Locke vs. Hobbes – On the Role of Government John Locke Thomas Hobbes 1632 - 1704 England 1588 – 1678 England Book Motivation Humans Are Born Famous Quote Role Of Government Causes of the American Revolution Name: Date: Period: WAR: ______ Years’ War, a war in ________ between Great Britain and ______, was called the French and Indian war (vs. ________) in America. They fought over control of the colonies: Brits _______ colonies French _____ colonies _______ III (King of Britain) imposed _____ on Yanks (colonists) to pay for war - “______ Act” Americans complain: “__________ without ________________” Complain about the economic system of __________ being forced on them AMERICAN REVOLUTION Yanks claim ____________ from British control – cite ____ _____ Start a “Constitutional Republic” – ________ in form, __________ in principle We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. THINKER Locke Montesquieu Voltaire Adam Smith Rousseau IDEA Natural _____ Role of Gov. _________ of powers Free _______ Laws of supply and demand _________ of the people USE ____________ of Ind. - “Life, Liberty, Pursuit of happiness” ________ Tyrannical Government President, _________, Supreme Court Bill of Rights “Shall Make No Laws …” ____________ and free enterprise Democracy