Essential Question/Learning Target: How does gravity influence us and planets? Notes

Essential Question/Learning Target: How does gravity influence us and planets?
Questions/Key Terms
Gravity is the force (something that causes a change in motion; a
push or pull) of attraction between all objects that is due to their
How does gravity influence all
- ALL matter is affected by gravity
objects with mass?
- All objects experience an attraction toward all other
Because the mass of most objects is too small to cause a force
large enough to move objects toward each other
Why don’t we notice objects
moving toward each other?
You are familiar with ONE object that is massive enough to cause a
noticeable attraction… EARTH
- You are pulled NOT DOWN (Bill Nye is wrong occasionally),
but pulled toward the center of Earth
1) Gravitational Force Increases as Mass Increases
Draw in the diagrams (using arrows and spheres like our
planets) to show this:
Laws of Universal Gravitation
2) Gravitational Force Decreases as Distance Increases
Draw in the diagrams (using arrows and spheres like our
planets) to show this:
What is the difference between Mass is the amount of matter in an object.
mass and weight?
Weight is a measure of the gravitational force on an object.
Where would we weigh the
most? Why?
Why don’t the planets crash
into each other?
Earth or Moon because the Earth has more mass
Gravity pulls on the planets and keeps our planets in orbit.
The closer they are to the sun, the faster the planets orbit. The
further they are away from the sun, the slower they orbit around
the sun.
The biggest influences are the Sun and Moon.
The moon has the biggest pull on us, because it is closest!
What is pulling on Earth?