AP History Mr. Dunn Chapter 4 Study Guide The Empire in Transition

AP History
Mr. Dunn
Chapter 4 Study Guide
The Empire in Transition
Important Terms, People, and Ideas
Salutary Neglect
George Grenville
Navigation Acts
Impact of French and Indian
Self government
Albany Plan
George III
New Orleans
Proclamation of 1763
Iroquois Confederacy
Sugar Act
Anglo-French Wars
Quartering Act
Treaty of Utrecht
Stamp Act
Causes of French and Indian
Virginia Resolves
Sons of Liberty
George Washington
Townshend Act
Boston Massacre
Gaspee Affair
Virtual Representation
Actual Representation
Tea Act
Daughters of Liberty
Boston Tea Party
Coercive/Intolerable Acts
Quebec Act
1st Continental Congress
Lexington and Concord
1. As a whole, what type of control did the King and Parliament extend over the colonies?
2. Describe the shift of power in the English government following the Glorious Revolution.
3. Describe the character of the Governors, customs collectors, and naval officers in the colonies.
4. Why did the assemblies have leverage over the Governors?
5. Discuss the problems the colonies faced in uniting with each other.
6. Describe the reasons why the peaceful coexistence of the French and British ceased.
7. Describe the ways in which the French developed the continental interior.
8. Name the five Indian nations that make up the Iroquois Confederacy.
9. Describe the significance of the following Anglo-French wars
King William’s War:
Queen Anne’s War
King George’s War
10. When did the French and Indian War begin?
11. Describe the relationship between the British and the colonists during the war.
12. Describe the change in power that preceded the Peace of Paris.
13. Describe the impact the war had on the Indians of the Ohio Valley.
14. Describe the shift in Britain’s Imperial design after 1763.
15. Describe the major differences in the reign of George III and his predecessors.
16. Who was George Grenville and how did he view the colonies?
17. How did colonists react to the Proclamation of 1763?
18. Describe the Sugar and Currency Acts.
19. Describe the situation surrounding the Paxton Boys.
20. Describe the Regulator Movement and the results of the movement.
21. Explain how the movement to resist the new imperial policies was actually a movement to conserve
22. Why did the Stamp Act cause more problems than the Sugar Act?
23. If the actual economic burden of the stamp act was light, why were the colonists so upset?
24. Who wrote the Virginia Resolves and what did they say?
25. Why did the British remove the Stamp Act?
26. Describe the tensions that existed in Boston between colonists and British soldiers.
27. Why did America believe the English constitution was in danger?
28. Describe the difference between Virtual and Actual representation.
29. Describe the role women played in the resistance.
30. Describe the Conciliatory Propositions. Who proposed them, why, and how did they propose to end
the conflict?
31. Which orders from England did General Gage hesitate to enact?
32. Why did General Gage march to Concord?
33. Who warned the villages of Lexington and Concord?
34. What happened in Lexington and Concord?
35. What was the result of the Battle of Lexington and Concord?