Education 1

EPF Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Education 1
Enrolment code: EPF150
Offered: Launceston: semesters 1 & 2, North-West Centre: semesters 1 & 2
Introduces students to an understanding of the intricate relationship between teaching and
learning from different perspectives. The unit focuses on teaching and learning skills –
both academic and personal – and on the use of information technology. Students reflect
on their own learning experiences in various contexts and from the teacher’s perspective,
as well as on the cognitive, psychomotor and physical aspects of child development. Key
concepts in education such as teaching and relationships, the nature of teachers’ work,
independent learning and student motivation are examined critically. Students are
introduced to various approaches to teaching and to classroom observation techniques
used in monitoring and assessing learning; they are provided with knowledge and skills
for classroom management; and they are helped in developing critical thinking, learning
and communications skills. In the Information Technology strand, students acquire
personal and professional skills in computing applications for teaching and learning
purposes in the areas and at the levels specified for teachers by the Education Department
of Tasmania.
Staff Mr A Fluck and others tba
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern 2x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 2-hr tutorial weekly (26 wks)
Corequisites EPT150
Assessment mode tests, written assignments, seminar presentations, and competency-based
assessment tasks in the IT strand
Required texts etc
Recommended texts etc
Courses [E3A] [OC]
Faculty website <>
Education 2
Enrolment code: EPF250
Offered: Launceston: semesters 1 & 2
Enables students to understand basic theoretical and practical issues in communication in
human development, and personal interaction and its relevance to teaching and learning.
Students learn to appreciate the vital role of communication and language in education,
and to analyse school and classroom environments as interactive communicative discourse
where linguistic and communicative failure can lead to educational failure. Students are
also introduced to concepts, methods and issues relating to assessment and evaluation and
communicating with parents and about children’s learning.
Staff Dr T Lê and others
University of Tasmania unit details
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EPF Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 1-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (26 wks)
Prerequisites EPF150
Corequisites EPT250
Assessment mode tests, written assignments and seminar presentation
Required texts etc
Recommended texts etc
Courses [E3A]
Faculty website <>
Education 3
Enrolment code: EPF350
Offered: Launceston: semesters 1 & 2
Successful participation in this core unit should enable students to gain an understanding
of typical and exceptional dimensions of child and adolescent development relevant to the
work of early childhood, primary and middle school educators. Students are prepared to
ascertain and accommodate needs of the wide range of abilities and cultural identities of
learners. Strands of inclusion and equity, behaviour management, and classroom-focused
research prepare students for diverse learner groups in School Experience 3 and beyond.
Towards the end of the second semester, students have the opportunity to interpret the
unit’s developmental and psychological implications for either early childhood or middle
primary teaching/learning.
Staff Ms MH McGill, Mr R Andrew
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern 3x1-hr lectures; and, depending on the strand, a 1-day or 2xhalf-day
workshops (by negotiation) and/or 1-hr tutorial weekly (26 wks)
Prerequisites EPF202
Corequisites EPT350
Assessment mode a study of 1 or 2 learners (30%), 2-hr test (30%), a learning resource
package (20%), 1,500-word essay (20%)
Required texts etc
Recommended texts etc
Courses [E3A]
Faculty website <>
Honours Dissertation
Enrolment code: EPF400
University of Tasmania unit details
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EPF Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Offered: Launceston: semesters 1 & 2
Students selected into the honours program will undertake this unit. The main purpose of
the unit is to introduce students to broad professional and research issues in Education
and to prepare students to undertake a substantial research study, culminating in the
honours dissertation (approx 12,000 words). Students successfully completing this unit
will have undertaken the following: the development of an appropriate honours research
proposal; the development of a substantial literature review in the area of the student’s
dissertation topic; the planning and conduct of a research study; appropriate data analysis;
the production of a dissertation written in an appropriately scholarly style; and, the public
presentation of the research findings. Students will work with the honours coordinator
and their individual dissertation supervisors to produce these outcomes. In addition,
students are required to attend the honours seminars and to contribute to them through
presentations (written and oral), discussion and completion of work as required by the
honours/unit coordinator.
Staff Dr ME Myhill
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern equiv 8 hrs weekly
Assessment mode dissertation (100%)
Required texts etc
Recommended texts etc
Courses [E4A]
Faculty website <>
Education 4
Enrolment code: EPF450
Offered: Launceston: semesters 1 & 2
Students address two questions: What should the broad aims of schooling be? and Who
should have the power to decide on such aims? In preparation for a rigorous treatment of
these questions, the skills of argument and argument criticism are addressed.
Staff Mr PJ Davson-Galle
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2-hr lecture, 2-hr tutorial weekly (26 wks)
Corequisites EPF451 and EPT450
Assessment mode essay (15%), test (30%), essay (55%)
Required texts etc
Recommended texts etc
Courses [E3A] [E4A]
Faculty website <>
University of Tasmania unit details
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EPF Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Education 5
Enrolment code: EPF451
Offered: Launceston: semesters 1 & 2
(a) become conversant with the policies and practices which characterise the
contemporary school sector;
consider best practice in classroom and discipline management to prepare a working
‘discipline plan’ in accord with the welfare policy of one or several schools;
have linked content drawn from their curriculum units to classroom management
and planning to that they are prepared to assume the required teaching role in their
internship class;
have a clear knowledge and understanding of the legal issues surrounding teaching;
have partaken in critically reviewing and evaluating their School Experience 4 (or
most recent practicum);
examine professional educational organisations, becoming familiar with several
education systems of relevance to their state, nationally and abroad;
(g) understand contemporary school management structures, including up-to-date
knowledge on professional progression, redevelopment and promotion;
(h) be prepared strategically for the demands a beginning teacher can expect to meet;
be prepared for the task of job applications and associated skills such as writing
resumes, interviewing and preparing a teaching portfolio appropriate for use in
gaining employment and developing a record of professional learning and
development; and
undertake short courses of choice, facilitated by the School but provided by certified
external providers, to enhance their preparation for the educator’s role.
Staff Mr R Andrew, Ms M Boardman
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2-hr lecture, 1-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (26 wks)
Prerequisites EPC350, EPC351, EPC352, EPC353 or permission of HoS
Corequisites EPF450 and EPT450
Assessment mode 1,500-word assignment in teaching and the law (20%), mini posters and
rationale discipline/behaviour management (30%), professional teaching portfolio
(25%), negotiated topics concerning the professional role of the educator (25%). May
include credit for short course completion.
Required texts etc
Recommended texts etc
tba during the year.
Courses [E3A] [E4A]
Faculty website <>
University of Tasmania unit details
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