Orchestra A Enrolment code: FCE210

Unit details [FCE]
Orchestra A
Enrolment code: FCE210
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus and DipMus (classical orchestral instrument) students
Unit description:
The first of four units of ensemble studies. At this level the student may play in the
nominated ensemble less frequently than advanced students in order to devote more time
to acquiring the skills necessary to contribute more fully. The sequence of units is designed
to provide students with practical experience in the study, rehearsal and performance of
ensemble music. Through weekly rehearsals, aspects of performance are explored
including intonation, ensemble skills (playing together precisely and rhythmically),
interpreting the gestures, mannerisms and wishes of the conductor or leader, tone control
as well as the ethics and correct behaviour expected of a member of an ensemble. Other
issues covered include the performance of individual and sectional excerpts relevant to the
particular area of specialisation. The repertoire for this unit covers a wide range of styles
from early Baroque through to contemporary scores requiring new performance
techniques. This unit gives students performance experience of these styles over a cycle of
four semesters. Students are required to attend regular rehearsals, workshops, sectionals
and performances as determined by the coordinator.
Staff: Dr M Phillips (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min ensemble rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCM210 for BMus (orchestral or contemporary instrument) students
M.excl: FCE100; FCO150; FCN150/250/350
Assess: nsemble: commitment, preparation & participation (30%); performances (30%)
excerpts jury (40%)
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Accompaniment A
Enrolment code: FCE211
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus and DipMus (classical keyboard) students
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Unit details [FCE]
Unit description:
The first of four units designed to establish fundamental ensemble skills in the keyboard
player. Through a weekly accompaniment class students gain basic experience of playing
with another instrumentalist, and establish reliable fundamental sight-reading skills.
Staff: Ms S Deng, Mrs B Sedivka, PTA staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: weekly 90-min accompanying class, assigned lessons with
instrumentalists – weekly 3-hr rehearsal (13 wks)
M.excl: FCY150; FCY250; FCY350; FCN150/250/350, FCE100
Assess: accompaniment class: commitment, preparation and participation (50%);
accompaniment performances: preparation (25%) and performance (25%)
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Guitar Ensemble A
Enrolment code: FCE212
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus and DipMus (Classical Guitar) students
Unit description:
The first of four ensemble units each of which is designed to provide students with
practical experience in the study, rehearsal and performance of ensemble music. Through
weekly rehearsals, aspects of performance are explored including intonation, ensemble
skills (playing together precisely and rhythmically), tone control as well as the ethics and
correct behaviour expected of a member of an ensemble.
Staff: Mr D Malone, PTA staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 to 3-hr ensemble rehearsal weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: FCG150; FCG250; FCG350; FCN150/250/350, FCE100
Assess: 2 x guitar ensemble performances or recordings in the semester. Commitment,
preparation and participation (40%); guitar ensemble performances (30%), excerpts jury
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Vocal Ensemble A
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Unit details [FCE]
Enrolment code: FCE213
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus and DipMus (Classical voice) students
Unit description:
Participation in choral ensembles as directed, to develop sight-reading facility and
blending skills for ensemble singing and develop a knowledge of ensemble repertoire.
Staff: Profile Staff, PTA Staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 x 90-min rehearsal or performance weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: FCV150; FCN150/250/350, FCE100
Assess: preparedness and performance at all vocal ensemble rehearsals (20%), mid-sem
choral excerpts text (25%), end-of-sem choral excerpts test (25%), performances (30%)
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Contemporary Ensemble A
Enrolment code: FCE215
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus and DipMus (contemporary orchestral, keyboard, and
guitar) students; placement into FCE215 is subject to the creation of balanced ensemble groups
Unit description:
The first of four units of ensemble studies designed to provide students with practical
experience in the study, rehearsal and performance of contemporary music. The four units
will give students performance experience of a wide variety of styles, from jazz, Gospel
and Soul through to current and emerging musical trends. Students assigned to
Contemporary Ensemble are expected to maintain a regular rehearsal schedule
throughout the semester. At this level the student may play less demanding repertoire
than more advanced students in order to devote more time in acquiring the skills
necessary to participate effectively in an ensemble environment. Emphasis will be placed
on progressive development throughout the duration of the course of study.
Staff: Mr A Legg
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: audition as required
M.excl: FCE100, FCN1509, 250, 350
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Unit details [FCE]
Assess: preparedness and poerformance at tutorials (20%), mid-sem excerpt test (30%), sem
performance(/s) (50%)
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Gospel Choir A
Enrolment code: FCE216
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus and DipMus (contemporary voice) students
Unit description:
The first of four units designed to provide students with practical experience in the study,
rehearsal and performance of Gospel Choir music and contemporary Afro-American vocal
technique. The four units will give students performance experience of a wide variety of
styles. Students will perform two concerts per semester (one minor, one major). Emphasis
will be placed on progressive development of ensemble skills throughout the duration of
the course of study.
Staff: Mr A Legg
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2.5-hr rehearsal weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: audition as required
M.excl: FCE100, FCN1509, 250, 350
Assess: preparedness and performance at all Gospel Choir rehearsals (20%),
performance(/s) (30%), mid-sem excerpt test (25%), end-of- sem excerpts test (25%)
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Chamber Music A
Enrolment code: FCE217
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: approval of coordinator reequired and subject to balanced ensemble groups
Unit description:
The first of four units Chamber Music A provides students with practical experience in the
study, rehearsal and performance of chamber music. The unit will also give students
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Unit details [FCE]
performance experience of a wide variety of styles, from early Baroque through to
contemporary scores requiring new performance techniques. Students enrolled in
Chamber Music are expected to develop the necessary interpretive and collaborative skills
required for a small and relatively independent ensemble setting and so will be required
to maintain a regular rehearsal schedule throughout the semester. Approval of
coordinator required and subject to balanced ensemble groups.
Staff: Dr H Monkhouse (Coordinator), profile staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: audition as required
M.excl: FCE100, FCO1509, 250, 350, FCY150, 250, 350, FCG150,250,350, FCV150,250,350
Assess: preparedness and performance at tutorials (20%), 2 excerpt tests (40%), sem
performance(/s) (40%)
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Orchestra B
Enrolment code: FCE220
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus and DipMus (classical orchestral) students
Unit description:
The second of four units of ensemble studies. At this level the student may play in the
nominated ensemble more frequently than in FCE210 but still less frequently than
advanced students in order to devote more time to acquiring the skills necessary to
contribute more fully. The student should also be able to have a basic command over
playing in tune, in time, following the conductor accurately and attempting to blend with
other instruments successfully.
Staff: Dr M Phillips (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min ensemble rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE210
M.excl: FCE100; FCO150; FCN150/250/350
Assess: commitment, preparation and participation (30%); performances (30%), excerpts
jury (40%)
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
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Unit details [FCE]
Accompaniment B
Enrolment code: FCE221
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus and DipMus (keyboard) students
Unit description:
The second of four units designed to establish fundamental ensemble skills in the
keyboard player. Through a weekly accompaniment class students gain further experience
of playing with another instrumentalist, and establish reliable sight-reading skills.
Staff: Ms S Deng, Mrs B Sedivka, PTA staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: weekly 90-min accompanying class; assigned lessons with
instrumentalists – weekly 3-hr rehearsal (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE211
M.excl: FCY150; FCY250; FCY350; FCN150/250/350 FCE100
Assess: accompaniment class: commitment, preparation and participation (50%);
accompaniment performances: preparation (25%); and performance (25%)
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Guitar Ensemble B
Enrolment code: FCE222
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus and Dip Mus Classical Guitar majors
Unit description:
The second of four ensemble units each of which is designed to provide students with
practical experience in the study, rehearsal and performance of ensemble music. At this
level the student may play parts of greater difficulty than in FCE212 but the focus of
attention is still on acquiring efficient ensemble skills. The student is expected to
demonstrate a good command over playing in time and in tune as well as the ability to
blend well with the other instruments in the ensemble.
Staff: Mr D Malone, PTA staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-3-hr rehearsal weekly (13 wks)
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Unit details [FCE]
Prereq: FCE212
M.excl: FCG 150; FCG250; FCG350; FCN150/250/350, FCE100
Assess: rehearsals commitment, preparation and participation (30%), guitar ensemble
performances (40%), excerpts jury (30%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Vocal Ensemble B
Enrolment code: FCE223
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus and DipMus (classical voice) students
Unit description:
Participation in ensembles as directed, to develop greater sight-reading facility and
blending skills for ensemble singing and develop a knowledge of vocal ensemble
Staff: Profile staff, PTA staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 x 90-min rehearsals or performance per week (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE213
M.excl: FCV150; FCN150/250/350
Assess: preparedness and performance at all vocal ensemble rehearsals (20%), mid-sem
choral excerpts text (25%), end-of-sem choral excerpts test (25%), performances (30%)
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Contemporary Ensemble B
Enrolment code: FCE225
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus and DipMus (contemporary orchestral, keyboard, and
guitar) students; placement into Contemporary Ensemble B is subject to the creation of balanced
Unit description:
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Unit details [FCE]
The second of four units of ensemble studies designed to provide students with further
practical experience in the study, rehearsal and performance of contemporary music. The
four units will give students performance experience of a wide variety of styles, from Jazz,
Gospel and Soul through to current and emerging musical trends. Students assigned to
Contemporary Ensemble are expected to maintain a regular rehearsal schedule
throughout the semester. At this level the student may play less demanding repertoire
than more advanced students in order to devote more time in acquiring the skills
necessary to participate effectively in an ensemble environment. Emphasis is placed on
progressive development throughout the duration of the course of study.
Staff: Mr A Legg
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE215
M.excl: FCE100; FCN150, 250, 350
Assess: preparedness and performance at tutorials (20%), mid-sem excerpt test (30%), sem
performance(/s) (50%)
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Gospel Choir B
Enrolment code: FCE226
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus and DipMus (contemporary voice) students
Unit description:
The second of four units designed to provide students with further practical experience in
the study, rehearsal and performance of Gospel Choir music and contemporary
Afro-American vocal technique. The four units will give students performance experience
of a wide variety of styles. Students will perform two concerts per semester (one minor,
one major). Emphasis will be placed on progressive development of ensemble skills
throughout the duration of the course of study.
Staff: Mr A Legg
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2.5-hr rehearsal weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE216
M.excl: FCE100; FCN150, 250, 350
Assess: preparedness and performance at all Gospel Choir rehearsals (20%),
performance(/s) (30%), mid-sem excerpt test (25%), end-of-sem excerpts test (25%)
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Unit details [FCE]
Courses: [F3K] [F2K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Chamber Music B
Enrolment code: FCE227
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: approval of coordinator required and subject to balanced ensemble groups.
Unit description:
The second of four units Chamber Music B provides students with further experience in
the study, rehearsal and performance of chamber music. The unit will also give students
performance experience of a wide variety of styles, from early Baroque through to
contemporary scores requiring new performance techniques. Students enrolled in
Chamber Music are expected to develop the necessary interpretive and collaborative skills
required for a small and relatively independent ensemble setting and so will be required
to maintain a regular rehearsal schedule throughout the semester.
Staff: Dr H Monkhouse (Coordinator), Profile staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE217
M.excl: FCE 100; FCO150, 250, 350; FCY150, 250, 350; FCC150, 250, 350; FCV150, 250, 350
Assess: preparedness and performance at tutorials (20%), 2 excerpt tests (40%), sem
performance(/s) (40%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Orchestra C
Enrolment code: FCE310
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus (classical orchestral instrument) students
Unit description:
The third of four units of ensemble studies. At this level the student may play in the
nominated ensemble more frequently than in FCE220 and will be expected to demonstrate
good command over playing in tune, in time, following the conductor accurately and
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Unit details [FCE]
attempting to blend with other instruments successfully. The student should also be
forming a growing awareness of appropriate ensemble style applicable to different musics.
Staff: Dr M Phillips (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min ensemble rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE220
M.excl: FCE200; FCO250; FCN150/250/350
Assess: commitment, preparation and participation (30%); performances (30%); excerpts
jury (40%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Accompaniment C
Enrolment code: FCE311
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus (classical keyboard) students
Unit description:
The third of four units designed to establish fundamental ensemble skills in the keyboard
player. Through a weekly accompaniment class students will gain further experience of
playing with another instrumentalist, and establish reliable sight-reading skills. At this
level the keyboardist is expected to have a good command over a wide stylistic range of
music. Additionally, an emerging fluency of learning and performing new repertoire is
expected at this level.
Staff: Ms S Deng, Mrs B Sedivka, PTA Staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: weekly 90-min accompanying class, assigned lessons with
instrumentalists – weekly 3-hr rehearsal (13 wks)
M.excl: FCY150; FCY250; FCY350; FCN 150, 250, 350, FCE200
Assess: accompaniment class: commitment, preparation and participation (50%),
accompaniment performances: preparation (25%); and performance (25%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Guitar Ensemble C
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Unit details [FCE]
Enrolment code: FCE312
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus (classical guitar) students
Unit description:
The third of four ensemble units each of which is designed to provide students with
practical experience in the study, rehearsal and performance of ensemble music. At this
level the student is expected to perform advanced repertoire and to demonstrate a good
command over playing in tune and in time as well as the ability to blend well with the
other instruments in the ensemble. The student should also be forming a growing
awaremness of appropraite ensemble style applicable to different musics.
Staff: Mr D Malone, PTA staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr guitar ensemble rehearsal, 2-hr Chamber Music rehearsal weekly (13
Prereq: FCE222
M.excl: FCG150; FCG250; FCG350; FCN150, 250, 350, FCE200
Assess: rehearsals commitment, preparation and participation (30%), guitar esnsemble
performances (30%), excerpts jury (40%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Vocal Ensemble C
Enrolment code: FCE313
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus (classical voice) students
Unit description:
Participation in choral ensembles as directed, to develop sight-reading facility and
blending skills for ensemble singing and develop a knowledge of vocal ensemble
Staff: Profile Staff, PTA Staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 x 90-min rehearsals or performance weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE213
M.excl: FCV250; FCN150, 250, 350, FCE200
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Unit details [FCE]
Assess: preparedness and performance at all vocal ensemble rehearsals (20%), mid-sem
choral excerpts text (25%), end-of-sem choral excerpts test (25%), performances (30%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Contemporary Ensemble C
Enrolment code: FCE315
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus (contemporary orchestral, keyboard, and guitar) students;
placement into Contemporary Ensemble C is subject to the creation of balanced ensemble groups
Unit description:
The third of four units of ensemble studies designed to provide students with further
practical experience in the study, rehearsal and performance of contemporary music. The
four units will give students performance experience of a wide variety of styles, from jazz,
Gospel and Soul through to current and emerging musical trends. Students assigned to
Contemporary Ensemble are expected to maintain a regular rehearsal schedule
throughout the semester. At this level students will be expected to play advanced
repertoire. Emphasis will be placed on progressive development throughout the duration
of the course of study.
Staff: Mr A Legg
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE225
M.excl: FCE200, FCN150, 250, 350
Assess: preparedness and performance at tutorials (20%), mid-sem excerpt test (30%), sem
performance(/s) (50%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Gospel Choir C
Enrolment code: FCE316
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus (contemporary voice) students
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Unit details [FCE]
Unit description:
The third of four units designed to provide students with further practical experience in
the study, rehearsal and performance of Gospel Choir music and contemporary
Afro-American vocal technique. The four units give students performance experience of a
wide variety of styles. Students perform two concerts per semester (one minor, one major).
At this level students are expected to perform advanced repertoire. Emphasis is placed on
progressive development of ensemble skills throughout the duration of the course of
Staff: Mr A Legg
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2.5-hr rehearsal weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE226
M.excl: FCE200, FCN150, 250, 350
Assess: participation and preparedness at all Gospel Choir rehearsals (20%),
performance(/s) (30%), mid-sem excerpts test (25%), end-of-sem excerpts test (25%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Chamber Music C
Enrolment code: FCE317
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: approval of coordinator required and subject to balanced ensemble groups
Unit description:
The third of four units Chamber Music C provides students with further experience in the
study, rehearsal and performance of chamber music. At this level students are expected to
perform advanced Chamber Music repertoire. Chamber music students are expected to
develop the necessary interpretive and collaborative skills required for a small and
relatively independent ensemble setting and so will be required to maintain a regular
rehearsal schedule throughout the semester.
Staff: Dr H Monkhouse (Coordinator), Profile staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE227
M.excl: FCE200, FCO150, 250, 350, FCY150, 250, 350, FCG150, 250, 350, FCV150, 250, 350
Assess: preparedness and performance at tutorials (20%), 2 excerpt tests (40%), sem
performance(/s) (40%)
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Unit details [FCE]
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Orchestra D
Enrolment code: FCE320
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus (classical orchestral instrument) students
Unit description:
The fourth of four units of ensemble studies. At this level the student should demonstrate
advanced command over playing in tune, in time, following the conductor accurately and
blending with other instruments successfully. The student should also demonstrate an
advanced awareness of appropriate ensemble style applicable to different musics.
Staff: Dr M Phillips (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE310
M.excl: FCE200; FCO250; FCN150/250/350
Assess: orchestra or ensemble: commitment, preparation and participation (30%);
performances (30%), excerpts or improv: jury (40%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Accompaniment D
Enrolment code: FCE321
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus (classical keyboard) students
Unit description:
The fourth of four units designed to establish fundamental ensemble skills in the keyboard
player. Through a weekly accompaniment class students gain greater experience of
playing with another instrumentalist, and establish reliable and fluent sight-reading skills.
At this level the keyboardist is expected to have an advanced command over a wide
stylistic range of music. Additionally, an emerging professionalism with regard to learning
and performing new repertoire is expected at this level. Works with increasingly
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Unit details [FCE]
independent or virtuosic accompanimental parts are expected to be successfully
Staff: Ms S Deng, Mrs B Sedivka, PTA Staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: weekly 90-min accompanying class, assigned lessons with
instrumentalists – weekly 3-hrs rehearsal (13 wks)
M.excl: FCY150; FCY250; FCY350; FCN150/250/350
Assess: accompaniment class: commitment, preparation and participation (50%);
accompaniment performances: preparation (25%) and performance (25%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Guitar Ensemble D
Enrolment code: FCE322
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus (classical guitar) students
Unit description:
The fourth of four ensemble units each of which is designed to provide students with
practical experience in the study, rehearsal and performance of ensemble music. At this
level the student is expected to perform advanced repertoire and demonstrate advanced
ensemble skills (play in tune and precisely in time). The student is also expectd to be able
to blend effectively into the ensemble sound and perform, to a high level, the chosen
repertoire using the appropritate ensemble style.
Staff: Mr D Malone, PTA staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr guitar ensemble rehearsal, 90-min style class weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE312
M.excl: FCG150; FCG250; FCG350; FCN150/250/350
Assess: rehearsals commitment, preparation and participation (30%), guitar ensemble
performances (30%) excerpts jury (40%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Vocal Ensemble D
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Unit details [FCE]
Enrolment code: FCE323
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for BMus (classical voice) students
Unit description:
Participation in ensembles as directed, to develop sight-reading facility and blending skills
for ensemble singing and develop a knowledge of vocal ensemble repertoire.
Staff: Profile staff, PTA staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 x 90-min rehearsals or performance weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE313
M.excl: FCV250; FCN150/250/350
Assess: preparedness and performance at all vocal ensemble rehearsals (20%), mid-sem
choral excerpts text (25%), end-of-sem choral excerpts test (25%), performances (30%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Contemporary Ensemble D
Enrolment code: FCE325
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus (contemporary orchestral, keyboard, and guitar) students;
placement into Contemporary Ensemble D is subject to the creation of balanced ensemble groups
Unit description:
The fourth of four units of ensemble studies designed to provide students with further
practical experience in the study, rehearsal and performance of contemporary music. The
four units give students performance experience of a wide variety of styles, from jazz,
Gospel and Soul through to current and emerging musical trends. Students assigned to
Contemporary Ensemble are expected to maintain a regular rehearsal schedule
throughout the semester. At this level students are expected to play advanced repertoire
and demonstrate competent leadership skill within their ensemble. Emphasis is placed on
progressive development throughout the duration of the course of study.
Staff: Mr A Legg
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE315
M.excl: FCE200, FCN150, 250, 350
University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year
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Unit details [FCE]
Assess: preparedness and performance at tutorials (20%), mid-sem excerpt test (30%), sem
performance(/s) (50%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Gospel Choir D
Enrolment code: FCE326
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus (contemporary voice) students
Unit description:
The fourth of four units designed to provide students with further practical experience in
the study, rehearsal and performance of Gospel Choir music and contemporary
Afro-American vocal technique. The four units will give students performance experience
of a wide variety of styles. Students perform two concerts per semester (one minor, one
major). At this level students are expected to perform advanced repertoire. Emphasis is
placed on progressive development of ensemble skills throughout the duration of the
course of study.
Staff: Mr A Legg
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2.5-hr rehearsal weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE316
M.excl: FCE200, FCN150, 250, 350
Assess: participation, preparedness and performance at all Gospel Choir rehearsals (20%),
performance(/s) (30%), mid-sem excerpts test (25%), end-of-sem excerpts test (25%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
Chamber Music D
Enrolment code: FCE327
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus (contemporary voice) students
Unit description:
University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year
July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –17
Unit details [FCE]
The fourth of four units Chamber Music D provides students with further experience in
the study, rehearsal and performance of chamber music. At this level students are
expected to perform advanced Chamber Music repertoire. Chamber music students are
expected to develop the necessary interpretive and collaborative skills required for a small
and relatively independent ensemble setting and so will be required to maintain a regular
rehearsal schedule throughout the semester.
Staff: Dr H Monkhouse (Coordinator), Profile staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2x90-min rehearsals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCE317
M.excl: FCE200, FCO, FCY150, 250, 350, FCG150, 250, 350, FCV150, 250, 350
Assess: preparedness and performance at tutorials (20%), 2 excerpts tests (40%), sem
performance(/s) (40%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <www.arts.utas.edu.au>
University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year
July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –18