Literary Analysis Essay Mrs. Buffington Sophomore English 16 December 2014

Literary Analysis Essay
Mrs. Buffington
Sophomore English
16 December 2014
Julius Caesar Themes
Choose one of the themes below. Following the literary analysis notes below, the discussion
and socratic seminar preparation, and your Caesar Study guide, compose an essay following
one theme within the story.
Theme options:
1. Jealousy leads to conflict.
2. Even well- intentioned actions can go wrong.
3. Ambition misused can destroy.
Choose one theme you would like to write about and write it here:
What does it mean in your own words (and how does it apply to JC?)
Summarize where you saw this in the story (Character, setting, conflict)
b. ______________________________________________________________________
Find a quote showing each example:
b. ______________________________________________________________________
Need: author, title of play, strong verb and thesis, brief background
In his historical tragedy, _________________________________________,
__________________________________ _____________________________
In ____________________________________ historical tragedy