Unit 2: Health Care Organization and Administration in Athletic Training


Unit 2: Health Care Organization and Administration in Athletic Training

What should one do to organize and operate an athletic training room?




Development of Policies & Procedures

New Vocab Words

Policies o Clear and accurate written out statements of basic rules

Procedures o Describes the process by which something is done

Creating Policies & Procedures

Using the white board, create 3 policies & 2 procedures for an athletic training room

Issues Specific to Athletic Training Program Operations

Scoop of the Program

Who ____________________________ the program? o What Athletes, the Institution and/or the Community o Dependent on staff

The Athlete o _______________________ or seasonal o During summer and school vacations o Just during competitive season

The Institution o __________________________________________________ medically

Non-athletes, other school’s athletes, faculty, club athletes o What are the legalities

The Community o Any outside groups beyond the institution o Legal use o Abuse of services/ supplies

Providing Coverage


Facility hours and sports coverage

Facility Personal Coverage

Hours the ATC will be ____________________ (contracted) o College 6 am- 11 pm o High School-

Outreach (2 pm-6pm)

On staff/ teacher

Sports Coverage

Certified athletic trainer _______________________________ practices and games dependent on personnel o Potential risks & number of participants

Hygiene & Sanitation

Essential for an athletic training program

The athletic training clinic, field of play and the athlete

The Athletic Training Clinic

Policies set forth by ____________________ (Occupational Safety & Health

Administration) due to blood and bacteria

Division of responsibilities of maintenance crew and sports medicine staff

__________________, no food, etc.

Field of Play/ Practice

____________________________ o Floors and Mats cleaned daily (wrestling)

Equipment and clothing o Clothing and equipment laundering o Appropriate equipment for weather conditions o Use of clean dry towels


________________________________ health and hygiene is critical o Prompt injury and illness reporting o Showering after practice o Avoid sharing clothes and towels o Avoid common drinking sources o Avoid contact with athletes with contagious disease or infection

Emergency Telephones

Accessibility to phones in all major areas of activity

Landline in case wireless is interrupted

Radios, cell and digital phones provide a great deal of flexibility

Why do we need a budget?



Budgetary Concerns

Size of budget???

Different settings (high school, college)= different size budgets

______________________ process o Prioritizing, Planning, Documenting, & Evaluating o Yearly _________________ (count of supplies)

Supplies and Equipment

Items that ____________________ in the athletic training room to function and treat patients

New Vocab Words

Expendable Supplies: o Supplies that cannot be reused

Nonexpendable: o Supplies that can be reused

Non-consumable Capital Equipment: o Items that can be used for multiple years & not usually removed from the athletic training clinic

Capital Equipment: o Equipment used for multiple years/ seasons and can be removed from the athletic training clinic

How do you think an ATC (certified athletic trainer) buys all the equipment and supplies

(purchasing systems)?



New Vocab Words

Direct Buy o Going straight to a vendor and making an order

Competitive Bidding o Getting multiple bids and buying the least expensive

Developing a Risk Management Plan

The ATC with administration is _________________________ for developing a plan

Includes: o Security o Fire Safety o Electrical & Equipment Safety o Emergency Action Plan

Security Issues

__________________________ to training clinic (staff, physicians, athletic training students)

Students must be __________________________

Coaches may have access in secondary school settings (keys)

Fire Safety

Post evacuation plan in case of fire

Smoke detectors/alarm system and fire extinguisher should be tested and in place

Electrical Equipment Safety

Major concern (_____________)

Be aware of power distribution system to avoid accidents

Emergency Action Plan

Accessing emergency personnel in the event of emergency

Include _____________________________ of athletes to emergency facilities

Meeting with outside personnel to determine roles and rules regarding athlete and equipment care

Designing an Athletic Training Clinic

Multipurpose area for first aid, therapy/ rehabilitation, injury prevention, medical procedures and administration

Various Areas/ Needs



Special Service Areas o Treatment, Electrotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Exercise Rehabilitation, Taping.

Bandaging, Physician’s Exam, Records

Storage Facilities

 Athletic Trainer’s Office

Additional Areas o Pharmacy, Rehabilitation Pool, & Restrooms


Varies between settings

Must take advantage and _____________________________ effectively


__________________ entrance

Double door entrances and ramps are ideal- getting athletes in and out

Proximity to locker rooms and toilet facilities

Light, heat and water source should be independent from rest of facility

Special Service Areas

Areas may overlap but an athletic training room/ clinic needs to be organized

Page 45

__________________________ Area o Should include a minimum of 4 treatment tables (for hot/ cold modalities and manual therapy) o Near modalities

___________________________ Area o Used for treatment by ultrasound, diathermy, or electrical stimulation units o Needs sufficient number of grounded outlets

_________________________ Area o Floor should slope towards the drain o All electrical outlets should be _________ feet above ground

_________________________________ Area o Should accommodate injury reconditioning

_________________________________ Area o Should have 3-4 taping tables adjacent to storage cabinets

___________________________________________________ o Doctor’s office in university and college setting

_______________________ Area o Records should be accessible to sports medicine personnel only

Storage Facilities

Holds general supplies and special equipment

Large walk-in storage cabinet for _________________________

Refrigerator for equipment, ice cups, medicine and additional supplies

Athletic Trainer’s Office

All areas of training room should be able to be supervised without leaving office space


Equipment should include o Desk, chair, tack board, telephone, computer and independent locking system

Additional Areas

Pharmacy Area: Under _________________________

Rehabilitation Pool


What are the 6 main parts one must have in their design?



What are the Special Service Areas?



Issues Specific to Athletic Training Programs Outside Sports Setting




Industrial Settings

Scope of Practice

________________________ of Patients o Pediatrics o Adolescents o Young adults and adults o Geriatric patients

Variety of injuries, illnesses & conditions

Limitations and restrictions dictated by state statutes

Other Certifications for ATCs

Orthopedic Technologist

Orthotics & Prosthetics

Certified Surgical Technologist

Certified Professional Ergonomist

Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialists

Performance Enhancement Specialist

Corrective Exercise Specialist

Certified Clinical Research Associate

Potential Athletic Training Duties

Ergonomic Assessment- page 47-48

Ergonomics is the _________________ of designing products, machines and systems to maximize comfort, efficiency and safety of the people who use them

Primary goal is the ___________________________________________ and injuries by minimizing _______________ factors

Work Hardening/Conditioning Programs

Intensive ________________________________ for individuals injured on the job o Work conditioning = treatment 3 hours/day, 3 days/week o Work hardening = 8 hours of treatment daily, 5 days/week

Treatment includes simulated work, education & job analysis

Wellness Center

Organizing wellness ________________________________________ for: o Asthma & diabetes o Hypertension & stroke o Cholesterol o Osteoporosis o Prostate/skin cancer

Community Outreach and Marketing

Clinic or hospital based in the morning and provide athletic training coverage in afternoons and evenings o Outreach may occur in the collegiate setting, secondary schools or for single athletic events

Corporate Fitness Programs

Involves in-house ________________________________ for employees

Helps increase productivity, reduce absenteeism, decrease turnover, improve morale & reduce sick leave

Drug Testing Programs

Asked to oversee drug testing programs

Program may act as a deterrent to employees coming in unfit for duty

What are the 6 potential duties?



Record Keeping

Major responsibility and critical

The rule not the exception - accurate and up-to-date

Maintaining Confidentiality in Record Keeping

Release of Medical Records

Written consent is required

Waiver must be signed for any release

HIPAA & FERPA- Page 50 and 51

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (____________________)

___________________________ how health personal can share private health information (PHI) with others

Guarantees athlete _____________________ to their medical records and control over hoe information is used and disclosed

Athlete may provide written authorization for release of information

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (___________________)

Protects the privacy of student _______________________ records, may contain medical

Gives parents certain rights and these rights transfer to students when child turns ______

School must have written permission prior to releasing information

Administering Pre-participation Examinations

Purpose it to identify athlete that may be ________________

Initial pre-participation exam prior to start of practice, gives _________________

Reveals conditions that warrant disqualification

Satisfy insurance and liability issues

Types of Preparticipation Exams

Examination by Personal Physician o In-depth _____________ and ideal physician-patient relationship o May not result in detection of factors that predispose the athlete to injury

Station Examination o Provides detailed exam in little time

Parts of Preparticipation Exam

Medical History

Complete prior to exam to identify ____________________________ medical conditions

Update yearly and closely review by medical personnel

Physical Examination

Height/ Weight

Body composition

Blood pressure and pulse




Ear, nose, & throat

Heart & lungs, etc.

Cardiovascular Screening

1996 American Heart Association recommended in order to recognize abnormal heart


Maturity Assessment

Means to ____________________ young physically active athletes

 Tanner’s five stage assessment is most expedient; matched by maturity not age

Orthopedic Screening

Part of physical exam or separate

Various degrees of detail concerning exam (special tests, ROM)

Wellness Screening

Purpose is to determine if athlete is engaged in a _____________________________

What are the 6 parts of a pre-participation exam?



Sport Disqualification

Recommendations can be made (_______________________________________- 1990)

___________________ makes the final decision

Certain injuries and illnesses warrant special concerns o Acute Illnesses o


Hypertension o Neurological o Musculoskeletal o Organs o Absence/ loss of function of eyes o Skin diseases

Personal Information Card

Contains contact information for family, personal physician, and insurance information

Injury Reports and Injury Disposition

Serve as future references, necessary in case of litigation

SOAP note format o S: ________________________ (history of injury/illness) o O: ________________________ (information gathered during evaluation) o A: ________________________ (opinion of injury based on information gained during evaluation) o P: ________________________ (short and long term goals of rehab)

Collecting Injury Data

The ___________________________________ of injuries sustained during participation of various sporting activities

New Vocab Words

Accident o An unplanned event capable of resulting in loss of time, property damage, injury, disablement, or even death

Injury o Damage to the body that restricts activity or causes disability

Incidence of Injuries

Can look at injuries as a case study (__________________________ of an injury)


Epidemiologically (from many ____________________________________- occurrence, gender, body region etc.)

New Vocab Words

Epidemiology o Study of factors affecting the health and illness of individuals and population

Gathering Data

Uses both case studies and epidemiology

___________________________ factors- activity performed, exposure to injury, environment & equipment

___________________________ factors- the athlete (age, gender, mental aspect etc.)

Using Injury Data

Valid and reliable data can be utilized to decrease injuries

May allow for: o Rule modification o Assist coaches and players in understanding risks o Help manufacturers o Educate parents, athletes and the public on inherent risks associated with sport
