The Presidents: 1. George Washington: He embodied the Revolution. Unanimously elected 2 times.

The Presidents:
1. George Washington:
 He embodied the Revolution.
 Unanimously elected 2 times.
 Federalist; 57 years old from Virginia.
 Inaugurated in NYC; added “so help me God” to the oath.
 Said to call him “Mr. President.”
 Nearly died a few weeks after he was elected.
 Great integrity but refused to shake hands.
 Good horseman; Horse named Nelson.
 Visited all states; good dancer.
 Gambler; liked design.
 Great cabinet.
 Chose Foggy Bottom as place for new capitol; helped design the
Presidential house and streets; never lived in the White House.
 Stayed neutral in war between Britain and France; left after 2 terms.
 Whiskey Rebellion; put down by Washington and 12,000 troops.
2. John Adam:
 Federalist; 61 from Mass.
 Not suited for the Presidency; but good at his other jobs.
 XYZ Affair; Alien and Sedition Acts.
 Great achievement was not going to war.
 Father of the US Navy.
 Lived in the White House. Lost to Jefferson in election.
3. Thomas Jefferson:
 Democrat-Republican; 58 from Virginia.
 First inauguration in the White House.
 Louisiana Purchase and Embargo Act; both against principles of strict
constructionism. Used Hamilton’s financial policies to purchase the
 Reelected in 1804; not a happy time.
 Kept 2 bear cubs in cages at the White House – a gift from Lewis and
4. James Madison:
 Republican-Democrat; 57 from Virginia.
 Short, funny, no children, wife was First Lady. Lots of parties.
 Calm, fair, and smart.
 War of 1812 –second War for Independence. We declared war on
England; we had 20 ships and a militia –England had 1,000 ships and
a great army. 1814, Great Britain burned the White House to the
ground. James Monroe negotiated Treaty of Ghent.
 Battle of New Orleans –Jackson’s finest hour.
5. James Monroe:
 Democrat-Republican; 58 from Virginia; last of the Revolutionary
 Underestimated president.
 Era of Good Feelings –elected for a second term without opposition.
 1820 Missouri Compromise; secured Florida from Spain –after
Jackson invaded Florida and hanged British; Monroe Doctrine –really
written by John Q. Adams.
6. John Quincy Adams:
 Democrat-Republican; 57 from Mass. First to have his photo taken.
 Sec. of State is road to the White House; but he was miserable there.
 Jackson had won the popular vote; Adams got the electoral vote and
probably a deal with Clay who he made Sec. of State.
 No humor; self-righteous.
 Jackson people would hound him over this.
 Election of 1828, Adams people called Rachel a ‘whore.’ Jackson said
that Adams was ‘pimping’ for the Czar. Adams right on marriage
issue/ Jackson lies.
 Defeated by Jackson in the next election but was elected to the House
of Representatives and did his greatest work opposing slavery.
7. Andrew Jackson:
 Democrat; 61 from Tenn. Wife Rachel had died just before they were
to leave for Washington.
 Born in a log cabin; died a wealthy man; slave owner.
 Bad temper; ruled by intimidation.
 Hired and fired cabinet members; used “Kitchen Cabinet.”
 1830 Indian Removal. S.C. nullification crisis. Called a ‘Jackass.’ He
liked this and it became the mascot for the Democratic Party.
 Bank of U.S. Hated Clay and Biddle, so took U.S. money out of the
banks and put it in state banks. Replace his Sec. of the Treasury 3
times before he found one that would do it. Created an economic
crisis that would affect Van Buren’s term. But we were debt free
under Jackson for our only time in history.
 Period of history known as “The Age of Jackson.”