The Bridge of San Luis Rey one

The Bridge of San Luis Rey Essay
Choose one of the topics below and form your analysis around the topic.
Remember you are ANALYZING one of the themes of the novel. Make
sure you use specific support from the novel.
1. For his efforts to seek meaning in the accident, Brother Juniper is burned as
a heretic. Discuss the role of religion in the book and Wilder’s attitude
toward religion. Consider not only Brother Juniper’s fate but also the
thoughts and deeds of the Abbess Madre Maria del Pilar and the apparent
religious conversion of Camila Perichole.
2. In a sense, The Bridge of San Luis Rey can be read as a novel about meaning:
how we assign and perceive meaning, how accidents and coincidences take
on meaning in our daily lives. What conclusion does Wilder lead us to
draw about the human endeavor to find meaning in the world?
3. The Abbess Madre Maria del Pilar concludes that, in the end, it is love that
gives meaning to life, that between “the land of the living and the land of
the dead, the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning.” In what
ways did love give meaning to the lives of the five victims? In what ways
did love fail them?
Final Due Date:_________________
Steps to follow and keep in mind:
1. Identify the WHAT (subject or theme) and HOW (stylistic-techniques used)
Write a solid thesis
Identify your purpose, audience, point of view, tone
Using what you have learned, pose your question
Reread your literary piece and annotate
Collect your evidence, including background on the creator
Organize your evidence
2. Write your rough draft.
3. Cite sources. Study MLA form and plan on being held responsible for it. You can do it!
4. Revisions and Editing
Check the edit sheet in your text, “Revising a Literary analysis” on page
Make needed changes in your rough draft
Bring your paper to editing groups
Rewrite and revise as needed
Create a Works Cited at the end
Grading Checklist- See your Rubric also
Is it clear? Is it focused? Is the thesis too simplistic or narrow?
What is the purpose of this analysis?
Does the reader gain insights into the WHAT (theme) and HOW (elements or techniques or
stylistics devices) used in this work of literature or art or architecture?
Do the main points support the thesis?
Is there specific, solid, and interesting textual support?
Are sources appropriately integrated into writing?
Plan for Essay
Is the piece organized? Is there a clear pattern of development? Is it focused?
Does it develop insights in depth?
Are the paragraphs developed in depth?
Does the piece connect and flow? Are transitions natural and effective?
Is diction effective? Are sentences varied and interesting?
Is this piece compact enough to hold reader’s attention? (TWO page limit double spaced)
Are grammar and mechanics appropriate?
Is there evidence of careful editing?
Has awkward phrasing been eliminated? Has wordiness been cut?
Are there no spelling errors?
Is active voice used?
Are sources cited when needed (at end of paragraphs or sentences?)
Is an accurate “Works Cited” included at the end?
Is the essay brought to an effective , insightful end?