Minnesota State University, Mankato Department of Social Work BSSW Program

Minnesota State University, Mankato
Department of Social Work
BSSW Program
Application to the Major
Admission Information
Please read BEFORE you complete the
Application to the BSSW Program.
BSSW Program Application Process Information. Jan2015.
The Department of Social Work’s BSSW Program admits 34 students per semester.
The BSSW faculty reserves the right to limit class size and cap admissions as needed.
Students who meet the following criteria by the end of the semester in which they
are applying are given priority in the BSSW Program’s admission decisionmaking process.
Students who apply to the BSSW Program in the spring semester can complete
these requirements by the end of the summer session that follows the spring
semester in which they apply for admission into the BSSW Program.
Please NOTE: Failure to complete the application in professional and timely manner
may result in a delay or denial of your consideration for admission into the BSSW
A. Preparation for Upper Division Curriculum/
1. Grades
 Applicant submits evidence of Grade Point Average (GPA). GPA of 2.8 or
better for both cumulative and total coursework and for all courses required
for the BSSW degree.
Applicant has earned a grade of ‘C-’* or better in all required general
education courses*, introductory, integrating, AND advanced social work
courses. In addition grade of ‘P’ in SOWK 315 (or SOWK 312 or equivalent
course) AND a rating of a 3 (out of likert scale of 1-5) or better on the SOWK
315 (SOWAK 312 or equivalent junior field course) Final Agency Evaluation
of Student and the student’s overall rating on the Final Agency Evaluation of
Student must include a rating of ‘Student Generally meets Internship
courses used to meet General Education category #4, Math, must
have earned grade of ‘C’ or better.
2. General Education Categories
Applicant has completed or will have completed by the end of the
semester in which they are applying to the BSSW Program ALL General
Education categories to meet the graduation requirements (Diverse
Cultures and Writing Intensive) in the semester you are applying to the BSSW
3. Required Social Work General Education Courses
If using catalog/bulletin from 2012-2013 to present, applicant has
completed or in the process of completing all required Social Work General
BSSW Program Application Process Information. Jan2015.
Education Goal Area Courses and Graduation Requirements (Writing
Intensive and Diverse Cultures Courses, which include the following
categories for Social Work: Human Development; Values, Ethics & Critical
Thinking; Biology; Human Diversity A and B; Social, Economic & Political
Perspectives; and Statistical Methods
If using catalog/bulletin from 2011-2012 or previous years, applicant has
completed or in the process of completing all required Social Work General
Education Courses, which include the following courses BIOL100, ECON
100, ETHN100, KSP 235, POL 111, SOC 101, and an approved statistics
NOTE: Statistics course, if not used to meet General Education category #4,
does not need to be completed prior to first semester accepted into the
BSSW Program.
4. Introductory Social Work Courses
Applicant has completed or is in process of completing
 SOWK 180W (or SOWK 190W), SOWK 212 (OR SOWK 210), and
SOWK 214 (waived if not completed prior to Fall 2014),
 SOWK 310 (or SOWK 305) and SOWK 315 (or SOWK 312)
5. Graduation Credits and Course Workload
Applicant has completed or in the process of completing 75 or more credits
hours by the end of the semester in which they are applying/
Applicant has submitted a Course Plan that
o Meets, at a minimum, the 120 (128 if using catalog/bulletins before 20102011) credit hours required for graduation AND demonstrates the
appropriate sequencing of Social Work advanced curriculum.
o Presents a carefully considered and realistic course and credit workload
plan after you are admitted to the major that reflects your academic
strengths/limitations, work, family, and other responsibilities and for
completing courses for a minor or second major (if applicable).
B. Professional Skills, Behaviors and Attitudes
1. Oral and Written Communication Skills
Applicant can write well, think critically, and engage in verbal skills to apply
the knowledge, values, and skills of the profession at a level required for
successful completion of the advanced BSSW curriculum and for beginning
generalist social work practitioner as demonstrated through essays.
2. Pre-Professional Development Activities
Applicant demonstrates preparation for generalist social work practice
through participation in paid or unpaid human service, military, organizations,
or other types of volunteer activities that provide applicant with the opportunity
to develop knowledge and skills required to become a successful generalist
social work practitioner.
BSSW Program Application Process Information. Jan2015.
Applicant has demonstrated positive academic, personal, and preprofessional behaviors and attitudes in multiple environments (including but
not limited to classes, BSSW and Institutional program activities, field
practice, and social media) that are indicative of successful Social Work
education and practice.
3. Commitment to Diversity, Advocacy, and Social Justice, etc.
 Applicant demonstrates through summaries of their employment history,
volunteer experiences, and/or organizational involvement, etc. (see section B
in application) and essays an understanding of the importance of, preparation
for, and a commitment to practice in diverse communities in rural and/or
global contexts.
Applicant commits to conduct himself or herself professionally and ethically,
and commits to following MSU, Mankato’s Student Handbook--The Basic
Stuff, BSSW Student Handbook, NASW Code of Ethics, International Social
Work Code of Ethics, and MN State Statue 148E. Failure to meet any of
these standards and policies may result in disciplinary actions up to and
including dismissal from the BSSW Program.
The BSSW Faculty recommends that you follow the steps below to ensure a
successful application process.
1. Make sure you have been ASSIGNED and MET with a BSSW Program Advisor
before beginning the application to the BSSW Program process.
2. Read the Minnesota State University, Mankato Department of Social Work
Undergraduate Social Work Handbook, in particular the information about Program
requirements and applying to the major and MSU, M Student Handbook, The Basic
3. Read the Minnesota Board of Social Work Statutes and Practice Act: MS 148E, and
the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) NASW Code of Ethics and the
International Social Work Association’s Code of Ethics. (NOTE: See BSSW
Academic and Professional Behaviors Statement of Responsibilities Contract for
more information).
4. Review the application carefully, make note of any questions or areas of confusion,
and meet with your BSSW Program advisor as soon as possible to get clarification.
DO NOT wait until the week that the BSSW Program application is due.
5. Complete the application and gather ALL supporting documents. Make and keep a
copy of all application materials.
6. Meet with your BSSW Program advisor to review the application. Your advisor’s
signature is required on the completed application. It is STRONGLY recommended
that you DO NOT WAIT until the week that applications are due to ask to meet with
BSSW Program Application Process Information. Jan2015.
your advisor. Waiting to meet with you advisor until the week the application is due
may result in a student being unable to submit an application as the advisor(s) may
choose to not sign your application. The BSSW Program does not accept
applications that are not signed by a BSSW Program Faculty Advisor.
7. Submit the completed application in a manila file folder to the Department of Social
Work’s Secretary in the main office (TN 358) by the posted deadline.
8. The BSSW Faculty strongly recommends that you sign up for the Social Work
Program’s Listserv to ensure that you do not miss communication between the
BSSW Program and students at
After you have submitted your completed and signed application and all required materials to
the Department, your application is reviewed by the BSSW Program Director and BSSW
Graduate Assistant to ensure that it is complete.
Applications that are missing multiple parts or are very disorganized. Applicants
will be informed and their application will not be sent forward to faculty for final review.
Applications that are missing minor document/content. Applicant may be asked to
complete their applications; however, the application may be not be reviewed until after
the review of complete applications has been completed.
Applicants who do not meet the requirement. Applicants who do not meet the
requirements will be informed that they are applying too soon for the BSSW Program
and will be invited to resubmit their application in a semester that better fits their
academic status.
1. The BSSW Faculty members review your application and make a recommendation
regarding your readiness for admission to the BSSW Program.
2. Decisions statuses include: (a) Admit with standard conditions; (b) Admit but delay to next
semester; (c) Deny & Reapply; (d) Deny & See Advisor.
3. Applicants who were ‘Admitted with Standard Conditions’ will receive an informal email
notifying the student of their acceptance with information about the Welcome to Major
meeting (mandatory attendance).
4. All applicants will receive a formal letter with the admission decision and information about
the next steps.
BSSW Program Application Process Information. Jan2015.
BSSW Program Application Process Information. Jan2015.