Computing for Human Movement Enrolment code: KXA111

Unit details [KXA]
Computing for Human Movement
Enrolment code: KXA111
Offered: Ltn: sem 1,
Special note: restricted to Human Movement Students
Unit description:
Provides students with an understanding of the latest computer technology. It provides a
description of the various parts of a computer a student is likely to encounter and the
applications which are suited to computerisation. The systems development process is
considered and a study made of the main trends concerning the application of small
computers to the workplace. The practical component imparts knowledge of word
processing, spreadsheets, presentation programs and the use of data bases. They will gain
experience in the use of Internet facilities including the World Wide Web, Email and
discussion groups via the Schools computer network.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr lecture, 1 hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: KXA153, KXA131
Assess: in-semester (100%)
Courses: [E3Hps] [E3J]
Faculty website: <>
Computer Science 1
Enrolment code: KXA150
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Combines the content of KXA151 and KXA154. The unit is restricted to BSc students.
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial or equiv weekly (26 wks)
M.excl: KXA151, KXA154
Assess: in-sem assessments (30%), 3-hr exams (Jun and Nov) (70%)
Majors: Computing
Courses: [S3G] [S3Gc2]
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Faculty website: <>
Programming and Problem Solving
Enrolment code: KXA151
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2, NWC: sem 1 [by video-link]
Unit description:
Students learn to use a high level language such as Java to write programs which solve
problems defined by a program specification. They master fundamental conepts relating
to imperative, object-based programming and are introduced to concepts relating to
graphical user interfaces and event driven programs. Students are required to demonstrate
syntactic, logical and strategic knowledge of the programming constructs introduced in
the unit. They are expected to use systematic processes to plan, document, debug and test
their programs. Programming exercises are introduced in the context of small problems.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: KCA150, KCA151, KXA132
Assess: in-sem assessment (30%) end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [C3C] [C3S] [C3X] [N3A] [N3H] [S3F] [S3G] [S3Gc1] [S3Gc2] [F3R] [S6J]
Faculty website: <>
Computer Organisation and Architecture
Enrolment code: KXA152
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2, NWC: sem 2 [by video-link]
Unit description:
Introduces the structure and function of digital computers by reviewing their typical
major components and the interconnection and interaction of those components. The unit
reviews the features of digital computer instruction sets; and provides some experience
with programming in machine code and in assembly code.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial/practical work weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: KXA135
Assess: in-sem assessment (30%) end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [C3X] [S3F] [S3G] [S6J]
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Faculty website: <>
Computer Applications
Enrolment code: KXA153
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1, NWC: sem 1 [by video-link]
Unit description:
Introduces the latest computing technology and the ways that technology can be applied
in a variety of situations. The unit provides a description of the various hardware
components a student is likely to encounter and the software that runs that hardware.
Students are introduced to personal productivity software including word processing,
spreadsheets, presentation and graphics software. Database use and design for scientific
usage is introduced. Students gain experience in the use of internet facilities including the
World Wide Web, electronic mail; and they are introduced to the protocols and structures
of networks.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: KXA131
Assess: in-sem assessment (30%) end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [M3G] [S2B] [S3F] [S3G] [S3K] [S6J] [M3H]
Faculty website: <>
Software Process
Enrolment code: KXA154
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2, NWC: sem 2 [by video-link]
Unit description:
Extends the students’ knowledge and experience of programming, and introduces them to
the consideration and experience of the software engineering processes necessary for the
construction of software systems of high quality. Programming topics include: references,
allocation and deallocation of memory, self-referential data structures, classes and objects,
class instantiation, object based programming, abstract data types, introduction to
algorithm complexity. Software Engineering topics include: requirements analysis,
functional specification, software design, programming techniques and tools, software
development life-cycles, an introduction to software version control, systematic approach
to testing, and period planning.
Unit weight: 12.5%
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Unit details [KXA]
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KXA151
M.excl: KXA150
Assess: in-sem assessment (30%) end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [C3X] [C3S] [N3A] [N3H] [S3F] [S3G] [S3Gc1] [S3Gc2] [S6J] [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Professional Computing
Enrolment code: KXA155
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1, NWC: sem 1 [by video-link]
Unit description:
Discusses social, legal and ethical aspects of the computing industry; develops skills
appropriate to professional computing employment, particularly communications skills.
Reviews the historical development of computing and the computing profession. Provides
practical experience with the internet and its multimedia applications, and interpretive
systems for computations and artificial intelligence.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: KXA133
Assess: in-sem assessment (30%) end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [C3X] [S3F] [S3G] [S6J]
Faculty website: <>
Multimedia and Web Applications
Enrolment code: KXA156
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2, NWC: sem 2 [by video-link]
Unit description:
Introduces the principles used in multimedia and internet technologies and the issues in
the construction of electronic documents. Topics include the history of the internet,
understanding email addresses and HTTP formats, and common internet applications.
The principles of electronic document design are considered in detail, including languages
such as HTML, Javascript and XML, and the use of sound and graphics. Some web page
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design tools are also used. Multimedia applications that deal with still images, digital
video, audio and animation are also investigated.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: FFR205/305
Assess: in-sem assessment (30%) end-of-sem exam (70%)
Required: Lengel J, The Web Wizard’s Guide to JavaScript
Estrella S, The Web Wizard’s Guide to Multimedia
Estrella S, The Web Wizard’s Guide to XML
Recommend: Lerhner W, The Web Wizard’s Guide to HTML Addison-Wesley
Courses: [C3X] [S3F] [S3G] [F3R] [S6J]
Faculty website: <>
Algorithms and Metrics
Enrolment code: KXA251
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1,
Unit description:
Covers fundamental data structures and algorithms together with an analysis of the space
and runtime complexity of such algorithms. These algorithms and data structures will be
implemented in a high-level language (such as C). Fundamental software engineering
theory (cost and risk prediction, measurement and assessment) is also presented.
Emphasis is placed on practical aspects but including, where appropriate, underlying
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KXA154
M.excl: KCA203
Assess: in-semester (30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Majors: Computing
Courses: [N3A] [S3G] [S3F] [S6J] [S6D] [C3S] OC:
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [KXA]
Artificial Intelligence
Enrolment code: KXA252
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1,
Unit description:
Introduces the basic principles of knowledge representation and search which underlie
symbolic Artificial Intelligence and illustrates these principles by enabling students to
represent and manipulate knowledge in small AI systems, using the Prolog computer
language. The unit also describes the application of these principles in applied AI
sub-fields, including expert systems, natural language understanding, machine learning,
intelligent agents, computer vision and robotics. Students will examine the assumptions
underlying the symbolic approach to AI and compare them with those of alternative
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KXA151
M.excl: KXA305, KXA234
Assess: in-semester (30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [S3F] [S6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Software Design
Enrolment code: KXA253
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
Provides a solid grounding in object-oriented software design methods and programming.
Students are exposed to requirements extraction and Use Case analysis. They are tuaght
how to decompose problems into object-oriented models, and then how to implement
those models in an object-oriented manner. Student are introduced to relational and object
databases theory including integration into the design and programming process.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs lectures, 1 hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KXA154
M.excl: KXA233, KCA201
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Assess: in-semester (30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [N3A] [S3G] [S3F] [S6J] [C3S] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Operating Systems
Enrolment code: KXA254
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
The approach is based on theoretical issues and practical work. Lectures will review
computer architecture, with an emphasis on new technologies and trends, cover the
concepts of processes, mutual exclusion and deadlock, and discuss general algorithms for
scheduling, memory management and I/O processing. Upon completion of this unit the
student should be able to demonstrate a practical understanding of operating system
architecture, and the functions of operating system components, explain the relationships
between the operating system modules, and design and implement some operating system
functions in commonly used operating systems environments.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KXA151
M.excl: KXA303, KCA202
Assess: in-semester (30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [S3F] [S6J] [N3A] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Computer Security
Enrolment code: KXA262/362
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
Students of this unit examine the problems and tasks involved in maintaining secure
computer systems together with the techniques available to help with these tasks.
Computing techniques such as those built into operating systems for access control, the
concepts of encryption, and the associated protocols are studied. These are then placed
into the context of the overall operation of an organisation. This leads to an examination of
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secure methods of using private and public networks, business continuity planning, and
application examples including the Internet and electronic commerce.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly or equiv (13 wks)
Prereq: KXA151 or KXA152
M.excl: KXA333
Assess: in-semester (30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [S3F] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Web Development
Enrolment code: KXA281/381
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1,
Unit description:
Extends the skills taught in Multimedia and Web Applications (KXA156) into the area of
programming interactive web interfaces. Students learn how to program CGIs, server
scripts, Java Server pages, applets and servlets as well as how to link their web sites to
databases. Assignments require students to demonstrate practical ability in these areas.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly or equiv (13 wks)
Prereq: KXA151
Assess: in-semester (40%), end-of-sem exam (60%)
Courses: [S3F] [S6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Software Engineering Project A
Enrolment code: KXA351
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Students undertake a significant project using skills acquired from completing previous
computing units. The project is a team effort and part of the learning is through the
development of the ability to work together on a substantial task. Students explore various
management styles through their interaction with clients. All apsects of the development
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process are considered: requirements specification, systems analysis and design,
implementation, documentation and testing. The team is taken through a systematic
approach to producing a working version of release one of the final product
(approximately one-third of the project).
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: a series of 1-hr lectures scheduled when necessary, 2-hr workshop weekly
and regular meetings with project coordinator and client
Prereq: 2 x level 200 computing units
M.excl: KXA301, KXA331, KCA300, KCA353
Assess: practical work and assignments (100%), a pass is required to proceed to Project B
Courses: [C3X] [C3S] [N3A] [S3F] [S3G] [S6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Software Engineering Project B
Enrolment code: KXA352
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
The work in this unit is to complete the remainder of the project started in KXA351
(approximately two-thirds of the project). Students must work as a self-driven team and
undertake all aspects of the development process: requirements specification, systems
analysis and design, implementation, documentation, testing and integration.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: a series of 1-hr lectures and 2-hr workshops scheduled when necessary,
regular team meetings with a supervisor and client
Prereq: KXA351
M.excl: KXA302, KXA332, KCA300, KCA353
Assess: practical work and assignments (100%)
Courses: [C3S] [S3F] [S3G] [N3A] [S6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Software Systems
Enrolment code: KXA353
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
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Unit details [KXA]
Unit description:
Provides theoretical basis and practical experiences of the contemporary concurrent and
distributed software systems practices. Analysis techniques – formal methods for
expressing and establishing the correctness and other properties of sequential and
concurrent programs. Concurrent programming – threads, thread synchronisation, and
techniques for interference-free interaction among concurrent threads. Distributed systems
– client-server and other distributed object models; modern interobject communication
paradigms: RMI, Servlets and CORBA.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3x1-hr lectures weekly, 10x1-hr tutorials
Prereq: KXA253
M.excl: KCA311
Assess: practical work and assignments (30%), 3-hrs end-of-sem exam (70%); students must
separately achieve at least 40% credit in the practical/assignment and exam components;
standard University assessment guidelines also apply.
Recommend: Lea D, Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Patterns, 2nd edn,
Addison-Wesley, 2000.
Campione M, Walrath K, Huml A & Tutorial Team, The Java Tutorial Continued: The Rest of
the JDK, Addison-Wesley, 1998.
Magee J & Kramer J, Concurrency: State Models & Java Programs, J Wiley, Chichester, 1999.
Li Gong, Inside JavaTM 2 Platform Security, Addison-Wesley, 1999
Neuhold EJ & Paul M (eds), Formal Description of Programming Concepts, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1991.
Brose G, Vogel A & Duddy K, Java Programming with CORBA, 3rd edn., J Wiley, NY, 2001.
Courses: [S3G] [S3F] [N3A] [N4A] [C3X]
Faculty website: <>
Computer Graphics & Animation
Enrolment code: KXA354
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
Looks at the creation and use of 2- and 3-dimensional graphical information, user
interfaces, and animations. The mathematical and algorithmic techniques used in
generating computer graphics are covered as well as the programming methods to build
the tools needed to implement them. Emphasis is placed on object-oriented programming
techniques and Open GL.
Unit weight: 12.5%
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Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KXA251
M.excl: KXA314
Assess: in-semester (30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [S3F] [S6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Enrolment code: KXA355
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
Studies how mobile communications are achieved: the technology and digital protocols
used by mobile phones and how mobile communications fit into a traditional wired
network structure such as the internet. The emphasis is on the current state of the
industry, standardisation and the integration of the many aspects of computing that come
together in this field.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KXA251 or KXA254
Assess: in-semester (30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [S3F] [S6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Computer Networks
Enrolment code: KXA356
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1,
Unit description:
Provides students with a broad understanding of computer networks and digital
communications. Instructs students in the various ways data may be transmitted through
various media, and in particular with the various methods for encoding data digitally for
transmission. Informs students about procedures and protocols under which data
communication is organised and managed, about the interfacing and control of data links
and about the various standards which are widely accepted as a basis for data
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communications as well as the OSI architecture model and key industry architectures.
Gives students practice in installing, operating, and managing networked computer
systems. Introduction to local and wide area technologies and real protocols such as
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture weekly; 12x1-hr tutorials
Prereq: KXA254
M.excl: KXA308
Assess: in-semester (30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [S3F] [S6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Programming Paradigms
Enrolment code: KXA357
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2,
Unit description:
Applied techniques – functional programming, applied type systems; objects,
encapsulation and closures; control flow abstraction; data abstraction. Applied
programming languages – types in programming languages including parametric
polymorphism, subtyping and dynamic typing. Intensional aspects – analysis,
optimisation and semantics.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KXA251
M.excl: KCA355
Assess: in-semester (30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [S3F] [S6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Human-Computer Interaction
Enrolment code: KXA358
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1,
Unit description:
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Looks at the development of multimedia and web-based applications with respect to
principles of human-computer interface design. Lectures cover information design,
interaction design, screen design and issues related to educational and commercial
software and web sites. Human-computer interaction, user-centred design, usability issues
and user evaluations are the basis of both lecture content and practical exercises. Students
complete both paper-based and web-based design tasks as part of the practical
requirement of this unit.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly
Prereq: KXA156 or KXA281
M.excl: KXA310, KXA339
Assess: in-semester (30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
Required: tba
Courses: [S3F] [S6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Knowledge-Based Systems
Enrolment code: KXA359
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1,
Unit description:
Introduces the principles underlying the development of expert or knowledge-based
systems and provides students with the knowledge engineering skills needed to develop a
medium-scale expert system, using an appropriate development tool. The unit covers
backward-chaining, forward-chaining and object-oriented expert systems and introduces a
range of manual and semi-automated knowledge acquisition methods. Reasoning
techniques for handling uncertain knowledge are discussed and the unit concludes with
an examination of several large distributed expert systems which have been fielded in
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KXA252
Assess: in-semester (30%), end-of-sem exam (70%)
Courses: [S3F] [S6J] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Special Topic 1
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Enrolment code: KXA434
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2, Ltn: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
For details of this unit, contact the School of Computing.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Courses: [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Special Topic 2
Enrolment code: KXA435
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2, Ltn: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
For details of this unit, contact the School of Computing.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Courses: [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Special Topic 3
Enrolment code: KXA436
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2, Lmay be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
For details of this unit, contact the School of Computing.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Courses: [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Special Topic 4
Enrolment code: KXA437
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Unit details [KXA]
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2, Ltn: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
For details of this unit, contact the School of Computing.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Courses: [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Computing Honours
Full time
Enrolment code: KXA450
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: Availability of units depends on resources and demand.
Unit description:
Comprises the whole of the academic requirements for the Bachelor of Computing with
Honours viz – a coursework component (40%) and a thesis component (60%). Coursework
is selected from a number of units on advanced topics including advanced computer
security; computation and functional programming; machine learning and data mining;
multimedia and internet applications; advanced commercial programming, advanced
mobile and ubiquitous computing; advanced web data mining; and Linux internals. To
complete the thesis component, students will undertake research work and will produce a
thesis document which reports and discusses the findings from this research.
Unit weight: 100%
Courses: [S4D] [S4E]
Faculty website: <>
Computing Honours
Part time
Enrolment code: KXA451
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2,
Special note: Availability of units depends on resources and demand.
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Unit details [KXA]
Unit description:
Comprises one half of the academic requirements for the Bachelor of Computing with
Honours viz – a coursework component (40%) and a thesis component (60%). Coursework
is selected from a number of units on advanced topics including advanced computer
security; computation and functional programming; machine learning and data mining;
multimedia and internet applications; advanced commercial programming, advanced
mobile and ubiquitous computing; advanced web data mining; and Linux and Unix
internals. To complete the thesis component, students will undertake research work and
will produce a thesis document which reports and discusses the findings from this
Unit weight: 50%
Courses: [S4D]
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing
Enrolment code: KXA452
Offered: Hbt: winter-sch, Ltn: winter-sch
Unit description:
Explores the technologies which will be used and the issues that must be faced when
computer devices become more mobile and ubiquitous. Basic concepts of mobile
computing and ubiquitous computing are introduced and means of maintaining location
awareness, context awareness and personal identity discussed. Each of the major
communications technologies required for mobile computing, including cellular and
satellite technologies, spread-spectrum radio and infra-red communications are explained.
Other related technologies, such as liquid crystal display screens, energy-conservation
batteries, speech and handwriting recognition systems and games technologies are also
discussed. The unit concludes by analysing the factors, including fault tolerance,
performance constraints, mobile addressing and user interface design, which need to be
taken into account when developing software to run on mobile distributed systems.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures or seminars weekly as advised by the lecturer
Courses: [S4D] [S4E] [S6S] [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Computer Security
Enrolment code: KXA453
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Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Provides a detailed exploration of the techniques available to protect computer systems
against possible threats and to develop further methods of analysing a system’s
vulnerabilities. Topics include secure system design, operating system features,
application architectures, security packages, encryption and network security. Students
have the opportunity to explore current issues in security and develop resources to enable
them to keep abreast of these as they change.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures or seminars weekly as advised by the lecturer
Prereq: KXA262/362
M.excl: KXA418
Courses: [S4D] [S4E] [S6S] [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Commercial Programming
Enrolment code: KXA454
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Explores the use of advanced programming techniques using ISO standard C++ in a
commercial environment. The unit reflects the lecturer’s background in the application of
advanced computer science concepts in the development of real world software for
process control, optimisation and large scale systems architectures. In particular, it
introduces students to the use of generic programming techniques and their application in
the context of design patterns and object oriented programming. This is very much a
programming, rather than design, unit and it emphasises abstraction as the key goal of the
programming task. There are no prerequisites, though students who have completed
KXA357 Programming Paradigms will have a head start in understanding some of the topics
covered. The student is not expected to have encountered C++ previously, though the
unit will expect students to be able to rapidly acclimatise themselves to the language and
development environment.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures or seminars weekly as advised by the lecturer
Courses: [S4D] [S4E] [S6S] [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Web Data Management
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Enrolment code: KXA455
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Explores advanced issues in web data management such as web databases, web search
and information retrieval. In particular, the unit introduces students to the concepts of
distributed transaction management, web database, semi-structured data and XML-related
technologies, information retrieval, web search. Upon completing this unit, students will
be able to develop web-based applications involving various information resources such
as databases, xml and semi-structured data.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures or seminars weekly as advised by the lecturer
Courses: [S4D] [S4E] [S6S] [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Computation and Functional Programming
Enrolment code: KXA456
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Aims to investigate the computational aspects of numerical problems using programming
techniques. The unit introduces a functional programming language in its application to
various algorithmic problems. Students are then required to choose a topic of their own, to
investigate that topic using functional techniques, and to formally report their findings.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures or seminars weekly as advised by the lecturer
Courses: [S4D] [S4E] [S6S] [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Enrolment code: KXA457
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
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Unit details [KXA]
Introduces the key current ideas and techniques in machine learning in sufficient depth to
enable students to apply them to practical problems and to participate in research in the
area. The major focus is on classifier learning and the evaluation of classifier learning
techniques. The types of classifiers studied include decision trees, rule sets,
instance-based, naïve Bayesian, neural networks and combined methods. The application
of minimum encoding length statistics are studied. Other topics include continuous
value prediction, inductive logic programming and computational learning theory.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures or seminars weekly as advised by the lecturer
M.excl: KXA431
Courses: [S4D] [S4E] [S6S] [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Linux Internals
Enrolment code: KXA458
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Traces the history of the Unix operating system and introduces students to the conceptual
architecture of both the traditional and modern Unix and the Linux kernels. Process and
memory management within the Linux kernel are discussed in detail. File systems and
devices drivers for Linux are also discussed. As a result of work covered in this unit,
students will become familiar with a wide range of common Unix/Linux system calls and
learn to use them effectively.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 lectures weekly
Prereq: KXA254 or KXA353; permission by HoS
Assess: 2 assignments (1 critical essay, 1 programming) (30% ea), exam (40%)
Courses: [N3A] [N4A] [S4D] [S4E] [S6S] [S7T] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Multimedia and Internet Applications
Enrolment code: KXA459
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
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Unit details [KXA]
Introduces the principles of multimedia, including the acquisition and preparation of still
images, animation, digital video, and audio, and the production of multimedia titles using
various authoring tools. Students are given the opportunity to develop their knowledge
of multimedia applications through the production of a multimedia title, for example, an
information kiosk, using various delivery mechanisms.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures or seminars weekly as advised by the lecturer
M.excl: KXA430
Courses: [S4D] [S4E] [S6S] [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Networking
Enrolment code: KXA461
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Special note: 12.5% weighting for S7S and S7T students
Unit description:
Students look at the principles and available protocols, technologies and services for
designing networks for small to medium sized enterprizes. Theory is enhanced by a major
case study and laboratory exercises which allow students to gain hands-on experience
with current (Cisco) switching and routing technology.
Contact the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology for further details.
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching pattern: tba
Assess: tba
Required: tba
Courses: [S4D] [S4E] [S7S] [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Games Programming
Enrolment code: KXA462
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Special note: 12.5% weighting for S7S and S7T students
Unit description:
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Unit details [KXA]
Covers the technical programming issues relevant to creating interactive, real-time 3D
games. The unit builds on the platform-independent 3-dimensional graphics techniques
taught in KXA354, and covers the topics of scene graphs and advanced real-time graphics,
object/character control and animation, collision detection, physics simulation and game
Contact the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology for further details.
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching pattern: tba
Assess: tba
Required: tba
Courses: [S4D] [S4E] [S7S] [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Intelligent Software Agents
Enrolment code: KXA463
Offered: not offered in 2003
Special note: 12.5% weighting for S7S and S7T students
Unit description:
Covers the principles involved in the design and implementation of intelligent software
agents. The unit discusses current research being undertaken to develop agent systems for
use in the internet environment. It builds on KXA252 Artificial Intelligence concepts
introduced in earlier undergraduate units, to explain the fundamentals of agent design
and introduces various commonly used agent architectures. Agent communication,
cooperation and learning are discussed and the unit concludes by showing how these
concepts can be incorporated into the process of building a multi-agent system. Students
learn the principles of agent-based programming by undertaking the design and
implementation of a multi-agent system, using a suitable programming environment.
Contact the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology for further details.
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching pattern: tba
Assess: tba
Required: tba
Courses: [S4D] [S4E] [S7S] [S7T]
Faculty website: <>
Honours Thesis
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Unit details [KXA]
Enrolment code: KXA470
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
For details, contact Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology.
Unit weight: 0%
Courses: [S4D] [S4E]
Faculty website: <>
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