UniStart Introductory comments




Course contact (faculty or school) (03) 6226 1905

Introductory comments

UniStart is a preparation program for people who are unsure about:

• how to study at University

• what to expect

• what skills are needed for success

• who can help students develop those skills.

The program is designed to meet a variety of needs. It is beneficial to anyone commencing

University including school-leavers and mature age people who are returning to study.

Enrolment codes are listed on page C-xx.

Course objectives

The program aims to:

• introduce students to academic life at the University of Tasmania

• introduce the types of learning tasks required at University

• assist students to develop a range of appropriate skills for University study.

Career outcomes

At the conclusion of the program, participants will be:

• better able to make the transition to University

• better prepared for the academic demands involved

• more likely to successfully complete their chosen course of study

Course structure

The program incorporates an essay assignment and consists of five core modules which are designed to assist students to complete this typical University task. It is taught by the

Learning Development Lecturers with the assistance of Student Services, Library, and

Information Technology Services staff. In addition, academic staff on each campus provide sample lectures and tutorials.

The UniStart modules are:


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Module 1: University Culture

• Learning the culture

• Learning to learn

• University thinking

Module 2: Study Skills

• Lectures and note taking

• Academic reading and note making

• Summarising/paraphrasing

• Time management

Module 3: Preparing Academic Work

• Analysing a topic

• Writing analytically

• Structuring an essay

• Academic writing styles

• Writing and grammar

• Referencing

Module 4: Information Literacy

• Introduction to the University Library

• Searching electronic data bases

• Searching the Internet

Module 5: Computer Literacy

• Introduction to online learning

• Essential IT skills

Note: There will be opportunities during the UniStart program for students to practise their computer skills and learn about the University’s facilities.

UniStart really makes a difference.

When compared to the general student population, students who have participated in

UniStart –


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• Achieve better results

• Have less than half the failure rate.

• Are less likely to withdraw.

Previous participants have made the following comments –

“I feel I have a real headstart to going to Uni and I think everyone should do UniStart!

Thank you!!”

“It was VERY helpful (and fun) to meet so many other prospective students. We had many concerns, interests, etc. in common.”

“I value the contacts I have made and will certainly start 2000 at Uni a lot more confident and less isolated.”


There are no fees for the UniStart program.

January–February 2004 (face-to-face program)

Hobart, Launceston and the North-West Centre

Tuesday 27th January–Thursday 5th February

Mixed mode (evening classes plus online learning)

17 th and 19 th February

For more information please phone:

Hobart: (03) 6226 1905

Launceston (03) 6324 3504

North-West Centre: (03) 6430 4931

Note: The following information is NOT included in the printed edition of the Course and

Unit Handbook

Additional Information

The following information answers some frequently asked questions.

Note, however, details should be confirmed with the appropriate authority

Costs (course fees only – annual) | HECS: NO


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