Othello WORDS

Othello –
Othello –
Act II
Act II
1. alacrity n. cheerful willingness
2. beguile v. to influence by trickery; to
3. circumspection n. caution; thoughtfulness
4. citadel n. a fortress that commands a city
and is used to control the inhabitants
5. contention n. an opposition, competition,
6. counterfeit adj./n. made in imitation; an
imitation or copy
7. discord n. disagreement; difference of
8. egregious adj. extraordinary in some bad
9. facile adj. easily done or performed
10. forbear v. to refrain or abstain from
11. homage n. something done or given in
acknowledgment or consideration of the
worth of another
12. importune adj. to demand with urgency;
to beg
13. insolent adj. boldly rude or disrespectful
14. satiety n. the state of being satiated or
full to excess
15. voluble adj. characterized by a ready and
continuous flow of words; talkative
1. alacrity n. cheerful willingness
2. beguile v. to influence by trickery; to
3. circumspection n. caution; thoughtfulness
4. citadel n. a fortress that commands a city
and is used to control the inhabitants
5. contention n. an opposition, competition,
6. counterfeit adj./n. made in imitation; an
imitation or copy
7. discord n. disagreement; difference of
8. egregious adj. extraordinary in some bad
9. facile adj. easily done or performed
10. forbear v. to refrain or abstain from
11. homage n. something done or given in
acknowledgment or consideration of the
worth of another
12. importune adj. to demand with urgency;
to beg
13. insolent adj. boldly rude or disrespectful
14. satiety n. the state of being satiated or
full to excess
15. voluble adj. characterized by a ready and
continuous flow of words; talkative