What services could the IRP office provide to make your work more effective?
“Perform course evaluations online. Department
secretaries are left with the job of re-typing
comments made by students, and it doesn't get
done. Faculty are missing out on valuable feedback
that could be made instantly (nearly) available.”
In Spring 2009, the office of IRP took on the duty
of typing up all comments for every department.
We are pleased to say that we have now made a
transition to an all-online course evaluation process
for Fall 2009.
“On the online request form, add the ability to
attach a file. Sometimes I want to provide an
example of what I need, so I need to email the
request or hope for the best.”
Great suggestion; we will work with OIT to see
how this can be done.
“Make us more aware about the services that you
provide” & “Not sure yet what you all do.”
Please see this link regarding the services we
provide. Additionally, please browse around our
website. Our newsletter (sent out to all on campus
near the beginning of every month) also has details
about our services.
We believe that this problem will be solved when
we make the transition to all-online course
evaluations in Fall 2009.
Please see our current University Factbook, click
“Student evaluations of faculty are not very helpful
in planning instruction when those evaluations take
months to be delivered.”
“Easy access to the most current demographical
information including faculty pay ranges and
racial/ethnic stats.”
“Not sure yet, maybe fundraising?”
“Provide data in SPSS format”
“Provide data on student demographics”
“Training for faculty to find information that is
online or accessible without having to go through
“Get the evaluations right the first time; provide
information in a timely manner.”
Please refer to the Alumni Foundation and/or the
Office of Institutional Grants for further
information on fundraising. We can provide data
to support your efforts.
Our office uses Microsoft Excel for the majority of
our reporting mechanisms; however, if you request
that we use SPSS for your analysis and we have
raw data to work with, we will be glad to do so.
Additionally, our office is in the process of moving
many of our files over to SPSS format.
Please see our current University Factbook, click
If you currently need training, please contact our
office. We will be glad to assist you with finding
the information you need. Email us at
We’d like to have clarification on this response. If
you received any information that is not correct, we
hope that you will notify us immediately.
Additionally, if we have not met the deadline you
specified, please let us know.
“Provide more succinct instructions in reading
reports they generate. Reconcile Banner reports
with IHL data; be more specific with instructions to
decrease discrepancies in reconciliation.”
“I'm very concerned how DSU and the Delta
appear to outsiders. Not responding to mass media
surveys read and analyzed by millions of people reemphasizes our isolation in the mind of others.
Each year the AAUP does a national survey of
faculty salaries, and IRP does not submit the
relevant figures to that survey. This survey is
critical, because media organizations use this to
talk about issues in academia.” Also, DSU seldom
completely and thoroughly responds to the US
NEWS and WORLD REPORT survey of colleges.
I know the rankings are controversial, but
seriously, the report is fairly simple, and all our
peer institutions are able to make time to fill it out.
We should as well, as many, many potential
students look at these rankings, and they are a
constant quick reference point for many media
professionals. JOIN IN, STAND OUT....isn't that
what the new slogan is?”
“Sort data into profiles that are easier for Divisions
to follow.”
“Ability to have more control over response rate
with evaluations in terms of posting and alerting
those students who have not completed their
“The faculty teaching evaluations that my students
complete are NOT forwarded to me by our chair. I
want the evaluations sent DIRECTLY from IRP to
the faculty in ALL departments on this campus.
This will solve this problem.”
As we continue to our effort in maintaining data
integrity we will work with each of you to provide
as succinct instructions as possible to help alleviate
confusion. Please let us know immediately if you
receive something and you do not understand our
instructions and we will provide a better
explanation. We appreciate the work you do.
IRP doesn’t respond to AAUP because there is a
cost associated with participation of the survey.
However, IRP does respond to the free CUPA
survey, which is completed annually and contains
the same information as AAUP in regards to
faculty salaries. See link for CUPA!
IRP currently responds (without cost) to the
following U.S. News and World Report surveys
click here! Many of those surveys require you to
purchase the data. U.S. News only offers basic
information for no cost. We do not purchase
reports; however you may pay for the premium
service at your convenience. See this link!
If our office has not provided data in a format that
is easy for you to follow, please let us know and we
will adjust the information according to your needs.
Since our office is going to all online surveys we
hope that this will help control response rates. If
you want to know how many students have
responded to a survey, email Marcie Behrens
(, and she will tell you
the number of responses you have received.
The approved process for evaluations is that the
results for each department are emailed
immediately to the Division/Department Chair
when they are completed. A comprehensive
college result is sent to the Dean. You will need to
discuss this particular problem with your Chair and
your Dean.
“I am responding to this survey second time, since
I wanted to add this (I also realized that I had
misunderstood one question.) The idea of sending
the result of the course evaluations online is great.
However, I would like to request that the format
should be reconsidered. As far as I remember, there
were fewer pages to show the result before than
now when the evaluations are sent online. I assume
that faculty would like to keep the hard copy for
their files, so they print the evaluations. When they
do so, they are using more sheets of paper. Would
you please consider using a better format to save
paper? Thank you.”
If ever you need a document in a different format
for printing purposes, please email Marcie Behrens