A Christmas Carol Stave 1 Vocabulary Word List 1. Executor (n.) a person appointed to carry out the terms of a will 2. Palpable (adj.) touchable; obvious 3. Extinguish (v.) to squelch; to put out, as a fire 4. Facetious (adj.) joking; trying to be witty It suggests being funny at the wrong time 5. Ominous (adj.) serving as an omen, especially as an evil omen An advance sign that something bad is going to happen 6. Garret (n.) an attic or room built in an attic 7. Incredulous (adj.) unwilling or unable to believe; showing disbelief 8. Incessant (adj.) unending; constant 9. Benevolence (n.) good will or kindness 10.Lament (v.) to feel or express deep sorrow 11.Allusion (n.) an indirect or passing reference without mentioning it explicitly 12.Allegory (n.) literary device used to illustrate complex ideas and concepts or truths about the human existence through symbols and representation; also called an extended metaphor