PRECEDENT - Something that sets a standard for future events.

Guided Reading 9.1
PRECEDENT - Something that sets a standard for future events.
Washington was so careful about any decision that he or his cabinet made because he
knew that their decisions would affect the future of the country.
State Department
(Secretary of State)
concerned with foreign
relations and affairs
Thomas Jefferson
Treasury Department
(Secretary of the Treasury)
concerned with financial
and monetary matters
Alexander Hamilton
War Department
(Secretary of War)
responsible for all military
Henry Knox
Attorney General
main legal advisor to the
Edmund Randolph
Postmaster General
oversees the delivery of
mail throughout the nation
Benjamin Franklin
More about Washington’s cabinet:
Vice President, John Adams, broke a tie vote in the Senate. The
debate was about how much power the President should have over the
Cabinet, specifically: Can the President be able to dismiss a Cabinet
member without Senate approval. John Adams was able to break the
Senate tie vote because he was Vice-President. He voted “YES” which
strengthened the President’s authority over the Executive Branch.
The Judiciary Act of 1789 considered a compromise between
those wanted a uniform national legal system and those who
wanted state-based courts. State courts could stay, but
national courts had the power to overturn state courts.
The Supreme Court can declare acts and laws
The Bill of Rights protects individual citizens’
freedoms and rights by giving the government clear
Washington’s Legacy
Washington chose Hamilton because had a clear plan and
was confident in seeing it through.
Debt is something owed by one party to another. Each
state had its own debt from the Revolutionary War.
Hamilton proposed that the federal government take on all
the states’ debts together.
If the debt was paid off, then our new country
would build national credit. This would build
respect with other nations.
A bond is a note that promises repayment of borrowed
money in the future. Hamilton issued government bonds to
repay the war debt.
Speculators: Original bondholders sold their bonds at a lower price to
speculators, so they didn’t get paid back in full.
Southern States: They had less debt or no debt and did not want to
take on the higher debt from other states.
The United States capital would be moved
from the north (NYC) to the south.
The site was chosen by George Washington and named
after him: Washington DC
Bank of the United States
● hold government funds
● pay of debts
● create a single currency
● Madison & Jefferson
● no such power in the
● Hamilton & Washington
● implied power
A tariff is a tax on imports. Hamilton believed tariffs would protect American industry
from foreign competition and make it easier to buy American goods.
Was Hamilton’s ideas creating a dangerously
powerful central government???
Opposing sides were being formed… would it affect the new nation?