Australian Theatre Enrolment code: FPB101

Unit details [FPB]
Australian Theatre
Enrolment code: FPB101
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Special note: available as an elective to students from other courses
Unit description:
Develops an awareness of the phenomenon of theatre in formal and informal aspects of
Australian culture; a knowledge and appreciation of some representative plays by
Australian playwrights; an understanding of the performance modes and conventions
associated with particular plays; and, editorial, acting, and technical skills through the
various approaches and processes involved in realising the play texts as theatre.
Staff: Mr M Edgar
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures, tutorials & practical sessions (13 wks)
Assess: dramatic project (20%), seminar presentation (20%), 1,000-word essay (20%), 2 x
tests (40%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Principles of Western Theatre
Enrolment code: FPB102
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Special note: available as an elective to students from other courses
Unit description:
Leads students to an awareness of the dramatic impulse in Western societies and to an
understanding of the currents of thought and significant events which led to the
development of particular forms of drama. Students investigate ways in which plays of
particular periods were staged (and may now be staged) and apply acting skills and
techniques to selected texts in order to realise these as theatre.
Staff: Mr M Edgar
Unit weight: 12.5%
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Unit details [FPB]
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures, tutorials, and practical sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: FPB101
Assess: seminar presentation including dramatic presentation component (40%),
1,000-word essay (20%), 2 written tests (40%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Theatre Skills 1
Enrolment code: FPB103
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Students explore their potential for performance through the application of various
techniques drawn from contemporary approaches to acting, voice production and
movement. Students develop a heightened physical and vocal awareness; explore the
possibilities within their own voice and free themselves from the restrictions of their
habitual movement behaviours. Students discover and practice improvisation methods
and theatre exercises in the exploration of the performer’s creative and expressive
potential. The students are also introduced to the actor’s qualities of energy, commitment,
enjoyment, freedom and development of confidence and courage.
Staff: Mr P Hammond (Coordinator), and others tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 hrs weekly, practical sessions (13 wks)
Coreq: FPB105 Technical Theatre
Assess: 2 practical text presentations (75%), practical assignment (15%), written text
assignment (10%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Theatre Skills 2
Enrolment code: FPB104
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Unit details [FPB]
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Students explore the specific physical and vocal skills required for the demands of text and
varying performance contexts, including the presentation of a comedy routine. This
exploration focuses on the objective of enlarging the realm of possibilities for each student
as a communicator of emotion, ideas and meaning. Specifically, students develop an
ability to strengthen spinal support; to connect breath and movement and sound; to centre
the natural voice; to free the channel of sound; to articulate clearly; to extend the range of
the voice; to understand phonetics; and to convey the subtle nuances of thought and
feeling present in text. The unit also introduces the Stanislavski conceptions of action,
given circumstances, sensory awareness, concentration, emotional memory, imagination
and observation.
Staff: Mr P Hammond (Coordinator), Mr M Edgar, Ms L Merritt
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 hrs weekly, practical sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: FPB103 Theatre Skills 1
Assess: preparation and presentation of stand-up comedy routine (40%), preparation and
presentation of short dramatic scene (40%), preparation of annotated script (20%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Technical Theatre
Enrolment code: FPB105
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Focuses on stage management and involves workshops, discussions and seminars
concerning: responsibilities and channels of communication within each department and
the overall production; duties and skills required by support staff, and organisational
skills appropriate to the preparation and execution of each theatrical department. Each
workshop/discussion session explores one or more facets of stage management. Students
gain practice in the safety procedures of responsible theatre operation. Each student selects
a technical role within a production and oversee all associated duties in the execution of
that department.
Staff: Mr P Hammond
Unit weight: 12.5%
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Unit details [FPB]
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly (13 wks)
Assess: production area on performance(s) (70%), associated paperwork/prompt copy
(10%), written and practical assignments (20%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Performance and Production
Enrolment code: FPB106
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Is conducted in two parts. The first concerns performance of a given playscript and offers
opportunities to explore acting techniques as taught in Theatre Skills 1. The second part
examines processes and procedures of lighting design. Emphasis is placed on
instrumentation, accessories, electricity and the exploration of the artistic capabilities of
using lighting instruments in order to verify methods and principles taught in theoretical
sessions. Each student assists with the research, organisation, design, construction and/or
realisation of a technical department within a production.
Staff: Mr P Hammond and others tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 4 wks block timetabled [equiv of 5 hrs weekly (13 wks)]
Prereq: FPB103 Theatre Skills 1, FPB105 Technical Theatre
Assess: participation in rehearsals and production and performances (50%), associated
paperwork, written and practical assignments (50%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Acting and Theatre: An Introduction
Enrolment code: FPB121/221
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
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Unit details [FPB]
Unit description:
Offers an introduction to acting and acting skills for those who are not intending to work
professionally in theatre. The unit develops basic posture, movement and vocal skills as
well as practice in the fundamentals of acting, role-playing, theatre games and theatre
sports. It appeals to and is of value to those who may be involved in teaching, tourism,
social work or indeed any area where self-confidence, self-presentation and relaxed
interaction with others is important.
Staff: Ms L Merritt (Coordinator), and sessional staff tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly (tutorials and practical sessions) (13wks)
M.excl: FPB103, FPB104
Assess: participation in, contribution to and performance in class exercises (20%); two x
5-10 min. small group presentations (40% ea)
Courses: OC:
Faculty website: <>
Classical Production
Enrolment code: FPB201
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Students work in a number of technical or administrative roles to support the Classical
Performance production. They study the demands of various areas such as publicity,
bookings, sound production etc. Each student takes a major responsibility in one area as
well as assisting in others.
Staff: Mr M Edgar (Coordinator), other staff tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: equiv of 3 hrs weekly, practical sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: FPB106 Performance and Production
Coreq: FPB202 Classical Performance
Assess: production logbook (20%), implementation of practical support role (80%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [FPB]
Classical Performance
Enrolment code: FPB202
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Students rehearse and present for public performance a production of a given classical
text. ‘Classical’ in this context indicates a text which has achieved a substantial reputation
and performance history and which provides a worthwhile acting challenge for a large
number of students. The rehearsal process allows students to exercise and further develop
skills learned in Year 1. It also enables them to learn good rehearsal technique and
discipline and gives them the opportunity to develop skills in researching background
Staff: Mr M Edgar (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: equiv of 5 hrs weekly, practical sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: FPB104 Theatre Skills 2, FPB106 Performance and Production
Coreq: FPB201 Classical Production
Assess: rehearsal process (40%), public performance (40%) rehearsal and performance
logbook (20%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Devised Performance
Enrolment code: FPB203
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Students rehearse and present for targeted public performance one or more small scale
devised programs. Past productions in this area have included programs devised for the
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, pre-show foyer performances for Theatre North,
Nursing and Social Work conferences and programs for schools. It is expected that similar
areas will be serviced in the future. Students gain experience in researching and shaping
material for performance and in devising programs for non-theatrical spaces.
Staff: Mr M Edgar (Coordinator), Mr P Hammond and others
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Unit details [FPB]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: equiv of 3 hrs weekly, practical sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: FPB202 Classical Performance
Assess: participation in devising and rehearsing (40%), public performances (40%) plus
rehearsal and performance log book (20%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Theatre Skills 3
Enrolment code: FPB204
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Students explore the vocal resources required to respond to the demands of a variety of
performance styles. The resonance and range of the voice are developed and the ability to
use the factors of space, time, weight and rhythm in language extended to widen character
performance choices. Students extend their movement possibilities through further
establishing the physical text of a performance. The ability to create and investigate
character from physical choices is explored. These physical and vocal skills are integrated
into the preparation and performance of selected dramatic texts. Text analysis and
approaches to interpretation further extend the theory and practice of acting. Various
theatrical forms, devices and presentational modes are investigated.
Staff: Mr P Hammond (Coordinator), and others tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 hrs weekly, practical sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: FPB202 Classical Performance
Assess: 3 practical text presentations (55%), 3 practical assignments (45%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Technical Theatre
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Unit details [FPB]
Enrolment code: FPB251/351
Offered: Ltn: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: restricted to BCA (Theatre) students
Unit description:
Each student assists with the research, organisation, design, construction, realisation and
stage management of a major production. The unit is conducted through weekly tutorials
and discussions on stage management techniques, front of house duties, and approaches
to problem solving. Class content includes revision of basic stage management principles,
prompt corner instrumentation, safety procedures, organisational skills, scheduling and
running the rehearsal room, front of house management and promotion activities.
Students gain experience and practice in the research of an agreed and specific stage
management portfolio.
Staff: Mr P Hammond
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials & practical sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: FPB105 Technical Theatre
Assess: major role in one or more theatrical productions (80%) and associated
paperwork/prompt copy (20%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Professional Presentation Skills
Enrolment code: FPB252/352
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Special note: available as an elective to students in other courses
Unit description:
Addresses the communication needs of those students or intending professionals required
to speak in the presentation context. Specific vocal and physical skills are experienced to
assist the student in presenting in a dynamic and focussed way. A technique to rehearse
the material for presentation is explored. Strategies to allow the presentation to reach the
listeners with the intended impact are investigated. The means of addressing performance
anxiety is covered and the transference of these skills into professional contexts is
Staff: tba
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Unit details [FPB]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, practical sessions (13 wks)
Assess: preparation, rehearsal, delivery and critiquing of 2 speeches (100%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Stage Design
Enrolment code: FPB253/353
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Is concerned with contemporary design and the role of the designer in the theatre as it
may affect the stage in its various formations and configurations; formulating attitudes
and approaches to finding the ‘core’ and ‘metaphor’, from which all artistic decisions
concerning a production are made. Tutorial sessions cover the application of design
principles for stage: line, shape, composition, colour, texture, space and the principles of
harmony; contrast, variation, gradation, balance; movement, repetition, emphasis and
rhythm. Students examine the process of text analysis through to the execution of a
completed scale model and white model. Students also design, and assist in constructing
the set for a production.
Staff: Mr P Hammond
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials & practical sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: normally FPB105
Assess: design and realisation of set for one or more productions (60%), accompanying
designs and paperwork (40%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Lighting Design
Enrolment code: FPB254/354
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Unit details [FPB]
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Special note: restricted to BCA students
Unit description:
Emphasis is placed on the artistic capabilities of using theatre luminaires in order to verify
methods and principles examined in seminars, workshops and theoretical sessions. Topics
include lighting the event, the play, or dance performance, and standard
drawing/documentation procedures of lighting design. Each student assists with the
research, organisation, design, and realisation of a lighting design within a production or
Staff: Mr P Hammond
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials & practical sessions (13 wks)
Assess: design and realisation of one or more lighting designs (80%), associated lighting
plans and plots (20%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Enrolment code: FPB255/355
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Special note: restricted to BCA students
Unit description:
Is designed to heighten awareness of the essential elements of scriptwriting,
characterisation, conflict, suspense, dialogue and subtext. The unit gives students the
opportunity to write their own short scripts, including mimes, monologues and scenes.
These scripts are workshopped throughout the semesterwith the aim of improving
successive drafts which are finally assessed for their originality and skill in employing the
elements of dramatic writing. These scripts are shared at a limited and specified
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials & practical sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: FPB101, FPB102
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Unit details [FPB]
Assess: set exercises (30%), submission of drafts through workshopping process (20%),
final submission of a 10 to 20-min one-act play (50%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Voice for TV
Enrolment code: FPB258/358
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Special note: restricted to BCA (Theatre) students
Unit description:
Develops the student’s vocal versatility through the experience of developing skills for TV.
Students investigate skill of working to the camera. As well as developing the vocal and
acting skills needed for TV performance, students present a ‘stand-up’ to camera in
documentary style. Skills are applied to specific industry contexts.
Staff: Ms L Merritt
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly (tutorials and practical sessions) (13wks)
Assess: participation in class activities (20%), practical assignments (80%)
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Voice for Radio
Enrolment code: FPB259/359
Offered: not offered in 2004
Special note: restricted to BCA (Theatre) students; offered in rotation with FPB289/398 Voice for
TV, this unit will be offered in 2005
Unit description:
Develops the student’s vocal versatility through the experience of developing skills for
radio. Microphone technique is investigated. Students also research and experience the
dynamic of the voice over as well as the vocal and acting demands of the radio play. They
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Unit details [FPB]
also develop the vocal confidence needed for taped readings of a range of material. Skills
are applied to specific industry contexts.
Staff: Ms L Merritt
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly (tutorials and practical sessions) (13wks)
Assess: participation in class activities (20%), practical assignments (80%)
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Talking the Talk: Social Speech
Enrolment code: FPB260/360
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Special note: not available to BCA(Theatre) students
Unit description:
Gives students from all areas of study in the university the opportunity to develop speech
and communication skills for situations less formal than high level professional
presentations but more formal than normal conversation eg, delivering a eulogy, making a
speech at a wedding or a community meeting, presenting a submission to a committee,
telling a joke or accepting an Oscar. There is a study of basic elements of relaxation,
breathing and posture as well as the mechanics of speech. Emphasis is placed on planning
and finding the right tone for specific situations. The deliberate and structured use of
humour is also explored as an aid to making interesting social speech. While most of the
work is practical, study is made of successful examples within the field.
Staff: Ms L Merritt
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly (tutorials and practical sessions) (13wks)
Assess: 750-word written critique of a published or recorded speech (20%); preparation,
rehearsal and delivery of two x 5 min. speeches targeted to particular occasions (40% ea)
Courses: OC:
Faculty website: <>
Theatre Project 1: Student Directed Production
Enrolment code: FPB302
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Unit details [FPB]
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Each student is responsible for selecting base resource materials or playscript for
performance and then overseeing the entire production and staging process through to,
and including, presentation of the finished product. Lectures and workshops on key issues
within the director’s portfolio are included: auditions, setting up of support structures,
organisational strategies, qualities of leadership and rehearsal techniques.
Staff: Mr P Hammond
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 6 hrs weekly, tutorials, workshops & practical sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: FPB204 Theatre Skills 3, FPB203 Devised Performance
Assess: selection, casting, rehearsal and production of a one-act play (80%); director’s
portfolio (20%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
Theatre Project 2: Graduate Production
Enrolment code: FPB303
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Classes are conducted as rehearsals of a chosen playscript directed by the lecturer.
Students are expected to apply techniques learnt in FPB103, FPB104, FPB204 Theatre Skills
1, 2 and 3 to the creation of the production and rehearsal of their role(s). Students are also
expected to take part in discussions on the playscript and to be asked to contribute to
design and production decisions and assist in a technical department in order to realise
elements of the production.
Staff: Mr P Hammond
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 6 hrs weekly, practical sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: FPB204 Theatre Skills 3, FPB203 Devised Performance
Assess: participation in rehearsal, production and performance (60%) technical department
responsibilities (40%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
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Unit details [FPB]
Courses: [F3J]
Faculty website: <>
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