French 1 Enrolment code: HEF100

Unit details [HEF]
French 1
Enrolment code: HEF100
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Places its main stress on the development of a sound basic knowledge of the structure of
the language and on practice in the four basic language skills bringing students to a degree
of linguistic competence equivalent at least to TCE French Stage 4.
Staff: Dr B Peeters, Dr A Hafez-Ergaut (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4x1-hr lectures/tutorials, 1-hr language lab weekly (26 wks)
Assess: weekly assignments (20%), 2-hr exam (mid-year, 20%), oral test (wk 26, 20%), 3-hr
exam (end-of-year, 40%)
Majors: French
Courses: [R3A] [R3J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
French Language Skills 2
Enrolment code: HEF201
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Is an advanced post-TCE course which places its main emphasis on the development of a
sound command of the four language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.
Modes of assessment are varied and include traditional homework and internet activities.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 3x1-hr lectures/tutorials weekly (26 wks)
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA) or equiv
Assess: weekly assignments (20%), 2 tests (week 13, 15%), 2-hr exam (mid-year, 20%), 2
tests (week 26, 15%), 3-hr exam (end-of-year, 30%)
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] OC:
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Unit details [HEF]
Faculty website: <>
French Linguistics: An Overview
Enrolment code: HEF210/310
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: offered every second year
Unit description:
Linguistics is the scientific study of human language apprehended through the diversity
of human languages. French linguistics uses the tools of linguistics at large to tell us more
about the language called French. The unit looks at the nuts and bolts of the French
language system: its sounds, its words, its syntax. It aims at being descriptive rather than
prescriptive, explicit rather than vague. While the focus is on modern standard French,
there will be occasional digressions into the past or into other varieties of French
throughout the world.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr seminars weekly
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA) or equiv
Assess: regular assignments (20%), 1,200 essay in French or 1,500-word essay in English
(30%), 3-hr exam in Nov (50%)
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Cross-Cultural Communication: English–French
Enrolment code: HEF213/313
Offered: not offered in 2004
Special note: Students taking this unit as part of an English major need to have 25% English
units at level 100 plus HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA) or equivalent
Unit description:
Aims to familiarise students with some of the main topics of interest in cross-cultural
communication, with illustrations drawn from French and from situations where native
speakers of French and of (Australian) English encounter each other and engage in
discourse using each other’s language.
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Unit details [HEF]
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr lectures weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA) or equiv
Assess: regular assignments (20%), 1,200-word essay in French or 1,500-word essay in
English (30%), 3-hr exam in Nov (50%)
Majors: English
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R3J] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Linguistics of French Newstexts
Enrolment code: HEF214/314
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: taught in English; some knowledge of French is desirable but not essential
Unit description:
Uses the tools of linguistics to examine how French reporters share a story with their
readers. Puns in titles, the spread of information throughout a story, the use of specific
verbal tenses etc make the language of newspapers into a genre of its own, worthy of
serious linguistic investigation. Examples are primarily drawn from newspapers
published in French, but in appropriate circumstances students will be encouraged to
make comparisons with newspaper reporting in other languages they may be familiar
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr lectures/tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: 25% at 100 level in any Arts discipline
Assess: 2,000-word essay (50%), 3-hr exam in June (50%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Twentieth Century French Theatre
Enrolment code: HEF221/321
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Unit details [HEF]
Offered: not offered in 2004
Special note: not available to students enrolled in HEF302; offered every third year
Unit description:
Offers an initiation into the stimulating world of 20th-century French theatre, where
innovative stagecraft and fine psychological insight are used to raise fundamental human
issues. Three popular plays will be analysed in detail: Antigone by Jean Anouilh, Knock ou
Le triomphe de la médecine by Jules Romains, and La Femme du Boulanger by Marcel Pagnol.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr seminars weekly
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA) or equiv
Assess: tutorial presentation and paper (20%), 1,200-word essay in French or 2,000-word
essay in English (30%), 3-hr exam in June (50%)
Required: As specified in the unit description above (any edition)
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
The French Novel (1750–1900)
Enrolment code: HEF224/324
Offered: not offered in 2004
Special note: offered every third year; next offered 2005
Unit description:
Traces the development of the novel in France from Voltaire’s contes philosophiques to the
romantic or crude realism of Stendhal’s and Zola’s novelistic world. Three of the period’s
most outstanding novels will be examined in detail, and particular attention will be paid
to the works of Voltaire, Stendhal, Mérimée and Maupassant.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr lectures weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: HEF100 (DN) or TCE French Stage 4 (HA) or equiv
Assess: tutorial presentation and paper (20%), 1,200-word essay in French or 2,000-word
essay in English (30%), 3-hr exam in June (50%)
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
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Unit details [HEF]
Faculty website: <>
The French Novella
Enrolment code: HEF233/333
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Introduces students to a wide range of French and French-speaking writers in a specific
genre: the novella or short story, from the late nineteenth and twentieth century. All texts
focus on the deceitful and evasive pursuit of happiness, a pervasive theme in French and
French-speaking literatures. This unit aims to broaden students’ perspectives on French
literature as well as to enhance a deeper understanding of the French language and the
French culture. It is also designed to draw parallels with other existing units, particularly
HEF224/324 The French Novel (1750-1900) and HEF323 The French Novel (1900-1950).
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 hrs weekly, alternating seminars and tutorial on a fortnightly basis
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA) or equiv
Assess: 1,500-word essay in French or no less than 2,500-word essay in English (40%), oral
presentation (in French or in English at level 200, in French only at level 300) (20%) 2-hr
exam (40%).
Majors: French
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
French Language Skills 3
Enrolment code: HEF301
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Builds on the competency achieved by students in HEF201, providing further training in
selected topics in French grammar and in translation. The unit also includes two major
assignments to test written comprehension skills, and composition on set topics. Oral skills
are developed in tutorials.
Staff: Dr B Peeters (Coordinator), Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 25%
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Unit details [HEF]
Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly (26 wks)
Prereq: HEF201 or equiv
Assess: weekly assignments (20%), 2x1,300-word essays (20%), written test (sem 1, 10%), 2
oral tests (30%), 3-hr exam (end-of-year, 20%)
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
French Language Skills 3B
Enrolment code: HEF302
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Builds on the competency achieved by students in HEF301, providing advanced training
in selected topics in French grammar and in translation. The unit also includes two major
assignments to further test written comprehension skills, and composition on set topics.
Oral skills continue to be developed in the tutorials.
Staff: Dr B Peeters (Coordinator), Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly (26 wks)
Prereq: HEF301 or equiv
Assess: weekly assignments (20%), 2x1,300-word essays (20%), written test (sem 1, 10%), 2
oral tests (30%), 3-hr exam (end-of-year, 20%)
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
French for Tourism and Business
Enrolment code: HEF303
Offered: not offered in 2004
Special note: offered every third year
Unit description:
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Unit details [HEF]
Enables students to read and understand articles and documents in French in the areas of
business and commerce. Subjects covered will include French companies, employment,
banking, taxation, transport, customs, tourism and business letters.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr lectures weekly
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA) or equiv
Assess: weekly assignments (40%), 3-hr exam in June (60%)
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
French Linguistics: Syntax
Enrolment code: HEF312
Offered: not offered in 2004
Special note: offered every third year; next offered 2005
Unit description:
The so-called artificial and/or arbitrary nature of the French past participle agreement
rules has long been recognised. This unit attempts to provide an overview of discussions
and treatments of the relevant rules by grammarians (starting from Clément Marot in the
16th century) and linguists, including a new formulation in which the notion of direct
object no longer plays any role.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x1hr lectures weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: HEF201 or equiv
Assess: regular assignments (40%), 3-hr exam in June (60%)
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
French Literature: An Overview
Enrolment code: HEF320
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Unit details [HEF]
Offered: not offered in 2004
Special note: offered every third year
Unit description:
Introduces students to the principal literary movements within French literature by
looking at major writers and works. The unit considers the historical context, the
unfolding evolution of ideas and of the French language. Materials studied are not
simplified, adapted or abridged, and include passages of significant novels and poetry.
Students are required to read one complete novel or book of poetry of their choice. They
will also take part in class discussions bearing on the excerpts covered by the syllabus.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr seminars weekly
Prereq: HEF201 or equiv
Assess: tutorial presentation and 500-word paper (20%), 1,500-word essay in French (30%),
3-hr exam in Nov (50%)
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
French-Canadian Women Writers
Enrolment code: HEF322
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: offered every third year; next offered in 2004
Unit description:
With the ‘Quiet Revolution’ as a political and cultural background, women writers have
placed an important, innovative and inspiring role in 20th-century French-Canadian
literature. The unit focuses on works by three major writers: Sur la route d’Altamont and
Bonheur d’occasion by Gabrielle Roy, La Sagouine by Antonine Maillet and Kamouraska by
Anne Hébert. They raise issues such as the place of women in society and the burden of
poverty and deal with the French linguistic and cultural specificity in an Anglo-speaking
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr seminars weekly
Prereq: HEF201 or equiv
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Unit details [HEF]
Assess: tutorial presentation and 500-word paper in French (20%), 1,500-word essay in
French (30%), 3-hr exam in Nov (50%)
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
The French Novel (1900–1950)
Enrolment code: HEF323
Offered: not offered in 2004
Special note: offered every third year; next offered 2005
Unit description:
Offers a detailed study of three outstanding 20th-century authors, Mauriac, Sartre and
Camus, who remain highly relevant to contemporary thinking. The unit raises issues such
as the quest for authenticity, the oppressiveness of traditional structures and the call to
involvement in the existential struggle. Each author is studied within his historical and
cultural setting.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr seminars weekly
Prereq: HEF201 or equiv
Assess: tutorial presentation and 500-word paper in French (20%), 1,500-word essay in
French (30%), 3-hr exam in Nov (50%)
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Le grand écran: French Cinéma
Enrolment code: HEF330
Offered: not offered in 2004
Unit description:
Introduces students to a different aspect of French culture, while further developing their
linguistic and critical thinking skills. The unit consists of a presentation of French films
from the beginning of French cinema to the latest films. Films included in the survey have
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Unit details [HEF]
been chosen either for their socio-cultural and/or historical interest, or for their
relationship to French literature.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3x1-hr lectures, 2-hr screening session fortnightly
Prereq: HEF201 or equiv
Assess: 2x1,500-word essays (40%), 2-hr exam in Nov (60%)
Majors: Art and Design Theory (Hobart)
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Research Project (French)
Enrolment code: HEF331
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: restricted entry; the subject coordinator’s approval is required for enrolment in this
Unit description:
Involves structured reading and writing on a topic agreed on between the individual
student and a supervisor. Students are expected to employ the skills and conceptual
knowledge acquired in earlier units to investigate an appropriate issue or topic over a
one-semester period.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: equiv 2 lectures weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: HEF201 or equiv
Assess: up to 3 pieces of written work totalling 5,000 words in English or 4,000 words in
Majors: French
Courses: [R2A] [R3A] [R6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
French 4 (Honours)
Full time/Part time
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Unit details [HEF]
Enrolment code: HEF400/401
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Special note: full-time students enrol in HEF400 (100%), part-time students in HEF401 (50%)
Unit description:
Intending students should consult with the French lecturers at the earliest opportunity for
information on and guidance with the choice of units. Apart from undertaking further
language study, students will be required to write a thesis and to engage in supervised
reading. Available reading units include:
French Semantics,
French Syntax,
Special Topic in French Linguistics,
The French Novel (1750–1900),
Special Topic in French Literature.
Staff: Dr B Peeters (Coordinator), Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 100%/50%
Prereq: 112.5% major with a GPA of 7.0 or better, and either an HD for HEF301 French
Language Skills 3 or a DN for HEF302 French Language Skills 3B
Courses: [R4A]
Faculty website: <>
Oral and Written French 4
Enrolment code: HEF402
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Special note: notional weight 25%
Unit description:
Contains oral and translation work similar to that prescribed for HEF302 French Language
Skills 3B.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching pattern: tba
Assess: weekly assignments (20%), written test (sem 1, 20%), 2 oral tests (30%), 3-hr exam
(end-of-year, 30%)
Courses: [R4A]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [HEF]
Enrolment code: HEF403
Offered: Hbt:
Special note: notional weight 50%
Unit description:
Students prepare a dissertation of 40–60 pages, in French, on a topic to be determined in
consultation with the lecturers.
Unit weight: 0%
Courses: [R4A]
Faculty website: <>
French Linguistics: Semantics
Enrolment code: HEF411
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: notional weight 12.5%
Unit description:
Why do we say in French ‘Je veux qu’il vienne’ but not ‘Je veux que je vienne’? Why do we
say ‘Sylvie est bleue des yeux’ but not ‘Sylvie est bronzée de peau’? Differences such as
these, which at first sight have nothing to do with meaning, but would appear to be purely
idiosyncratic, will be examined, and it will be shown that there is an often ignored
perspective in the scientific study of languages, which may be called ‘the semantics of
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching pattern: tba
Assess: classwork (40%), 2-hr exam in June (60%)
Courses: [R4A]
Faculty website: <>
French Linguistics: Syntax A
Enrolment code: HEF412
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Unit details [HEF]
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: notional weight 12.5%
Unit description:
The so-called artificial and/or arbitrary nature of the French past participle agreement
rules has long been recognised. This unit attempts to provide an overview of discussions
and treatments of the relevant rules by grammarians (starting from Clément Marot in the
16th century) and linguists, including a new formulation in which the notion of direct
object no longer plays any role.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching pattern: tba
Assess: classwork (40%), 2-hr exam in June (60%)
Courses: [R4A]
Faculty website: <>
Special Topic in French Linguistics
Enrolment code: HEF413
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: notional weight 12.5%
Unit description:
Is a study of a topic in French linguistics of special interest to the student.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching pattern: tba
Assess: 2,500-word essay in French (40%), 2-hr exam in June (60%)
Courses: [R4A]
Faculty website: <>
The French Novel (1750–1900)
Enrolment code: HEF424
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: notional weight 12.5%
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Unit details [HEF]
Unit description:
Traces the development of the novel in France from Voltaire’s contes philosophiques to the
romantic or crude realism of Stendhal’s and Maupassant’s naturalist world. Voltaire’s
sparkling Candide, Stendhal’s Chartreuse de Parme and Maupassant’s Pierre et Jean will be
examined in detail.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching pattern: tba
Assess: tutorial presentation and paper (20%), 1,500-word essay (30%), 2-hr exam in June
Courses: [R4A]
Faculty website: <>
Special Topic in French Literature
Enrolment code: HEF425
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: notional weight 12.5%
Unit description:
Is a study of a topic in French literature of special interest to the student.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching pattern: tba
Assess: 2,500-word essay in French (40%), 2-hr exam in June (60%)
Courses: [R4A]
Faculty website: <>
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