Music and Society

Music and Society
Enrolment code: FCD110
Offered: Hobart: semester 1
Special note: Required unit for Diploma of Music students
Provides an introduction to researching musical topics and preparing and writing a
variety of musicological assignments, including an introduction to music research
resources and methods, preparation of bibliographies and referencing, and a review of
music terminology and survey of musical genres and of musical styles in societal context.
Literature to be studied will cover a broad range of sub-disciplines including historical
musicology, performance practice, ethnomusicology, sociology of music, contemporary
music and contemporary aesthetics.
Staff Profile staff, PTA staff
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2-hr lecture and a 1-hr tutorial (13 wks)
Mutual exclusions FCL180
Assessment mode assignments and exercises as determined by the
lecturers:<y>2x1,000-word essays (45%), written test (20%), concert review (10%), other
assignments (25%)
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class (Orchestral or Contemporary
Enrolment code: FCD120
Offered: Hobart: semester 1 OR semester 2
Special note: Required unit for Diploma of Music (Orchestral or Contemporary Instrument)
Designed to provide students with practical experience in the study, rehearsal and
performance of ensemble music. Through weekly rehearsals aspects of performance are
explored including intonation, ensemble skills (playing together precisely and
rhythmically), interpreting the gestures, mannerisms and wishes of a conductor or
ensemble leader, tone control as well as the ethics and correct behaviour expected of a
member of an ensemble. Other issues covered include the performance of individual and
sectional excerpts relevant to the particular area of specialisation. The repertoire for this
ensemble covers a wide range of styles from early Baroque through to contemporary
scores requiring new performance techniques. This unit will give students performance
experience of these styles over a cycle of four semesters. Students are required to attend
regular rehearsals, workshops, sectionals and performances as determined by the
Staff Dr H Monkhouse (Coordinator), Profile staff (orchestral and contemporary
instruments), PTA staff
University of Tasmania unit details
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Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 90-minute ensemble rehearsal, 90-minute sectional rehearsal weekly (13
Mutual exclusions FCE180
Assessment mode ensemble: commitment, preparation and participation (30%),
performances (30%); excerpts or improv: jury (40%)
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class (Classical or Contemporary
Enrolment code: FCD121
Offered: Hobart: semester 1 OR semester 2
Special note: Required unit for Diploma of Music (Keyboard) students
Designed to provide experience and opportunities for keyboard performers to acquire the
skills of ensemble technique essential for the full development of the keyboard musician.
Through a weekly accompaniment or improvisation class students will gain basic
experience of playing with another instrumentalist, sight-reading, performance technique
and repertoire. The class focuses on developing the performer’s ability to distinguish
between the essential and supportive elements of keyboard accompaniment, while
elements of simple arrangement or adaptation, improvisation and the problems associated
with the playing of orchestral reductions or charts will be addressed as they occur.
Students may be assigned to work regularly with at least one instrumental/vocal student.
Staff Ms S Deng, Mrs B Sedivka
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 90-minute accompanying class weekly (13 wks)
Mutual exclusions FCE180
Assessment mode accompaniment class: commitment, preparation and participation (50%);
accompaniment performances: preparation (10%) and performance (40%)
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class Guitar 1
Enrolment code: FCD122
Offered: Hobart: semester 1 OR semester 2
Special note: required unit for Diploma of Music (Classical or Contemporary Guitar) students
Designed to provide composers with necessary ancillary skills that complement the study
of music composition. The unit focuses on the composer’s relationship with and
communication skills appropriate to music ensembles. Students will develop skills in
music engraving and conducting. Students are also required to take part in an ensemble.
Additionally, since the art of music composition is being informed increasingly through
music technology, students develop skills in the MIDI/Digital audio studio.
University of Tasmania unit details
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Staff Mr D Malone
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2-hr guitar ensemble rehearsal, 90-minute ensemble elective weekly (13
Mutual exclusions FCE180
Assessment mode guitar ensemble: 2 guitar ensemble performances or recordings in the
semester; students assessed on commitment, preparation and participation (40%);
guitar ensemble performances (30%), participation and performance in the large
ensemble (30%); full attendance is expected in both ensembles.
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class (Classical and Contemporary
Enrolment code: FCD123
Offered: Hobart: semester 1 OR semester 2
Special note: Required unit for Diploma of Music (Voice) students
Development of skills in English diction for singers and familiarity with International
Phonetic Alphabet. Participation in Classical or Contemporary ensembles as directed, to
develop sight-reading facility and blending skills for ensemble singing and develop a
knowledge of voice ensemble repertoire.
Staff Profile staff , PTA staff
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 1-hr diction class, 2-3 hrs choral rehearsal or performance weekly (13 wks)
Mutual exclusions FCE180
Assessment mode mid-sem written diction test (15%), end-of-sem written and oral diction
test (40%), participation at choral rehearsals and performances (30%), end-of-sem
choral excerpts test (15%)
Required texts etc
Joan Wall, International Phonetic Alphabet for Singers: A manual for English and foreign
language diction, PST Publishing, 1989
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class (Composition)
Enrolment code: FCD124
Offered: Hobart: semester 1 OR semester 2
Special note: Required unit for Diploma of Music (Composition) students
Designed to provide composers with necessary ancillary skills that complement the study
of music composition. The unit focuses on the composer’s relationship with and
communication skills appropriate to music ensembles. Students will develop skills in
University of Tasmania unit details
July 11, 2016, 18:40 PM, page –3
music engraving and conducting. Students are also required to take part in an ensemble.
Additionally, since the art of music composition is being informed increasingly through
music technology, students develop skills in the MIDI/Digital audio studio.
Staff Prof D Knehans, Mr R Marcellino (Coordinator), Dr M Grenfell
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 1-hr tutorial in music engraving weekly (13 wks), conducting tutorials in
preparation for composition rehearsals and performances (as required)
Mutual exclusions FCE180
Assessment mode conducting/ensemble: commitment, preparation and participation (30%),
performances (20%), music engraving of original compositions (including part
preparation) (50%)
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class Orchestral Instruments 2
Enrolment code: FCD210
Offered: not offered in 2002
Contact Conservatorium of Music for details of this unit.
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class Keyboard 2
Enrolment code: FCD211
Offered: not offered in 2002
Contact Conservatorium of Music for details of this unit.
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class Guitar 2
Enrolment code: FCD212
Offered: not offered in 2002
Contact Conservatorium of Music for details of this unit.
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class Voice 2
Enrolment code: FCD213
University of Tasmania unit details
July 11, 2016, 18:40 PM, page –4
Offered: not offered in 2002
Contact Conservatorium of Music for details of this unit.
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class Composition 2
Enrolment code: FCD214
Offered: not offered in 2002
Contact Conservatorium of Music for details of this unit.
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class Orchestral Instruments 3
Enrolment code: FCD220
Offered: not offered in 2002
Contact Conservatorium of Music for details of this unit.
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class Keyboard 3
Enrolment code: FCD221
Offered: not offered in 2002
Contact Conservatorium of Music for details of this unit.
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class Guitar 3
Enrolment code: FCD222
Offered: not offered in 2002
Contact Conservatorium of Music for details of this unit.
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class Voice 3
University of Tasmania unit details
July 11, 2016, 18:40 PM, page –5
Enrolment code: FCD223
Offered: not offered in 2002
Contact Conservatorium of Music for details of this unit.
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
Ensemble Class Composition 3
Enrolment code: FCD224
Offered: not offered in 2002
Contact Conservatorium of Music for details of this unit.
Unit weight 12.5%
Courses F2x:
Faculty website <>
University of Tasmania unit details
July 11, 2016, 18:40 PM, page –6