GPSA Senate Meeting Minutes September 30, 2010 4:00-5:00 PM Frost Hall I. Acting President Margaret Keaveny called the meeting to Order at 4:10 PM II. Executive Board Member Reports 1. Acting President’s Report- Margaret Keaveny i. Explained she was the acting president and president stepped down according to Constitution ii. Margaret would like to smooth the waves in the interim 2. Vice President of Student Affairs- Margaret Keaveny i. Constitution 1. Amendments coming 2. Goal is two weeks time 3. Vice President of Academic Affairs- An Duong i. Graduate Program Orientations ii. Contact with VP Falcon to work on Graduate Student Awards 4. Vice President of Finance- Munish Sheth i. Second funding deadline September 24, 2010 is OVER ii. Individual funding deadline ONLY (no student group funding deadlines) information is updated and on the website iii. Individual funding deadlines 1. First Funding Period a. 45 individual conference applications b. 2 group applications c. $70,000 2. Second Funding Period a. 20 group applications (7-8 groups) b. 75 individual conference applications c. $42,000 5. Vice President Media and Membership- Stephanie Viola i. New Senators welcome ii. Website is getting a make-over! iii. Call for new Senators iv. Master list of Senators to come 6. Vice President of Administration and Programs- Jarvis Chen i. Congratulations from VP Falcon ii. ORGSYNC is new SA group recognition form iii. New events we are working on: hockey event in the Alumni Suite, Coffee Night, Networking Event, etc. III. The Old Business segment of the Senate meeting was announced only to make note that this will be the point where future meetings will discuss old business. IV. Formal Business Special Election for President – Margaret formally opened the mid-term presidential elections 2. Announcement of New President V. Informal New Business 1. Opportunity for Senators and audience members to bring up Graduate concerns, works in progress or issues 2. Programs: i. More social events: 1. Costume Night? 2. Coffee Break night? 3. Free hugs night? ii. Question from Senator – Why no wine? iii. Question from Senator “Can we hold non-social events?? i.e. etiquette and networking nights? 3. Funding: i. Working with appropriate contacts to improve quality of service ii. Addressing the errors on website; cleaned up by next meeting iii. Question from Senator – Clarification on the funding deadlines iv. Question from Senator – Timeline? 1. One week after the deadline you receive an approval 2. What about mistake on the application? YES. v. Question from Senator – Next deadline? 1. VI. General Announcements The acting president gave an example of a general announcement and encouraged Senators to use the floor for personal or group announcements The Graduate Open House was mentioned as an open house for future and potential Northeastern University Graduate students The date for the next GPSA Senate meeting was announced as being Thursday, October 14th in 333 Curry Student Center at 4PM. The Minority Graduate Student Association (MGSA) was mentioned. VII. GPSA Senate meeting officially closed at 4:40 PM