1. Succinct – (adj.) – expressed in few words; concise; brief (The definitions are succinct.)
2. Peevish – (adj.) – cross, querulous, fretful, crabby (Mrs. W is peevish when you talk.)
3. Stupefy – (v.) – to stun, to astound, to astonish (She was stupefied into silence.)
4. Aversion – (n.) – a STRONG feeling of dislike or disgust (I have an aversion to bugs.)
5. Docile – (adj.) – gentle, easily managed, readily trained (She owns a docile horse.)
6. Sagacious – (adj.) – keen practical sense, wisdom (The sagacious minister knew to keep quiet and pray.)
7. Expedient – (adj.) – promoting a desired outcome (It is expedient for students to be kind to their teachers.)
8. Contemptuous – (adj.) – showing or expressing disdain, scornful (The cat contemptuously watched as the dog received pats from its owners.)
9. Rigorous – (adj.) – precise, severely accurate or disciplined (The rigorous s math curriculum required the students to study for hours.)
10. Vile – (adj.) – highly offensive, unpleasant, morally depraved (The vile old man spit tobacco on the sidewalk).