Introduction to Agriculture and Horticulture

KLA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Introduction to Agriculture and Horticulture
Enrolment code: KLA100
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Introduces the major agricultural and horticultural industries in Tasmania and mainland
Australia and covers a range of agricultural and biological concepts which relate to these
industries. Industry profiles are presented for the fruit, vegetable, essential oil, poppy,
cereal, legume, pasture and animal production industries. Practical work includes group
discussions/tutorials, and excursions to the University Farm at Cambridge, the
Horticultural Research Centre, and to private farming enterprises.
Staff Prof RJ Clark (Coordinator), Dr NJ Mendham, Dr SC Champion, Dr PH Brown, Dr
PA Lane, Dr SJ Wilson
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 lectures, 3 hrs lab/tutorial/excursion weekly (13 wks)
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (50%), 2 practical reports/class assignments (35%), and seminar
Courses [S3B] [S3C]
Faculty website <>
Business of Agriculture and Horticulture
Enrolment code: KLA105
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Introduces principles and techniques relevant to financial and business management of
agricultural and horticultural enterprises. Aspects of financial management include
accounting techniques, accounting statements, gross margin and enterprise budgeting and
capital expenditure analysis. Emphasis is placed on planning, implementation and control
of business enterprises. The University Farm is used as a model to develop a framework
for the study of enterprise and business analysis. Other areas covered include an
introduction to aspects of law and taxation for primary producers, business structures, risk
management, SWOT analysis and strategic planning.
Staff Prof RJ Clark (Coordinator), Dr PA Lane
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 lectures, 2 hrs tutorial or 3 hrs practical/excursion weekly (13 wks)
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (50%), 2 practical reports/class assignments (50%)
Courses [S3B] [S3C]
Faculty website <>
Science of Agriculture
Enrolment code: KLA110
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Outlines the application of basic scientific principles in agriculture systems. Covers an
elementary study of selected physical science issues in agriculture including structures,
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tractor safety, hydraulics and surface chemistry. The second component of the unit deals
with interpretation of agricultural research, information access, data management systems,
including elementary statistics, and presentation and interpretation of data.
Staff Dr SJ Wilson (Coordinator)
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 39 lectures, 13 tutorials/discussion groups
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (70%), assignments and tests (30%)
Courses [S3B] [S3C]
Faculty website <>
Sustainable Resource Management
Enrolment code: KLA115
Offered: Hobart: semester 2 [by internet], North-West Centre: semester 2 [by
internet] [by video-link]
Covers ecological principles including energy flow and nutrient cycling in natural and
managed ecosystems. Features of managed ecosystems including maintenance of soil
fertility, control of competing organisms (diseases, pests, weeds), and productivity are also
covered in systems ranging from shifting cultivation in the tropics to intensive
horticulture. The ecological, economic and social sustainability of these systems is
considered in relation to diversity, intensity of management, and productivity.
Environmental issues in agriculture such as vegetation, land and water degradation,
wildlife diversity, pests and weeds, pesticide use, and biological control are discussed.
Examples of horticultural, forestry, animal production and cropping systems will be used
to illustrate major principles covered in the unit.
Staff Dr NJ Mendham, Dr PH Brown
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 lectures, 3 hrs lab/tutorial/excursion weekly (13 wks)
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (60%), 3 practical reports/class assignments (40%)
Courses [S3A] [S3B] [S3C] [S3G] [S3T]
Faculty website <>
Microbiology and Mycology
Enrolment code: KLA210
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Special note: available to students undertaking BAgrSc, BSc or BAppSc(Ag/Hort) course; the unit
is a prerequisite for BSc students wishing to obtain a major in microbiology.
Provides students with a basic knowledge of the significance of microbiology and
mycology. The unit covers virology; immunology, the history, structure, function, genetics
and systematics of bacteria and fungi and a brief outline of bacterial diseases of animals.
Introduces the major taxonomic roots of macro- and microfungi.
The practical component gives students skills in the cultivation and identification of
microorganisms in the laboratory and of macrofungi in the field.
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Staff Dr MA Line, Dr K Stott, Dr T Ross
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 13 lab classes
Prerequisites any group 1 unit in chemistry, plant science or zoology
Mutual exclusions CBA250
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam in Nov (70%), practical exam during last week of sem 2
Courses [S3A] [S3B] [S3C] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Pasture and Animal Science
Enrolment code: KLA211
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Introduces students to the production and management of pastures in grazing animal
systems and general ruminant nutrition. In the pastures component topics include pasture
types and species, pasture establishment, plant growth and development, grass–legume
relationships, essential nutrients for pastures, seasonality of production and fodder
conservation. The animal component examines the digestive physiology of ruminants,
basic nutrition (protein, energy, water, vitamins, minerals, etc), the development of
feeding systems and ration computations and feed analysis. Practicals provide experience
in pasture assessment and laboratory techniques for determination of feed quality.
Staff Dr PA Lane, Dr SC Champion
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2x1-hr lectures, 3-hr practicals weekly (13 wks)
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam (60%), assignments (40%)
Courses [S3A] [S3B]
Faculty website <>
Agricultural Geology & Soil Science
Enrolment code: KLA213
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Covers introductory geology and includes concepts of mineralogy and petrology,
sedimentology, and groundwater, before moving to introductory soil science, which deals
with the main features of soil profiles, soil formation factors, soil occurrence in Tasmania
and the basic nutrient cycles in soils. Practical work and 3 full-day excursions look at the
geology of SE Tasmania, basic physical and chemical properties of soils under several
different climatic and geological conditions, and soil management and land-use issues.
Staff Mr RB Doyle (soils), Dr R Berry (geology)
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 lectures, 3-hr practical weekly (13 wks) 3x1-day excursions
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam (50%), practical work and reports (50%)
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Required texts etc
Skinner BJ and Porter SC, The Dynamic Earth, Wiley, 1992
[p/b] Cox KC, Price NB and Harte B, An Introduction to the Practical Study of Crystals,
Minerals and Rocks, revised edn, McGraw Hill
McLaren RG and Cameron KC, Soil Science, ISBN 0195581865
Recommended texts etc
Leeper GW, Introduction to Soil Science, ISBN 052284646
Courses [S3A] [S3B] [S3C] [S3G] [S3Gc1] [S3T]
Faculty website <>
Crop and Plant Physiology
Enrolment code: KLA214
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Covers the basic mechanisms of plant function, from the molecular to the whole-plant
level. The unit consists of several modules and covers cell physiology, whole-plant
physiology, crop growth and development and optimisation of crop performance. These
modules examine plant–water relations, photosynthetic performance, respiration and
transport processes in terms of their effect on crop yield and performance in field
conditions. Fundamental issues in plant physiology are studied in relation to principles of
crop improvement and optimisation of crop performance.
Staff Dr S Shabala, Dr NJ Mendham
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 39 hrs practicals
Prerequisites KPA120 or equiv
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam in Nov (60%), assignments during sem on specific topics
(15%), lab report (25%),
Recommended texts etc
Atwell et al, Plants in Action, MacMillan, Melb, 1999.
Courses [S3A] [S3B] [S3C]
Faculty website <>
Field Agriculture
Enrolment code: KLA215
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Special note: Students also complete a week in the field prior to the start of semester 1
Involves an initial five days of coursework, practical classes and excursions based at the
University’s North-West Centre. Students investigate agricultural production systems
with an emphasis on the practical application of scientific principles in crop production
and animal husbandry. The unit provides an introduction to the classification, diversity
and collection of insects and plants of agricultural importance, and to the diagnosis and
management of common agricultural diseases.
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KLA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Staff Dr PA Lane (Coordinator)
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 5 days field study, equiv to 10 hrs lectures and 30 hrs practicals, 16x4-hr
practicals on plant (12) and insect (4) identification
Assessment mode field reports (45%), entomology project (15%), plant taxonomy (40%)
Required texts etc
Curtis WM and Morris DI, The Students Flora of Tasmania, Parts 1,2,3 and 4B, St Davids
Park Publ, Hobart.
Courses [S3A] [S3B] [S3C] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Agricultural Technology
Enrolment code: KLA217
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Studies aspects of weather and micro-climate in agricultural production and the
technology associated with the management of the physical environment in cropping
systems. The unit includes theoretical aspects and practical management of frost and wind
protection, chemical spray drift and basic hydraulics relating to irrigation design. Also
included is an introduction to field surveying techniques and spatial information systems.
Staff Dr SJ Wilson (Coordinator)
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 39 hrs practicals/tutorials, half-day field trip
Prerequisites KYA171 or KYA172 or equiv
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam (50%), field report (20%), assignments (30%)
Required texts etc
Oke TR, Boundary Layer Climates, ISBN 0416044328
Courses [S3A]
Faculty website <>
Animal Production Systems
Enrolment code: KLA220 or KLA320
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Provides an overview of animal production systems, examining the relationships which
exist along animal production ‘chains’ to the end-product. Areas covered may include:
animal nutrition and grazing management, aspects of animal physiology, and factors
determining product quality in each of the wool, red meat and dairy industries.
Staff Dr SC Champion (Coordinator), guest and industry based lecturers as required
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 39 hrs practicals/tutorials
Assessment mode 2-hr theory exam (30%), other assessment tasks (70%)
Courses [S3A] [S3B] [S3G]
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Faculty website <>
Horticultural Physiology and Technology
Enrolment code: KLA233 or KLA333
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Examines the technology used in the production of horticultural crops, and links the use of
technology with knowledge of crop growth and development. Emphasis is given to the
post-harvest treatment of horticultural products and the technology associated with
post-harvest handling.
Staff Dr PH Brown
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 lectures, 3-hr practical/excursion/tutorial weekly
Assessment mode 2 practical reports (30%), 3-hr exam (70%)
Courses [S3C]
Faculty website <>
Horticultural Production Systems
Enrolment code: KLA242 or KLA342
Offered: not offered in 2002
Special note: next offered in 2003
Provides students with an overview of Australian horticultural production, including
study of ecological aspects of fruit and vegetable production in Australia, growth and
development of the major horticultural crop species, and principles underlying
horticultural practice including canopy management, flowering and fruit development,
and crop regulation.
Staff Dr PH Brown, Dr SJ Wilson
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 39 hrs practicals/tutorials
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam (60%), assignments (40%)
Courses [S3A] [S3C] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Crop and Pasture Production
Enrolment code: KLA250 or KLA350
Offered: not offered in 2002
Special note: next offered in 2003
Develops the principles of crop and pasture production, both as individual enterprises and
as components of farming systems. The crop component examines the characteristics,
management and use of the main groups, including cereal, legume, oilseed, vegetable and
industrial crops and introduces the principles of plant breeding. The pasture component
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covers the main temperate pasture plants, plant growth, development and use, pasture
establishment, management of weeds in pasture and grass/legume relationships.
Practical work aims to develop an understanding of crop and pasture production in
farming systems, and also includes aspects of Landcare, Whole Farm Planning and
Catchment Management.
Staff Dr NJ Mendham, Dr PA Lane
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 13x3-hr practicals
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam (60%), assignments (40%)
Courses [S3A] [S3B] [S3C] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Insect Diversity and Function
Enrolment code: KLA254 or KLA354
Offered: not offered in 2002
Special note: next offered in 2003
Provides an introduction to the classification, diversity, structure, function and general
biology of insects. A collection of insects is a required component of the unit.
Staff Dr GR Allen
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 13 lab classes/excursions/field trips
Prerequisites KZA160 or equiv
Assessment mode continuous assessment (practicals, reports, etc.)(15%), practical exam
(15%), insect collection (25%), 3-hr theory exam (45%)
Required texts etc
Gullan PJ and Cranston PS, The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, ISBN 0632053437
Dissecting instruments, hand lens
Courses [S3A] [S3B] [S3C] [S3G] [S3Gc1] [S3T]
Faculty website <>
Introduction to Plant Diseases
Enrolment code: KLA287 or KLA387
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Introduces plant pathology, disease concepts, field and laboratory diagnostic procedures.
This is followed by a review of the biotic agents of plant disease (fungi, bacteria, viruses,
mycoplasmas, nematodes, parasitic plants).
Staff Dr CL Mohammed, Dr CR Wilson
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 13 lab classes/tutorials
Assessment mode 3-hr end-of-sem theory exam (50%), practical work (50%)
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Required texts etc
Brown JF and Ogie HJ, Plant Pathogens and Plant Diseases, ISBN 186389439X
Recommended texts etc
Agrios GN, Plant Pathology, ISBN 0120445646
Courses [S3A] [S3B] [S3C] [S3G] [S3Gc1] [S3T]
Faculty website <>
Fundamentals of Soil Science
Enrolment code: KLA297 or KLA397
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Develops students’ ability to undertake soil analyses and interpret generated data for
management of soil physical, chemical and morphological problems. Issues covered
include: salinity, drainage, water retention, soil biology, erosion control, soil chemistry
and soil formation. The unit begins with field description and sampling of several soil
profiles. The soil profiles are then analysed as a class exercise and interpretations and soil
management plans are developed.
Staff Mr RB Doyle
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 lectures weekly, 18x3-hr practicals, 2 full-day field trips
Prerequisites KLA213 or equiv
Assessment mode 3-hr exam (50%), written and practical reports (50%)
Required texts etc
Brady NC and Weil RR, Nature and Properties of Soils, ISBN 0138524440
Courses [S3A] [S3B] [S3C] [S3G] [S3Gc1]
Faculty website <>
Insect Ecology and Behaviour
Enrolment code: KLA314 or KLA414
Offered: not offered in 2002
Special note: next offered in 2003
Provides an overview of insect ecology and looks at life-history strategies, insect
behavioural ecology, insect mating systems, insect–plant interactions, insect population
ecology, insect pest management and specialist areas such as medical, veterinary, aquatic,
forest and forensic entomology.
Staff Dr GR Allen
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 13 lab classes/tutorial/field trips
Prerequisites one of KZA150, KZA151 or equiv
Assessment mode practicals (30%), seminars/tutorials (15%), 3-hr theory exam (55%)
Required texts etc
Gullan PJ and Cranston PS, The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, ISBN 0632053437
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Dissecting instruments, hand lens
Courses [S3A] [S3G] [S3Gc1] [S3T]
Faculty website <>
Plant Nutrition & Soil Fertility
Enrolment code: KLA318 or KLA418
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Studies the principles of soil fertility and plant nutrition and their application to
producing agricultural, horticultural and forestry crops. Topics include soil and plant
diagnostic criteria, uptake and translocation, estimation of soil nutrient supply, and
principles of fertiliser use.
Staff Dr S Shabala, Dr L Sparrow
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 lectures, 1 lab class/tutorial/field trip weekly (13 wks)
Prerequisites KLA214 or equiv
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam (50%), lab report (25%), assignments and notes on
specific topics during semester (25%)
Recommended texts etc
Marschner H, Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, 2nd edn, Academic Press, Lond, 1995.
Courses [S3A] [S3B] [S3C] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Animal Science
Enrolment code: KLA326 or KLA426
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Consists of fixed and variable components. Fixed components may include: nutrition and
grazing management for wool production, clip preparation and wool processing; factors
affecting lamb and beef production; factors affecting dairy cattle performance and
production. Variable components are drawn from livestock physiology, behaviour,
breeding and genetics, and nutrition.
Staff Dr SC Champion (Coordinator), guest and industry-based lecturers as required
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 39 hrs practicals/tutorials
Assessment mode 2-hr exam (30%), other assessment tasks (70%)
Courses [S3A]
Faculty website <>
Crop Health Management
Enrolment code: KLA329 or KLA429
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
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Studies the principles of management of plant disorders, diseases, insects, weeds and
related organisms; biology and ecology of pests and the integration of sound agricultural,
forest and other practices with chemical and biological approaches to control; how
pesticides work, their application and safe use. The unit also studies irrigation systems
and management of irrigation in commercial crops.
Staff Dr GR Allen, Dr CW Wilson, Dr SJ Wilson, Dr C Mohammed
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures or self-learning sessions, 13 practical
Assessment mode exam (50%), assignments (50%)
Courses [S3B] [S3C] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Enrolment code: KLA331 or KLA431
Offered: not offered in 2002
Special note: next offered in 2003
Examines the current status of crop and pasture research, including developments in
breeding, physiology and management. Farming systems research is also examined
through a study of topics such as tillage systems, crop rotations, modelling, precision
farming, integrated weed management, pasture composition and management, intensive
pasture management, use of native pastures and the latest developments in grazing
Practical work is mainly based on negotiated project work, individually or in groups.
Staff Dr NJ Mendham, Dr PA Lane
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures and 13x3-hr practicals
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam (60%), assignments (40%)
Courses [S3A] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Agricultural and Forest Pathology
Enrolment code: KLA346 or KLA446
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Study of plant pathogens economically important to agriculture, horticulture and forestry
in Australia. Topics include infection biology, host and fungicide resistance, epidemiology,
disease forecasting and forest health surveillance.
Staff Dr CL Mohammed, Dr CW Wilson
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 13 lab classes/tutorials
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Assessment mode 3-hr end-of-sem theory exam (50%), practical work and assignments
Required texts etc
Brown JF and Ogie HJ, Plant Pathogen s and Plant Diseases, ISBN 186389439X
Recommended texts etc
Agrios GN, Plant Pathology, ISBN 0120445646
Courses [S3A] [S3Gc1]
Faculty website <>
Horticultural Science
Enrolment code: KLA365 or KLA465
Offered: not offered in 2002
Special note: next offered in 2003
Provides students with a comprehensive examination of horticultural production theory
and practice. Sections of the unit deal with horticultural crop management and regulation,
post-harvest physiology, stress physiology.
Staff Dr PH Brown, Dr SJ Wilson, Dr S Shabala
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 lectures, 3-hr practical/excursion/tutorial weekly
Prerequisites KLA214 or KPA200
Assessment mode assignments/practical reports (40%), 2x3-hr exams (60%)
Courses [S3A] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Industry Project
Enrolment code: KLA377
Offered: Hobart: semesters 1 & 2
Involves the investigation and writing of a major project related to an existing
agricultural/horticultural industry or enterprise or related topic. Students choose the area
of investigation in consultation with the unit coordinator and then are assigned an
academic supervisor with expertise in the chosen area. The project report takes the form of
a reading thesis and consists of: a literature review of the industry/enterprise/topic; an
analysis of the local situation based on further investigation and an industry placement of
two weeks; a specialisation component from research into an area of technical interest; and
a business component which consists of working in groups and preparing a business plan.
The unit is normally undertaken and completed in the final year of the degree program in
accordance with the notes and instructions provided by the unit coordinator.
Staff Dr PA Lane (Coordinator)
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern 1-hr tutorial weekly (26 wks), 2 wks industry placement. The unit
comprises a large component of self-directed learning and project work equivalent to
5 hours a week for 26 weeks
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Assessment mode industry project report (70%), seminar (10%), business plan (20%)
Courses [S3B] [S3C]
Faculty website <>
Soil and Land Resources
Enrolment code: KLA381 or KLA481
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Concentrates on soil survey, land capability and suitability survey, and land degradation
studies. This is a group project and is largely field-work based.
Staff Mr RB Doyle, Dr J Beattie, Dr L Sparrow
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 lectures, 1 practical weekly (13 wks)
Prerequisites KLA213
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam (50%), internal reports, seminars, practicals (50%)
Required texts etc
Brady NC and Weil RR, Nature and Properties of Soils, ISBN 0138524440
Recommended texts etc
Dent D and Young A, Soil Survey and Land Evaluation, ISBN 0046310142
Birkeland P, Soils and Geomorphology, ISBN 019503435X
Courses [S3A] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Food Microbiology
Enrolment code: KLA396 or KLA496
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Special note: year-3 students use enrolment code KLA396. The unit is available to students
undertaking BSc and BAgrSc degree courses. KLA396 may form part of a microbiology major in
the BSc degree course, together with CJA308 and KLA398.
Considers the role of microorganisms in the production, deterioration and safety of foods,
from both ecological and physiological perspectives, including the effect of temperature,
pH, water activity and other factors affecting the growth and decline of microbial
populations in foods. Specific topics include: microbial fermentations; spoilate processes;
microbial hazards associated with foods; and current approaches to food safety including
HACCP, Quatitative Risk Assessment and predictive microbiology.
Staff Dr T Ross (Coordinator), Mrs L Maddock and researchers from the Centre for Food
Safety and Quality
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 13 lab classes/tutorials
Prerequisites KLA210 or CBA250
Mutual exclusions KLA309
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam (70%), project report and practical exam (30%)
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Courses [S3A] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
General Microbial Ecology
Enrolment code: KLA398 or KLA498
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
Special note: year-3 students use enrolment code KLA398. The unit is available to students
undertaking BSc and BAgrSc degree courses. KLA398 may form part of a microbiology major in
the BSc degree course, together with CJA308 and KLA396.
Describes important factors affecting microbial transformations, particularly in terrestrial
environments, and includes the major biological cycles particularly of nitrogen, carbon
and iron; the biodegradation of natural and synthetic organic compounds, and microbial
Staff Dr MA Line
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 26 lectures, 13 lab classes/tutorials
Prerequisites KLA210 or CBA250
Mutual exclusions KLA309
Assessment mode 3-hr theory exam (70%), project report and practical exam (30%)
Courses [S3A] [S3G]
Faculty website <>
Research, Development and Extension Methods
Enrolment code: KLA405
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Enables students to plan and complete scientific investigations. Major issues include
preparation of project proposals, experimental design, basic statistical methods and
relevant computing tools. Effective presentation of research findings, as seminars and
papers, is also included. The unit also introduces students to planning scientific
development and extension programs, extension methods and evaluation of extension
Staff Dr SJ Wilson (Coordinator), Ms A Fulton
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 39 lectures, 39 hrs computing lab sessions/seminars/group activities
Prerequisites KMA153 or equiv
Assessment mode assignments (30%), seminar (10%), 3-hr exam (60%)
Courses [S3A]
Faculty website <>
Microbiology 4 (Honours) (Science)
Full time/Part time
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KLA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Enrolment code: KLA415 or KLA416
Offered: Hobart: semesters 1 & 2
Special note: full-time students enrol in KLA415 (100%); part-time students in KLA416 (50%)
Students are expected to undertake advanced level, formal study of selected topics or
other relevant units as directed by the supervisor; they are required to present a reading
thesis on an approved topic and carry out independent research as directed by the
Staff Prof TA McMeekin, Dr MA Line, Dr T Ross
Unit weight 100%/50%
Prerequisites BSc with major in Microbiology (or approved alternative background)
Assessment mode research thesis
Courses [S4E]
Faculty website <>
Animal Production Systems
Enrolment code: KLA420
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
See KLA220/320.
Staff Dr SC Champion (Coordinator), guest and industry-based lecturers as required
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses [S3A]
Faculty website <>
Horticultural Production Systems
Enrolment code: KLA442
Offered: not offered in 2002
Special note: next offered in 2003
See KLA242/342.
Unit weight 12.5%
Faculty website <>
Crop and Pasture Production
Enrolment code: KLA450
Offered: not offered in 2002
Special note: next offered in 2003
See KLA250/350.
Unit weight 12.5%
Faculty website <>
Insect Diversity and Function
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KLA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Enrolment code: KLA454
Offered: not offered in 2002
Special note: next offered in 2003
See KLA254/354.
Unit weight 12.5%
Faculty website <>
Marine, Freshwater and Antarctic Biology
Full time/Part time
Enrolment code: KLA455 or KLA456
Offered: Hobart: semesters 1 & 2
Special note: full-time students enrol in KLA455 (100%); part-time students in KLA456 (50%)
Have the same objectives as KPA450/451.
Staff Prof TA McMeekin, Dr MA Line, Dr T Ross
Unit weight 100%/50%
Faculty website <>
Literature Review
Enrolment code: KLA483
Offered: Hobart: semesters 1 & 2
Special note: subject to degree coordinator’s approval
For details of this unit, contact the School.
Staff Prof R Clark
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses [S3A]
Faculty website <>
Introduction to Plant Diseases
Enrolment code: KLA487
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
See KLA287/387.
Unit weight 12.5%
Required texts etc
see KLA287/387
Faculty website <>
Agricultural Science Honours Thesis
University of Tasmania unit details
July 11, 2016, 18:41 PM, page –15
KLA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Enrolment code: KLA490
Offered: Hobart: semesters 1 & 2
The Honours thesis is to be completed in accordance with the notes and instructions
available from the degree coordinator, and submitted to the Honours coordinator by the
first week in December.
Staff all Agricultural Science teaching staff
Unit weight 25%
Prerequisites by invitation only
Assessment mode thesis examination
Courses [S4A]
Faculty website <>
Fundamentals of Soil Science
Enrolment code: KLA497
Offered: Hobart: semester 2
See KLA297/397.
Unit weight 12.5%
Faculty website <>
Research Project (Pass)/(Honours)
Enrolment code: KLA500
Offered: Hobart: semesters 1 & 2, Launceston: semesters 1 & 2, North-West Centre:
semesters 1 & 2
Special note: offered outside Hobart subject to availability of supervision
KLA500 is related to the Research projects for the Graduate Diploma of Agricultural
Science or the Graduate Diploma of Agricultural Science with Honours.
Unit weight 0%
Courses [S6A] [S6Y]
Faculty website <>
Graduate Diploma in Science with Honours,
specialising in Microbiology
Enrolment code: KLA515 or KLA516
Special note: full-time students use enrolment code KLA515 (100%), part-time students KLA516
Has the same objectives as KLA415/416. Full time/part time ‘umbrella’ code.
Unit weight 100%/50%
Assessment mode thesis and set unit examination.
Courses [S6X]
University of Tasmania unit details
July 11, 2016, 18:41 PM, page –16
KLA Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Faculty website <>
Graduate Diploma of Agricultural Science
Enrolment code: KLA520 or KLA521
Special note: full-time students use enrolment code KLA520 (100%), part-time students use
KLA521 (50%)
All candidates, Pass and Honours, enrolling in the Graduate Diploma of Agricultural
Science, use these ‘umbrella’ codes.
Unit weight 100%/50%
Faculty website <>
University of Tasmania unit details
July 11, 2016, 18:41 PM, page –17