Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 1 Business Information Systems Enrolment code: BSA101 Offered: Hbt, sem 1/sem 2/; Ltn, sem 1/sem 2/; NWC, 1 Unit description: Introduces the concepts of information systems in a business environment and the issues associated with their design, planning and integration. Lecture topics include (a) Underlying technologies conceptual view of software and hardware and its relationship to systems design; (b) Human and organisational issues – IS requirements and roles in business, IT as an agent for change, human computer interface; (c) Management of Information Resources for business best practice; and (d) Professional Issues – basic ethics, intellectual property and copyright, report writing. Tutorials are designed to develop proficiency in business software applications such as spreadsheets. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 1-hr tutorial/workshop, 3 hrs practical weekly Mutual excl: BFA121, KCA173, KCA180, KXA101 Assess: assignments (60%), 2 hr exam (40%) Required texts, etc: O’Brien JA, Introduction to Information Systems, Essentials for the Internetworked Enterprise, 9th edn, Irwin/McGraw Hill, 2000. Grauer RT & Barber M, Exploring Microsoft Excel 97, vol 1, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1998. BSA101 Study Guide, 2000, University Bookshop. Recommended reading: Grauer RT and Barber M, Exploring Microsoft Office 97 Professional, vol 1, Prentice Hall, 1998 Senn JA, Information Technology in Business: Principles, Practices and Opportunities, 2nd edn, Prentice Hall, 1998 Courses: C3C C3E C3L C3R C3S C3U C3X S3G Information Modelling Enrolment code: BSA102 Offered: Hbt, s-sch; Hsem 2; Ltn, sem 2; NWC, sem 2 Unit description: (a) Conceptual modelling – development of an entity-relationship model; process and data flow modelling (b) Data Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) modelling – implementation of conceptual models using relations (c) Database systems – relational database management systems; functions and use (d) Database querying – development of database queries using a high level query language, such as SQL; database transactions; report generation; 4GL tools. (e) Professional development – interpersonal communication, problem solving techniques, information gathering, production and maintenance of technical documentation, roles of IS professionals. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 1-hr tutorial/workshop, 3 hrs practical weekly Assess: assignments (60%), 2 hr exam (40%) Recommended reading: Dwyer J, The Business Communication Handbook , 4th edn, Prentice Hall, Syd, 1996 Benyon D, Information and Data Modelling, 2nd edn, McGraw Hill, 1997 Grauer RT and Barber M, Exploring Microsoft Access 97 Professional, Prentice Hall, 1998. Rob P and Semaan E, Databases: Design, Development and Deployment, using Microsoft Access, McGraw-Hill, 2000 Courses: C3C C3E C3L C3S N3H S3G Information Industries Enrolment code: BSA103 Offered: Ltn, sem 2 Unit description: New opportunities and challenges exist for information-based industries, with the establishment of broadband communications networks, and the convergence of the traditionally distinct information technology, telecommunications, and broadcasting sectors as sound, text, graphics and images are digitalised. These information industries are important because of their rapid growth and their increasing role in underpinning the competitiveness of activities across the economy. This unit introduces students to the nature of these industries, the technology they rely on, the policy and legal frameworks in which they currently exist, and the dynamics of these industries. Case studies of current industry developments are included. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 1-hr tutorial/workshop weekly Assess: assignments (60%), 2 exam (40%) Recommended reading: 2 Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) tba Courses: 3 C3C Principles of Systems Enrolment code: BSA201 Offered: Hbt, sem 1; Ltn, sem 1; NWC, sem 1 Unit description: (a) Systems – Systems theory; theory of operating systems; transaction processing systems; management information systems; decision support systems; executive information systems, expert systems; communication systems; IT infrastructures, and enterprise resource planning. (b) Professional development – Literature reviews; electronic information resources; analytical note taking and observation; dealing with other professionals. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 1 professional development tutorial in odd weeks; 1-hr lecture, 2-hr workshop in even weeks. Prereq: BSA101 Mutual excl: BSA204 Assess: assignments (60%), 2-hr exam (40%) Required texts, etc: Bocij P, et al, Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management, ISBN 0273638491 Courses: C3C C3S C6P Systems Development Enrolment code: BSA202 Offered: Hbt, sem 2; Ltn, sem 2; NWC, sem 2 Unit description: (a) IS modelling – static and dynamic modelling techniques; (b) Systems development methodologies – analysis and design methodologies; object-oriented analysis; implementation, documentation; introduction to a range of methodologies, including Information Engineering, Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology and Soft Systems Methodology. (c) Systems development environments – automated systems development environments; exposure to relevant tools; prototyping strategies; quality assurance and control. (d) Professional development – information gathering, interviewing, surveying, observational case studies, technical writing, presentation skills. Unit weight: 12.5% Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 4 Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 1 professional development tutorial in odd weeks; 1-hr lecture, 2-hr workshop in even weeks. Prereq: BSA101 Assess: assignments (60%), final exam (40%) Required texts, etc: Hawryskiewycz IT, Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design, ISBN 013896887X Recommended reading: Arison DE and Fitzgerald G, Information Systems Development: Theodologies, Techniques and Tools, ISBN 0077092333 Courses: C3C C3S C6P S3G Information Management Enrolment code: BSA203 Offered: Hbt, sem 2; Ltn, sem 2; NWC, sem 2 Unit description: (a) Information management – value of information; quality of information; organisational motivation for IS development; strategic importance of information management; key concepts in information resource management; knowledge management; (b) Database management – database and data administration; database application development; data dictionary administration; data management; the internet, and world wide web. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 1-hr tutorial/workshop weekly Prereq: BSA102 Assess: assignments (60%), final exam (40%) Required texts, etc: tba Courses: C3C C3S C6P N3H Business Logistics Enrolment code: BSA204 Offered: Ltn, sem 1 Unit description: (a) Systems – systems analysis; systems thinking; detailed study of the roles that information systems play in business, including transaction processing systems, financial systems, management information systems and decision support systems (b) Logistics – the strategic role of information systems in business transformations; introduction to IT-based logistics management. Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 1-hr tutorial/workshop, 3 hrs practical weekly Prereq: BSA101 Mutual excl: BSA201 Assess: assignments (60%),2-hr exam (40%) Required texts, etc: Bocij P, et al, Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management, ISBN 0273638491 Johnson JC et al, Contemporary Logistics, Prentice Hall, 1999. Courses: C3C Policy Frameworks for the Information Economy Enrolment code: BSA205 Offered: Ltn, sem 2 Unit description: (a) Information and Communications Policy – Considers the development of public policies concerned with regulating the creation, ownership, use, distribution and storage of information. The historical development of the current information technology and telecommunications laws, regulations, rules and procedures evident at national and international levels is analysed in the context of the emerging information economy. This unit provides a critical analysis of the hype surrounding the developing knowledge economy and highlights the need for social issues to be actively addressed for the development of a successful and inclusive information economy-society. (b) Society and the Information Economy – Examines social dimensions of the information economy. This part of the unit outlines a political-economy view of the emerging information economy and considers the social implications of the further commoditisation of information in the social sphere. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial/workshop weekly Prereq: BSA103 Assess: continuous assessment (60%), final exam (40%) Required texts, etc: tba Courses: C3C IS Project Management Enrolment code: BSA301 Offered: Hbt, sem 1; Ltn, sem 1 5 Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 6 Unit description: (a) Project management – life cycle; project planning and administration; cost estimation; resource control and financial management; quality monitoring and assurance; risk analysis and risk management; project management software applications; dynamics of project teams. (b) Professional development – assertiveness; negotiation and conflict resolution; presentation skills; team building and leadership. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 1 hr lecture, 2 hrs workshop weekly Prereq: BSA202 Mutual excl: BSA559 Assess: continuous assessment (60%), final exam (40%) Required texts, etc: Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 1996 Schwalbe K, Information Technology Project Management, Course Technology, 2000. Courses: C3C C3S S3G IS Project Enrolment code: BSA302 Offered: Hbt, sem 2; Ltn, sem 2 Unit description: (a) Project – Provides practical skills in the management, design and implementation of a substantial project, working in a team of people, each with different specialisations (team of teams approach); application of systems development methodologies, and real systems development, testing and documentation experience. (b) Professional development – teamwork; contract negotiation and management; risk minimisation; group dynamics. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2-hr workshop weekly Prereq: BSA301 Mutual excl: BSA559 Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Courses: C3C C3S Management of Information Systems Enrolment code: BSA303 Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 7 Offered: Hbt, sem 1; Ltn, sem 1 Unit description: (a) Project – the IS function; roles for IS managers; development of IS policies. (b) Strategic issues – information infrastructures for strategic advantage; convergent technologies; alignment with business; inter-organisational systems. (c) Change Issues – IT induced change; managing technological innovation; organisational transformation and process redesign. Business case development. Relevant case studies. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 1-hr lecture, 2-hr workshop weekly Prereq: BSA203 Assess: continuous assessment (60%), final exam (40%) Required texts, etc: Boar BH, Strategic Thinking for Information Technology, John Wiley, 1997. Courses: C3C C3S C6P Decision Support Systems Enrolment code: BSA304 Offered: Hbt, sem 2 Unit description: Models of decision making; introduction to the range of technological tools for decision making; a framework for development of decision support systems; knowledge-based systems to support decision making; roles of expert systems; support for group decision making; applications in accounting, auditing and finance. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 1-hr tutorial/workshop, weekly Prereq: BSA101 Mutual excl: BFA326 Assess: assignments (60%), 2 hr exam (40%) Courses: C3C C3E C3S Current Trends in IS Enrolment code: BSA305 Offered: Hbt, sem 2; Ltn, sem 2 Unit description: Owing to the rapidly changing field of IS, and the development of new applications the content of this unit will change significantly over time. Examples of current topics which may be covered are: electronic business, national and global information infrastructures, consumer Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 8 and data protection, electronic service delivery, new management models, the knowledge economy. Includes case studies from industry and public sector organisations. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 2 hrs tutorial/workshop weekly. Some lectures take the form of public lectures by visiting topics experts. Prereq: BSA101 Assess: continuous assessment (60%), final exam (40%) Required texts, etc: King R, Computerization & Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices, ISBN 0124150403 Courses: C3C C3S C6P Electronic Commerce Enrolment code: BSA306 Offered: Hbt, sem 1; Ltn, sem 1 Unit description: Covers the technologies associated with electronic commerce; relevant standards; modes of conducting electronic commerce; commercial issues in the adoption of electronic commerce; relevant business processes and the transformational effects of electronic commerce on these business processes; social implications and future directions. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 1-hr tutorial/workshop, 2 hrs practical weekly Prereq: BSA101; it is highly recommended that students complete BSA201 or BSA204 prior to commencing this unit. Assess: continuous assessment (60%), 2-hr exam (40%) Required texts, etc: Kalakota R and Whinston A, Electronic Commerce: A Manager’s Guide, Addison Wesley Longman, 1997 Turton, Lee, King and Chung, Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective. Courses: C3C C3S C3T C3U C6P Electronic Commerce Project Enrolment code: BSA307 Offered: Hbt, sem 2; Ltn, sem 2 Unit description: Consists of a collection of practical projects related to electronic commerce. Each student is required to complete three related projects Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 9 of increasing difficulty, typically with an emphasis on one particular industry sector, such as retail or a primary industry. The unit has a strong problem-base learning emphasis in that students are expected to identify and resolve practical problems, using a range of research, business and technical resources. Projects are normally to be completed and assessed on an individual student basis. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 4 hrs practical/workshop weekly Prereq: BSA305 (1998 only) or BSA306 Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Required texts, etc: Kalakota R and Whinston A, Electronic Commerce: A Manager’s Guide, Addison Wesley Longman, 1997. Courses: C3C C3S Professional Skills Enrolment code: BSA410 Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2; Ltn, sem 1&2 Unit description: Covers professional issues relevant to the development and management of information systems and personnel working in associated areas; Legal and ethical issues relating to information technology and communication networks; Group formation and leadership; Issues related to IT induced change and the extent to which that change can be managed. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 3-hr workshop weekly Prereq: BSA301 Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Courses: C4S Strategic Information Systems Enrolment code: BSA411 Offered: Hbt, sem 1; Ltn, sem 1 Unit description: Covers strategic planning: concepts and limitations; specific issues associated with IT strategies; planning in a rapidly changing environment; integrating IT strategic plans with organisations’ directions; techniques of identifying business directions; formulating strategies; analysis techniques, identifying breakpoints, prioritising; roles for IS managers in the strategic planning process. Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 10 Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2-hr lectures weekly Prereq: BSA303 Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Required texts, etc: Boar BH, Strategic Thinking for Information Technology, Wiley, 1997 Ward J and Griffiths P, Strategic Planning for Information Systems, 2nd edn, Wiley, 1996. Courses: C4S Systems Development Methodologies Enrolment code: BSA412 Offered: Hbt, sem 2; Ltn, sem 2 Unit description: Covers advanced techniques in the analysis and design of information systems; use of systems development support environments; and rapid systems development techniques. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2-hr lectures weekly Prereq: BSA301 and BSA303 Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Required texts, etc: Avison DE and Fitzgerald G, Information Systems Development Methodologies, Techniques and Tools, McGraw Hill, 1995. Courses: C4S Information Systems Research Methods Enrolment code: BSA413 Offered: Hbt, sem 1; Ltn, sem 1 Unit description: Covers historical development of the information systems field; key issues in research: ontology, epistemology, experimental design; quantitative and qualitative research methods, including: phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, case studies, action research; relative strengths of different approaches in information systems research; key problems faced by IS researchers; and writing research reports. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 3-hr lectures/workshops weekly Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Required texts, etc: Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 11 Neuman WL, Social Research Methods, 3rd edn, Allyn & Bacon, 1997. Courses: C4S Advanced Electronic Commerce Enrolment code: BSA414 Offered: Hbt, sem 2; Ltn, sem 2 Unit description: (a) Trading Systems – supply change management, electronic trade across national boundaries, potential impact on input/export; (b)Logistics – strategies for implementing electronic commerce for SMEs, large supply chains, and whole of industries, establishing and sustaining electronic market places; (c) Business transformation – impact of the adoption of electronic commerce within businesses, business-to-business, business-to-customer, business-to-government and upon whole of industry sectors; (d) Legal and security issues – particularly associated with electronic trade across national boundaries, case studies of the use of electronic cash, smart-cards and electronic funds transfer. A significant portion of this unit is based on recent research publications in the field. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2-hr lectures weekly Prereq: BSA305 (1998 only) or BSA306 Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Required texts, etc: Johnston RB, Trading Systems and Electronic Commerce, Eruditions Publ, 1998. Courses: C4S Dissertation Enrolment code: BSA420 Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2; Ltn, sem 1&2 Unit description: Students will be expected to define a research question and apply the skills and knowledge acquired in the unit Information Systems Research Methods to resolving that question. The project will typically take the form of a large case study, survey or action research. The formulation and evaluation of IS related policy or an IT strategic plan are also considered appropriate. Unit weight: 50% Teaching: flexible Coreq: BSA413 Assess: 18,000-word (approx) dissertation (100%) Courses: C4S Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) Bachelor of Information Systems with Honours Enrolment code: BSA498/499 Part time/Full time Unit description: Bachelor of Information Systems with Honours units of 12.5% weighting. Additionally, there is the dissertation with a weighting of 50%. The units, which are detailed below, are BSA410 Professional Skills BSA411 Strategic Information Systems BSA412 Systems Development Methodologies BSA413 Information Systems Research Methods BSA414 Advanced Electronic Commerce BSA420 Dissertation Students must complete BSA410, BSA413 and BSA420 and a choice of two of BSA411, BSA412 and BSA414. Teaching: flexible Courses: C4S Project Enrolment code: BSA559 Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2 Special note: compulsory in the Graduate Diploma in Information Systems Unit description: Consists of a substantial practical project specified in consultation with the candidate. The project normally results in the development of a substantial information system. An appropriate design methodology is used to manage the series of steps from initial specification through to the completed system. Unit weight: 25% Teaching: flexible Coreq: GradDipSc enrolment Mutual excl: BSA301 and BSA302 Assess: continuous assessment (80%), exam (20%) Courses: C6P Management of Information Systems Enrolment code: BSA751 Offered: Hbt, sem 1 12 Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 13 Unit description: Covers categories of information systems; management of technology; sourcing strategies and contract negotiation; roles of IS managers; measurement of the IS function; stages in the development of IS policies; information infrastructures; strategic alignment of IT with business; and business case development. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: workshops and seminars totally 27 hrs, flexible Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Required texts, etc: Ward J and Griffiths P, Strategic Planning for Information Systems, 2nd edn, Wiley, 1996. Courses: C7A Information Management Enrolment code: BSA752 Offered: Hbt, sem 1 Unit description: Includes identification of information needs, uses and flows in organisations; resource and process aspects of information management; quality control for information assets; document management; data warehousing; safeguarding information assets; strategies for exploiting information resources; investment analysis of information assets; information-based marketing; knowledge management; and development of information policies. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: workshops and seminars totally 27 hrs, flexible Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Courses: C7A Information Systems Strategy Formulation Enrolment code: BSA753 Offered: Hbt, sem 1 Unit description: Covers strategic planning: concepts and limitations; specific issues associated with IT strategies; planning in a rapidly changing environment; integrating IT strategic plans with organisations’ directions; techniques for identifying business directions: SWOT, activity/value chain, key performance indicators, critical success factors; formulating strategies: analysis Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 14 techniques, identifying breakpoints, prioritising; roles for IS managers in the strategic planning process. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: workshops and seminars totally 27 hrs, flexible Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Required texts, etc: Boar BH, Strategic Thinking for Information Technology, Wiley, 1997 Ward J and Griffiths P, Strategic Planning for Information Systems, 2nd edn, Wiley, 1996. Courses: C7A Managing Organisational Change Enrolment code: BSA754 Offered: Hbt, sem 2 Unit description: Covers relevant organisational theory; managing change versus managing projects; forces and inhibitors of change; change and innovation; models of IT induced change; facilitating change through listening, observing, communicating, training, career path planning and conflict resolution; working in environments of continuous change; continuous and discontinuous change; and IT project management. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 27 contact hours, flexible Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Required texts, etc: Tidd J, Bessant, J and Pavitt K, Managing Innovation, Wiley, 1997. Courses: C7A System Development Methodologies Enrolment code: BSA755 Offered: Hbt, sem 2 Unit description: Covers systems development life cycle; systems development methodologies, including SSADM and Ethics; information gathering; quality assurance and testing; management of development projects; and use of productivity tools. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 27 contact hours, flexible Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 15 Required texts, etc: Avison DE and Fitzgerald G, Information Systems Development: Methodologies, Techniques and Tools, McGraw Hill, 1995. Courses: C7A Information Systems Modelling Techniques Enrolment code: BSA756 Offered: Hbt, sem 2 Unit description: Covers dynamic and static modelling; information modelling: development of conceptual information models; dynamic modelling: process, activity, actor-based and function oriented models; systems dynamics; workflow modelling; integration of models; and potential conflicts between business and technological modelling. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 27 contact hours, flexible Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Courses: C7A Information Systems Research Methods Enrolment code: BSA757 Offered: Hbt, sem 1 Unit description: Covers historical development of the information systems field; key issues in research: ontology, epistemology, experimental design; quantitative and qualitative research methods, including: phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, case studies, action research; relative strengths of different approaches in information systems research; key problems faced by IS researchers; and writing research reports. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 3-hr lectures/workshops weekly, flexible Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Required texts, etc: Neuman WL, Social Research Methods, 2nd edn, Allyn & Bacon, 1997. Courses: C7A Decision Support and Executive Information Systems Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 16 Enrolment code: BSA758 Offered: Hbt, sem 2 Special note: may not be offered in 2000 Unit description: Introduces a range of decision support systems; strengths and limitations of executive information systems; group decision support systems: models, categories, environments and operation; practical experience in participation and operation of a group decision support facility; and group decision support for a variety of meeting applications, including policy formulation, planning and evaluation. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 27 contact hours, flexible Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Courses: C7A MIS Project Enrolment code: BSA759 Offered: Hbt, sem 1/sem 2/ Unit description: The student is expected to define a research question and apply the skills and knowledge acquired in the unit Information Systems Research Methods to resolving that question. The project will typically take the form of a large case study, survey or action research. The formulation and evaluation of IS related policy or an IT strategic plan are also considered appropriate. Unit weight: 50% Teaching: 13 contact hours in workshops, flexible Prereq: BSA757 Assess: 20,000 to 30,000-word written report (100%) Courses: C7A Electronic Commerce Enrolment code: BSA760 Offered: Hbt, s-sch/sem 1/ Unit description: Covers the technologies associated with electronic commerce; relevant standards; modes of conducting electronic commerce; commercial issues in the adoption of electronic commerce; relevant business Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 17 processes and the transformational effects of electronic commerce on these business processes; social implications and future directions. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 26 contact hours Assess: continuous assessment (100%) Required texts, etc: Kalakota R and Whinston A, Electronic Commerce: A Manager’s Guide, Addison-Wesley Longman, 1997. Advanced Electronic Commerce Enrolment code: BSA761 Offered: Hbt, sem 2 Unit description: Research-based unit aimed at developing insight into major issues affecting electronic commerce implementation throughout the world Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 28 contact hours Prereq: BSA306 or BSA760 Assess: continuous assessment (100%)