Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 th SC20 8 ADVANCED SCIENCE CURRICULUM MAP This curriculum map lists objectives organized by quarter. All objectives listed for each quarter should be taught within the time frame specified. SC20 Revised: May 31, 2012 1 Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 Timeline for 8th Grade Advanced Science Curriculum Page(s) 1st QUARTER 1. 2. 4 HEREDITY 5-7 a. Inquiry: scientific question & hypothesis; nature of science; safety 6-7 b. Historical: Gregor Mendel 7 c. Personal /Social Perspectives: genetic engineering; radiation treatments 7 ADAPTATIONS (may extend into 2nd quarter) 8-11 a. Inquiry: experimental design; nature of science; safety reinforced 10 b. Historical: Charles Darwin 11 c. Personal /Social Perspectives: human impact on habitat 11 2nd QUARTER 3. 12 FORCE AND MOTION 13-14 (Strand 1objectives must be completed by the end of 2nd quarter; other strands may extend into 3rd quarter) Added content a. Inquiry: results/data and conclusions; nature of science; safety reinforced 15-17 b. Historical: Isaac Newton 17 c. Personal /Social Perspectives: airbags 17 3rd QUARTER 4. 2 PROPERTIES OF MATTER 18 19-25 a. Inquiry: reinforce entire process; safety reinforced 19-25 b. Historical: Dmitri Mendeleev c. Personal /Social Perspectives: chemical waste disposal; greenhouse gases 26 25 Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 4th QUARTER 27 5. COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW (Complete before the Science AIMS test.) st 1 QUARTER Heredity must be taught during 1st quarter. Adaptation objectives may extend into 2nd quarter. It is expected that the listed inquiry, historical, and personal/social perspective objectives will be integrated within units. Page(s) 1. 3 HEREDITY 3 Curriculum Map for SC 20 2. Revised on: 05/31/2012 a. Inquiry: scientific question & hypothesis; nature of science; safety 4-5 b. Historical: Gregor Mendel 6 c. Personal /Social Perspectives: genetic engineering; radiation treatments 6 ADAPTATIONS (may extend into 2nd quarter) 7-10 a. Inquiry: experimental design; nature of science; safety reinforced 8-9 b. Historical: Charles Darwin 10 c. Personal /Social Perspectives: human impact on habitat 10 Italics = a performance objective introduced at an earlier grade level Bolded = knowledge or skill connected to a major concept Knowledge PO’s without terms = no new vocabulary to be taught Underlined = 9th grade Standards 1st Quarter HEREDITY 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED Pos Priority PO UNWRAPPED Pos Linking POs Knowledge S4 C2 PO 2 S4 C2 PO 1 S4 C2 PO 1 Explain the basic principles Explain the purposes of cell *cell of heredity. division: *nucleus *chromosome ● growth & repair *gene ● reproduction *DNA growth reproduction repair 4 Skills S4 C2 PO 1 1. Identify the (*) terms in a model of a cell. 2. Describe the relationships among the (*) terms. 1. Explain the purposes (not processes) of cell division. Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 S4 C2 PO 3 Distinguish between the nature of dominant and recessive traits. 5 S4 C2 PO 3 heredity/inheritance *trait *dominant *recessive gene *allele *cross *probability Punnett square *heterozygous *homozygous *genotype *phenotype *co-dominant S4 C2 PO 3 1. Define each term. 2. Use letters to represent dominant and recessive alleles. 3. Construct and interpret the results of a Punnett square for the inheritance of: ● eye color (dark/light) ● widow’s peak ● blood type (co-dominant) 4. Predict the appearance of traits given parental genotypes. 5. Apply each of the (*) terms when using a Punnett square. Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 1st Quarter HEREDITY - Inquiry 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED Pos Priority PO S 1 C 2 PO 2 Design a controlled investigation to support or reject a hypothesis. UNWRAPPED Pos Linking POs Knowledge S 1 C 1 PO 1 S 1 C 1 PO 1 Formulate questions based scientific methods on observations that lead to inquiry process the development of a observation hypothesis. inference question (scientific) S 1 C 1 PO 3 Generate a hypothesis that can be tested. S1 C 1 PO 2 Use appropriate research information, not limited to a single source, to use in the development of a testable hypothesis. S 1 C 1 PO 3 hypothesis *testable *variable cause effect S 1 C 1 PO 2 bias S 1 C 2 PO 1 Demonstrate safe behavior and appropriate procedures S 1 C 2 PO 1 in all science inquiry. S 1 C 3 PO 7 Critique scientific reports from periodicals, television, or other media. S 1 C 3 PO 7 S 2 C 2 PO 4 Explain why scientific claims may be question-able if based on very small samples of data, biased S 2 C 2 PO 4 samples, or samples for which 6 Skills S 1 C 1 PO 1 1. Define scientific methods. 2. Distinguish between observations and inferences. 3. Write testable scientific questions based on observations. S 1 C 1 PO 3 1. Define (*) terms. 2. Write testable hypotheses based on scientific questions. 3. Given possible hypotheses, identify non-testable examples. S 1 C 1 PO 2 1. Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate sources of research information. S 1 C 2 PO 1 1. Demonstrate safe behaviors during investigations (ongoing). 2. Conduct investigations using proper procedures (ongoing). S 1 C 3 PO 7 1. Evaluate media sources and identify positive/negative evidence to justify the use/ non-use of a source. S 2 C 2 PO 4 1. Explain why scientific claims may be questionable based on: ● sample size ● bias Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 ● lack of control there was no control. S 2 C 2 PO 1 1. Apply these scientific processes to everyday situations. S 2 C 2 PO 1 Apply scientific processes to other problem solving or decision making situations. S 2 C 2 PO 1 compare classify predict infer identify variables organizing data 1st Quarter HEREDITY - Historical - Personal/Social Perspectives 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED POs Priority PO UNWRAPPED Pos Linking POs S 2 C 2 PO 2 S 2 C 1 PO 1 Describe how scientific Identify how diverse people knowledge is subject to and/or cultures, past and change (when new info present, have made and/or technology challenges important contributions to theories) scientific innovations. S 2 C 1 PO 2 Evaluate the effects of Mendelian Genetics on society. Knowledge S 2 C 1 PO 1 S 2 C 1 PO 1 1. Describe Mendel’s important contributions to scientific progress. S 2 C 1 PO 2 S 2 C 1 PO 2 1. Evaluate the impact of Mendelian Genetics on society. (e.g. selective breeding, plant hybridization) S 2 C 1 PO 3 Evaluate the impact of a major scientific development S 2 C 1 PO 3 occurring within the past decade. S 3 C 2 PO 4 Compare risks and benefits of technological advances S 3 C 2 PO 4 7 Skills S 2 C 1 PO 3 1. Evaluate the impact of a major scientific development in genetics occurring within the past decade. (e.g. pet cloning; DNA profiling) S 3 C 2 PO 4 1. Compare the risks and benefits Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 radiation genetic engineering S 2 C 1 PO 4 Evaluate career opportunities S 2 C 1 PO 4 related to life and physical biology sciences. genetics 8 of technological advancements including: ● radiation treatments ● genetic engineering (e.g. selective breeding) S 2 C 1 PO 4 1. Evaluate career opportunities related to life sciences. Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 1st Quarter ADAPTATIONS (page 1 of 2) 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED POs Priority PO UNWRAPPED Pos Linking POs S 4 C 4 PO 6 (structural) Describe factors that allow for the survival of living organisms. Knowledge S 4 C 4 PO 6 adaptation (structural) pollination seed dispersal protective coloration S 4 C 4 PO 3 S 4 C 4 PO 3 (structural) natural selection Determine characteristics of environment organisms that could change ecosystem over several generations. habitat S 4 C 4 PO 1 (behavioral) S 4 C 4 PO 5 (behavioral) Explain how an Analyze behavioral cycles of organism’s behavior organisms. allows it to survive in an environment. S 4 C 4 PO 4 (behavioral) Compare the symbiotic and competitive relationships in organisms within an ecosystem. 9 S 4 C 4 PO 5 adaptation (behavioral) behavioral cycles migration hibernation estivation dormancy (plants) S 4 C 4 PO 4 competition predation symbiosis mutualism commensalism parasitism Skills S 4 C 4 PO 6 1. Describe plant adaptations that help with pollination and seed dispersal. 2. Describe animal adaptations involving beak design and protective coloration. S 4 C 4 PO 3 1. Predict if a specific trait will be passed on to a future generation, given a set of environmental conditions. Use the following traits: ● beak design ● protective coloration S 4 C 4 PO 5 1. Explain how each of the terms contributes to the survival of organisms. S 4 C 4 PO 4 1. Describe behaviors that affect survival of an organism. (e.g. pack hunting vs. loners, herding, animal dwellings) 2. Define and classify types of interactions between species as competitive, predatory or symbiotic. Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 3. Classify the type of symbiotic relationships for pairs of organisms. 10 Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 1st Quarter ADAPTATIONS (page 2 of 2) 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED POs Priority PO UNWRAPPED Pos Linking POs Knowledge S 4 C 4 PO 1 (behavioral) S 4 C 4 PO 2 S 4 C 4 PO 2 (behavioral & structural) & endotherm Describe how an organism S 4 C 4 PO 6 (structural) ectotherm can maintain a stable internal diurnal environment while living in a nocturnal constantly changing external environment. 11 Skills S 4 C 4 PO 2 1. Describe how an organism’s (including humans) structural and behavioral adaptations are used to maintain body temperature. (e.g. ways to get warm/stay cool, color/thickness of fur, type of dwelling, panting, molting, etc.) 2. Compare diurnal and nocturnal behaviors in organisms. Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 1st Quarter ADAPTATIONS - Inquiry 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED POs Priority PO UNWRAPPED POs Linking POs S 1 C 2 PO 2 Design a controlled investigation to support or reject a hypothesis. Knowledge S 1 C 2 PO 2 controlled experiment controlled variable (constant) control group experimental group S 1 C 1 PO 3 independent S 1 C 1 PO 3 variable Generate a hypothesis that dependent can be tested. variable S 1 C 4 PO 4 S 1 C 4 PO 4 Write clear, step-by-step instructions (procedures) for conducting investigations or operating equipment (without personal pronouns) S 1 C 3 PO 5 Explain how evidence supports the validity and reliability of a conclusion. 12 S 1 C 3 PO 5 validity Skills S 1 C 2 PO 2 1. Identify variables that need to be controlled during investigations. 2. Identify control and experimental groups for investigations. 3. Design a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis. 4. Distinguish between controlled and uncontrolled investigations. S 1 C 1 PO 3 1. Identify independent variables to be tested. 2.Identify dependent variables to be measured. S 1 C 4 PO 4 1. Write clear, step-by-step instructions for conducting investigations or operating equipment (without personal pronouns). S 1 C 3 PO 5 1. Evaluate the validity of an experimental design based on the following evidence: ● testing a single variable ● controlling extraneous variables ● experimental design tests the hypothesis Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 1st Quarter ADAPTATIONS - Historical 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED POs Priority PO UNWRAPPED Pos Linking POs S 2 C 2 PO 2 S 2 C 1 PO 1 Describe how scientific Identify how diverse people knowledge is subject to and/or cultures, past and change (when new info present, have made and/or technology challenges important contributions to theories) scientific innovations. Knowledge S 2 C 1 PO 1 theory (Darwin) S 2 C 1 PO 4 Evaluate career opportunities S 2 C 1 PO 4 biology related to life and physical ecology sciences. Skills S 2 C 1 PO 1 1. Describe Darwin’s important contributions to scientific progress (specifically natural selection). S 2 C 1 PO 4 1. Evaluate career opportunities related to life sciences. 1st Quarter ADAPTATIONS - Personal/Social Perspectives 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED POs Priority PO UNWRAPPED Pos Linking POs S 3 C 1 PO 2 S 3 C 2 PO 3 Analyze possible solutions to Design and construct a 13 Knowledge S 3 C 2 PO 3 Skills S 3 C 2 PO 3 Design and construct a solution to a Curriculum Map for SC 20 address the environmental risks associated with chemicals and biological systems. 14 Revised on: 05/31/2012 solution to an identified need or problem using simple classroom materials. local need or problem using simple classroom materials. (e.g. human impact on habitat, water pollution) Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 nd 2 QUARTER By the end of 2nd quarter, all Strand 1 objectives and Adaptations objectives should have been taught. Strand 2, 3, and 5 objectives may extend into 3rd quarter. It is expected that the listed inquiry, historical and personal/social perspective objectives will be integrated within units. Page(s) 3. FORCE AND MOTION (Strand 1objectives must be completed by the end of 2nd quarter; other strands may extend into 3rd quarter) a. Inquiry: results/data and conclusions; nature of science; safety reinforced 12-16 b. Historical: Isaac Newton 12-16 c. Personal /Social Perspectives: airbags 16 Italics = a performance objective introduced at an earlier grade level Bolded = knowledge or skill connected to a major concept Knowledge PO’s without terms = no new vocabulary to be taught Underlined = 9th grade Standards 15 11-16 Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 2nd Quarter FORCE AND MOTION 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED PO’s Priority PO UNWRAPPED PO CLUSTER Linking PO’s S 5 C 2 PO 2 (1st Law of Motion) Identify the conditions (variables) under which an object will continue in its state of motion. S 5 C 2 PO 2 inertia force net force Newton (unit of meas.) motion reference point position mass C2 PO3 Explain how Newton’s 1st Law applies to objects at rest or moving at constant velocity. S 5 C 2 PO 1 Demonstrate velocity as the rate of change of position over time. S5 C2 PO2 Analyze relationships among position, rate, and time. C2 PO 1 Determine the rate of change of a quantity. 16 Knowledge (Content to learn?) S 5 C 2 PO 1 rate speed (distance/time) total distance traveled displacement (change in position) velocity = displacement time average velocity acceleration negative acceleration C2 PO 1 Slope Independent variable Dependant variable Skills (Ability to do what?) S 5 C 2 PO 2 1. Define each term. 2. Identify variables that affect inertia. (C2 PO3) 3. Explain why given situations demonstrate Newton’s 1st Law. 4. Predict the outcome of situations involving Newton’s 1st Law S 5 C 2 PO 1 1. Define each term. 2. Differentiate between distance & displacement. 3. Differentiate among examples of speed, velocity & acceleration. 4. Calculate the average velocity of an object, given the formula (v=d/t) C2 PO 1 1. Solve for a rate problem using correct units. 2. Determine the rate of an object in motion. 3. Calculate the speed of an object. 4. Calculate the velocity of an object. 5. Analyze the difference between speed and velocity. Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 6. 7. 8. Calculate the change in rate (acceleration) of an object. Graph the slope of position over time for velocity. Graph the slope of change of distance over change of time for acceleration 2nd Quarter FORCE AND MOTION 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED PO’s Priority PO UNWRAPPED PO CLUSTER Linking PO’s S 5 C 2 PO 3 (2nd Law of Motion) Knowledge (Content to learn?) S 5 C 2 PO 3 S 5 C 2 PO 3 force = mass x acceleration 1. Predict what will happen to the other two variables when one variable increases or decreases. (F=ma) 2. Explain how given situations demonstrate Newton’s 2nd Law. 3. Predict the outcome of situations involving Newton’s 2nd Law. Describe how the acceleration of a body is dependent on its mass and the net applied force C2 PO4 C2 PO4 Mass Using Newton’s 2nd Law of Acceleration Motion, analyze the Force relationships among the net force acting on a body, the mass of the body, and the resulting acceleration. S 5 C 2 PO 4 (3rd Law of Motion) Describe forces as interactions between bodies. 17 Skills (Ability to do what?) S 5 C 2 PO 5 Create a graph devised from measurements of moving objects and their interactions. S 5 C 2 PO 5 constant velocity constant acceleration C2 PO4 1. Model the 2nd law using a car and ramp. 2. Analyze and calculate the force, mass, or acceleration of different moving objects. 3. Acceleration due to gravity. S 5 C 2 PO 5 Create & interpret the results of positiontime graphs & velocitytime graphs. S 5 C 2 PO 4 S 5 C 2 PO 4 action force 1. Define each term. 2. Identify examples of action-reaction force Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 reaction force pairs. 3. Explain why given situations demonstrate Newton’s 3rd Law. 4. Predict the outcome of situations involving Newton’s 3rd Law C2 PO5 Diagram the action/reaction forces of various examples. C2 PO5 C2 PO5 rd Forces in pairs Use Newton’s 3 Law to explain forces as interactions between bodies 2nd Quarter FORCE AND MOTION -Inquiry 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED PO’s Priority PO S 1 C 2 PO 3 Conduct a controlled investigation to support or reject a hypothesis. UNWRAPPED PO CLUSTER Linking PO’s Knowledge (Content to learn?) S 1 C 2 PO 4 S 1 C 2 PO 4 Perform measurements equipment names using appropriate scientific units of measure tools. S 1 C 2 PO 5 S 1 C 2 PO 5 Keep a record of data table (data chart) observations, notes, sketches, questions, & ideas using tools such as written &/or computer logs. S 1 C 4 PO 2 Choose an appropriate 18 Skills (Ability to do what?) S 1 C 2 PO 4 1. Identify equipment by name. 2. Identify appropriate unit of measure to use. 3. Perform accurate measurements using appropriate tools. 4. Define the variables (e.g. mass, volume, force, etc.) being measured. S 1 C 2 PO 5 1. Organize information in a logical manner. 2. Organize collected data in properly labeled data tables. S 1 C 4 PO 2 1. Choose an appropriate Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 graphic representation for collected data: line graph, double bar graph, stem and leaf plot and histogram. S 1 C 4 PO 2 line graph double bar graph stem & leaf plot histogram S 1 C 3 PO 1 Analyze data obtained in a S 1 C 3 PO 1 scientific investigation to trend identify trends. S 1 C 3 PO 3 Interpret data that show a variety of possible relationships (correlations) between two variables, including: positive, negative & no relationship. S 1 C 3 PO 3 correlation positive relationship graph for collected data. 2. Create and properly label graphs. S 1 C 3 PO 1 1. Identify trends from data obtained in investigations. S 1 C 3 PO 3 1. Identify relationships between variables as positive, negative, or no relationship. negative relationship no relationship 2nd Quarter FORCE AND MOTION - Inquiry (page 2 of 3) 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED PO’s Priority PO S 1 C 2 PO 3 Conduct a controlled investigation to support or reject a hypothesis. 19 UNWRAPPED PO CLUSTER Linking PO’s Knowledge (Content to learn?) Skills (Ability to do what?) S 1 C 3 PO 2 S 1 C 3 PO 2 Form a logical argument about a correlation between variables or sequence of events. S 1 C 3 PO 2 1. Analyze and describe the cause-effect relationships between variables (or sequence of events) based on data. S 1 C 4 PO 3 Present analyses and conclusions in clear, concise formats. S 1 C 4 PO 3 1. Write analyses matching collected data. 2. Write conclusions that S 1 C 4 PO 3 results analysis Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 conclusion address the questions. S 1 C 4 PO 1 Communicate the results of S 1 C 4 PO 1 & S 1 C 4 PO 5 an investigation. S 1 C 4 PO 5 (combine POs) Communicate the results and conclusion of the investigation. S 1 C 4 PO 1 & S 1 C 4 PO 5 1. Communicate the results of experiments, informally and formally. S 1 C 3 PO 4 Formulate a future investigation based on the data collected. S 1 C 3 PO 4 1. Identify possible future investigations based on data collected. S 1 C 3 PO 8 Formulate new questions based on the results of a previous investigation. S 1 C 3 PO 5 Explain how evidence supports the validity and reliability of a conclusion. S 1 C 3 PO 4 S 1 C 3 PO 8 S 1 C 3 PO 5 reliability S 1 C 3 PO 8 1. Formulate new questions based on the results of a previous investigation. S 1 C 3 PO 5 1. Explain how the following evidence supports the reliability of a conclusion: ● sample size ● number of trials 2. Distinguish between validity and reliability. 2nd Quarter FORCE AND MOTION -Inquiry (page 3 of 3) -Historical -Personal/Social Perspectives 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED PO’s Priority PO S 1 C 2 PO 3 20 UNWRAPPED PO CLUSTER Linking PO’s S1 C 3 PO 6 Knowledge (Content to learn?) S 1 C 3 PO 6 Skills (Ability to do what?) S 1 C 3 PO 6 Curriculum Map for SC 20 Conduct a controlled investigation to support or reject a hypothesis. Revised on: 05/31/2012 1. Identify potential investigational errors such as flawed investigational design, inaccurate measurement, computational errors, or unethical reporting. Identify the potential investigational error that may occur. S 2 C 2 PO 3 S 2 C 2 PO 3 Defend the principle that replication accurate record keeping, credibility openness, and replication are essential for maintaining an investigator’s credibility with other scientists and society. S 2 C 2 PO 2 Describe how scientific knowledge is subject to change (when new info and/or technology challenges theories) S 2 C 1 PO 1 S 2 C 1 PO 1 Identify how diverse people law (Newton) and/or cultures, past and present, have made important contributions to scientific innovations. S 2 C 1 PO 2 Evaluate the effects of S 2 C 1 PO 2 Newton’s Laws on society. S 3 C 2 PO 4 Compare risks and benefits of technological advances. S 3 C 2 PO 4 S 2 C 1 PO 4 Evaluate career opportunities related to life S 2 C 1 PO 4 and physical sciences. physics rd 3 21 S 2 C 2 PO 3 1.Defend the credibility of students’ experimental results in terms of accurate record keeping, openness (sharing of information), and replication (repeatable results) S 2 C 1 PO 1 1. Describe Newton’s important contributions to scientific progress (specifically Newton’s Laws of Motion). S 2 C 1 PO 2 1. Evaluate the impact of Newton’s Laws on society. (e.g. rockets, seat belts, guard rails, etc.) S 3 C 2 PO 4 1. Compare the risks and benefits of technological advancements including: ● airbags S 2 C 1 PO 4 1. Evaluate career opportunities related to physical sciences. Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 QUARTER Throughout 3rd quarter, all inquiry objectives should be reinforced. It is expected that the listed historical and personal/social perspective objectives will also be integrated within units. Page(s) 1. PROPERTIES OF MATTER d. Inquiry: reinforce entire process; safety reinforced e. Historical: Dmitri Mendeleev a. Personal /Social Perspectives: chemical waste disposal; greenhouse gases 24 Italics = a performance objective introduced at an earlier grade level Bolded = knowledge or skill connected to a major concept Knowledge PO’s without terms = no new vocabulary to be taught Underlined = 9th grade Standards 22 17-24 18-22 23 Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 3rd Quarter PROPERTIES OF MATTER 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED PO’s Priority PO UNWRAPPED PO CLUSTER Linking PO’s Knowledge (Content to learn?) S 5 C 1 PO 4 S 5 C 1 PO 6 S 5 C 1 PO 6 Classify matter in terms Explain the systematic C 1 PO 3 of elements, mixtures, organization of the periodic matter or compounds. table. (elements) periodic table element period group/family S 5 C 1 PO 6 1. Define each term. 2. Identify the family/group & period of various elements using a periodic table. 3. Identify patterns in the periodic table for: ■ metal/nonmetal/ metalloid ■ family/group characteristics ■ atomic numbers C 1 PO 3 1. Locate specific groups on the periodic table. (ex: alkali metals, halogens, etc.) 2. Identify physical and chemical properties of specific groups. 3. Identify trends in the periodic table that determine its organization. ● atom size (nucleus; # of energy levels) ● grouped by similar characteristics ● increasing atomic number ● metals/metalloids/nonmetals 4. Locate specific elements on the periodic table and describe their characteristics. C 1 PO 3 Describe/predict properties of elements and compounds. C 1 PO 6 & C 1 PO 8 C 1 PO 6 atom Describe the features and nucleus components of the atom. protons C 1 PO 8 neutrons Explain the details of atomic isotope structure (e.g., electron electrons 23 Skills (Ability to do what?) C 1 PO 6 &C 1 PO 8 1. Determine number of protons, neutrons, and electrons for a given atom. 2. Explain why atoms are neutral in charge. 3. Determine if two atoms are isotopes of the same element. 4. Determine the number of energy levels for a given atom (not to Curriculum Map for SC 20 configuration, energy levels) energy level atomic number atomic mass symbol C 4 PO 4 ions valence C 4 PO 4 Distinguish among the types covalent ionic of bonds. bonding molecule compound 24 Revised on: 05/31/2012 include sublevels). 5. State the maximum capacity of electrons for each of the first three energy levels. 6. Draw and label the parts of a given atom, including number of protons, neutrons and electrons. (ex: Bohr model) C 4 PO 4 1. Explain the role of valence electrons in bonding. 2. Differentiate between ionic and covalent bonding. Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 3rd Quarter PROPERTIES OF MATTER 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED PO’s Priority PO S 5 C 1 PO 7 Investigate how the transfer of energy can affect the physical and chemical properties of matter. (MPS focus is on physical and chemical properties, not on energy.) C 1 PO 3 Describe/predict 25 UNWRAPPED PO CLUSTER Linking PO’s S 5 C 1 PO 1 Identify different kinds of matter based on specific physical properties. Knowledge (Content to learn?) S 5 C 1 PO 1 matter states of matter boiling point melting point solubility soluble insoluble density C 1 PO 1 Skills (Ability to do what?) S 5 C 1 PO 1 1. Define each term. 2. Identify the 3 common states of matter. 3. Identify the state of matter of various substances. 4. Compare the solubilities of various substances. 5. Predict the layering of substances based on their specific densities. 6. Identify different kinds of matter based on specific physical properties. C 1 PO 1 1. Describe common physical Curriculum Map for SC 20 properties of elements and compounds. Revised on: 05/31/2012 C 1 PO 1 Describe substances based on their physical properties. property physical property S 5 C 5 PO 1 Describe various ways in which matter and energy S 5 C 3 PO 7 interact Explain how molecular motion is related to temperature and phase changes. S 5 C 3 PO 7 & S 5 C 3 PO 6 phase change sublimation freezing melting evaporation condensing S 5 C 3 PO 6 Distinguish between heat and temperature heat temperature. kinetic energy S1 C3 PO5 Kinetic molecular theory S 5 C 5 PO 4 Describe the basic assumptions of kinetic molecular theory. S 1 C 3 PO 5 Design models (conceptual or physical) to represent “real world” scenarios. S5 C5 PO4 ● phase change Kinetic molecular theory ● collisions S 5 C 5 PO 5 Apply kinetic molecular theory to the behavior of matter. properties of various types of matter. (ex: states of matter, density, etc.) 2. Use physical properties to identify unknown substances S 5 C 3 PO 7 & S 5 C 3 PO 6 1. Describe the effect on particle speed and spacing as temperature is changed. 2. Distinguish between heat and temperature. S 1 C 3 PO 5 1. Illustrate the particles and their energy levels for solids, liquids, and gasses. 2. Diagram how phase change occurs in terms of molecular energy. S5 C5 PO4 1. Illustrate how atoms move based on the amount of energy in a system. 2. Explain how increase in kinetic energy leads to an increase in temperature. 3. List phase order and the physical change occurring between them. 4. Determine if energy is lost or gained by direction of phase change. 3rd Quarter PROPERTIES OF MATTER 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED PO’s Priority PO 26 UNWRAPPED PO CLUSTER Linking PO’s Knowledge (Content to learn?) Skills (Ability to do what?) Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 S 5 C 1 PO 4 S 5 C 1 PO 5 S 5 C 1 PO 5 mixture Classify matter in terms Classify mixtures as being of elements, mixtures, or homogeneous or homogeneous compounds. heterogeneous. (mixtures) heterogeneous S 5 C 1 PO 3 S 5 C 1 PO 3 compound Identify the types of chemical reaction evidence that a chemical reaction has occurred. precipitate absorption of heat (warmer) (compounds) release of heat (cooler) ■ formation of a precipitate ■ generation of gas ■ unexpected color change S 5 C 1 PO 4 ■ absorption or release Classify matter in terms of of heat elements, mixtures, or compounds. S 5 C 1 PO 3 1. Define each term. 2. Identify the type of evidence that a chemical reaction has occurred for various reactions. S 5 C 1 PO 4 1. Classify substances as elements, compounds or mixtures. C 1 PO 2 chemical property C 1 PO 2 1. Describe common chemical properties of various types of matter. (ex: reactivity, flammability, etc.) 2. Use chemical properties to identify unknown substances. C 4 PO 2 physical change chemical change chemical reaction endothermic exothermic precipitate indicators C 4 PO 2 1. Distinguish between a physical and a chemical change. 2. Recognize and identify the four indicators of a chemical reaction (precipitate, gas, color change, heat) 3. After making observations, determine if a chemical reaction has occurred and defend the decision. 4. Identify examples of chemical reactions in everyday life. C 1 PO 2 Describe substances based on their chemical properties. C 4 PO 2 Identify the indicators of chemical change, including formation of a precipitate, evolution of a gas, color change, absorption or release of heat energy S 5 C 1 PO 5 1. Define each term. 2. Classify mixtures as heterogeneous or homogeneous. 3rd Quarter PROPERTIES OF MATTER 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED 27 UNWRAPPED PO Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 PO’s Priority PO CLUSTER Linking PO’s C 5 PO 1 C 3 PO 1 Describe various ways in Describe the ways in which which matter and energy energy is stored in a system. interact C 3 PO 2 Describe various ways in which energy is transferred from one system to another Knowledge (Content to learn?) C 3 PO 1 energy system closed system chemical mechanical C 3 PO 2 Mechanical contact Thermal conduction Electromagnetic radiation C 4 PO 10 C 4 PO 10 Phase change Explain the energy transfers Exothermic within chemical reactions Endothermic using the law of conservation of energy. S 5 C 1 PO 7 Investigate how the transfer of energy can affect the physical and chemical properties of matter. (MPS focus is on physical and chemical properties, not on energy.) 28 S 5 C3 PO 3 Recognize that energy is conserved in a closed system. S 5 C3 PO 3 Energy of system Energy of surroundings S 5 C 1 PO 2 Identify different kinds of matter based on specific chemical properties S 5 C 1 PO 2 reactivity chemical change/reaction pH scale acid base neutral oxidation (corrosion) Skills (Ability to do what?) C 3 PO 1 Identify the type of energy stored in a system C 3 PO 2 Identify how energy is transferred from system to system C 4 PO 10 1. Perform chemical reactions in which the phase changes but the mass stays the same. 2. Conduct a scientific experiment in which the mass is conserved. 3. Diagram or illustrate ways in which energy is transferred to a non-usable form such as sound, heat, or friction. S 5 C3 PO 3 ID examples 1. Energy leaving a system to surroundings (exothermic). 2. Energy leaving surroundings to system (endothermic). S 5 C 1 PO 2 1. Define each term. 2. Compare the reactivity of various substances. 3. Identify acids, bases, and neutrals on a pH scale. 4. Identify the relative strength/weakness of acids or bases using the pH scale. 5. Determine the pH of unknown substances and classify as acids, bases or neutrals. 6. Identify examples of Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 oxidation reactions. 7. Identify different kinds of matter based on specific chemical properties. S 3 C 1 PO 1 Evaluate how the processes of natural ecosystems affect, and are affected by, humans. S5 C4 PO1 Apply the law of conservation of matter to changes in a system. S 5 C 4 PO 12 Compare the nature, behavior, concentration, and strengths of acids and bases. S 5 C 4 PO 12 titration neutralization OH¯ H+ salt C4 PO1 Law of conservation of matter C4 PO3 Reactant C4 PO3 Product Represent a chemical Formula reaction by using a balanced ● (produces/yields) equation. Balanced Coefficient Subscript Chemical equation C4 PO11 Temperature Concentration C4 PO11 Catalyst Predict the effect of various factors on the equilibrium state and on the rates of chemical reaction. (MPS Note: At this level, include only how factors affect reaction rate) S 5 C 4 PO 12 1. Compare and contrast characteristics of acids and bases. 2. Perform titration and determine the relative concentrations of acids and bases. C4 PO1 1. Through analysis of experimental data discover the law of conservation of matter. 2. Apply the law of conservation of matter to predict the mass of products during a chemical reaction. C4 PO3 1. Determine the number of atoms of each element in a given formula. 2. Predict the total mass of products given the total mass of reactants. 3. Write a balanced equation given the reactants and products. C4 PO11 1. Determine how temperature, catalyst, and/or concentration speed up or slow down a reaction. 3rd Quarter PROPERTIES OF MATTER 29 Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 - Historical 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED POs Priority PO UNWRAPPED POs Linking POs S 2 C 2 PO 2 S 2 C 1 PO 1 Describe how scientific Identify how diverse people knowledge is subject to and/or cultures, past and change (when new info present, have made and/or technology challenges important contributions to theories) scientific innovations. Knowledge S 2 C 1 PO 1 S 2 C 1 PO 3 S 2 C 1 PO 3 Evaluate the impact of a major scientific development occurring within the past decade. S 2 C 1 PO 4 Evaluate career opportunities S 2 C 1 PO 4 related to life and physical chemistry sciences. Skills S 2 C 1 PO 1 1. Describe Dmitri Mendeleev’s contributions to scientific progress. S 2 C 1 PO 3 1. Evaluate the impact of a major scientific development in chemistry occurring within the past decade. (e.g. greenhouse gases, chemical waste disposal) S 2 C 1 PO 4 1. Evaluate career opportunities related to physical sciences. 3rd Quarter PROPERTIES OF MATTER 30 Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 -Personal/Social Perspectives 8th GRADE SCIENCE SC20 CLUSTERED POs Priority PO S 3 C 1 PO 1 Analyze the risk factors associated with natural, human induced, and/or biological hazards UNWRAPPED POs Linking POs Knowledge S 3 C 2 PO 4 S 3 C 2 PO 4 Compare risks and benefits greenhouse gases technological advances. S 3 C 2 PO 1 Propose viable methods of responding to an identified need or problem. S 3 C 2 PO 1 S 3 C 2 PO 2 S 3 C 1 PO 2 Compare solutions to best S 3 C 2 PO 2 Analyze possible solutions to address an identified need or address the environmental problem. risks associated with chemicals and biological systems. S 3 C 2 PO 3 Design and construct a solution to an identified need S 3 C 2 PO 3 or problem using simple classroom materials. 31 Skills S 3 C 2 PO 1 & PO 4 1. Compare the risks and benefits of environmental and technological advances including: ● waste disposal of industrial chemicals ● greenhouse gases S 3 C 2 PO 1 1. Propose reasonable solutions to these problems: ● waste disposal of industrial chemicals ● greenhouse gases S 3 C 2 PO 2 1. Compare solutions to identify which solution(s) best address these problems: ● waste disposal of industrial chemicals ● greenhouse gases S 3 C 2 PO 3 Design and construct a solution to a local need or problem using simple classroom materials. Curriculum Map for SC 20 Revised on: 05/31/2012 th 4 QUARTER 1. 32 COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW - Complete before the Science AIMS test.