Chapters 12-15

Chapters 12-15
» N. agreement with a statement or
proposal to do something
» V. to be in possession
A flood was acquired due to all the rain.
Sushi is an acquired taste.
» N. a positive feeling of liking
» V. to cause to separate and go in
different directions
» N. uplifting enlightenment
» V. remove, usually with some force or
» V. go or come after and bring or take
» Adj. tastelessly show
» Adj. lacking ability (followed by ‘of’)
» V. treat with excessive indulgence
» V. to intrude upon, infringe, encroach on,
» V. remain present although waning or
gradually dying
» Adj. marked by simplicity; having a
humble opinion of yourself
» Adj. lacking conscious awareness of
(followed by ‘to’ or ‘of’
» Adj. threatening or foreshadowing evil or
tragic developments