E-Media 1 Enrolment code: FSE110

Unit details [FSE]
E-Media 1
Enrolment code: FSE110
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students not undertaking a BFA, BA-BFA or
BFA-BIS will need to present a folio of work and attend an interview in December to be ranked for
entry into this unit; students should have a basic level of computer literacy before undertaking this
Unit description:
Students study various electronic processes. Students undertake four set projects, each
focused on an introduction to a way of working with electronic media. Students are also
expected to complete a larger self-direct project. A program of studio theory (which gives
a context for the use of technology by artists) is a compulsory component of first-year
Staff: Mr L Hobba and/or Mr W Hart and sessional staff
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 2 hrs lecture/tutorial/critique, 4 hrs practical weekly (26 wks)
Assess: mid-year review of work in progress (not assessed); folio of project work examined
at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Web-based Media
Enrolment code: FSE115
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: this unit is required of all BTM majors
Unit description:
Forms the basis of an electronic journal which can be further developed throughout the
course to used as a personal site and for the delivery of multi-media elements, including
sound, video and graphics. Students will create a web site, research the use of on-line
media as a means of communication and as a site for art works or performance.
Outcomes from year 1 audio and video units will be prepared for web delivery and issues
relating to design and interface will be examined.
Students will lead a seminar presentation via a research paper or equivalent.
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Unit details [FSE]
Staff: Prof. D. Knehans, Mr. L Hobba, and staff tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 1-hr seminar, 2-hr tutorial/workshop weekly; appointments by
Assess: seminar presentation (25%), designs, plans and concept drafts folio (20%), tutorial
notebook (15%), final exhibition presentation (40%)
Required: as assigned by lecturers
Recommend: as assigned by lecturers
Courses: [F3L] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Introduction to Digital Imaging
Enrolment code: FSE120
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: Not available to BFA or BFA/combined degree students. Portfolio admission to unit
may apply.
Unit description:
An introductory course in computing digital imaging technologies, techniques, and
aesthetics, focusing upon art and design related applications . The unit provides a
practically orientated foundation in digital imaging principles, from image capture to
output, developing image manipulation concepts and abilities. Projects and critiques will
be structured appropriate to expectations of this unit which is an introductory engagement
with visual image production.v
Staff: E-Media staff, School of Art tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 -hr tutorial/practical demonstrations weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: Basic computing skills
Assess: short folio of project work examined at end of unit
Required: as assigned by lecturers
Recommend: as assigned by lecturers
Courses: [F3L] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Project 1
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Unit details [FSE]
Enrolment code: FSE126
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: this unit is required of all BTM majors
Unit description:
Each year students will synthesise their learning into an end-of-year project. The units
taken each year by the students will inform the end-of-year project.
In year 1 of the BTM, the units taken will cover digital audio, web-based moving image,
art theory and design and digital imaging. It is therefore expected that the final project will
seek to employ web-based moving image and digital imaging with digital audio in order
to create a project that has some reliance on or integration of these skills.
Students will work with a project supervisor who will set and supervise the projects
undertaken. Project concepts, plans and drafts will be subject to a series of seminar
presentations throughout the semester.
In lieu of a final exam, the projects will be demonstrated in a public exhibition at the end
of semester.
Staff: Prof. D. Knehans, Mr. L Hobba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2.5-hr seminar weekly; private tutorials by arrangement
Prereq: successful completion of 50% of level 100 units
Assess: 40 minute seminar presentation (Week 8) (25%), designs, plans and concept drafts
folio (20%). journal outlining issues and concepts explored in supervision sessions (15%),
final exhibition presentation (assessed for levels of technical competence/fluency;
execution of designs and plans as outlined in the drafts folio; overall intellectual coherence
and expressive strength of presentation; dynamic exploitation of media) (40%)
Required: as assigned by lecturers
Recommend: as assigned by lecturers
Courses: [F3L] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
E-Media 2
Enrolment code: FSE210
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply
Unit description:
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Unit details [FSE]
In consultation with staff, students develop a project, selecting a form of electronic media
in which they have started to develop expertise. In studio theory, students present
seminars addressing issues relating to their project. Additionally, the student must enrol
in and complete the unit content of two 12.5% E-Media elective options from the BFA
Staff: Mr W Hart and/or Mr L Hobba
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 2 hrs lectures/tutorial/critique, 4 hrs practical weekly (26 wks)
Prereq: FSE110 or equiv
Coreq: 2x12.5% FSE electives
Assess: mid-year review of work in progress (not assessed); folio of project-work examined
at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Project 2
Enrolment code: FSE226
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: this unit is required of all BTM majors
Unit description:
Each year students will synthesise their learning into an end-of-year project. The units
taken each year by the students will inform the end-of-year project.
In year 2 of the BTM, the units taken will cover MIDI and audio design, moving image,
music history electives, and time theory. It is therefore expected that the final project will
seek to employ moving image and MIDI/audio in order to create a project that has some
reliance on or integration of these skills. A higher level of discrimination in use of time
based media and structuring work in time is expected as a result of this higher level of
learning and through the integration of ideas and concepts explored in the unit FCT215
Introduction to Time Theory.
Students will work with a project supervisor who will set and supervise the projects
undertaken. Project concepts, plans and drafts will be subject to a series of seminar
presentations throughout the semester. In lieu of a final exam, the projects will be
demonstrated in a public exhibition at the end of semester.
Staff: Prof. D. Knehans, Mr. L Hobba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2.5-hr seminar weekly; private tutorials by arrangement
Prereq: successful completion of FSE126
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Unit details [FSE]
Assess: 50 minute seminar presentation (Week 8) (25%), designs, plans and concept drafts
folio (20%), journal outlining issues and concepts explored in supervision sessions (15%),
final exhibition presentation (assessed for levels of technical competence/fluency;
execution of designs and plans as outlined in the drafts folio; overall intellectual coherence
and expressive strength of presentation; dynamic exploitation of media) (40%)
Required: as assigned by lecturers
Recommend: as assigned by lecturers
Courses: [F3L] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Digital Imaging A
Enrolment code: FSE250/350
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in summer-sch OR sem 1
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge
Unit description:
Introduces digital imaging technologies, techniques, and aesthetics, focusing upon art and
design related applications. The unit provides a practically orientated foundation in digital
imaging principals, from image capture to output, developing image manipulation
concepts and abilities.
Staff: Mr W Hart or Dr M Scott or Mr M Milojevic or sessional staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE110 or other level 100 Studio A subject
M.excl: FSX250/350
Assess: short folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T] [F5F] [F6F] [F7F]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Digital Imaging B
Enrolment code: FSE251/351
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
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Unit details [FSE]
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge
Unit description:
Builds on the foundation of FSE250/350, and offers the opportunity to develop a more
sophisticated or specialised understanding of image manipulation concepts. In
consultation with staff, students research and develop an imaging project.
Staff: Mr W Hart or Dr M Scott or Mr M Milojevic
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE250/350 or equiv
M.excl: FSX251/351
Assess: short folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T] [F5F] [F6F] [F7F]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
WWW (World Wide Web) Design
Enrolment code: FSE253/353
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge
Unit description:
The rapid growth and continuing development of electronic document capabilities
through the World Wide Web, bring unique challenges to developing and designing
electronic documents. This unit provides a foundation in the history and principals of
electronic document design, and surveys continuing and future developments, focusing
upon design challenges and aesthetic potentials of this emerging medium. The orientation
of the unit is largely practical, developing a familiarity and understanding in the use of
basic techniques and software tools, from which participants will be encouraged to
develop more advanced or experimental designs.
Staff: Mr W Hart
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE250/350 FSE110, FSE254/354 or FSE251/351 or equiv
M.excl: FSX253/353
Assess: folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T]
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Unit details [FSE]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Temporal Imaging and 2D Animation
Enrolment code: FSE254/354
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge
Unit description:
Digital processes provide unique ways to manipulate and combine temporal media. This
unit will survey software tools and conceptual considerations in manipulating and
combining media elements (sound, animation and the moving image), in particular
focusing on some principles and approaches to 2D animation. The focus of the unit is
largely practical in orientation.
Staff: Mr W Hart
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE110 or other level 100 Studio A unit
Assess: folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Sound A
Enrolment code: FSE256/356
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge
Unit description:
Introduces the physics of sound as it relates to applications for general electronic arts
practice. Through set projects and critiques, students study sound as an art medium,
incorporating radio art, installation, sound for moving image and sound as a sculptural
element. The emphasis is placed on conceptual and skills-based development using
personal computer software processes, including: microphones and their uses; portable
field recording; studio recording techniques, using Protools.
Staff: Mr L Hobba
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Unit details [FSE]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE110 or other level 100 Studio A unit
Assess: folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Sound B
Enrolment code: FSE257/357
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge
Unit description:
A project-based, semester-length unit developing the ideas and skills acquired in FSE256.
A project-based semester-long unit that develops ideas not skills acquired in FSE256.
Advanced processes include sound design for DVD audio, MIDI for sound and
installation, waveform editing and sound processing. Students complete a project or
projects under the direction of the lecturer.
Staff: Mr L Hobba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE256/356
Assess: short folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
The Moving Image A
Enrolment code: FSE258/358
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge
Unit description:
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Unit details [FSE]
Examines video as a documentary medium. The unit introduces students to
pre-production processes, including script development and location/resource
management, the use of portable equipment, and post-production skills. Students
undertake a short documentary project that develops control of location and sound/image
technologies. Stylistic approaches to the genre are examined and the management of
non-linear editing process is introduced using digital video. Core editing software is Final
Cut Pro.
Staff: Mr L Hobba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE110 or other level 100 Studio A unit
Assess: folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Electronic Installation
Enrolment code: FSE259/359
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge
Unit description:
Encourages experimental approaches to electronic media including customised interactive
technologies for use in sound and vision installations. Cross-linking of media is
encouraged, ranging from junkyard technologies to refined software use. Application of
appropriate software is discussed to facilitate solutions to technology-based installation.
Strategies for interaction in physical space are considered.
Staff: Mr W Hart and/or Mr L Hobba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE258/358 or FSE256/356 or FSE250/350 or FSE254/354
Assess: folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
3D Modelling and Animation A
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Unit details [FSE]
Enrolment code: FSE260/360
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge
Unit description:
Introduces the use of computer software as a means of developing 3D visual concepts.
Students are expected to develop a project which explores and develops skills in three
areas of computer-augmented 3D visualisation: developing a model or concept;
developing the model by adding lighting and texture; bringing the scene to life by
animation. The knowledge and skills acquired have a wide range of visual applications,
including: developing 3D design concepts; linking to computer aided manufacture of
componentry; communication of 3D concepts; animation for television or multimedia.
Staff: Mr W Hart or sessional staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE110 or other level 100 Studio A unit
Assess: folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T] [F5F] [F6F] [F7F]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Interactive Design
Enrolment code: FSE261/361
Offered: not offered in 2004
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge; to be offered in
odd-numbered years
Unit description:
Explores the theoretical, practical and aesthetic aspects of human/machine interaction.
Types of interaction and the concept of ‘Experience Design’ will be developed (using
electronic media and interactivity to convey experience).
Staff: Mr W Hart
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE254/354 or FSE253/353 or FSE259/359
Assess: folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
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Unit details [FSE]
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
The Moving Image B
Enrolment code: FSE268/368
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge
Unit description:
Further develops video process and production skills. In particular advanced editing and
media management techniques using Final Cut Pro and the preparation of media elements
for cross platform applications. Students will develop and complete a resolved project
with a screen based outcome.
Staff: Mr L Hobba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE258/358
Assess: folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
3D Modelling and Animation B
Enrolment code: FSE270/370
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply; students undertaking courses other than BFA,
BA-BFA or BFA-BIS must seek enrolment approval from the lecturer in charge
Unit description:
Further develops the use of computer software as a means for developing 3D visual
concepts. Students are expected to develop a project which explores and develops skill in
one or more of the three areas of computer-augmented 3D visualisation: developing a
model or concept; developing the model by adding lighting and texture; bringing the
scene to life by animation. Advanced techniques in each area are considered.
Staff: Mr W Hart
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Unit details [FSE]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr tutorial/practical demonstration weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FSE110 or other level 100 Studio A unit
Assess: folio of project work examined at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T] [F5F] [F6F] [F7F]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Media Authoring
Enrolment code: FSE280/380
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: this unit is required of all BTM majors
Unit description:
Examines through theoretical tutorials and practical workshops, the various design,
software and hardware options available for the delivery of audio/visual media content..
The theoretical component examines the range and effectiveness of digital delivery
options, from SMS delivery to CD ROM and DVD . The effect of evolving technologies on
social and aesthetic interaction will be discussed with reference to work by artists and
musicians who deal directly with these new mediums as a central component of their
Design for new media is examined within the context of contemporary design generally.
Students are expected to deliver a seminar by written paper, exhibition, or performance
and submit a resolved work for assessment.
Staff: Prof. D. Knehans, Mr. L Hobba, and staff tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 1-hr seminar, 2-hr tutorial/workshop weekly; appointments by
Assess: seminar presentation (25%), designs, plans and concept drafts folio (20%), tutorial
notebook (15%), final exhibition/media presentation (40%)
Required: as assigned by lecturers
Recommend: as assigned by lecturers
Courses: [F3L] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
E-Media 3
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Unit details [FSE]
Enrolment code: FSE310
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Special note: enrolment restrictions may apply
Unit description:
In consultation with staff, students develop a project, selecting a form of electronic media
in which they have begun to develop expertise. In studio theory, students present
seminars addressing issues relating to their project. Students must enrol in and complete
the unit content of two 12.5% E-Media elective options from the BFA Schedule.
Staff: Mr W Hart and/or Mr L Hobba
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 2 hrs lectures/tutorial/critique, 4 hrs practical weekly (26 wks)
Prereq: FSE210
Coreq: 2x12.5% FSE electives
Assess: mid-year review of work in progress (not assessed); folio of project work examined
at end of unit (100%)
Courses: [F3E] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Project 3
Enrolment code: FSE326
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: this unit is required of all BTM majors
Unit description:
Each year students will synthesise their learning into an end-of-year project. The units
taken each year by the students will inform the end-of-year project.
In year 3 of the BTM, the units taken will cover Advanced MIDI and audio design,
electronic installation, media authoring and a range of electives. It is expected that the
student will draw on the range of units and experiences covered in the course in order to
propose a final project. The project should be one that both synthesises such diverse skills
but also distils into a focused area of interest and personalised expression, technique,
aesthetic perspective and well-crafted outcome.
Students will work with a project supervisor who will set and supervise the projects
undertaken. Project concepts, plans and drafts will be subject to a series of seminar
presentations throughout the semester. In lieu of a final exam, the projects will be
demonstrated in a public exhibition at the end of semester.
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Unit details [FSE]
Staff: Prof. D. Knehans, Mr. L Hobba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2.5-hr seminar weekly; private tutorials by arrangement
Prereq: successful completion of FSE226
Assess: 60 minute Seminar Presentation (Week 8) 25%
Designs, plans and concept drafts folio 20%
Journal outlining issues and concepts explored in supervision sessions 15%
Final Exhibition Presentation (assessed for levels of technical competence/fluency;
execution of designs and plans as outlined in the drafts folio; overall intellectual coherence
and expressive strength of presentation; dynamic exploitation of media) 40%
Required: as assigned by lecturers
Recommend: as assigned by lecturers
Courses: [F3L] [F3R] [R3T]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
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