Document 15555068

Baroque music of the late 1600s and early 1700s emphasized drama and complexity.
Two famous baroque composers were Johan Sebastian Bach and George Frederick
The baroque style of music represented a complete departure from that of the
Renaissance era.
In the baroque era instruments gained a place of their own in sacred as well as secular
music. Another innovation of the baroque era was the introduction of a solo style.
Opera first appeared in the early
baroque era.
Classical Period
This period went from 1750 - 1820, and brought the symphony,
concerto and sonata.
Famous composers of this era include Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven.
Sonata: Music written for solo instrument
Concerto: Music written with three
movements: fast – slow – fast
Symphony: Extended composition for orchestra
with three – four movements, each with a
different tempo
Musician: Johann Sebastian Bach
Years: 1685 -1750
Baroque or Classical: Baroque
Claim to Fame –What is he famous for?
Father of “Modern Music” (and of 20 children)
Musician: George Frederick Handel
Years: 1685 - 1759
Baroque or Classical: Baroque
Claim to Fame –What is he famous for?
Most famous work: The Messiah
Musician: Joseph Haydn
Years: 1732 - 1809
Baroque or Classical: Classical
Claim to Fame –What is he famous for?
“Father of the symphony”
Musician: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Years: 1757 - 1791
Baroque or Classical: Classical
Claim to Fame –What is he famous for?
Wonder child – child prodigy (genius)
Died in his 30s
Musician: Ludwig van Beethoven
Years: 1770 - 1827
Baroque or Classical: Classical
Claim to Fame –What is he famous for?
“Father of the Romantic Style”
Went deaf in his 30s