship (e.g., journal
articles and presentations) and the number of scholarly activities (e.g., conferences & attended)
will be cataloged.
3. Actual Results of Evaluation:
CIBER MENA Faculty Development in International Business United Arab
Emirates and Egypt, January 1-15, 2011. Three faculty members
Number of faculty participating in Summer 2011 Study Abroad Program
increased by 200% from one to three.
4. Uses of Evaluation Results:
Enhanced recruiting efforts for all underrepresented faculty positions
College will seek to involve more faculty in Magellan Exchange Program.
Goal # 5: Increase external funding for faculty and student support
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 4: Enhance institutional effectiveness: (DSU will improve its financial, physical, and
resource capacities, establishing efficiencies in programs and services)
2. Evaluation Procedure (s):
The College will evaluate the amount of private donations, scholarship and grant funds
3. Actual Results of Evaluation:
Initiated discussion with MVSU concerning possible economic development
initiative in partnership with Mid Delta Community Development.
College partnered with M&F Bank to conduct a focus group meeting on
community banking services and opportunities in the Mississippi Delta. The
Chair of Entrepreneurship in Business Technology established and
maintained sixteen (16) partnerships during FY 2011.
Established Robert Frost Fleming Strategic Management Award.
College of Business submitted grant proposals to USDA, SBA Prime, Delta
Health Alliance, Global UGrad Program, and Department of Education.
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
Grants funded: Delta Business Health Institute (DHA), Debts Education for
Business Transformation and Sustainability (DEBTS), and Department of
4. Uses of Evaluation Results:
A faculty research team will be developed to assist junior faculty with
intellectual contributions and enhance collaboration among COB faculty and
other academic disciplines.
Continue to support a team of proposal writers within COB drawing on the
strength of each team member to develop budget, conduct research, write the
proposal, establish and identify partnerships, collect letters of support, and
edit, etc.
The College will develop a list of needs and make every effort to fit the needs
with a local business interest. For example, local banks will be asked to
support an electronic investment/trade room.
Develop and expand alumni and friends networks to increase scholarship and
endowment funds.
Goal # 6: Increase the number of professional practice opportunities for students
and faculty.
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 5: Improve the quality of life for all constituents. (Improving its image and impact,
DSU will increase and enhance outreach, service, and partnerships initiatives, in the region and
2. Evaluation Procedure (s):
The College will evaluate the number of collaborative efforts among college of business &
interdisciplinary centers.
3. Actual Results of Evaluation:
College provided twelve (14) counseling sessions to existing entrepreneurs
and potential business owners. Ninety five (95) participants attended the
Conversation with Entrepreneurs during the spring 2011 semester.
College is in the process of gathering data on online courses taken by Delta
The Delta State University Center for Economic Education and Research
was established in July 2010. The Center sponsored the College of Business
Lecture Series with Dr. Norman Augustine, retired chair of Lockheed
Martin. The Center also updated David Rockefeller’s speech from a “Rural
to Industrial Economy” given to the 21th annual meeting of the Delta
Council in May 1956.
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
The Center has also partnered with the Mississippi Council of Economic
Education to present a Master Teacher in Economics and Entrepreneurship
workshop on our campus June 6-July 1.
4. Uses of Evaluation Results:
Faculty will conduct research through the Center for Business &
Entrepreneurial Research.
College of Business faculty and staff will become more active in the local
Chamber of Commerce.
College of Business will partner with local entities to acquire software to be
used in local business research.
College will partner with the Mississippi Council on Economic Education
(MCEE) to establish a Center for Economic Education and Research (CEER)
on the DSU campus.
Establish a baseline measure of internship opportunities for students.
For Coming Year (2011-2012)
Goal # 1: Increase assessment efforts and improve gathering and reporting
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 1: Increase student learning (DSU will ensure through enhanced programs that graduates are
well prepared for successful careers, meaningful work in a global society, and engaged citizenship)
SP Goal # 2: Develop an engaged, diverse, high-quality student population. (Delta State will attract,
retain, and graduate an increasingly engaged and success-oriented student population)
2. Evaluation Procedure (s):
Annual assurance of learning measures and reports will meet data quality standards
acceptable for use in making programs’ enhancement decisions (internal) & satisfaction of
accreditation requirements.
3. Expected Results:
Conduct Graduate/Alumni Survey during 2011-2012 AY.
Partner with Peregrine Academic Services to administer Common
Professional Components (CPC) Exam to MGT 499 classes.
Each academic unit will establish an advisory council with meetings held
independently during the 2011-2012 AY, but concurrently thereafter. These
councils will assist the units in assessing the relevance of our curriculum and
the preparation of our graduates.
4. Anticipated/Intended Uses of Evaluation Results:
Department of Commercial Aviation will prepare a self-study for accreditation by AABI.
Changes to curriculum will be more mission and data-driven and will meet expectations of
stakeholders. Faculty members will continue to monitor and adjust the curriculums to reflect
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
learning outcomes. Increased attention to assessment efforts will enhance the efficiency of
assessment instruments, close the gap between actual and desired results, and enrich the
educational experience of our students.
Goal # 2: Increase the perception of quality of our academic programs to potential
students, alumni, and employers.
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 2: Develop an engaged, diverse, high-quality student population. (Delta State will
attract, retain, and graduate an increasingly engaged and success-oriented student population)
QEP Goal # 1: Delta State University will enhance student engagement through increased
student-student interaction and faculty-student interaction.
QEP Goal # 4: Student engagement in free-flowing, multi-directional communication with
faculty and other students will increase.
2. Evaluation Procedure(s):
ACT and SAT scores of enrolling students, passing rates of students on licensure examinations,
the number of transfer students, and the freshmen to sophomore retention rate.
3. Expected results:
A 5% increase in graduate & undergraduate course enrollment by AY 20122013
A 5% increase in credit hours generated by AY 2012-2013.
4. Anticipated/Intended Uses of Evaluation Results:
COB faculty will explore 2 plus 2 agreements with community colleges across
the State of Mississippi.
College will develop a plan to equip two classrooms in Broom Hall with
technology required to offer “blended” courses.
Establish a baseline for the number of students employed in a business related
field (within 6 months of graduation)
Develop a 4-year evening schedule for students interested in obtaining BBA in
non-traditional format
Expand the number of on-line course offerings
Goal # 3: Increase the quality of the student body.
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 2: Develop an engaged, diverse, high-quality student population. (Delta State will
attract, retain, and graduate an increasingly engaged and success-oriented student population)
QEP Goal # 1: Delta State University will enhance student engagement through increased
student-student interaction and faculty-student interaction.
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
QEP Goal # 4: Student engagement in free-flowing, multi-directional communication with
faculty and other students will increase.
2. Evaluation Procedure(s):
ACT and SAT scores of enrolling students, passing rates of students on licensure examinations,
the number of transfer students, and the freshmen to sophomore retention rate.
3. Expected results:
COB’s retention rate from freshmen to sophomore will reach 70% by fall
Average test scores (ACT) of entering students will increase by 5%.
GPA on select core courses for students entering graduate programs will
increase by 5%.
4. Anticipated/Intended Uses of Evaluation Results:
College of Business will make every effort to continue and expand the scope of
the College of Business Advising Center.
College will continue to encourage more student participation in the BSAC and
other campus organizations.
Establish a student success center with special emphasis on quantitative,
accounting, and finance courses.
Develop a marketing plan for the College.
Enhance college and division/department websites.
Goal # 4: Increase the quality of the faculty
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 3: Assure high-quality, diverse, engaged faculty and staff. (Delta State will attract, retain,
and support an engaged and highly-trained workforce)
2. Evaluation Procedure (s):
The percentage of minority faculty and staff will be analyzed. Faculty scholarship (e.g., journal
articles and presentations) and the number of scholarly activities (e.g., conferences & attended)
will be cataloged.
3. Expected Results:
Increase the proportion of minority faculty to the regional average of 21% by
AY 2012-2013.
Increase the number of refereed journal articles published each year by the
faculty by 5%.
Increase the number of academic/professional conferences
presentations/attended by faculty each year by 5%.
Increase in the number of professional designations obtained/maintained by
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
4. Anticipated/Intended Use of Evaluation Results:
Enhance recruiting efforts for all underrepresented faculty positions
Support University’s Diversity Plan
Seek external funding to support faculty research and teaching initiatives.
Goal # 5: Increase external funding for faculty and student support
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 4: Enhance institutional effectiveness: (DSU will improve its financial, physical, and
resource capacities, establishing efficiencies in programs and services)
2. Evaluation Procedure (s):
The College will evaluate the amount of private donations, scholarship and grant funds
3. Expected Results of Evaluation:
College of Business faculty/staff development opportunities will increase by
The total number of competitive grant proposals, first time grant writers, &
private donations will increase by 10% by AY 2012-2013.
4. Anticipated/Intended Use of Evaluation Results:
A faculty research team will be developed to assist junior faculty with
intellectual contributions and enhance collaboration among COB faculty and
other academic disciplines.
Continue to support a team of proposal writers within COB drawing on the
strength of each team member to develop budget, conduct research, write the
proposal, establish and identify partnerships, collect letters of support, and
edit, etc.
The College will raise funds for technology upgrades by attempting to match
needs with the interest of local business and industry leaders. For example,
local financial institutions will be asked to support an electronic
investment/trade room.
Develop and expand alumni and friends networks to increase scholarship and
endowment funds.
Goal # 6: Increase the number of professional practice opportunities for students
and faculty.
1. Institutional Goal which supported this goal:
SP Goal # 5: Improve the quality of life for all constituents. (Improving its image and impact,
DSU will increase and enhance outreach, service, and partnerships initiatives, in the region and
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
2. Evaluation Procedure (s):
The College will evaluate the number of collaborative efforts among college of business &
interdisciplinary centers.
3. Expected Results of Evaluation:
The total number of outreach efforts (collaborations between academic,
service, businesses, and interdisciplinary units/centers) will increase by 20%
during AY 2012-2013.
The number of student internship opportunities will increase by 10% by AY
4. Anticipated/Intended Use of Evaluation Results:
Faculty will conduct research through the Center for Business &
Entrepreneurial Research.
College of Business faculty and staff will become more active in the local
business and industry organizations and agencies.
Data and Information for Department:
Vision Statement: To produce business professionals for lives of service to their communities and
contributions to their organizations and to society as a whole.
Mission Statement: The College of Business prepares students for the marketplace by providing
challenging educational opportunities.
A. Number of Majors: Average number of College of Business majors is provided in the
following illustrations:
Number of Majors
Total Number of Majors
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
The College experienced a 7.18% decline in the number of undergraduate majors and a slight
.59% increase in graduate students.
B. Credit Hour Production: The following table displays academic year credit hour
production for undergraduate and graduate programs.
Program Area
Total Credit Hours
Graduate credit hour production increased 4.25%, while undergraduate credit hour production
declined by 11.37% resulting in an overall credit hour production decline of 8.50%. It is anticipated
that the measures implemented to increase enrollment will also bolster credit hour production.
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
C. Number of Graduates: The following table provides data on the number of graduates for the academic years 2002-03
to 2010-11.
Number of
Number of
D. Diversity Compliance Initiatives and Progress:
The College supported a minority faculty and a staff member in completing doctoral
The College supported a minority AMERICORPS member during the 2010-11 AY.
The College hired two minorities to serve as projector directors and two minorities in
staff positions for grant funded programs (DBIH & DEBTS).
Economic Development initiatives and/or impact:
Established the Center for Economic Education and Research in July 2010.
The College developed and delivered a debt management curriculum to four (4) area
businesses through a PRIME Grant from Small Business Administration.
The College provided health screenings and educational seminars to 216 employees of
area businesses through a grant from Delta Health Alliance.
The Center for Economic Education and Research partnered with the Mississippi
Council of Economic Education to present a Master Teacher in Economics and
Entrepreneurship workshop on our campus June 6-July 1.
Chair of Entrepreneurship in Business Technology sponsored 2 Conversation with
Entrepreneurs series, 53 Business Counseling sessions, 28 presented workshops for
local business entities and students.
Partnered with M& F Bank to conduct a focus group meeting on community banking
service and opportunities in the Mississippi Delta.
The Division of Accountancy, Computer Information Systems, and Finance was
awarded a $190,000 federal grant to enhance business education including focus on
economic development and international study abroad.
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
Grants, Contracts, Partnerships, Other Accomplishments
The Chair of Entrepreneurship established and/or maintained sixty-two (62)
partnerships during AY 2010-2011.
College of Business submitted grant proposals to USDA, SBA Prime, Delta Health
Alliance, Global UGrad Program, and Department of Education. Grants funded:
Delta Business Health Institute (DHA), Debts Education for Business Transformation
and Sustainability (DEBTS), and Department of Education. Total grant funding:
$400,000*. *DBIH Grant was reduced by $107,000.
Received over $500,000 in state appropriations.
Awarded over $28,000 in student scholarships and awards.
College sponsored two study abroad trips in Summer 2011.
College of Business faculty had more than 15 journal article publications including an
article in a journal in Turkey.
College of Business faculty had 48 professional presentations during AY 2010-11
throughout the United States and Guam.
Attended a Faculty Development in International Business (FDIB) study abroad tour
of Singapore and Malaysia December 31, 2010 to January 13, 2011
Activities and accomplishments:
Dr. K. P. Sridharan, Professor of Economics and Finance retired.
Dr. Billy Morehead, Chair, Division of Accountancy, Computer Information Systems,
and Finance retired.
Dr. Billy C. Moore, Dean, was named President of Board of Mississippi State Youth
Dr. Billy C. Moore, Dean, was named to the Board of Directors of the Mid Delta
Community Development Corporation.
Dr. Billy C. Moore was recognized for 25 years of service.
April Monday, Computer Information Systems major, received the 1st Diploma during
Spring 2011 Commencement.
Emily Hearn, Management major with International Business Emphasis, was inducted
into the DSU Student Hall of Fame.
Russell Watkins, Director of College of Business Advising and Recruitment Center,
accepted a position in the Office of Finance and Administration.
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report
VI. Degree Program Addition/Deletions and/or Major Curriculum Changes:
Changes made in the past year:
Revised all majors within College of Business to 21 hours where possible. This
revision will allow for a reduction of duplication in course content and the
opportunity to cover key business concepts in more depth.
Recommended changes for the coming year(s).
College will explore adding a human resources management, nonprofit management,
and health care administration option (s) to the iMBA curriculum.
Development of a Services Management concentration in the Management curriculum.
Development of a 2+2 curriculum with MS Delta Community College and Coahoma
Community College Hospitality programs.
College of Business –Executive Summary Annual Report