Document 15551402




What should I study??

● Chapter 9

● All “Guided Readings”

● All “Guided Reading Notes” Powerpoints (posted on Mrs. McCreary’s website: in the file named “PPT Notes (Organized by Chapter)”

● This study guide

● A “Study Stack” will be posted on Mrs. McCreary’s website.

Define “precedent.”

Describe the purpose of a presidential “cabinet.”

Washington’s first cabinet consisted of the postmaster general, the attorney general, and what THREE departments?

What is the purpose of the “State Department?” Who was the first Secretary of State?

Which cabinet member manages the government’s legal affairs?

Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury?

Name our nation’s first Vice President.

Did the Judiciary Act of 1789 help the federal or the state courts or both? Explain.

Describe the purpose of the Bill of Rights.

Why did Hamilton ask Congress to create a National Bank?

Define “national debt” and describe Hamilton’s plan to handle it.

Why did the Southern states resist Hamilton’s plan? What did the South gain in a compromise to accept the plan?

Was the Whiskey Rebellion an international uprising or a civil uprising? What was the protest about?

How did the Whiskey Rebellion end?

What role did Great Britain play in the conflicts in the Northwest Territory?

Why might settlers worry after hearing about Little Turtle’s defeat of General Arthur St. Clair?

Describe “Mad” Anthony Wayne’s victory at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.

Name the terms of the Treaty of Greenville.

At first, most Americans supported the French Revolution. Why?

Britain and France went to war with each other. President Washington made “proclamation” about it.

What was it? Why did he do this?

Why did John Jay negotiate a treaty with Great Britain? Why was it unpopular?

Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain was popular. Describe why.

Why didn’t George Washington run for a third term as President?

Name at least four warnings and pieces of advice (2 from the book, 2 from ppt notes) that Washington gave the country in his Farewell Address.

In Washington’s cabinet, which two members had the biggest political rivalry?

Which political party supported the following ideas? Federalists? or Democratic-Republicans?

strong central government?

national bank?

protective tariffs?

state banks?

rule by highly educated and wealthy?

strong state government?

free trade?

rule by the common people?

alliance with France?

loose interpretation of the Constitution?

emphasis on manufacturing?

emphasis on agriculture?

strict interpretation of the Constitution?

alliance with Great Britain?

supports the Alien and Sedition Acts?

supports nullification?

Identify the type of meeting that the political parties used to nominate their candidates for office?

Name the second President and the second Vice President of the U.S.

Who were XYZ? What were their actions that angered the U.S.?

Describe the Alien Act. Name an effect as result of it. Is it Constitutional? Why?

Describe the Sedition Act. Name an effect as a result of it. Is it Constitutional? Why?

What did the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions claim states could do? Is it Constitutional? Why?

What divided the Federalists and hurt John Adam’s chance for reelection?
