Name: _____________________________ Hour: __________________

Name: _____________________________
Hour: __________________
Physical Examination of the Foot & Ankle Article Worksheet (Hoppenfeld)
Start on page 199 at Bony Palpation. Label each paragraph starting with the letter A-M.
1. Paragraph A, how should a patient be set-up to examine the foot?
a. __________________________________________________________________
2. In paragraph B, the 1st MTP joint is palpable in the ______________________________.
This joint has common injuries of ___________________________________________.
3. The first cuneiform projects nearly ____________ inch than the other cuneiforms and
produces a gliding motion.
4. In paragraph D, the second bony prominence on the medial side is the
__________________________________. This area can become painful if shoes are too
5. Paragraph E states, you can find the head of the talus by _________________________
________________________ the forefoot. The medial talus is also in between the
________________________________________ and the ________________________.
6. Paragraph F (page 202), the medial malleolus is the _____________________ end of the
7. The sustentaculum tali may not be palpable but serves as the attachment of the
8. The medial tubercle of the talus is the insertion for the ankle’s
__________________________________________ ligament also known as the deltoid
9. Paragraph J, on the lateral side of the foot, the flared base of the 5th metatarsal is
known as the _____________________ process where the peroneus brevis inserts.
Directly behind the flare is the ______________________.
10. The_____________________ is also known as the heel bone.
11. In paragraph L, the peroneal tubercle separates the _____________________________
_______________________ tendons.
12. In paragraph J, the lateral malleolus is the distal end of the _______________________
and extends further distally. This configuration acts as a deterrent to
_________________________ ankle sprains.
13. In paragraph K, if you place your thumb at the most anterior part of the lateral
malleolus and plantar flex the foot, what can you palpate?
a. __________________________________________________________________
14. In the sinus tarsi area, it is filled by what muscle?
a. __________________________________________________________________
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