Two-Voice Poem

Mrs. Garrard
Poetry Unit
Two-Voice Poem
Voice is what gives writing its personality. It is what makes readers want to keep reading because the
writer seems excited to share information and wants the intended audience to read it. Effective voice
makes readers feel close to the author and makes readers feel like the topic has come to life.
Rhyme works to hook a reader’s ear as they read the poem. Also, rhyme helps to create the rhythm of a
poem which works to keep a reader reading.
Personification is a device through which a writer can bestow human characteristics or traits on an
inanimate object. It helps create a more vivid image in the reader’s mind and can also convey
information about the tone/atmosphere in a simple phrase.
The Assignment:
1. Read the poem “Book Lice” by Paul Fleischman.
2. Notice the differences and similarities between the two speakers. How do their personalities
differ? What specific words in the poem lead you to make those conclusions?
3. With a partner, fill in the Venn diagram to include each other’s similarities and differences.
4. Then, together imitate Fleischman’s style of writing to create a partner poem of 25-30 lines. Each
partner should write the poem on the back of this paper, so each can have a copy to reference for
the final draft.
5. Double check that your lines reflect your own personality.
a. To get good voice, you should be able to imagine yourself actually saying those lines.
The partner lines should have a different attitude in them than your own lines because
you are combining personalities.
6. Be prepared to share your partner poem with the class.
 Poem must be 25-30 lines.
 Poem must be formatted in the same style as Fleischman’s.
 Poem must include at least 10 lines with end rhyme & one example of personification.
 Poem must be about the similarities and differences of your partner and you.
 Poem must reflect your personality (have good voice).
 Poem must be in MLA format
o Heading (left justified, Name, Teacher’s Name, Junior English, Date) – double spaced
o Title (left justified, no bold, no italics, no underline)
o Left justify poem
o Single space stanzas
o Double space between stanzas