Name: Period: Date: American Revolutionary War: Political Cartoons Political cartoons were an important tool for propaganda* in the 18th century and they are still used today. Even people who can't read can understand cartoons. The use of humor also helps to get a controversial message across. * Propaganda is the use of media to further your cause or hurt another group's cause.* This cartoon was created by Benjamin Franklin and published in his Pennsylvania Gazette in 1754. New England was shown as one segment. What do you think the snake represents? This cartoon quickly became a symbol of freedom during the war. Poor Old England endeavoring to reclaim his wicked American children. What is the message of this cartoon? What is the point of view of author? How could a different point of view change the meaning of the cartoon? This art-cartoon by Paul Revere is called: The Bloody Massacre Perpetuated in King St, Boston, on March 5, 1770 by a part of the 29th regiment. How might this picture have influenced colonial people's opinions? . Political Cartoons Project Due: __________________ Assignment: Create a political cartoon on one of the following American Revolution topics: The Shot Heard ‘Round the World, The Olive Branch Petition, Minutemen, Commander George Washington, Common Sense, The Declaration of Independence, The Battle of Saratoga, Washington Crossing the Delaware, Valley Forge, Victory at Yorktown, Commander Gates feeding his troops molasses and cornmeal, Help from Europe, Francis Marion, The Treaty of Paris. Your cartoon should include point of view, symbolic representation, labels, captions, etc. The Political Cartoon assignment is worth 30 points.( Please see the Political Cartoon Rubric). Although artistic ability will not be graded, neatness will be graded. Your grade will be severely reduced if your project is not turned in on _____________________ Sample Rubric: Political Cartoons Project Name: Project Title: Date: Criteria Excellent (10) Good (8) Adequate (5) Inadequate (2) Issue and Subject Matter Shows clear understanding of political concept/issue Student’s point of view is clearly conveyed Text and graphics are clearly legible and outstandingly presented Shows understanding of political concept/issue Student’s viewpoint is discernible Shows some understanding of political concept/issue Student’s viewpoint is marginally conveyed Text and graphics are somewhat legible 5 points Shows no understanding of political concept/issue Student’s point of view is poorly conveyed Text and graphics are illegible 2 points Way Topic is Covered Visual Presentation Text and graphics are legible and neatly presented Total Points: _____/30 . Teacher Comments: .