Unit details [ESP] Human Movement Laboratory 1 Enrolment code: ESP136 Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Unit description: The application of the physical principles of movement in the context of the analysis and development of aquatics, athletics and striking sport skills 1. Staff: Ms T Philpott (Coordinator) Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 1-hr lecture, 3x1-hr workshops weekly (13 wks) Assess: applied movement tasks (60%), seminar presentation (20%), test paper (20%) Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Movement Concepts Enrolment code: ESP140 Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Unit description: Students develop a fundamental understanding of the philosophy, history and current relevance of human movement as a discipline. The field of pedagogy is examined in detail and practical application is made through a variety of physical activities, including games skills, gymnastics and dance. Academic reading and writing is also a focus of this unit. Staff: Ms KJ Swabey Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial, 3x1-hr workshops weekly (13 wks) Assess: seminar presentation (40%), 500-word essay (20%), final exam (40%) Required: Kirk D, et al, The Sociocultural Foundations of Human Movement, Macmillan, Melb, 1996 American Psychological Association, Publication Manual, 4th edn, Washington DC, 1995. Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –1 Unit details [ESP] Research Concepts Enrolment code: ESP141 Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Unit description: Investigates the nature and purpose of the research porocess, particularly as it relates to physical activity. The unit develops students’ understanding of statistical and measurement concepts and techniques used in qualitative (parametric and non-parametric) and qualitative investigation process. Consideration is given to both the understanding of statistical process and the ability to compute the data using available statistical software. In addition, the unit addresses the tests and measurements issues using a variety of assessment instruments typically used in health and physical education, exercise science and exercise and wellness. Staff: Dr P Rehor Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 1-hr lecture, 2x 1hr tutorials weekly (13 wks) Assess: 3 exams (25% ea), 5 quizzes (5% ea) Required: Thomas RJ & Nelson JK, Research Methods in Physical Activity, 3rd edn, Human Kinetics, Champaign, Ill, 1996. Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Coaching Theory & Practice Enrolment code: ESP210 Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Unit description: Develops knowledge and skills in the area of sports coaching and teacher education, including the role of the teacher or coach, planning, practice, and program of skill development. Practical application is made through a variety of sports. Staff: Mr PD Cooley Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2x1-hr tutorials, 2-hr lecture weekly (13 wks) Assess: practical coaching experience (15%), essay (25%), final exam (60%) ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –2 Unit details [ESP] Required: Pyke FS (ed), Better Coaching – Advanced Coach’s Manual, Aust. Sports Commission, Belconnen ACT, 1991. Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Professional Experience 1 Enrolment code: ESP214 Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Unit description: Students, individually or in groups, are placed in a professional experience where they can observe the total life of their chosen profession. They are expected to observe and assist their fellow professionals in the carrying out of their daily duties. Where appropriate, students are expected to complete their professional work experience in their home location. Staff: Mr PD Cooley, Mrs R Pryce-Jones Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 1-hr lecture weekly (13 wks), 15 days school placement Assess: practical logbook and recommendation by supervising professional, on a pass/fail basis Required: Professional Experience 1 Handbook Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Psycho-Social Aspects of Physical Activity Enrolment code: ESP220 Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Unit description: Examines the key psycho-social frameworks involved in physical activity; introduces and develops analytical and research skills; and analyses the practice and experience of physical education, sport and recreation at the level of individual, groups, organisations and society, leading to an appraisal of salient issues within contemporary Australian physical activity, sport and recreation. Staff: Mr PD Cooley ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –3 Unit details [ESP] Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 2x1-hr tutorials weekly (13 wks) Assess: research project (35%), multiple-choice quizzes (15%), final exam (50%) Required: Cox RH, Sport Psychology, WCB Brown, 1999 Findlay B, How to Write Psychology Laboratory Reports and Essays, Prentice Hall, Syd, 1996. Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Health Fitness & Physical Activity Enrolment code: ESP230 Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Unit description: Provides students with knowledge and understanding of mental and physical benefits of regular exercise participation, fitness components, training principles and relationship between physical activity and healthy diet. The unit addresses the problem of behavioural change focusing on establishing of values and beliefs associated with active lifestyle, social norms and self-concept as predetermining factors of intention to and adoption of physical activity and exercise. The relationship beween health risk behaviours (smoking, alcohol and drug abuse) and health promoting behaviours, such as exercise and a variety of hypokinetic diseases such as diabetes, CHD and osteoporosis forms the second part of the unit. Staff: Dr P Rehor Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 1-hr lecture, 2x1-hr tutorials weekly (13 wks) Assess: mid-sem exam (40%), seminar presentation (20%), final exam (40%) Required: Corbin CB, Lindsey R & Welk G, Concepts of Fitness and Wellness, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, 1997 Courses: [E3J] [M3H] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Motor Learning and Skill Development 1 Enrolment code: ESP233 Offered: Ltn: sem 2, ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –4 Unit details [ESP] Unit description: Develops an understanding of selected theories and concepts which apply to the learning of motor skills and human performance, including motor control, information processing, and factors which influence the learning environment – in order to enable students to apply this understanding when giving instruction and in solving problems. Staff: Mr PD Cooley Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks) Assess: lab project (40%), final exam (60%) Required: Findlay B, How to Write Psychology Laboratory Reports and Essays, Prentice Hall, Syd, 1996. Kluka D, Motor Behaviour from Learing to Performance, Morton, 1999. Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Sport Injuries Enrolment code: ESP304 Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Unit description: Covers the prevention, emergency care and treatment of injury resulting from participation in physical sporting activity. The study of the aetiology of injury can give direction to the measures which can be taken to prepare the athlete adequately, to influence the design of equipment, the training process and even the modification of the rules governing sporting activity. Staff: tba Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks) Prereq: CXA273 (desirable) Assess: practical application (40%), final exam (60%) Courses: [E3J] [M3H] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Adapted Physical Activity ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –5 Unit details [ESP] Enrolment code: ESP307 Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Unit description: Examines various types of disabilities in order to develop an understanding of what they mean in terms of meeting the needs and making the necessary adjustments to ensure a quality lifestyle. Students interact with people with disabilities, to enable them to develop appropriate physical activity programs. Staff: Ms KJ Swabey Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2 hrs lectures, 2 hrs tutorials weekly Assess: article review (20%), paper (50%), seminar presentation (30%) Required: Willing and Able: PE and Sport for Young People with Disabilities, Aust. Sports Commission, Tuggeranong ACT, 1995. Courses: [E3J] [M3H] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Human Movement Pedagogy 1 Enrolment code: ESP310 Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Unit description: Part A: develops in the student a teaching expertise needed to design and administer effective health and physical education lessons. Content includes organisational skills for lesson presentation, lesson design for various activity areas using a variety of teaching approaches, and structuring an effective learning environment for health and physical education. This is the first semester of the health & physical education pedagogy sequence, placing an emphasis on K–6 levels. Part B: prepares students to teach in the specialist area of swimming and water safety, K–8. Emphasis is given to the organisation of swimming and water safety classes, teaching strategies for the beginner, water orientation activities and stroke improvement. Learning experiences consist of both theoretical and practical sessions as well as visits to observe learn-to-swim lessons. Staff: Mrs R Pryce-Jones, Ms KJ Swabey Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly Prereq: ESP214 ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –6 Unit details [ESP] Assess: microteaching presentation (30%), swimming, water safety assignment (20%), exam 50%) Required: DECCD, Tasmanian Health and Physical Education Core Curriculum K–10, DECCD, Fundamental Motor Skills, 1997. Tinning R, MacDonald D, Wright J & Hickey C, Becoming a Physical Education Teacher, Prentice-Hall Aust, 2001. Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Human Movement Pedagogy 2 Enrolment code: ESP311 Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Unit description: Assists students to develop an understanding of the nature, scope, content and experiences appropriate for health and physical education programs for children in schools in grades 7 to 12. Fundamental teaching skills, including a wider range of methods suitable for children in grades 7 to 12, and the means to measure and describe pupil behaviour are covered. Lectures, seminar workshop and peer teaching are used. Staff: Ms KJ Swabey Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 3-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly Prereq: ESP310 Assess: units of work (40%), teaching tasks (40%), individual presentation (20%) Required: DECCD, Tasmanian Health and Physical Education Core Curriculum K–10, 1998. Tinning R, MacDonald D, Wright J & Hickey C, Becoming a Physical Education Teacher, Prentice-Hall Aust, 2001. Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Professional Experience 2 Enrolment code: ESP314 Offered: Ltn: sem 2 Unit description: ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –7 Unit details [ESP] Students are expected to extend their professional experience and skills, and to continue the professional observation begun during their 15-day orientation placement. Students are expected to demonstrate a higher level of competence and understanding of their profession than was evident in ESP214 Professional Experience 1. Placements involve primary/secondary and swimming and water safety programs. Staff: Mr PD Cooke (Coordinator) Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 7 wks professional placement Prereq: ESP214 and ESP310 Assess: achievement of identified pre-service teaching competencies. Recommendation is made by supervising schools on a pass/fail basis Required: Professional Experience 2 Handbook. Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Event and Operations Management Enrolment code: ESP315 Offered: Ltn: sem 1 Unit description: Develops specific applications of management functions to events. It covers the financing, organisational structure, marketing, operations control, legal issues and tourism implications inherent in the development and efficient management of events. Staff: Ms T Philpott Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly Coreq: BMA101 Assess: report: critical analysis (40%), tutorial questions (20%), final exam (40%) Required: McDonnell I, Allen J & O’Toole W, Festival and Special Event Management, J Wiley and Sons, 1999. Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Sport Psychology ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –8 Unit details [ESP] Enrolment code: ESP320 Offered: Ltn: sem 2 Unit description: Examines key psychological theories which explain the involvement of participants in physical activity, especially in relation to the learner and performer, coach and athlete, teacher and student. Students are encouraged to apply theory to the practice of basic interventions in learning physical skills through a research project. Staff: Mr PD Cooley Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 4-hr lecture weekly (13 wks) Prereq: ESP220 Assess: research project (60%), presentation (40%) Required: Williams JM (ed), Applied Sport Psychology, Mayford Press, 1993. Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Exercise & Sport Governance Enrolment code: ESP325 Offered: not offered in 2003 Unit description: Develops an understanding of the structure of the sports industry. Critical analysis of the emerging trends and issues that affect sport development are discussed. Consequently, the subject requires students to analyse contemporary issues in governance of sport both domestically and internationally. Staff: Ms T Philpott Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly Prereq: ESP315 Coreq: BMA101 Assess: mid-term exam (20%), assignment (40%), final exam (40%) Required: Shilbury D & Deane J, Sport Management in Australia: An Organisational Overview, Deaking Univ, Melb, 1997 Thoria & Chalip L, Sport Governance in the Global Community, FIT, Morgantown, WV, 1996. Courses: [E3J] ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –9 Unit details [ESP] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Human Movement Laboratory 2 Enrolment code: ESP335 Offered: Ltn: sem 1 Unit description: Takes an education focus when examining a range of movement activities, including Aquatics, Outdoor Pursuits and Sport Skills 2. Staff: Ms T Philpott (Coordinator) Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 1-0hr lec ture, 3x1-hr tutorials weekly (13 wks) Prereq: ESP136 Coreq: ESP310 Assess: applied movement tasks (60%), seminar presentation (40%) Required: tba Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Human Movement Laboratory 3 Enrolment code: ESP336 Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Unit description: Takes on an education focus when examining a range of movement activities, including dance and a range of electives: Austswim, First Aid, Dance 2, Sport Skills 3. Staff: Ms T Philpott (Coordinator) Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 1-hr lecture, 3x1-hr workshops weekly Prereq: ESP335 Assess: applied movement tasks (60%), lesson plans (20%), seminar presentation (20%) Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –10 Unit details [ESP] Special Topics in Human Movement 1 Enrolment code: ESP402 Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Unit description: Enables students to pursue, in considerable depth over two semesters (ESP402/403), including research methodology and an individual study in a professional area of their choice. In semester 1 students concentrate on research methodology and the preparation of a research proposal. Students should choose topics which are significant and of interest to their anticipated professional roles. Topics must have approval of CHM staff. Staff: Dr R Brooker Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 2-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks) Assess: written paper (50%), written paper (30%), tutorial tasks (20%) Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Special Topics in Human Movement 2 Enrolment code: ESP403 Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Unit description: Enables students to pursue, in considerable depth over two semesters (ESP402/403), an individual study in a professional area of their choice. In semester 2 students undertake a group research topic. Students should choose topics which are significant and of interest to their anticipated professional roles. The Special Study is seen as a scholarly piece of work. Staff: Dr R Brooker Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 2-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks) Prereq: ESP402 Assess: presentation (40%), written paper (40%), tutorial tasks (20%) Courses: [E3J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –11 Unit details [ESP] Human Movement Pedagogy 3 Enrolment code: ESP410 Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Unit description: Requires that students consider the curriculum program and unit design in health and physical education K–12 as designers rather than consumers. They examine alternative curriculum models, and consider ways of applying them to program and unit design. Students are required to develop an innovative unit of work that can be put into practice in their professional experience program. Staff: Mrs R Pryce-Jones Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 2-hr tutorial weekly Prereq: ESP311 Assess: seminar presentation (30%), innovative unit of work (40%), group programming task (30%) Required: Tinning R, MacDonald D, Wright J & Hickey C, Becoming a Physical Education Teacher, Prentice-Hall Aust, 2001. Recommend: Hellison DR & Templin TJ, A Reflective Approach to Teaching Physical Education, ISBN 087322311X Jewett AE, Bain L & Ennis CD, The Curriculum Process in Physical Education, ISBN 0697168255 Courses: [E3J] [E4J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Health and Fitness Issues Enrolment code: ESP411 Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Unit description: Investigates the relationship between the acute and chronic exercise and public health from the epidemiological perspective. Both physical and mental benefits of regular, habitual exercise particpation are addressed and the appropriate exercise intensity, frequency, duration and type of exercise intervention are presented. In addtion the exercise behaviour is alalysed focusing on predisposing, facilitating and reinforcing factors with emphasis given to strategies aimed at adoption of and aherence to a regular exerice ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –12 Unit details [ESP] regimen. Students are required to design and implement one project focusing on promoiton of ahealth lifestyle change in Tasmanian population. Staff: Dr P Rehor Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 2-hr tutorial weekly Assess: exams (50%), research project presentation (25%), research project paper (25%) Required: Nieman DC, The Exercise and Health Connection, Human Kinetics, Champaign, Ill, 1998. Courses: [E3J] [E4J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Professional Experience 3 Enrolment code: ESP414 Offered: Ltn: sem 1 Unit description: Continues the practical teaching experience of students, extending their development within the teaching profession, providing them with a range of experiences. Staff: Mr PD Cooley (Coordinator) Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 3-week placement in school setting Prereq: ESP314, ESP311 Assess: achievement of identified pre-service teaching competencies. Recommendation is made by the supervising schools on a pass/fail basis Required: Professional Experience 3 Handbook. Courses: [E3J] [E4J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Professional Experience 4 Enrolment code: ESP415 Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Unit description: ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –13 Unit details [ESP] Continues the practical experience of students extending their development within their chosen profession. The pre-service teaching student is expected to specialise in a particular sphere of their chosen employment culminating in taking on the full professional role of a teacher. Staff: Mr PD Cooley (Coordinator) Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 6-week professional placement Prereq: ESP414, ESP410 and successful completion of all units to the end of year 3 Assess: achievements of identified pre-service teaching competencies; recommendation is made by the supervising schools on a pass/fail basis Required: Professional Experience 4 Handbook. Courses: [E3J] [E4J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Human Movement Pedagogy 4 Enrolment code: ESP420 Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Unit description: Provides students with an opportunity to maintain a high level of proficiency and teaching skills in activity areas used in K–12 programs. Students, in consultation with staff, develop a program based on the use of community resources in the extension of curriculum objectives and subject integration in health, physical education or recreation. They also study the contributions made by various disciplines to the body of knowledge which goes to make up health and physical education in order to relate it to contemporary issues. Staff: Mrs R Pryce-Jones Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 2-hr tutorial weekly Prereq: ESP410 Assess: program planning and implementation and reflection exercise (60%), seminar presentation (40%) Required: Tinning R, MacDonald D, Wright J & Hickey C, Becoming a Physical Education Teacher, Prentice-Hall Aust, 2001. Recommend: Jewett A, Bain L & Ennis C, The Curriculum Process in Physical Education, ISBN 0697168255 Journal articles as recommended Courses: [E3J] [E4J] ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –14 Unit details [ESP] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Motor Learning & Skill Development 2 Enrolment code: ESP433 Offered: not offered in 2003 Unit description: Develops an understanding of selected theories which apply to perception, cognition and motor action and human performance, including neuromuscular control, skill development and the evaluation of skill. Students will be expected to apply knowledge to the fields of teaching and coaching through a research project. Staff: Mr PD Cooley Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 4 hrs lectures weekly (13 wks) Prereq: ESP233 Assess: research project (60%), presentation (40%) Required: Magill RA, Motor Learning, WCB Brown, 1998. Courses: [E3J] [E4J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Event & Sport Marketing Enrolment code: ESP435 Offered: not offered in 2003 Unit description: Students are to gain an understanding of the knowledge and skills required to perform strategic marketing functions within a range of community and commercial sporting organisations. Particular attention is paid to professional sports and the marketing tactics employed to raise the profile of the sport. Staff: Ms T Philpott Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 2-hr tutorial weekly Prereq: BMA251 or equiv Coreq: ESP315 ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –15 Unit details [ESP] Assess: tutorial presentation (20%), case study (30%), final exam (50%) Required: Shilbury D, Quick S & Westerbeek H, Strategic Sport Marketing, Allen and Unwin, Syd, 1995. Courses: [E3J] [E4J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Issues in Sport & Recreation Management Enrolment code: ESP445 Offered: Ltn: sem 2 Unit description: Students will study specific management issues that are directly applicable to the sport and recreation industry. In doing so they will gain an understanding of, and ability to apply, the necessary management skills in these changing organisations. Staff: Ms T Philpott Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 2-hr tutorial weekly Prereq: ESP315, BMA101 Assess: seminar presentation (20%), assignment (30%), exam (50%) Required: Slack T, Understanding Sport Organisations: The Application of Organisation Theory, Human Kinetics, Champaign, Ill, 1997 Courses: [E3J] [E4J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Research Seminar Enrolment code: ESP460 Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Unit description: This unit is available only for those students offered a place in the BHM(Hons) program. The unit examines statistical concepts and methods, both quantitative and qualitative, as well as a number of research design applicable to the BHM(Hons) dissertation. The unit caters for students in all three streams of the BHM. The unit covers basic descriptive statistics as well as hypotheses testing and a number of qualitative statistical methods. The use of computer statistical packages is also investigated. Students will initiate a research ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –16 Unit details [ESP] proposal which they will see through the Ethics Committee and they will complete a literature review. Staff: Dr R Brooker, Dr P Rehor (Coordinator) Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: one week in summer school plus 2-hr lecture weekly in sem 1 Prereq: acceptance into BHM(Hons) program Assess: 2 assignments (20%), tutorial tasks (20%) development and defence of research proposal (60%) Required: Thomas RJ & Nelson KJ, Research Methods in Physical Activity, 3rd edn, Human Kinetics, Champaign, Ill, 1996. Courses: [E4J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Honours Seminar and Dissertation Enrolment code: ESP465 Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Unit description: In this unit, which is for Honours Students in the BHM program, students undertake the writing of a scholarly piece of work under the close supervision of a Centre for Human Movement (CHM) staff member. This piece of work will be in one of the three streams of the program, namely Health and Physical Education, Exercise and Sports Science or Outdoor Education and Recreation Management. Students discuss the various aspects of their research with their fellow students and staff members in a seminar format. Seminars are held at the discretion of the unit coordinator. Staff: Dr R Brooker, Dr P Rehor (Coordinator) and various CHM staff Unit weight: 25% Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture weekly Prereq: ESP460 Assess: dissertation Courses: [E4J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Action Research Project Enrolment code: ESP700 ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –17 Unit details [ESP] Offered: not offered in 2003 Special note: to be offered as a Launceston summer school unit in 2005 Unit description: Participants in this unit will review research approaches and techniques with a view to planning a research project in Human Movement. Each is expected to: • Identify a researchable issue; • Develop a research question; • Develop the methodology design; • Understand how to use the www databases and software applications to speed up the process; • Identify a suitable statistical analysis technique and understand how to use software to carry out this task; and • Understand the requirements for the final presentation of the thesis or dissertation. Staff: Assoc Prof R Brooker Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: summer block Prereq: graduate standing Assess: snegotiated project paper Required: tba Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Changing Physical Activity Patterns Across the Lifespan Enrolment code: ESP701 Offered: not offered in 2003 Special note: to be offered as a Launceston winter school unit in 2004 Unit description: The emerging evidence of preventing and rehabilitating effect of participation in a regular, habitual exercise has triggerd a number of research and program development/implementation efforts in Australia, US and Europe. The graduate unit sequentially addresses three paradigms: exercise, health and behavioural modification. Their inter-relationship is examined from the programmatic perspectives, focusing on the role of the school, family and community. Staff: Dr P Rehor ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –18 Unit details [ESP] Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: paper (50%), presentation (50%) Required: US Department of Health and Human Services, Physical Activity and Health, Atlanta, 1996 Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Human Movement Independent Study Enrolment code: ESP703 Offered: Ltn: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2 Unit description: Provides considerable flexibility for students and staff to negotiate topics of interest which may not be appropriate within more specific units. The unit also enables students, on an individual basis, to extend their investigations beyond the schop of existing units. Staff: Centre for Human Movement Staff Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: negotiated Required: tba Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Designing Teaching and Learning Experiences in the Health and Physical Education Curriculum Enrolment code: ESP704 Offered: not offered in 2003 Special note: to be offered as a Launceston summer school unit in 2004 Unit description: ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –19 Unit details [ESP] A graduate course designed for school Health and Physical Education teachers and administrators in the area of curriculum theory. Variety of instructional strategies, curriculum contents, lesson plan designs are discussed from the school perspective. In addition, the course examines prominent curriculum models and their application in health and physical education. Staff: Assoc Prof R Brooker, Ms K Swabey Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: literature study (30%), project (70%) Required: Jewett AE & Bain LL, The Curriculum Process in Physical Education, 2nd edn, Wm. C Brown, Dubuque, 1995 Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Health Enhancement Curriculum Enrolment code: ESP705 Offered: Ltn: sem 1 Unit description: Designed for health and physical education teachers, school administrators and curriculum specialists. The theoretical underpinning of the unit is introduced with a focus on ecological validity value orientation as a structural framework for content selection and instructional design. Exercise and fitness activities are presented as a common denominator to a variety of student-centred activities aimed at the reduction/ elimination of health risk behaviours, prevention of hypokinetic diseases, learning basic nutrition and enhancement of personal/environmental health. Staff: Dr P Rehor Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: lessons (70%), presentation (30%) Required: tba Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –20 Unit details [ESP] Promoting Play and Developing Motor Skills in Primary HPE Enrolment code: ESP706 Offered: not offered in 2003 Special note: to be offered in Launceston as a semester 1 unit in 2005 Unit description: Examines and critically reviews some of the key educational theories and links these to teaching and learning in the primary health and physical education (HPE) context. Participants are expected to apply this knowledge to teaching methods and programming. Staff: Ms K Swabey, Mrs R Pryce-Jones Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: negotiated Required: tba Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Quality Systems Enrolment code: ESP711 Offered: Ltn: sem 1 Unit description: Provides an introduction to the theory and practice of risk analysis and to managing a program in human movement. It examines the philosophy, principles and practices of competent leadership as they apply to experiences in human movement. It demands an understanding of the concepts of safety and risk as well as legal liability and safety management. Specific to outdoor education and recreation program management, the unit will cover remote area emergency responses, trip planning, trip management and further knowledge specific to either water based or land based outdoor education and recreation programs. Staff: Ms T Philpott, Assoc Prof R Brooker Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –21 Unit details [ESP] Prereq: graduate standing Assess: written assignment (60%), presentation (40%) Required: Vermeesch RB & Lindgren KE, Business Law of Australia, 10th edn, Butterworths, 1999. Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Environmental Perspectives Enrolment code: ESP712 Offered: not offered in 2003 Special note: to be offered in Launceston as a semester 2 unit in 2004 Unit description: Focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct outdoor education programs that encourage harmonious interaction between individuals and the environment. The unit allows students to develop deeper understanding of the outdoor environment around us. Special emphasis is placed on keeping a balance between protecting and using the wilderness wisely. Staff: Ms T Philpott Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: tba Required: Raven P & Berg L, Environment, 3rd edn, Harcourt College Publ, Sydney, 2001 Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Advanced Programming for Outdoor Recreation Puersuits – Land and Water-based Enrolment code: ESP713 Offered: not offered in 2003 Special note: to be offered in Launceston as as summer school unit in 2005 Unit description: ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –22 Unit details [ESP] Designed to give the group facilitator a variety of theories and models to be applied in a growth oriented adventure program. Emphasis will be placed on safe and effective facilitation of activities such as new and initiative games, low and high ropes courses, climbing, minimum impact bushwalking, orienteering, sailing, flatwater and whitewater canoeing, kayaking and whitewater rafting. Emphasis is on safety, skill development, trip planning and formulation of a personal teaching/leadership style. Staff: Ms T Philpott Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: tba Required: Priest S & Gass M, Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming, Human Kinetics, Australia, 1997 Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Human Movement Project Enrolment code: ESP716 Offered: Ltn: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2 OR (fy) ie sem 1 & 2 Unit description: Provides considerable flexibility for students and staff to negotiate topics of interest which may not be appropriate within more specific units. The unit also enables students, on an individual basis, to extend their investigations beyond the scope of existing units. Staff: Centre for Human Movement staff Unit weight: 25% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: negotiated Required: tba Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Contemporary Issues for Youth in the Health Education and Physical Education Fields ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –23 Unit details [ESP] Enrolment code: ESP717 Offered: Ltn: winter-sch Unit description: Gives an understanding of selected issues that provide a context for the school health education and physical education fields, and teaches the skills to respond to the issues in the context of teaching and learning in the health and physical education field Staff: tba Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: presentation (40%), curriculum planning task (60%) Required: Select readings from contemporary texts and journals will be used Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Designing Physical Activity programs for Special Populations Enrolment code: ESP718 Offered: not offered in 2003 Special note: to be offered in Launceston in semester 2 in 2005 Unit description: Provides an awareness of the issues impacting individual student’s access to physical activity experiences, and develops knowledge and competency in catering for the physical activity needs of specific populations. Staff: tba Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: literature review (20%), presentation (20%), resource kit (60%) Required: Block Me, A Teacher’s Guide to Including Students with Disabilities in Regular Physical Education, PH Brooks Publ, Baltimore, 1994 Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –24 Unit details [ESP] The Outdoor Recreation and Education Field Enrolment code: ESP719 Offered: Ltn: sem 2 Unit description: Provides an understanding of the historical and contemporary influences that have shaped the outdoor education and recreation field as a basis for predicting the likey futures for the field. Staff: tba Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: reflective journal (40%), paper (40%), presentation (20%) Required: Select readings from contemporary texts and journals will be used Courses: [E5J] [E7J] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> Instructional Issues for Effective Learning in Outdoor Education Enrolment code: ESP720 Offered: not offered in 2003 Special note: to be offered in Launceston in semester 1 of 2004 Unit description: Develops theoretical understandings and practical competencies in relation to four key learning issues in the outdoor education and recreation field: (1) participant outcomes, (2) facilitiation, (3)pedagogical processes and (4) program applications. Staff: tba Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching pattern: negotiated Prereq: graduate standing Assess: analysis of instruction in program (50%), facilitation (50%) Required: Cain I & Jolliff B, Teamwork and Teamplay, Kendall/Hunt Publ, Dubuque, 1998 Courses: [E5J] [E7J] ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –25 Unit details [ESP] Faculty website: <www.educ.utas.edu.au> ________________________________________ University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year July 11, 2016, 18:44 PM, page –26