Introduction to Health Informatics Enrolment code: CRH500

Unit details [CRH]
Introduction to Health Informatics
Enrolment code: CRH500
Offered: dist.ed: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2 OR summer-sch OR winter-sch OR
Special note: semester 5 (end-of-year school) = November–December
Unit description:
Considers the increasing impact of technology in contemporary society with a particular
focus on health services. The unit explores some current applications of health informatics
and identifies a number of issues associated with the use of technology in health care. It
provides the foundation for ongoing exploration of health informatics.
Staff: Ms S Whetton
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: external, flexible delivery via Internet or CD; a self-directed learning
unit. Students complete tasks and activities at their own pace, within the parameters of
semester requirements.
Assess: continuous assessment by assignment/course work
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H5E] [H6E]
Faculty website: <>
Data, Information and Knowledge
Enrolment code: CRH501
Offered: dist.ed: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2 OR summer-sch OR winter-sch OR
Special note: semester 5 (end-of-year school) = November–December
Unit description:
Focuses on database management systems and introduces the key concepts of data,
information and knowledge in the context of relational database development as applied
to health.
Staff: Ms S Whetton, Ms J Hartnett
Unit weight: 12.5%
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Unit details [CRH]
Teaching pattern: external, flexible delivery via Internet or CD; a self-directed learning
unit. Students complete tasks and activities at their own pace, within the parameters of
semester requirements.
Assess: continuous assessment by assignment/course work
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H5E] [H6E]
Faculty website: <>
Health Online
Enrolment code: CRH502
Offered: dist.ed: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2 OR summer-sch OR winter-sch OR
Special note: semester 5 (end-of-year school) = November–December
Unit description:
Explores the changes occurring in the structure and delivery of health services as a result
of technologies such as the Internet and telehealth. The unit considers the impact of such
technology on consumers, communities, health professionals and health services.
Staff: Prof J Walker
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: external, flexible delivery via Internet or CD; a self-directed learning
unit. Students complete tasks and activities at their own pace, within the parameters of
semester requirements.
Prereq: CRH500, CRH501
Assess: continuous assessment by assignment/course work
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H5E] [H6E]
Faculty website: <>
Legal and Ethical Issues of Emerging Technologies
Enrolment code: CRH503
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Unit details [CRH]
Offered: dist.ed: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2 OR summer-sch OR winter-sch OR
Special note: semester 5 (end-of-year school) = November–December
Unit description:
Explores issues such as duty of care and negligence, privacy and confidentiality, data
management, access and use as they relate to the use of information technology in health.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: external, flexible delivery via Internet or CD; a self-directed learning
unit. Students complete tasks and activities at their own pace, within the parameters of
semester requirements.
Prereq: CRH500, CRH501, CRH502
Assess: continuous assessment by assignment/course work
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H5E] [H6E]
Faculty website: <>
The Diffusion of Health Technology (Managing
Enrolment code: CRH504
Offered: dist.ed: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2 OR summer-sch OR winter-sch OR
Special note: semester 5 (end-of-year school) = November–December
Unit description:
Explores issues relating to change management, particularly current theory and research
on the successful introduction of technology in the health environment.
Staff: Ms S Whetton
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: external, flexible delivery via Internet or CD; a self-directed learning
unit. Students complete tasks and activities at their own pace, within the parameters of
semester requirements.
Prereq: CRH500
Assess: continuous assessment by assignment/course work
Required: tba
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Unit details [CRH]
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H5E] [H6E]
Faculty website: <>
Electronic Health Records
Enrolment code: CRH505
Offered: dist.ed: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2 OR summer-sch OR winter-sch OR
Special note: semester 5 (end-of-year school) = November–December
Unit description:
Explores the evolution of the electronic health record. The unit explores system
requirements, vocabulary issues and standards. Privacy and security issues are explored
in the context of providing high quality health care.
Staff: Ms S Whetton, Prof J Walker
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: external, flexible delivery via Internet or CD; a self-directed learning
unit. Students complete tasks and activities at their own pace, within the parameters of
semester requirements.
Prereq: CRH500, CRH501
Assess: continuous assessment by assignment/course work
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H5E] [H6E]
Faculty website: <>
Understanding Health Informatics Research
Enrolment code: CRH506
Offered: dist.ed: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2 OR summer-sch OR winter-sch OR
Special note: semester 5 (end-of-year school) = November–December
Unit description:
Provides students with the ability to use health informatics research in their professional
environment. The unit explores theoretical approaches to and practical applications of
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Unit details [CRH]
research. This includes an exploration of the influence of the traditional, constructivist and
critical paradigms on health informatics research. Examples of published research are
dissected into key components (including introduction, literature review, methodology
and methods, results and discussion) and analysed in the context of professional practice.
While the unit focuses on seeking out and critically evaluating published health
informatics research, it does not require students to plan and implement research. The unit
provides a foundation for CRH507 Health Informatics Research Methods.
Staff: Ms S Whetton, Ms R Bull
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: flexible delivery via Internet or CD; self-directed tasks and activities
Assess: 1,500-word analysis of a single research article, 2,000-word literature review
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H5E] [H6E]
Faculty website: <>
Health Informatics Research Methods
Enrolment code: CRH507
Offered: dist.ed: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2 OR summer-sch OR winter-sch OR
Special note: semester 5 (end-of-year school) = November–December
Unit description:
Focuses on the steps involved in planning and implementing a piece of research. The unit
develops an understanding of the planning, implementation and reporting processes used
in health informatics research It includes issues relating to the determination of research
questions, hypotheses, data collection and analysis methods. The ethics involved in
planning, conducting and reporting research is an integral part of the unit. The unit
includes the design of data collection tools and an introduction to quantitative and
qualitative data analysis techniques. Students plan and develop a research proposal,
including preliminary development of research instruments, but do not implement a
research project
Staff: Ms S Whetton, Ms R Bull, others tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: flexible delivery via Internet or CD; self-directed tasks and activities
Assess: 2,500-word research portfolio including a methods workbook and a research
Required: tba
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Unit details [CRH]
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H5E] [H6E]
Faculty website: <>
Health Information Systems
Enrolment code: CRH508
Offered: dist.ed: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2 OR summer-sch OR winter-sch OR
Special note: semester 5 (end-of-year school) = November–December
Unit description:
Builds on CRH501 Data, Information and Knowledge. The unit is a detailed study of the
development, implementation and maintenance of health care systems. It includes an
exploration of systems theory as it applies to health information systems. The unit
considers the life cycle of a health information system, including strategic and tactical
information planning and project management and explores the impact on the
organisation of each phase of the life cycle. It explores both technical (infrastructure,
hardware & software, Standards & Codes) and people issues (education & skill
development, changes to roles) which need to be resolved in the process of implementing
a successful health information system. The unit also explores the role and impact of the
informatics professional and the informatics/IT department within the health
Staff: Ms S Whetton, Ms J Hartnett, others tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: flexible delivery via Internet or CD; self-directed tasks and activities
Prereq: CRH501
Assess: 2,000-word case study and an essay on information systems project management
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H5E] [H6E]
Faculty website: <>
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